Ground Zero Mosque

Ground Zero Mosque The proposed construction of a mosque close to the World Trade Center site has whipped conservative America into fever pitch. Is this islamophobia? Or respect for the dead? We get to the heart of the debate.
The people of downtown New York have been in uproar in recent weeks over the pending decision to build a mosque close to the 9/11 Ground Zero location. The project, led by Islamic scholar Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, has sparked vigorous protests from those who believe that it will incite another terrorist attack. "Where we weep, they rejoice. That mosque is a monument to their victory". Another protester adds, "not every Muslim is a terrorist but it seems that terror comes out of mosques". As the association of fear and Muslims remain intertwined and the lines between extremism and Islam become blurred, we will have to wait for September 11th to see how this historical verdict turns out.

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