Europe's Drugs Bazaar

Portugal on the cusp of drugs decriminalisation

Europe's Drugs Bazaar Portugal has the worst hard drugs problem and the highest HIV rates in the EU. Here, unlike the rest of Europe, HIV rates are still rising. Faced with this epidemic, the government has passed a radical bill decriminalising the use of soft and hard drugs.
In mid July it will become law, making possession of up to 10 days supply of heroin no more serious than a parking offence. "Repressive policies haven't worked anywhere in the world", says MP Joao Sobral. The government denies it's going soft on smuggling, but a recent 227 kg haul of pure heroin shows Portugal is a favoured route into the EU. This hard-hitting report captures extraordinary Images of drug dealing in action in Lisbon's infamous drugs bazaar.

Produced by Martin Adler

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