Muslims Go Home

Bosnian Muslims have been able to return home

Muslims Go Home Bosnian Muslims are able to return to their homes, but they are not receiving a warm welcome.
In Banja Luka, Bosnia, displaced Muslims and Serbs confront each other in the aftermath of ethnic cleansing. Sitting wearily outside her house in Banja Luka, Serbian mother Mrs Abdic waits as her possessions, including her stove, are carried outside and dumped on the ground. She's being evicted so the Muslim Recir family that owns the house can finally move home. It's a typical scene being enacted all over the former Yugoslavia. The Recirs were ethnically cleansed during the war, today they return to bitterness and recriminations. Defiantly Mrs Recir states "I raised nine children here." Mrs Abdic spits out, "I don't care. I also left behind a house with three floors.". Mesic Ibrahim can see his home across the valley in Doboj but like so many others he cannot return. Serbs occupy the town where he grew up. Ironically, Mesic Ibrahim could vote in Doboj's elections, even though he can't safely walk its streets. Bosnian Serb Mr Rosdovic who lives in Doboj offers no compromise. "I would kill them if they came back here." A personal report on the bitterness in Banja Luka.

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