She Zhijang: Chinese Spy or Criminal Mastermind?

Exclusive interview with alleged spy She Zhijiang

She Zhijang: Chinese Spy or Criminal Mastermind? Jailed tycoon She Zhijiang claims he was a Chinese spy, exposing explosive allegations of international conspiracies, state secrets, and human trafficking in this world-exclusive Al Jazeera interview.
Wanted in China and sanctioned by the UK, She Zhijiang resides in a Thai jail, accused of online scams linked to human trafficking and forced labour. She denies the charges, claiming, “They’ve detained me illegally in this prison. They will kill me if I’m sent back to China.” Now, with Beijing pushing for his extradition, he says his knowledge of state secrets has put a target on his back. She's lawyer highlights the discrepancies in the case: "We see all these articles that portray him as this criminal mastermind..., and then you see the actual arrest warrant. The whole Chinese procedure initiated against him is for developing and running online gambling platforms." She concludes, "China cannot be trusted. Look at what happened to me. If you don’t want to be eliminated, you should tell the world the truth."

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