


As the Middle East peace process falters many in the West are blaming Syria and ...


Assad Posters


President Assad for precipitating Israel's right wing election results.


Lebanon Hills and Hizbollah mourners


The hills of South Lebanon have seen little peace though by proxy they're controlled by President Assad and Syria. Hizbollah's wrath has reigned freely. Throughout the Middle East peace process Syria's compliance ensured Hizbollah had a base in Lebanon.


Hizbollah archive


While Syria attended the Middle East Peace process they did nothing to halt Hizbollah attacks against Israel. With attacks like this happening almost every week peace might have seemed further away than ever.


High shot over Damascus


And back in Syria the pact last week between Israel and Turkey highlighted the other Middle Eastern war which could not continue without Syrian support.


Syrian countryside


Syrian Kurds are given few freedoms at home but they are encouraged to fight in Turkey.


Syrian Kurd down stairs and


This Syrian man lost his son in PKK guerrilla battles there.


shows PKK picture


Thousands of Syrian Kurds are encouraged to join the war against Turkey for Kurdish rights but they have little freedom within Syria.



Syrian Kurd

There are 11 Kurdish parties in Syria and they are tolerated.  They are struggling for Kurdish rights but the Syrian government does not respond to their demands.



Cars driving


At a secret location in the heart of Syria lives the leader of Turkey's PKK guerrillas. Few are given permission to travel there.


Parade at PKK Training Camp


Since the peace process began almost no one has mentioned Syria's involvement in Turkey's most bloody of wars.




These are Kurds from Syria and the Kurdish Diaspora around the world. They've come here to train before going to fight against the Turkish army.


Training in camp at night


Syria denies supporting the PKK but this most isolated of guerrilla armies would have difficulty surviving without Syrian benevolence.


Apo setup


Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of Turkey's PKK rebels, has for many years used Syria and Iran's protection but he denies that the PKK receives anything more than shelter from them..



Abdullah Ocalan

PKK President

We do have contacts with Iran and Syria and can come and go from but this does not constitute financial or political support. There are hundreds of political supporters in both Syria and Iran. There always have been.





Abdullah Ocalan oversees the recruitment of hundreds of new PKK fighters each year. Many grew up overseas, their parents part of the huge Kurdish Diaspora, refugees from the war in South East Turkey.




Life for the PKK recruits is a studious one. Their doctrine is a complex  blend of Marxism and Ocalan's ideals.




Milan comes from Australia. She's been fighting in the hostile mountains of Turkey since age 14.


Interview: Milan

Before when I was in Australia I was feeling like a girl, any girl, just thinking of  life, love, other things.

As a guerrilla In Kurdistan you see your friends die next to you.  Their legs are lying around, every part of them. And you have to think there. You have to become strong. If you leave and start to cry then that means you're finished.



Ceremony where recruits swear In


As international attention turns to Syria the PKK is sure to come under further scrutiny but they say they are recruiting more fighters than ever.


Recruit swears in

I will educate myself to become a good party militant, as outlined by the PKK model. I will not get confused. I will be decisive. I swear this to the Party leaders, the Party, the  revolutionary martyrs, the people and all my comrades here.



Interview: Ocalan

I prefer to recruit only one member from a family but sometimes there is a lot of resistance. There are families who have given three or four children, families who have given three or four martyrs. I try to prevent this but sometimes they look at what other families are doing and choose to come as well.



PKK in Mountains


And this is what the Syrian camps are training Kurds for. 20 000 have died in this tough mountainous terrain, fighting for Kurdish rights and autonomy. It's something their enemies the Turks refuse to consider.


Apo lectures troops

In order to remain on top I say your path must be like the flight of an eagle. Guerrilla life is like an eagle's life. It should be flying and soaring to high aims, not clucking like a chicken. That doesn't suit guerrillas.



Apo and troops


After nearly 15 years at war Ocalan still harbours high ideals for his forces. But whether or not his Syrian hosts will be able to withstand the international scrutiny now focused on Syria must be one of Ocalan's greatest worries.

ENDS 06:38





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