Last of the Orang-Utans

The desperate race to save Borneo's charismatic great ape

Last of the Orang-Utans In Kalimantan, Borneo, lies the world's largest primate rehabilitation centre. It is run by Willie Smits, who cares hundreds of orang-utans, the victims of poaching and deforestation.
In the heart of Borneo stands a cage of young, orphaned orangutans.Their mothers were slaughtered by poachers. One baby still has a bullet lodged above its eye. During the night, 4 more orangutans arrive - confiscated from illegal traders in Jakarta. This is the world's largest primate research and rehabilitation centre. It has become the lifeline for hundreds of orangutans that seek refuge under its roof to escape the horrors of poaching, the relentless slaughter of the rainforest and the nightmare of exploitation and abuse. The babies remain in the centre for 5 years, during which Smits attempts to "hone their forest survival skills and give them back what was denied of their freedom". He ensures that every orangutan confiscated from poachers is given the best medical attention. When they are fit for release, the orangutans are taken to a remote part of Borneo's forest. As morning breaks, they climb out into to the trees to taste their second chance towards freedom.

Produced by Jan Peter Lahpor

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