Facing the Past

Germany Looks Back To Its Dark Past

Facing the Past More and more Jews are emigrating to Germany, yet right wing parties are on the rise. Can Germany prove itself to be a tolerant nation?
The Government’s campaign against the anti-Semitic NPD party has been gaining momentum after a series of vicious race attacks, particularly in former East Germany. Both the Government and the right wing mob are reacting to the steady influx of immigrants into the country. Immigration from the former Soviet bloc has led to the revival of Berlin’s Jewish population and, ironically, to Germany having the fastest growing Jewish community in Europe. Jews are being drawn back to Germany by the opportunities it offers for a new life and a chance to reconnect with their heritage. Anar and Saira Makatov came from Azerbaijan and took advantage of Germany’s offer of an open door to Europe. “We were looking for stability…In Azerbaijan it was often not possible for people to feed themselves”, says Anar Makatov. But the generous policies on immigration have fuelled racism and extremism among some young Germans who feel left behind by reunification and unemployment. Can Germany finally break free from the shackles of its past?

Produced by ABC Australia


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