Williams: A beach party for singles – Singapore style, No sun and sand just a hot bed of lust -- or at least wishful thinking. In this conservative country, where oral sex can get you ten years in jail - such overt displays of sexuality aren’t that common.

Dr Wei: We’re talking about a lot of emotional suppression here, where people are living very closely together and in a small country where everybody knows everyone, so your façade is very important.

Williams: Wei Siang Yu is Singapore’s Doctor Sex – a love guru on a government-backed crusade to break down barriers and awaken sexuality.

Wei: They get to know each other, they get closer, they understand each other more and also in a very casual environment.

Williams: Singaporeans simply aren’t having enough sex - birth rates are now so low the population isn’t replacing itself. So Dr Wei has state support to help relight their fire.

Wei: Exactly. I hope they are all not in their thirties.

Williams: Why?

Wei: Because it is much easier. You increase the birth rate> You can have more than one or two or even three babies.

Williams: In the harsh light of day, Singapore may be one of the world’s great business capitals, but success has come at a cost.

Woman: I’m a Singaporean and I think I’m a good lover.

Williams: That’s good, that’s good. The surveys showing that Singaporeans at the moment, maybe with the stress of modern life and everything, means that the birth rate is declining. Do you think that is happening?

Woman: Well I guess this is due to the economy right now and we Singaporeans are stressed.

Man: Oh I would guess it’s to do with time management because of the time constraints there’s less time for romancing and the likes you know.

Woman: Most of the ladies are not, choose not to get married at a younger age and most of them prefer to stay single.
Lim: In the end our society became so busy, everybody was trying to get into the fast lane in life and become successful and rich.

Williams: Sex specialist Professor Peter Lim believes Singapore’s strict social control has robbed them of romance.
Lim. Super: In the seventies and ‘80s what happened, the government was promoting the concept of cutting down your family, too many people were getting pregnant and too many babies around and they felt that we should cut down on our population. Two children per family principle was adopted.
Williams: While most doctors consult in rooms, Australian-trained Dr Wei has taken his practice outside in the hope some fresh sea air might reinvigorate some passion.

Wei: This is the love boat for couples and we have a program called ‘I dream.’

Wei: ‘I dream’ is a whole medical program to educate couples on the limitation of the biological clock. If they have an intention to have a baby, so will teach them what to eat and what to do, improve their communication, how to look at the nutritional values before they plan for a conception.

Williams: Sailing on a yacht to a resort, couples are taken through an array of therapies that heighten their senses. Therapist Tim Hamons tries to get love-stuck partners re-communicating through art.

Tim: So this is also a tool, there’s a bit of psychology, art therapy, it’s a tool for understanding yourself and for releasing things, hidden blocks and hidden challenges.

Tim: Is there anything in there that you see intuitively in there that might be helpful to reflect on?

Glyn: He always claims he’s not a romantic and he doesn’t really think about passion and stuff, so having the heart there does reassure he does have this love in his heart.
Bruce: Yeah it’s just radiant, this ray of light from the sun, so I guess that’s what she does best, just spreading the light.

Williams: It may seem like play school, but according to Dr Wei, there’s a serious method behind it.

Lim: Science has proved that when you are all stressed your adrenalin is going pretty high,

Professor Lim: Prof. Peter LimHead of Urology, Gleneagle Hospital says your adrenalin isn’t going to the tissues in the man’s organ giving a poor erection, coming down the quality of love making.

Williams: Back at the hospital, Professor Lim has a more conventional approach.

Lim: Well this is actually an electro vibrator. It is an instrument used to get the patient with infertility, with poor quality seminal quality, to improve the sperm function.

Williams: But he is an advocate of Dr Wei’s work.

Lim: Once you get away to an island or somewhere, it’s natural, things come kind of by spontaneously and everything works out then, you know and the sperms, you only have happy sperms.

Williams: Happy sperms?

Lim: Yeah they swim, but they work better and so forth and with a little bit of fertility medication that I give, they may even make it better.

Williams: For most couples with fertility problems, Invitro-fertilisation is medicine’s main answer, but it has problems.

Wei: It has been met with fairly high failure rates. The success rate ranges from 30%, 40% because this is only harvesting process, putting the egg and sperm together, it does not enhance the quality of the egg and sperm. We’re looking at how to enhance the quality of both the sperm and the egg with lifestyle modifications, changing the way they eat, changing stress management techniques, etcetera. All these things are important because without a good egg and sperm, you won’t have a good conception. Without a good conception, you might compromise the quality of the baby.
Williams: Deborah and Keith Emuang have been married 14 years and are in their mid thirties. They have two children Nicola and Bradley but are keen to have one more before it’s too late and have sought Dr Wei’s advice.

Deborah: I think his methods are very much what we need to bring back fire in our sex life and hopefully in the process we can have a third child, because right now we are so busy with work and stress and learning how to de-stress and just concentrating on just having sex and having good sex and on top of that if baby comes along it’s great.

Williams: Like many couples here, Deborah and Keith both have demanding jobs and live in a suburb of high-rise apartments. Deborah though is not quite your typical Singaporean woman – in 2003 she was crowned Mrs Singapore.
Deborah: A lot of women come to me and they say, hey we don’t have time to make babies, and the reason being they’re just so caught up with work and by the time they get home, sex is the last thing on their mind.

Williams: For Deborah and Keith that’s no longer the case.
Keith: I’ve never thought of her as being such an adventurous person, never before. Probably because we never spoke about it until recently. What about you?

Deborah: That I could tell you what I like and you do it and just…

Keith: Tell is putting it lightly, it’s more like demand.
Williams: With such passionate endorsement – many more couples may soon be following Dr Wei’s way of love – behind closed doors of course.

Reporter: Evan Williams
Camera: Geoffrey Lye
Editor: Bryan Milliss
Producer: Mary Ann Jolley

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