Karzan's Reconciliation

Karzan's Reconciliation As a teenager, Karzan was falsely denounced and tortured at the hands of Saddam's Mukhabarat. He returns to the scene of his abuse to confront his own private suffering.
In his home city of Kirkuk, Karzan revisits the teahouse where he was arrested and shares his painful memories. We go to the former secret police torture centre where Karzan wanders through the cells. He translates some of the gruesome graffiti that covers the walls. In graphic detail he explains how he was tortured and how he lost faith in any sort of religion. For him God cannot exist because God could never allow such horrors. Despite all the pain, he never gave in to pressure to denounce others. After unimaginable suffering, his older brother finally managed to buy his release

In this short film, Karzan overcomes a moment of sorrow and suffering from his past, shedding light on the persecution faced by the Kurdish people.

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