Black Nationalism and the Jews

Jews and black nationalists clash In New York

Black Nationalism and the Jews An insight into the tension in 90s New York between the Jewish and African American community.
Tensions between the African American and Jewish community in 90s Brooklyn are running high after riots ensued in the Crown Heights neighbourhood following a car accident involving a senior rabbi and two young African American children. Norman Rosenbaum continues to seek justice for his brother who was killed during the riots, meeting with senior politicians and speaking to community members. Meanwhile, across the city at Howard University, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, a radical leader in the American Black Nationalist movement, targets the Jewish community specifically for their historic involvement in the slave trade, which has led him to be called by many American Jews "one of the most dangerous men in America." ABC Australia explores the anger and fear within both communities, including important footage of the 1991 anti-Jewish riots in Brooklyn.

Produced by ABC Australia

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