Viral Infection

Viral Infection In today's consumer world, the brand is king. But with many suffering from 'advertising fatigue', advertisers are turning to risque viral marketing to push products.
At first sight, it looks like a normal car ad. A man gets into a sleek new VW Polo and drives to town. Then the camera pans to reveal an explosive belt as the driver detonates a suicide bomb. But bystanders are saved because the blast is contained within the 'small but tough' Polo. Internet or viral ads like this are too controversial to ever be seen on tv. They rely on people downloading them and forwarding them on to friends. "It's really the old fashioned word of mouth marketing' explains viral message board host Richard Leishmann. And in the no holds barred world of the internet, it is the funniest or most controversial ads that get people talking. "People are far less sensitive about what they see in virals than what they see on television." explains viral guru Matt Smith.

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