What Made Yeltsin?

What Made Yeltsin? We offer you a rare report on President Yeltsin's early days. It profiles how a schoolboy from the Urals became the most powerful man in Russia and includes interviews with his family and former school friends.
He buried Communism. But what made Boris Yeltsin? A daring schoolboy, a fanatically well-organised university student, a Communist Youth League member, then the Communist boss of a major city in the Urals, and then run for election as Russia's leader? We go back to his home town, met his school friends, his teacher, his university friends, his brother and his sister. And his (now dead) mother showed us her family scrap-book. Along with astonishing footage unearthed from the Urals of young Yeltsin addressing Communist rallies, then later his other persona: playing tennis, down a mine, on the campaign trail, and a brief word with the camera, on his being expelled from school! A superb portrait.

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