Switching Off

Switching Off Members of the South African police force are daily forced to confront the horrific results of the nation's soaring crime levels. Here they reveal the inevitable psychological damage and distress worked by years of viewing the bloody corpses littering the streets.
03:45 developing photos
04:34 murdered man on pavement
06:10 S African Police badge
09:01 unrecognisable human remains swarming with flies, uncovered by forensics
10:10 sealed off murder scene with bystanders
10:27 police around bloody corpse
18:59 restaurant customers cower by tables during armed police raid
19:07 men lie face down on ground as gunman walks past
19:12 armed police emerge from station
21:13 blanketed body being transferred into police van
23:13 close-up of police siren
23:18 police bearing stately coffin
23:19 tide of blood washing beneath wheels of police van

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