FENLEY: - Tonight, Special Assignment reveals that child prostitution is spiralling out of control in the capital Tshwane. We show you how children on the streets operate, and how they are recruited into the sex industry. We also find out about the men who venture into the world of paid sex with young pupil.

UPS: - VOICER - As night falls over the capital, a darker and more sinister side to the city emerges. Under cover of dark, men who have developed a taste for child sex take to the streets in search of children ready to oblige.


UPS: - VOICER - It’s just after seven. Tswane’s sex market is getting busy. Buyers drive up and down checking out the goods before they make their choice. It's mostly, but not exclusively, men who do this kind of shopping. It’s mostly women who are for sale. Prostitution in the capital is nothing new. But there is a disturbing new trend playing itself out in Tswane’s sex industry. The demand for child sex is growing while cruising the streets it didn’t take very long before we were approached by a man eager to lead us to lead the young girl.

UPS: - MAN - It will be alright if one lady is fifteen years old twelve years fourteen years.

UPS: VOICER - Where are they?

UPS: - MAN - He going to take you why don’t he take you there? You want the white ladies, or Indian, Chinese?

UPS: - VOICER - Doesn’t matter as long as they’re young, fifteen sixteen.

UPS: - MAN - Ja, me I can take you there.

UPS: - VOICER -Parents whose kids have turned to prostitution often seek out Mike Bolhuis. He works closely with a rehab centre to get them back on track.

UPS: - MIKE BOLHUIS; SECURITY SPECIALIST - The child prostitution industry started obviously very small but it is growing and it's definitely escalating its becoming quite a big industry and its very much drug related and abuse related.

UPS: - DR ANNI HESSELINK-LOUW; CRIMINOLOGIST – There is definitely an increase in child prostitution and involvement of children in prostitution in South Africa and the reason for that is that this children are vulnerable. They are perceived to be innocent it is for some sick men and women who are attract to have sex with a child and my opinion is as long as there is a demand there will always be a supply. So we will never really diminish this problem we can managed it effectively we can police it better but as long there is a demand there will always be a supply

UPS: - VOICER - During our investigation, we met two teenagers, aged fifteen and seventeen. On the streets of Sunnyside and Arcadia they call themselves "Beertjie" and "Jackie".

UPS: - "JACKIE" – I was fourteen when I started with prostitution in Pretoria. I was totally clueless, very scared. You walk up and down till someone stops near you. They talk to you. They ask if you do business. Then you say yes, then you negotiate a price and then you go.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – I usually asked one hundred for a blowjob no less than eighty rand. And for a quick and run, usually hundred and fifty. It depends on a man.

UPS: - MIKE BOLHUIS; SECURITY SPECIALIST - at night you if you drive through you can see the young girls and the young boys standing there, black and white and coloured and a guy or a girl or a man or a woman can stop and have their pleasure, whichever way. It's homosexual, it's lesbian and it's heterosexual.

UPS: - PICK UP WOMAN - Come, climb in come.

UPS: - PROSTITUTE - Gosh, how many are you?

UPS: - PICK UP WOMAN - Come climb in we need another girl.

UPS: - PROSTITUTE - Do you need another girl.

UPS: - PICK UP WOMAN- Yes. Come. How much do the men pay?

UPS: - PROSTITUTE - One hundred and fifty yes.

UPS: - MIKE BOLHUIS; SECURITY SPECIALIST - A lot of these kids get involved in drugs first, and then to get drugs they have to sell their bodies to get money to buy drugs once they're hooked on drugs they don't care, they would literally give blowjobs for twenty bucks or have sex with a man or a woman and the price could be anything from thirty rand to two hundred rand.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – I got heroin and rocks for free and sometimes I also bought heroin and rocks from a dealer called KC. He supplied me with everything. I don’t know if I could do it if I were clean because it just isn’t so drugs make you strong. It takes away your feelings. You don’t care what happens to you.

UPS: - "JACKIE" – All the money went to drugs.

UPS: - VOICER - What type of drugs?

UPS: - "JACKIE" – Heroin and rocks.

UPS: - VOICER - Did you use every day?

UPS: - "JACKIE" – Yes.

UPS: - MIKE BOLHUIS; SECURITY SPECIALIST - when I interview or see these kids they have eyes of a forty year-old, they have lost their innocence they've heard it all, seen it all, done it all, felt it all, they're wasted

UPS: - "JACKIE" – I lived with a Nigerian, KC. He was my dealer. And one time she went there with me.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – I stayed with KC for two weeks in Sunnyside. And then he and I argued about prostitution. He didn’t want me to do it. I couldn’t live on the amount of drugs he supplied me with. Then I went to another dealer, Prince. I lived with him for a month and I worked for him very night.

UPS: - VOICER - Different pimps control different streets in Sunnyside and Arcadia. They’re known to charge sex workers block fees. Our investigation shows that whenever a child prostitute ends up in new territory, a pimp will appear suddenly to do the recruiting this is how it is done.


UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – I’m well thanks.

UPS: - THE NIGERIAN RECRUITER – alright, who are you staying with, you staying with a Nigerian or you staying alone?

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – No I used to stay with a Nigerian but not any more

UPS: - THE NIGERIAN RECRUITER – Can you stay with me

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Huh?

UPS: - THE NIGERIAN RECRUITER – Can you stay with me?

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Sorry boy.

UPS: - THE NIGERIAN RECRUITER – Can you stay with me?

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – I can't stay with you.


UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Cos I can't.


UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – You're in love with me are you mad, you can't be in love with me you only met me … you don't even know my name, I don't even know your name.

UPS: - THE NIGERIAN RECRUITER – Ok ok sorry I'm sorry for I'm Gabriel you call me Ma, what is your name?

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Beertjie.


UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Beertjie.


UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Beertjie

UPS: - THE NIGERIAN RECRUITER – Ok beurke, beureki okay so beurekie sorry for the way I just approached you immediately, nhe

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – No it's cool

UPS: - THE NIGERIAN RECRUITER – So um I would love you stay with me because one, I know I can treat you very well, what you need for me and me for you because I know I cannot treat you bad, I know all you need I can afford.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Do you know whose that people?


UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Do you know whose that people?




UPS: - DR ANNI HESSE LINK- LOUW; CRIMINOLOGIST – Two of the major factors contributing to children ending up on the streets prosecuting themselves is unemployment, poverty often the children are sold into prostitution either by friends family or peers and some of the children are the only bread winners. And other factors that contribute to children ending up on the streets are run away children where they come from abusive and conflicting backgrounds and households.

UPS: - MIKE BOLHUIS; SECURITY SPECIALIST - the life expectancy of a child prostitute if he or she continues in that line of lifestyle, where drugs are involved and where violence and rape and sickness and no shelter, protection and all those bad things that can happen to him or her, is maximum, a maximum of ten years, some shorter.


UPS: - VOICER - young sex workers, whether they choose the lifestyle themselves, or are forced into it, often get more than they bargain for...

UPS: - DR ANNI HESSELINK-LOUW, CRIMINOLOGIST - these children are abused on a daily basis, they are sexually exploited, they are used as sex objects um they are assaulted, they are used in pornography, in sex rings um they use drugs to cope with the lifestyle and with their profession and they have abortions and sometimes even forced abortions by the pimps in order to be able to work more. They are ignorant about sexual transmitted disease and AIDS those are the realities they are runaway, abused, forgotten, rejected children of society.

UPS: - BEERTJIE – The worst client I ever had was a man who didn’t want to pay me. After I gave him everything he had wanted I refused to climb out of his car and then he almost shot me.

UPS: - "JACKIE" – it’s very dangerous because you don’t know who you’re climbing into a car with and clients are very cruel.

UPS: - VOICER - Men's clubs, or brothels like this one, provide a safer working environment for prostitutes. It may not be as lucrative for them as street work is, but under the protection of bouncers, the sex workers are seldom assaulted or raped. These girls, all over eighteen years old, have been in the industry for several years. They say the trade has changed to such an extent over recent years that they’ll never work on the streets.

UPS: - NATASHA - all my friends that work on streets hey some of them really are dead because you know why, they're all drug addicts, and we're not druggies, the only drugs we use is alcohol, ok and the girls on the streets use drugs and then they owe the Nigerians and the Tanzanians and the Tanzanians or whatever and then they take them out if they can't pay that, we don't use that shit, we only use alcohol.

UPS: - PATRICIA – I know many girls who work on the streets and they’re married to the Nigerians and they work for the Nigerians and they use all sorts of drugs, especially heroin. It’s safer to work in a club than on the streets because I a club you have more safety.

UPS: - VOICER - Angie was fifteen when she started working on Pretoria's streets several years ago. She is still traumatised after a nightmare experience with a client, who locked her in his car and then threatened to kill her.

UPS: - ANGIE – then he opened the door, pulled me outside and threw me on the dashboard. Then he told me listen now I’m going to screw you. I said ok fine do what you want just don’t kill me. And he did his thing and finished. I had my cell phone I didn’t know what to do. I climbed back to the car and we drove and along the way he kicked me out.

UPS: - VOICER – Apart from brothels there are other cheap hotels around the capital where street prostitutes take their clients. One such place is owned by a men's club that caters specifically for sex workers who ply their trade on the streets. Out investigation show under aged prostitute also use these establishments.

UPS: - MAN - How old are you?


UPS: - MAN - Are you sixteen?


UPS: - MAN - Are you sure

UPS: - PROSTITUTE - I’m serious.

UPS: -LULU, BROTHEL MANAGERESS - You some in. you rent a room. If you sleep there an hour or a whole night that’s up to you. The girl comes in she pays her twenty rand rent a room there. Most of the girls come from Leyds Street, Park, Johann, Wessels. I went out to them and I said to them, let me help you for your safety. Come here to the club. I have rooms for you. Come rent the rooms. I charge them twenty rand a room. At least you have that safety. Ok we also had many minors and we asked them for their parents telephone numbers. I want it. Then they will ask me why and I say I want to talk to your mother and father, I want to know why they put you on the streets. Why must you do it?

UPS: - ANNI HESSELINK-LOUW, CRIMINOLOGIST - If we need to distinguish between the type of person that would make use of a child prostitute, we can distinguish between a paedophile and a hebophile, a paedophile is a person who has got a sexual obsession, a preoccupation and who is sexually aroused by children on a long term under puberty, and a hebophile a person who is sexually obsessed and aroused and interest in a child and erotically aroused by a child from above thirteen to seventeen years of age, it's definitely not normal to want to have sex with a child

UPS: - LULU, BROTHEL MANAGERESS – Don’t tell me it’s a fantasy thing because this isn’t about a fantasy. Because it’s not a fantasy thing. It’s just in order to say, listen here, I’ve been there. But it’s not a fantasy thing. A fantasy is like discipline. I have discipline room. But to go with those children that’s not a fantasy.

UPS: - NATASHA – They are paedophiles. They just as well go and fuck their daughters I don’t have respect for them. I don’t.

UPS: - PATRICIA – They are simple they must grow up

UPS: - ANNI HESSELINK LOUW; CRIMINOLOGIST - the clients and the perpetrators actually believe that by going to a child or by using a child for sex that their chances of contracting aids and std's are less

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – I tested HIV positive I can’t remember how long ago. Yes, January. And it was as a result of drugs that I used to do prostitution. I spiked heroin and shared needles with people and I think that’s how I got it.

UPS; - VOICER - Sex workers wait for cars to stop along the road before they approach possible clients for business. Fifteen tear old Beertjie agreed to wear a microphone to show us how it is done.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Hello sir

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – Hello, how are you

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – I'm well thanks how are you

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – Alright

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Can I help you

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – Do you make some business

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Sorry

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – The business, how much …

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – The business?

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – Ja.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – What do you really want?

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – Everything.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Everything.

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – Mm.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Ok I charge for a blow job and a back massage one hundred and fifty, for a back massage then I clean you up then I charge for a whole full body massage with a blow job I ask you two hundred and fifty ok, then I clean you up afterwards.

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – No but I don't have that much.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – You don't have that much.

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – Mm.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Why?

UPS: - CLIENT 1– No I'm short.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Am I too expensive for you.

UPS: -VOICER - Can I ask you something?

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – Sorry.

UPS: -VOICER – Can I ask you a question? Do you know that this girl is fifteen

years old?

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – No no no I’m just standing here.

UPS: -CAMERAMAN – You’re asking about blow jobs and things what is happening?

UPS: -CLIENT 1– Don’t do this sir?

UPS: -VOICER – Do you often pick up young girls often streets under age girls?

UPS: - CLIENT 1– Can’t you see I’m just standing man.

UPS: -VOICER – But we have proof on camera that you were negotiating with her

UPS: - CLIENT 1 – Go and ask her. Ask her.

UPS: - BEERTJIE – A blowjob and a back massage will cost one hundred and fifty I clean you afterwards. There we go. Ok, for a full body massage umm.

UPS: - CLIENT 2 - Is that just a massage?

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – No, a full body massage and whatever you want is two hundred rand.

UPS: - CLIENT 2 - Do you do couples?

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Couples?

UPS: - CLIENT 2 - Mmm

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Well it actually depends

UPS: - CLIENT 2 - Depends on what?

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Is it a girl or a guy?

UPS: - CLIENT 2 - A girl.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – A girl?

UPS: - CLIENT 2 – Mmm

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – How old is the girl?

UPS: - CLIENT 2 – Twenty eight.

UPS: - "BEERTJIE" – Ok it’s cool.

UPS: - VOICER - Hello, can I ask you a question.

UPS: - CLIENT 2 – Yes.

UPS: - VOICER - Why are you trying to pick up this girl do you know she's fifteen years old.

UPS: - CLIENT 2 – not trying to pick her up.

UPS: - VOICER - we've got proof that you are, that you've just negotiated with her.

UPS: - CLIENT 2 – I'm not are you from the TV nhe

UPS: - VOICER - Yes we are.

UPS: - CLIENT 2 – Sorry f you put my face on TV I will put in a civil claim


UPS: - VOICER - Young sex workers like “Jackie” are so accustomed to life on the streets, that the threat of spending a night in police cells hardly serves as a deterrent any more.

UPS: - “JACKIE” – The police were the scariest to me on the streets. I don’t like being in cells especially if you’re paranoid. And it’s just cold. I was probably in the cells more than I was at home.

UPS: - VOICER - Some believe police cells don’t offer the best remedy. Officials from a rehab center, some one hundred kilometers north of the capital, will travel to the city to hunt down the girls. With police assistance, they offer them a new life. During this raid in Sunnyside police seize drugs and arrest two Nigerian men for position young sex worker also accept an offer to go to rehab.

UPS: - MPHO - I’m not planning on going back there, that’s the last thing I’m going to do, and I’m hoping to study here, go out with a qualification … then I will join the police busting these Nigerians, that’s what I want to do really, that’s what I plan to do.

UPS: - VOICER - Seventeen-year-old “Jackie” was imprisoned and appeared in court in connection with an earlier escape from custody. She’s been given one last chance to turn her life around, and is now in rehab on a court order. The Zelza teen center in Bela-bela offers drug addicts and girls like Jackie a new shot at a clean life.

UPS: - GE THERON, ZELZA TEEN CENTER – Welcome to Zelza. It’s your new home.

UPS: - NURSE - Without these drugs crack and heroin ok if you don’t have any. Do you still crave it?

UPS: - "JACKIE" – Yes. A lot?

UPS: - GE THERON, ZELZA TEEN CENTER – we’ve got an approach where we ask the people when they come into the facility on a first informal basis if they really want to get treated, if they really want to get whole again um only when they express that wish then we take them into the facility. When they do that we are able and prepared to walk the road with them not only through the treatment program but through the rest of their lives, this is a promise we as a facility make to each and every patient coming into this facility.

UPS: - VOICER - 15-year-old “Beertjie” has also been admitted into the facility voluntarily, where she and “Jackie” will take part in a year-long treatment program.

UPS: - GE THERON, ZELZA TEEN CENTER – We’ve got approach in treating drug addicts prostitutes from the streets as well using drugs. We start with a psychiatric treatment programme which last more or less eight weeks. Then we move them up to next phase which approximately is another six weeks. And the last phase where we slowly integrate them into society do some skills development and do some placement in the community. So there is no need for a drug addict or a prostitute to fall back to the old habits or the old ways so we’ve got the total realistic approach. Life should be achieving something with eternal value, this is achieving something with eternal value and that’s why we do it, we care. Life should be achieving something with eternal value.

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