Body Impalers

The bizarre and ancient Taoist ritual in Thailand

Body Impalers On the Thailand tourist island of Phuket there is an ancient Taoist ritual that will never be understood by foreigners.
This is not body piercing with ornate trinkets, but impaling with household objects and blood gushing down from the orifices. Once a year across the steamy hills in the old town of Phuket, "gods" descend to earth and take possession of local souls. These human mediums then fall into a trance and impale their cheeks with any sharp object that comes to hand! Spectating tourists feel faint as spiritual tough guys gouge themselves with lampshades, crow bars, knives and beach umbrellas. The temple's chief medium, Tan Chooi Ho, demonstrates his divine powers by climbing up a 15m ladder of metal blades and walking over hot coals. When an enthusiastic foreigner attempts to emulate his hypnotised host, he collapses in pain.

Produced by ABC Australia

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