CZECH REPUBLIC: Red Renaissance

November 2002 – 14’20”

Nat Sot, Changing of the guard, TAPE 20, TC 35:44 (Military music at 36:16)
Drummer in window, trumpeters, pix of troops arriving at 36:52

Troops march onto parade ground

(Can also use pix from 1st and 2nd takes of ceremony, Tape 1)
Prague Castle - the symbolic seat of power in the Czech republic.

Here, sits President Vaclav Havel – his elite guard performing their daily ritual in the courtyard below.

Nat sot of orders being given, handover of flag

Handing over flag, Tape 1 at 28:42 or on Tape 20 also.

People watching

Soon there’ll be a different changing of the guard here: President Havel has just weeks before he leaves office.

But unlike the well-oiled machinery of his troops, politics in the Czech Republic do not run smoothly - and the President will leave behind a country in political disarray.

(Grab Jiri Pehe) TAPE 2, TC 29:53 (Maybe edit out a few stutters) *English
Opinion polls show up to 70 percent of polled Czechs think that the Democratic parties are not doing their job right and that politics is a corrupt business. 30:05

Corruption, scandal and dubious tactics at the polls - Czech voters are fed up.

**MAP*** (Bring up music of Jazz band on bridge) TAPE 20, TC 24:42 ‘One, two, ..” ‘Sunny Side of the Street’ runs thru to TC 25:44

Dissolve from map thru to high shot of Seven Bridges, TAPE 13, TC 57:25,
Tight of boat passing, TAPE 13, TC 58:19
Sunlight on colourful rows of apartments, TAPE 1, TC 50:16 (maybe 2 shots?)

People on Charles bridge, jazz band playing, TAPE 20

Woman throwing in money TC
Czechs have certainly felt the sunny side of the street in the last decade or so.

They were quick to throw off the shackles of Communism with a healthy appetite for wealth and freedom.

Those dark days are now a dim memory – for some, there’s no memory at all.
Pub atmos, TAPE 12, TC 36:35, beer being poured TAPE 13, TC 1:04

Drinking beers
In a busy backstreet pub, a group of young Czechs blends in - 4 of the forty members of the budding Young Communist Party.

(Grab leader of Young Communists) TAPE 12, TC 54:30 (maybe thought-track grab?)
Well, we do have our supporters but of course there are the angry anti-Communists, non-democrats who would like to hang us from street-lamps and so on.

Shots of them chatting and drinking
Twenty six year old computer network manager, Zdenek Stefek is Party leader.

Just thirteen when the Communists were ousted – he has rediscovered old ideals.

(Grab leader) TAPE 12, TC 57:14
Voters have been disappointed by the vast majority of parties and movements who’ve made it to the top. They promised things but the reality has been very different. That’s one thing about the Communist Party - their unambiguous and highly principled policies. 57:33

Nat sot tanks rolling into Prague, TAPE CV 02/024

Communism, enforced by the might of the Soviet Union – it inflicted decades of oppression on the Czech people.

Hundreds of thousands were killed, jailed or sent to labour camps.

(Archival of Velvet Revolution, music) Poss E 89/322 Title: Prague Demo 18th Nov ‘89

Finally, the people rose up as one.

Nat sot Broadcast “ By Prague standards it was a massive show of anti-communist party people power, the likes of which has not been seen here for over 20 years.”

Nat sot crowd, candles waving

Pix of protest – faces

Six weeks in late 1989, became known world-wide as the Velvet Revolution, the bloodless coup that toppled the regime.

Dissolve to shot of Prague castle today, TAPE 13, TC 50:23

(PTC) TAPE 13, TC 49:45 (Overlay start of PTC with a shot of Prague castle)
So the Communists were defeated, democracy restored and the people of the Czech Republic have since enjoyed their freedom. But it hasn’t been a fairytale ending to the story here at Prague castle. Instead the political parties of the new democracy have descended into a quagmire of squabbling as they fight to steer the country in different directions. In the meantime, the unthinkable has happened - the Communist Party has quietly enjoyed a resurgence.

Nat sot bells on clock tower, figures moving TAPE 9, TC 9:07 (*NEW time-code)

Shots of people in the street, faces Tape 20

Swarms of people
The warning bells sounded at the mid-year elections.

Hundreds of thousands of Czechs stayed away from the polling booths.

Those who DID vote, gave one party a massive swing of 200 000 extra votes & 40 seats in Parliament - the Communist Party.

(Grab Jiri Pehe) TAPE 2, TC 28:22
The Communist Party is now seen by many young people as, as a clean party. It is slightly absurd but this is a party that, because it has not been seen in government for 13 years, could not have gotten its hands dirty so to speak. 28:38

Pix Pehe with Havel, TAPE 16, TC 1:58
Former political adviser to President Vaclav Havel, Jiri Pehe says the main political parties have themselves to blame.

(Grab Jiri Pehe) TAPE 2, TC 29:33
The Communist Party has become a protest party. A lot of people, many people, wanted to punish the Democratic parties for what they - they have seen as corruption, as a sort of lack of principles. 25:50

Nat sot car driving, TAPE 14, shot thru window, raindrops TC

In car, Hana driving to prison Tape 14,
TC 3:21
No-one knows more about the mud-slinging than Hana Marvanova.

Driving shot of car past prison walls, TAPE 14, 5:31,

Shot of barbed wire, Tape 14, TC 39:28

Hana walks thru jail door TC 6:12,
walking with guard at 8:16
This is the first time in 13 years, the former student dissident has returned to Ruzyne prison where she was jailed by the Communists.

These days, she’s the country’s most senior female politician.

(Thought-track Hana) TAPE 14, TC 24:54 (Cover with walk or views from window)
This was an extremely important experience in my life and I think that those who were not put through such an intense experience, cannot know what it is like. 25:05

Hana looking out window and view from cell window
Back in her old cell, she shudders at the memories unable to believe the Communist Party might be on the comeback trail.

(Grab Hana Marvanova) TAPE 8, TC 28:09
I do believe that whenever a fascist or communist party is given the chance to rule, they always establish a totalitarian regime which always ends on the same note – human victims. That’s why they should never be given another chance. (end of sentence)

Hustler truck arrives, quick cuts on movement in the factory/music TAPE 11

Magazines with Hana’s face on them
A Parliamentary deputy and former party leader, it wasn’t Hana Marvanova’s politics that hit the headlines, but her sex life.

Up music, quick cuts of machinery and magazine being packed etc .. TAPE 11

Shots of Hana’s face going by on magazine

Dissolve through to pix on TAPE 3, Hana with family and friends walking down street

**NEW V/O**
Pornographic magazine Hustler targeted the single mother of two in an article called the Love Life of our Joan of Arc.

Sub-titled the Great Bed Tandem, it delivered a sordid barrage of accusations -that she’d deliberately seduced married men, used sex for favours from journalists and generally bed-hopped.
It questioned the paternity of her children and flouted the suicide of her father – in short, it was devastating.

Not that Hustler’s Czech editor, Martin Danes, is remotely apologetic.

(Grab Martin Danes) TAPE 12, TC 12:28
I think the article is a top quality piece. I also know it was meticulously researched by the two journalists who wrote it. It wasn’t something that was written straight off, in just one or two days. (12:39) So I was very satisfied with the article and in my opinion it was one of the best articles we’d ever had in Hustler. 12:47

Two shot with Hana
Hana Marvanova denies every accusation.

(Grab Hana Marvanova) TAPE 8, TC 39:08
I was absolutely disgusted. Frankly speaking, I still haven’t come to terms with it. (39:16) On the other hand, I try to ignore it and live like it never happened. I try not to contemplate the contents and I didn’t mention it at home to my children. 39:26

(Grab Jiri Pehe) TAPE 2, TC 25:15
I’m almost sure this was a political, political scheme. That someone felt that shortly before the election a politician who would be potentially popular, who could take away votes from other parties, from, from the competitors, that this was the kind of thing that could be done to her.

Walk-in by Martin Danes at Hustler office, TAPE 12, TC 26:34

Danes talking with staff member, going through magazine

Cutaway close-up magazine TC 30:59
Hustler didn’t stop there.

In a direct lift from its infamous founder Larry Flynt, the magazine offered one million crowns to anyone with juicy scandal to embarrass Czech politicians.

(Grab Martin Danes) TAPE 12, TC 8:35
Hustler’s “philosophy” is to provoke and I think this goal was clearly achieved by publishing the ad. 8:49

(Nat sot Communist party rally, music) TAPE 16, TC 2:02

Nat sot girls handing out cards

**NEW V/O**
Till now, the Communist Party has been treated like political lepers.

But their victory at the polls will force the shaky coalition government here to do business with them, says Vice-President Vaclav Exner.

(Grab Vaclav Exner, Vice-Pres Communist Party) TAPE 7, TC 15:42
As far as I’m concerned, I am in power. If a party has more than one fifth of the seats in Parliament then it’s in power. 15:55

The Communist Party of today is a shadow of the Communist Party of the past.

But many of the faces are the same, so too, the ideology and the bid for power.

(Grab Vaclav Exner, VP, Communist Party) TAPE 7, TC 16:27
(Yesly) If you are asking me whether we will one day be in government, then of course I think we will. 16:33

There is just the barest acknowledgement of the crimes against the Czech people.

(Grab Vaclav Exner, VP, Communist Party) TAPE 7, TC 35:30
Yes, mistakes were made, there were even criminal acts committed by people with the Communist Party card. It’s our problem – our shame and discredit. We have to get over that as I hope, we shall not make the same mistakes again. 35:47

But many Czechs it seems, ARE nostalgic for the old days.

They’ve returned in their droves, to a woman who sang to them in the seventies and who’s still singing today.

The Czechs very own Cher, Helena Vondrackova.

Nat sot in make-up room, Helena being made up TAPE 4, TC from 0:32

Helena being made up

Magazine in hand, ‘comeback’ TC 2:24

More cutaways on Tape 4a if needed
The 53 year old has enjoyed a staggering comeback.

Bolstered by old and new fans alike, she’s enjoying a popularity that surpasses even her days as a Communist-era star.

Nat Sot Helena, entering for interview TAPE 4, TC 5:22 “Hello, nice to meet you”

Just don’t infer she has the Communists to thank for her triumphs – she has just successfully sued one Czech journalist for that accusation.

Grab Helena Vondrackova) TAPE 4, TC 20:37
He called me a pro-regime singer in a number of newspapers and I absolutely deny it. I had nothing in common with the regime, I didn’t care about politics. 20:51

*V/O Change
But Helena Vondrackova WAS one of those artists who acquiesced to the Communist regime, in order to keep performing.

Her name appeared on an infamous declaration of support for the regime signed by artists and entertainers in 1977 – though she says she doesn’t know how it got there.

(Grab Helena Vondrakova) TAPE 4, TC 33:41 (*New Late IN)
I didn’t object to it, I admit it. But I saw that as dangerous because I’m sure I would have been persecuted (*EARLY OUT)

Music video of Helena with Hasselhof

Video clip

Two shot with Hana
She insists her success is owed to hard work – not built on Communist party connections.

But for many she represents a link to that past – and for some, it’s an uncomfortable sign Czechs have begun to forget.

When Helena sued the Czech journalist, the case was defended by none other than politician and lawyer, Hana Marvonova.

(Grab Hana Marvanova) TAPE 8, TC 32:55 (Poss o/l with Velvet Revolution pix)
I do believe her success has much to do with the outcome of this year’s elections and the general climate in our society. 33:03 (EDIT to) 33:14 It’s only natural that after 12 years we see a certain fatigue and people recall with nostalgia, the old times, when life was simpler, some food cheaper and the entertainment may have been shallow but pleasing. 33:37

(Nat sot Hana and kids going into ice-cream parlour) TAPE 3, TC 24:47

Picking ice-creams, leaving shop

Walking along with ice-creams,
As the country heads into a new era of political instability, the nation’s caretakers will have to face the wrath of voters and give them the future promised, back in 1989.

(Thought-track Hana Marvanova) TAPE 8, TC 11:04 Music, pix of Hana and scenic gv’s
That’s a responsibility shared by all the players in this political game, including myself. I, for one, can say I have the will to change things – we just need more politicians with that same willingness. 11:21

optional line of final V/O

**ENDS** Music, wides of streets and canal TC 40:45

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