May Chidiac

Bomb Survivor Takes On Lebanon's Most Dangerous Political Players

May Chidiac Political commentator May Chidiac barely survived an assassination attempt that ripped apart the left side of her body. Now, she's taking on the country's most dangerous political players: Hezbollah.
Chidiac believes she was targeted for criticising the Syrian involvement in Lebanon. But she refuses to be silenced. "I cannot live in fear of being attacked again. I still have a cause to defend: Lebanon." Within days of her return from hospital, she was back on the airwaves again. "I'm angry with Hezbollah because they took this decision on their own", she complains. "They took the whole country hostage." Chidiac articulates what others are too frightened to say. She questions why Hezbollah have to remain armed and asks who they are really fighting for.

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