Strike Syria?

Strike Syria? As the international community hotly debates taking military action against Syria, the world tentatively waits for a decision. This report looks at the argument raging in the US capital and across the country.
Despite two and a half years of civil war in Syria, Obama has held back from military intervention, but August's alleged poison gas attack killing an estimated 1,400 has finally tipped the balance. "We absolutely have to do this, because I think our credibility is on the line, our credibility across the board, not just about chemical weapons", says Michael Doran of the Brookings Institute think-tank. But America is war weary and the debate is not going Obama's way, with the UN, and many other world leaders opposing plans for military action. "It's another way to get us into a war, that's what they are doing, beating the war drum", says veteran Sergeant Springer. Tension is high in Washington and with opposition overseas and at home, it seems that for now, an attack is on hold. "The American public isn't buying another war on lies".

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