Flight to Nowhere

Flight to Nowhere Meet Bahadur Chand Gupta, a former aeronautical engineer turned entrepreneur who's now dedicating his life to helping India's poor. Every morning, Gupta and his wife invite villagers and slum dwellers to board their Airbus 300 in Delhi, for an experience of a life time. However, it isn't what you think; the plane doesn't actually fly anywhere. Instead, the passengers get a feel of air travel, listening to announcements and get waited on by stewardesses. They buckle themselves in and watch safety demonstrations and even get fed during the experience.
While Gupta captivates the villagers with his aero-experience, he delivers a public service message about raising awareness of drug, population and AIDS control.

"We are giving the free trip to the people and we want to use this thing to serve the society. So we want that the people, the children, should be very good citizen of India tomorrow".

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