Going Nowhere

Going Nowhere While the world has focused on Iraq, the situation in Afghanistan has slowly deteriorated. As this embed report reveals, soldiers constantly come under attack.
"We take direct fire every day but our story always gets put on the backburner to Iraq", states Sgt Collins. "I know most of the soldiers feel forgotten". Charlie Company is tasked with stopping the flow of insurgents into Afghanistan. But without the support of locals, it's a virtually impossible task. Convinced that Karzai's government will ultimately fail, locals are wary of helping the Americans. "We're taking one step forwards when we should be taking five", complains the District Sub-Governor. Pleas to tribal elders to; "let us know about insurgent activity", elicit only blank stares. Even the promise; "we will pay good money for information" does not trigger a response. But more intelligence is desperately needed. There's been a large increase in IED attacks. Soldiers are regularly killed. "Every time you dip into a puddle, you just hold your breath and hope you make it out the other side", confides one. For the soldiers of Charlie Company, the war in Afghanistan still goes on.

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