Adrenalin Nation

Adrenalin Nation The blood-curdling, expletive-laden screams of young adventure tourists reverberating throughout the stunning New Zealand countryside have become incessant. The country has become the world capital of extreme sports, but the industry holds some dark secrets. This forensic examination of New Zealand's adventure tourism and safety regime exposes significant flaws.
Scott may be terrified of heights but when his friends decided they were going to celebrate his 25th birthday by doing New Zealand's highest bungy jump what could he do? He jumped too. And when the bungy band bounced itself out and Scott realised he might have a shot at making his 26th birthday he was in an expansive mood. As AJ Hackett, an NZ Bungy Trailblazer explains: "Everybody walks away feeling really good about themselves and ready to take on other challenges. Life is a big big challenge and if you take on some of these challenges the reward's huge".

But not everyone walks away from an adventure tourism experience in New Zealand. Over the past eight years at least 50 visitors have died when things went dreadfully wrong. Many more have suffered crippling injuries. Of course many of these white-knuckle pursuits are dangerous but is New Zealand doing enough to ensure that companies and individuals selling these thrills to a wide-eyed crowd are playing by the rule-book - and is that rule-book as comprehensive as it should be? Many think not.

"My son's death was entirely preventable. It was not an accident. It was an inevitable certainty that that was going to happen". Chris Coker's 24-year-old son Brad came all the way from the UK to throw himself out of a plane high over the Kiwi mountainside. The plane crashed shortly after take-off, killing all nine on board. The loss of his son in the infamous Fox Glacier disaster has spurred Chris Coker into an internet campaign targeting New Zealand's unique compensation system. "I really don't want another father in the world to get the knock on the door from the police to tell them their child's been killed. But it will happen again because of the law in NZ. The fact that you can't sue anybody for negligence or wrongful death means nobody is held to account."

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