The Man Who Filmed The Tsunami

The Man Who Filmed The Tsunami His shocking footage of the Tsunami brought its ferocity home to the rest of the world. In return, Hashim gained little but local notoriety. We return to hear his story.
Perched high on the Grand Mosque in Aceh, a man stood clinging on with camera in hand. A wedding photographer by profession, he risked his life so "a broken piece of home, a car" destroyed by the torrents, might not be lost forever. Today like thousands of other Indonesians, he has no home and "no money to start again". Life "is impossible" with his family cramped into one house. Yet, he is determined to be positive. For him the Tsunami was a sign from God "to open the eyes of all people to see his power, like in my pictures". Those that witnessed events of last year "have to believe in God now."

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