UN Envoy Visits DRC

UN Envoy Visits DRC For 10 years the UN has struggled to bring peace to the DRC and with the latest waves of violence, the pressure only grows. UN Mission Chief, Alan Doss, goes on the ground to investigate what they're up against.
"Our first challenge is the protection of civilian populations. And that's a huge challenge because of the size and complexity of the country" tells Doss. Looking down from the UN helicopter the challenge is clear, an endless stretch of hill and jungle where the enemy can simply disappear. The UN's aim is to halt the Hutus [FLDR], led by men who were responsible for the Rwandan genocide and fled into Congo years ago. The militia has been attacking DRCcivilians and military alike. The UN is supporting the army and Doss hopes for an upturn in the war. "This is the opportunity to turn the last page on a history of violence that has ravaged this country."

Bureau for International Reporting

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