Pro-Morsi protest

Pro-Morsi protest Since the removal from power of Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi, his supporters have taken to the streets throughout Egypt. This footage, shot on the evening of July 15th 2013, shows scuffles between Pro-Morsi supporters and residents, which prompted the police to use tear gas, buckshot and rubber bullets to suppress it.
01:03:13 Morsi supporter: "I want to say that this is the second time the Egyptian army and the interior ministry attack us during prayer."
01:03:22 Morsi supporter: "It's always during prayer! every time it's during prayer!
01:03:29 "This isn't the message from the US people it's from their regime"
01:04:34 protester, anti-Morsi/anti-military: "I fought in Mohammed Mahmoud, Magles el Wazara (2011) Tahrir, all of it, many battles the Brotherhood never showed up for. I came here to see the tear gas"
01:04:41 Jimmy, anti-Morsi/anti-military: "The police and thugs are on top of the bridge firing on the Brotherhood below. They are also fighting them down these two streets with buckshot and tear gas. It's not a good situation at all. Even if they are Brotherhood and I'm against Morsi's regime, they can't keep doing this"

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