Blood Cure

Blood Cure The Altai region is one of Russia's most popular holiday locations for its snow-capped mountains and vast lakes. But increasingly, people are visiting the area to try an ancient medical treatment, a bath of pink broth made from boiled deer antlers.
Every summer, the maral deer are herded together and workers saw off the antlers and hang them up to dry. The broth is made by boiling up the blood and antlers. This treatment, together with steamy saunas and blood-infused massages is believed by many to alleviate the pain of arthritis, increase fertility, cure eczema and act as an anti-aging agent. "I don't think I'll be able to get rid of my diseases completely, but I should feel better. It will be easier for me to live, easier to walk, to work for a longer time," says Nikolai, one willing participant.

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