Male 1: This passionate portrait of a girl with the green eyes appeals to every emotion

Female 1: This piece is remarkable in the sheer volume of paint on a single canvas.

Male 2: The brook stops suddenly below the footbridge, holding its breath. What will happen next in this dramatic conflict between man and nature.

Peter Ryan: In the greenery of Cape Cod, an auspicious black tie affair, appropriate for those who’ve never been able to tie one of the things. At last, a bold new collection that celebrates artistic flops, failures and foul-ups, brought to you by the Museum of Bad Art, known to its affectionate followers as MOBA.

Scott Wilson: This is MOBA’s Mona Lisa. It’s the first painting in the collection, and the one that we are the most, obviously the most proud of.

Ryan: The museum’s curator, antique collector and art school dropout Scott Wilson, found ‘Lucy in the Field with Flowers’ in a rubbish bin one night four years ago.

Scott: She seems to be hovering in these daisies, not necessarily sitting.

Ryan: So this particular piece set the standard for bad art?

Scott: Yes, most definitely. Well, it definitely just was, at that point, it put it in our minds that there must be more stuff out there like this.

Scott: It appears to me one of those haunted house paintings, where the eyes follow you around the room.

Ryan: This is ‘Sunday on the Pot with George.’ And obviously, a stunning pointillist work, which we are very proud to have made a permanent part of the collection.

So the museum of Bad Art is a tribute to people who just haven’t made it?

Scott: Right, it definitely is a tribute. We’re trying to say to the world, you know, what right do you have to name a museum of fine arts? Why are these things kept out? Why isn’t everybody included in the world of art?

Woman 1: It is definitely bad.

Woman 2: The other thing that’s remarkable is, he’s got no feet.

Ryan: The Museum of Bad Art, complete with cheap wine and savouries, is now even listed in the Boston phone directory.

Computer Voice: The friends of MOBA proudly present The Virtual Museum of Bad Art.

Ryan: And like other museums of high repute. It’s also available on CD Rom - a tour through the cyberspace of bad art for followers who can’t seem to get enough.

Ryan: Is it really bad?

Man: No it’s not that bad. I’d hang it in my living room.

Wife: Not on your life

For the artists like Bonnie Daly, the museum gives failure new found respect. She created ‘Pablo Presley’ as a gift for her brother-in-law, who handed it over right away.

Bonnie Daly: At first I didn’t know whether to be insulted or to be flattered. But I think it deserves a place here in the museum.

Ryan: Do you think it’s really bad. though?

Daly: I think it’s bad.

Ryan: There’s still plenty of bad art in stock, just waiting to be unveiled.

Scott: I give you ‘Tinkerbell in Time.’

FX: Cheers

Ryan: Perhaps it’ll be enough to stop bad art from getting a good name.

Crowd chanting: It’s so weird. People look at it, can’t figure it out. They stand so long, they grow a beard, and that’s what it’s all about.

FX: Cheers

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Journeyman Pictures Ltd. 4-6 High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0RY, United Kingdom

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