The New South Africans

The New South Africans Every year an estimated ten thousand people emigrate from South Africa, however the huge population of Africans trying to immigrate into South Africa is often overlooked. Despite the numbers of Africans wishing to live and work in South Africa, the immigration system is far from perfect. Visas and immigration papers can be difficult to obtain, choices available are not obvious and once papers are submitted it can take up to 14 years before receiving South African citizenship. Perceived opinions of immigrants 'stealing' jobs rather than 'contributing' and Home Affair sub-divisions not educated effectively on the immigration process also adds to the difficulty of immigrating. The growth of technology has made South Africa a "global village" and thus needs to accept a "movement amongst people". With other countries such as Nigeria able to issue visas within 48 hours, South Africa's Home Affairs have had to improve their steps towards "liberalising legal immigration". The recent Immigration Amendment Act is starting to take effect and enhancing ways of attracting those with certain skills, improving regulations and controls as more user friendly and welcoming other Africans into South Africa.

03.32 - Congo Immigrants, Engineer and Doctor, Discussing South African Immigration
08.49 - Nigerian Doctor Working In Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital, Umtata
12.35 - Zimbabwean Doctor Teaching in University of Pretoria
14.27 - Immigrants in South Africa
16.36 - Congo Immigrants Discussing South African Immigration
17.48 - Queues for Home Affairs Office
20.17 - Locals Playing Chess

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