Welcome to a cell in the medium security section of Bloemfontein's Grootvlei Prison. Warder Mike Ramalefane is a frequent visitor to this cell...not to search for illegal substances or articles, but to drink brandy and coke with the inmates and eat food stolen from the prison kitchen. This is highly illegal… and it could lead to his suspension and eventual dismissal.

Warder Ramalefane doesn't know that he's been secretly filmed on a spy camera hidden in a shoe box. Three months ago, four long-term prisoners in Grootvlei decided to prove how rife and widespread corruption among warders is. More than half the warders, they say, are corrupt. The four prisoners got hold of a digital camera, set it up in their cell, and started filming the warders. The results are astounding: drugs, liquor and sex are freely available. Some warders are part of a drug syndicate. Others are implicated in a sex ring in which juvenile prisoners are sold to older inmates. And, the camera shows, it’s even possible for convicted murderers to buy a loaded gun with which to escape...

Meet the four prisoners who made the recordings:
Gayton Mckenzie, sentenced to ten years for armed robbery. He’s served six years.
Moosa Mia, thirty years for murder. He has served seven.
Samuel Grobbelaar, eleven years and nine months for theft, fraud and escaping from custody. He’s served nine.
Petrus Sekutoane, 18 years for murder. He’s served 15.

001 This is our effort in trying 05'40
to uncover corruption.

002 Most of the corruption 05'45
involve members.

003 I can safely say that 50 per cent 05'52
of all wardens are corrupt.

004 I am doing 18 years imprisonment. 05'58

005 I see the corruption and therefore 06'02
decided to participate.

006 We must help management to stop 06'09
corruption. They can't do it.

007 The wardens in this prison, you 06'19
can send them for anything.

008 You can ask them to 06'24
go fetch a boy...

009...and then you have sex with the 06'26
boy and pay the warden. They do it.

010 We all played a major part in the 06'30
making of this.

011 And these gentlemen I'll respect them 06'34
until I die

012....because it was bravery, 06'38
it was risky.

013 As you know, 06'42
prison is gangland.

014 It was risky to 06'45
do such a thing...

015 ...and to involve yourself 06'48
in this project.

The four prisoners are in the medium security section of Grootvlei. They are Class-A prisoners and have special privileges. They can have a television set and a video recorder in their cell over weekends. The camera was attached to the video recorder. The prisoners started filming in March. By May, they had recorded two and a half hours of footage.

The head of Grootvlei Prison, Director Tatolo Setlai, gave the prisoners the go-ahead to film. He was apparently desperate to expose corruption in his prison. He then handed the tapes over to the Jali Commission of Inquiry – set up to investigate corruption in prisons.

The prisoners call the kitchen "The Goldmine of the Prison". Prisoners steal rations from the kitchen and sell them to warders. Moosa Mia, one of the four prisoners, works in the kitchen. Here Mia and Petrus Sekutoane sell frozen chickens for R10 each to warders. They set up the camera in the kitchen's storeroom to expose this trade.

016 The man was out of camera range... 08'16

017 ...but he bought a chicken with 08'19
this R10

Back in their cell, warder RJ Sephaka, seen standing here between Mia and Sekutoane, sells them dagga and mandrax.

018 This is Sephaka's stuff. 08'29
It's good stuff.

019 How much is there? 08'34

020 Are these pills? 08'42

021 How many pills are there? 08'44
Look here.

022 Three 08'48
Three ,I see

023 It's Golfstix 08'56

024 And now? 08'59
-We spoke about 50?

025 Yes 09'03

026 How much? 09'04

027 Sepaka 09'06

028 …and discount? 09'08

029 Sepaka wants R50 09'13

The Jali Commission will later hear evidence that warder Sephaka had previously been arrested for allegedly being in possession of dagga. The departmental and criminal cases against him are still pending. He has not been suspended and is still on duty at Grootvlei.

030 We'll meet then 09'31

031 This man's stuff is good. 09'34
It's good stuff.

032 Bring it closer to the camera. 09'42
The stuff you've bought.

033 We'll bring it just now. 09'45

034 Open them, all of them. 09'53

035 Must I open them all? 09'53

036 Yes. They might say that there 10'01
were no dagga in the packets.

037 Show the camera the dagga 10'08
you've bought. And the pills too.

038 And the pills too? 10'11
-And the pills.
039 Mr. Sephaka, he sells pills called 10'14
Golfstixs. I'll take them tonight.

040 Where did this guy get the stuff? 10'24

041 Is the door locked? 10'34
-Yes ,it's locked

042 Here it is. This the dagga we had 10'40
bought from Mr Sephaka.

043 And these pills. 10'50

044 ...called Golfstix. It's mandrax, 10'55
they sell here in prison.

045 Who is the warden who sold it to you? 11'04
- Mr. Sephaka.

Warders help prisoners to smuggle and distribute their drugs… by accompanying them through the prison. As soon as a prisoner is with a warder, he won’t be searched. Here Warder J.S. Thoabala has joined the men in their cell. Moosa Mia, on the right, has two consignments of dagga that he has to deliver to other prisoners. The warder gets half a chicken from Gayton Mckenzie, while Mia pays him R20 for his services. This warder has also previously been arrested for smuggling dagga… and was found guilty. He was reprimanded and is still on duty.

Warder LBR Visagie is in the cell with the prisoners. He has to take a consignment of dagga from one section of the prison to the other. Petrus Sekutoane hands him an arm of dagga.

Even warders who don't smuggle drugs themselves, seem to be powerless to act against the prisoners.

046 Come in Tlandi,it's only Jabu. 12'50

Here we see warder B Tladi entering the cell with Moosa Mia.

047 And now? 12'59

048 I came to fetch my stuff. 13'00

Moosa is buying a consignment of dagga and mandrax from another prisoner called Jabu. Tladi has to ensure safe passage.

049 I want dagga, not grass? 13'13
-Hey man,it's dagga. Open.

The warder threatens to arrest the prisoners. They dismiss his threat.

050 This a smuggle. 13'23
- Yes, it's a smuggle

051 You're smuggling.
I'm going to arrest you. 13'30.

052 You can try an catch me. 13'33
You, you are fuck all.

053 Where's my money? 13'36
No man, I'm still looking

054 This is dagga, this. 13'39
Yes, I see.

055 I'm looking for mandrax. 13'49
That's mandrax. You can see.

056 I know that stuff. 13'54
I can see.

057 I'm going to arrest you. 13'57

058 Come here Tlandi, come 14'00
count here

059 Tladi, count here man Jesus God! 14'05

060 I don't want it. 14'09
I'm going to take a walk

061 I'm not worried about you. 14'12

062 You're a bandit, 14'14
you're not a warden.

063 You're causing shit 14'23
Me? What shit

064 That's nice dagga that. 14'28
The mandrax too

065 There's you're R250. 14'35

066 Tladi, here's your R10. 14'41
I don't want shit from you.

Warder Tladi refuses to take a bribe.
Yet, he leaves the cell with Mia, to accompany him through the prison.

067 I don't want it. 14'51
Let's go.

This is warder Jomo Masitsa, deeply implicated in the corruption. Masitsa appears frequently in their video, supplying the prisoners with mandrax and dagga. During one of their meetings, they ask him what the possibility is of buying a loaded gun. They tell that him that Moosa Mia needs a gun to escape. Mia got 30 years for double murder, of which he’s served only seven years. The warder promises to get one.

Jomo Masitsa enters their cell again, and sells mandrax tablets and dagga to them.

068 Let me take a hit now 15'48

069 No,man! You're going to get 15'50
me into shit

070 You can smell the pills 15'56

071 My team is at the front. 15'57

Samuel Grobbelaar and Gayton Mckenzie are with him.

072 But then we can hit one. 16'02

073 No, man! These things smell. 16'04
You can't hit now.

074 This man brought us pills, now you 16'10
want to hit them

075 But they'll smell it in the passage 16'13

076 This man comes out, they know it's him. 16'16

077 and also there's not enough dagga 16'18
here, look.

078 Look at the stuff 16'24
Hey this is good stuff.

079 I must salute you ,man. 16'32

080 Moosa, take care of this dagga 16'34

081 Moosa, put away the stuff. 16'42

They order more mandrax and dagga. They also ask for a bottle of brandy.

082 No, my brother, you're going 16'43
to smoke it. I know you

083 Moosa, put away these pills 16'46
We'll smoke them this afternoon

084 If we smoke it now we're going 16'50
to get into shit

085 They are going to know it's 16'52
him, they don't like him.

086 Oh, they don't like him. 16'55

087 Don't make a flop bring a 16'58
bottle of brandy

088 No, I won't make flop, I know 17'00

089 Jomo, tomorrow there where you 17'03
buy these pills..

090 ...you must buy the same 17'08

091 ...you know these mandrax pills 17'13
are R50 each.

092 This man will take two for R180 17'16

093 We are going to line your pocket 17'21

094 I asked McKenzie: this man, 17'28
is he trustworthy?

095 I trust the man. He has sold 17'34
lots of dagga to me.

The prisoners say that Masitsa says he has found a gun for them. He wants six-thousand rands for it.

096 These are the pills he brought 17'51
us.R50 each.

097 This is a mandrax pill 17'58

098 It costs R50. Up to R100. 18'02
Here in prison

099 This is the dagga the 18'09
man brought us.

100 This is just enough dagga to 18'12
smoke the pills with.

101 He offered to bring more 18'19
mandrax and a bottle of brandy.

102 This man is very korrupt. He 18'25
dislikes Mr. Bikane and Mr Setlai.

103 He warns us against them. 18'33

104 This man will do anyhting for money 18'39

105 He has no respect for the law or 18'43
the policy of Correctional Services

The day of the delivery of the gun has arrived. Prisoners Moosa Mia and Samuel Grobbelaar, also known as Skollie, wait for warder Jomo Masitsa. He enters the cell with Petrus Sekutoane.

106 Skollie, you said wanted a gun for this man. 19'07

107 The man has now brought the gun 19'12

108 He wants to know ,Do you have the money? 19'17

109 I have it. 19'20
Let me first show you this.

110 I can't just walk in with the gun. 19'28

111 So this is the bullet? 19'37

112 This can stay with me: where's the 19'40

113 The gun is outside, it's not here 19'43

114 Are you going to keep the bullet 19'45

115 Yes, I am, it's mine. When he fetches it 19'47
I'll pay him.

116 Are you happy my brother? 19'52

117 I'm happy. This thing is for you. 19'54
I'm going home.

118 I'm helping you my brother. 19'56

119 Do you have the money? 20'07

120 The man will fetch it now 20'10

121 Lets be quick. The men must first come 20'14
in. I'm at the gate.

122 I don't want a delay. 20'21
Let's be quick.

123 Come, come 20'25
We'll be back just now.

124 This is the bullet that he 20'37
brought me as proof that he has the gun.

125 As you have heard, he went to 20'44
fetch the gun.

126 As soon as he brings it, I'll give him 20'48
the money.

Samuel Grobbelaar hands him another two-thousand rands. They’ve already given him a deposit of four-thousand.

127 Lock the door. 20'57

128 Let's be quick. 21'05

129 Let us see the money 21'13

130 Put it away, my brother 21'23

131 Hey, this is the real thing 21'36

132 Come let's go to the kitchen 21'44

133 This is the gun he brought us. 22'10
The serial number is BC4535.

134 This is the magazine. This is 22'19
the bullet he brought with the gun.

135 You saw me handing over the money. 22'31

136 He's happy and I'm happy with 22'35
the gun he brought us.

137 Now it's cocked. 22'41

138 there the shot goes off 22'49

139 I put the magazine back and 22'53
I put the safety on.

140 We will hand it now to the 23'00
head of the prison.

141 Moosa and I will hand the gun to 23'04
Mr. Selatai

142 It's now exactly 25 to 5 in 23'07
the afternoon.

The gun was indeed handed to the head of the prison, Director Setlai. It has in the meantime been traced back to a housebreaking incident in Bloemfontein. Masitsa has been arrested three times previously for allegedly smuggling dagga to prisoners. He has been criminally charged, but the cases are still pending. Only last month, he was caught allegedly smuggling brandy to prisoners. This departmental case has not been concluded either. Despite further evidence that he smuggles drugs and sold a gun to a convicted murderer, he remains a warder at Grootvlei Prison.

The four prisoners say in affidavits that warders fetch juvenile prisoners from the awaiting-trial section and sell them to older and hardened prisoners for sex. In this video, convicted murderer Petrus Sekutoane waits for a juvenile prisoner to be delivered to him. Then Warder Eric Mothae enters the cell with the prisoner.

143 You took your time 24'19

144 Take this and buy the boy 24'25

145 You're going to the shop? 24'28

146 Take R25 for yourself 24'35

147 Buy him something and bring 24'39
back the change

148 Don't be tense 24'58
The door is locked

149 Don't worry the place is 25'03
is clean.

150 I made special arrangements for you. 25'08

151 Are you OK? 25'13

152 I gave the policeman money 25'17
so that we have enough time.

153 I gave him R50. You're 25'20
my witness.

154 I gave him R50 and told him 25'23
to buy you something nice...

155 ...and R25 for himself. 25'30
I'll also give you R10.

156 Here's the two boxes I 25'34
promised you.

157 In prison you don't have a 25'52
choice. You have to pay.

158 Sit down 26'01

159 I pay for sex, but what 26'38
can I do?

160 Take off your shoes, my bed 27'05
is clean

161 You can leave your socks on. 27'11

162 My cell mates will ask me where 27'32
I have been...

163 ...but it's none of their business. 27'39
Yes you can tell them that.

164 Call the warden and tell him 27'59
to bring my change.

165 We are finished. 28'03

166 I am a happy man today. 28'11

167 You were gone for long. 28'21
Where is my change?

168 Here's your change. 28'28

169 How much did you use? 28'29

170 I haven't taken my money yet. 28'31

171 With the R30, I bought smokes and 28'36
food for R17.

172 Here's your R10. 28'40

173 Your potatoes were very nice, 28'46
thank you very much.

Commission investigators have taken several more affidavits from juveniles. They state that warders have taken them to older prisoners for sex. The warder in this video, Eric Mothae, remains on duty.

There are several more incidents on the video that show drug deals - and warders drinking with the prisoners. Since 1999, four warders at Grootvlei Prison have been arrested and charged for assisting inmates to escape. Two warders were sent to prison for giving keys to prisoners, while the cases of the other two are still pending.

This video has certainly caused enormous panic in the prison. On Monday last week, one of the four prisoners, Samuel Grobbelaar, had to be taken to hospital after he was assaulted. On the same day, a fellow prisoner was arrested… in his possession was a deadly poison. He confessed that he had been instructed to kill Grobbelaar by a warder implicated in the video.

The police are now investigating a conspiracy-to-murder charge against the warder. He has been removed from the prison and is doing duty outside the high walls.

Not a single warder in the video has been suspended. They all remain on duty. The head of Grootvlei Prison, Director Tatolo Setlai, has however been threatened with suspension because he allowed the four prisoners to make the video in order to expose corruption.

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