Strong Man Erdogan

Erdogan wins his first general election

Strong Man Erdogan An archive title showing Erdogan's first successes in Turkish politics. But despite winning a landslide election in 2002, a previous conviction for inciting religious hatred meant he couldn't take office.
Erdogan's party was seen by many as the last hope to drag the country out of poverty. But the Turkish military, not to mention the EU, are deeply wary of a leader who went to prison for inciting religious hatred and who educates his daughter abroad so she can wear the hijab to school. But many would prefer a moderate Islamic government to a martial one, and, so far, Erdogan is saying the right things: "Religion is not the centre of our work. History will show that". He is also keen on steering a course for Brussels. "The AKP will develop like Christian Democrat Parties in the West," endorses Political Scientist Ortal Calislar. "Young, liberal, westernised politicians dictate policy." But Gerhard Stoiber described Turkey as too poor to join a 'Christian Club'. Poverty got Erdogan voted - but is his name on the guest list?

Produced by ORF Fernsehprogramm-Service GmbH & Co KG

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