The Definition of Poverty

How coming together has helped the people of DRC

The Definition of Poverty A touching report demonstrating how solidarity allows people to rise above poverty, despite the odds being stacked against them.
Defined as 'Manage by Yourself', the mythical article 15 founded an 'informal' economy in Zaire. Squatting in the grey mud of the market Place, black 'Mamas' barter for survival, singing as they prepare their wares. They manage to supplement their husbands' earnings by running a 'black market'. Woman working the land owe their success to Zaire's biggest Trade Union which has volunteered to look after rural workers. Administrator, Guy Kolelea, says they teach Mamas how to save money and plan budgets. For a Human Rights Activist it is "a way of life that survives among the 'little' people". Cartpushers haul crude, bulky carts loaded with goods. Now they have financed their own 'Society of Cartpushers' which takes care of training and medical bills. Similarly, university students are founding schools to educate their children and AIDS victims are forming their co-operatives. HIV+ women bend over antique sewing machines making clothes to sell. One stammers, "By sticking together, I found the courage to live."

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