27' 00 Vistas of Ambon, destroyed by war.
27' 41 Riots and religious conflict.
28' 15 Jakarta skyline.
28' 59 Indonesian police restraining rioters, rioters attacking police with flags and sticks.
31' 39 Military installation.
32' 38 Church service / mass
33' 19 Footage of Christians and Muslims fighting in Ambon.
34' 18 Man collecting donations for Laskar Jihad.
34' 35 Headquarters of Laskar Jihad Ahlus Sunnah wal Ja'maah.
35'35 Brigadier General being treated for diabetes
38' 27 Speedboat ride to Ambon City
38' 50 Views through no-mans land in Ambon.
39' 28 Military protection of governor, governor's house.
42' 31 Procession of Ambon's Muslim bereaved. Midnight vigil with prayers at Jihad cemetery.
44' 46 Annex of Al Fat'ah Mosque filled with wounded Muslims.
46' 17 Muslim refugee accommodation in old government Tourist Office.
47' 54 Road sandbagged to protect from snipers.
49' 31 Collection of guerrillas with guns and swords.
50' 40 Wrecked village, religious graffiti.
51' 17 Muslim celebration of a battle waged against European colonialists. Men self-driven into a frenzy, cutting themselves with swords.
52' 47 End.

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