Saddam and the X Factor

Young Iraqis support Saddam Hussein

Saddam and the X Factor America has painted as itself as the great liberator. But on the eve of the Second Gulf War it's difficult to find anyone to agree with them.
Two thirds of the Iraqi population are under 25. Saddam Hussein is the only leader they have ever known and they have no memory of life without sanctions or confrontation. The economic sanctions, meant to weaken Saddam's regime, have heightened the sense of isolation felt by Iraqi youths. Many now believe that the rest of the world is against them and worry that America will invade them for their oil. "My worst fear is being invaded and occupied by another government," states University student Osama el Ithawi: "to lose our nationality, lose our freedom, lose our voice." Young Iraqis are also deeply concerned by perceived double standards. "Why is it that Iraqis can't have this but Israel can?" asks Uday Jaffa Sadik. If America expect to be welcomed as liberators, they may be in for a nasty shock.

Produced by ABC Australia

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