00:02:19.18 The sick call in over there
00:02:25.00 and here we keep the medicines.

00:02:28.00 My logic may be feminine…

00:02:31.18 …but I don’t understand your…

00:02:34.00 …masculine logic at all.

00:02:34.00 Somebody tagged this patient HIV-positive
00:02:39.12 against all regulations.

00:02:39.12 But you go even further. You put contaminated
00:02:47.00 on the cover of the file

00:02:47.00 Nobody gets to see those.
00:02:53.09 –Take those notifications off now.

Tc. 02.56 – . Natalja Bolsunovskaya, has been fighting for years against the oppression of the system, for a more humanitarian existence.

00:03:02.06 Thank you. Goodbye

00:03:23.06 Justice
00:03:27.06 is very important for me.

00:03:28.12 You can only change things when
00:03:34.12 you handle things strategically and with delicacy

00:03:37.06 …and you need to be willing to compromise.

00:03:37.06 Otherwise it’ll get you down
00:03:41.12 and you’ll accomplish nothing.

00:03:47.00 Deposit your phones and cameras here.
00:03:53.18 – Here is your card.

00:03:56.00 Put it in your pocket and don’t lose it.

00:03:59.06 Where are we walking to?

00:03:59.06 Are we going through here?
00:04:02.18 – And after that through there.

Tc. 04.04 – In the female prison at Krasnodar, there are over 1500 prisoners. Their crimes vary, from women who sold illegal medication to curb their poverty, to women who killed their husbands after years of abuse. But most are here for drug usage and prostitution. However, they spend years in prison for something that would only receive a fine in Europe.

00:04:36.24 There’s a place under the sun for everybody:
00:04:42.12 For you, for me, for that cat over there…

00:04:42.12 … and for the naked and penniless.
00:04:47.06 But you’re not either.

00:04:47.06 You’re far from naked and penniless.
00:04:51.00 Not by a long way.

Tc. 04.52 – As the head of the medical service for the justice department, Natalja is responsible for the healthcare in 15 prisons in this region. The lack of funding from the Russian Government makes this a very difficult and gruelling job.

00:05:09.03 You can only go to the aids centre
00:05:16.06 once the symptoms of the disease are apparent

00:05:19.00 There you will be examined…

00:05:19.00 …and if they can determine the contamination
00:05:25.00 has really developed into the disease…

00:05:25.00 …then the justice department is informed
00:06:29.18 and you can leave.

00:05:29.18 But that arrangement is only
00:05:35.12 for people who are fatally ill.

00:05:35.12 People with defect heart and lungs,
00:05:42.21 swollen legs, and heart failure.

Tc. 05.44 – The female prisoners feel that the few rights they have are thanks to Natalja Bolsunovskaya, but she believes that she does no more than is her duty and what is morally right.

00:05:58.18 I’m a psychiatrist and understand
00:06:03.06 that even if I do a lot…

00:06:08.00 …it can still accomplish very little.

00:06:08.00 To gain even a small amount of change, I’ll have to
00:06:14.00 talk to as many different people possible.

00:06:14.00 If you only talk to two, three people
00:06:18.00 about what you want…

00:06:18.00 it doesn’t matter how much you assert yourself…


00:06:26.06 …you still get nothing.

00:06:26.06 If you talk to more people, the chance
00:06:32.12 of finding equally minded people is greater.

00:06:32.12 Sometimes you won’t find anybody
00:06:37.12 who wants what you want for more than a year.

Tc. 06.42 – According data from the Russian government, almost three-quarters of the prisoners are physically or mentally ill. The majority of these have TBC, hepatitis, syphilis or AIDS. Here in Krasnodar prison there are over 125 women who are infected with the HIV virus. Yet unlike the majority of Russian Prisons, these women have been given separate accommodation thanks to the help of Natalja. Whilst this situation is better, it does not resolve all the medical problems.

00:07:27.12 The little medical help we get,
00:07:35.00 is extremely basic

00:07:35.00 In autumn and winter it’s freezing here,
00:07:40.06 especially for those who have contracted a fever.

00:07:40.06 Even if you make it to the medical facility,
00:07:46.06 They can rarely ever help you.

00:07:46.06 When we were in solitary confinment,
00:07:57.18 at least Natasja Filipovna was there to help us.

00:07:51.15 She’s still there for you.
00:07:57.18 – No, she can’t see us anymore

00:07:57.18 She’s the only one around here
00:08:02.00 who listens to you.

00:08:02.00 When you talk to her, she can calm you down
00:08:08.06 She used to come to talk to you in solitary too.

Tc. 08.08 –doctor Natasja Phillipovna is the only support Natalja has in this prison, and she has now fallen seriously ill. The prisoners are unaware of her condition and are under the impression the authorities have taken their doctor from them, creating an impossible situation for Natalja. .

00:08:35.06 Natasja has to give herself injections.

00:08:35.06 Natasja Filipovna is my friend,
00:09:39.06 she supports me and helps me through the tough times.

00:08:39.06 I can see her health
00:08:43.12 deteriorate in front of me.

00:08:46.12 She feels for the prisoners.

00:08:46.12 She personally cares about the fate
00:08:52.06 of these 125 people.
00:08:55.06 They just can’t live without her.

00:08:55.06 How can I lose her
00:09:00.06 and help them at the same time?

00:09:00.06 Without her they’re suffering.
00:09:05.18 She is all that is positive for them

00:09:05.18 That’s why she belongs here.
00:09:11.00 but five times a day she has to give herself an injection

00:09:11.00 Otherwise she’ll die. Girls, be
00:09:17.00 good for her. She’ll keep taking care of you.
00:09:18.12 Good luck. Bye.
00:09:22.00 – Thanks.

00:09:27.00 And don’t get sick, my little girls.
00:09:33.03 – Thank you. Please come here.

00:09:33.03 Don’t cry.
00:09:37.12 – And don’t be afraid of anything or anyone.

00:09:38.06 I’m leaving. Goodbye.
00:09:42.18 – Goodbye. And thanks. Thanks.

Tc. 09.42 – Even with the problems the appreciation of Natalja is still apparent.

00:09:50.06 She’s very sentimental. She keeps crying.
00:09:54.12 She kisses us and things like that.

00:09:54.12 ‘Girls, you can’t be sick, you know.’
00:09:59.00 She’s a really nice lady.

00:10:02.23 She’s one of us. Really.

00:10:36.18 They’ve all been abandoned.

00:10:37.06 They’re abandoned as they’ve
00:10:42.18 been sent here for a couple of years.

00:10:42.18 Even if they have a mother at home,
00:10:47.12 or a sister, or a partner.

00:10:47.12 They do visit them,
00:10:51.12 but in the meantime they’re alone.

00:10:51.12 And then they want to express to someone
00:10:56.18 that they feel bad, are homesick…

00:10:56.18 …or that they haven’t had any letters
00:11:01.06 for a long time.

00:11:01.06 I want every doctor to write
00:11:07.06 a letter home with someone like that.

00:11:07.06 Everybody laughs at me
00:11:10.12 when I tell them what I do…

00:11:10.12 …but I think I should do it.
00:11:16.24 I’m not just here for the pills.

Tc. 11.28 – It’s the next day at a male prison. Here things are run very differently, but unfortunately we are unable to film anything past the health post.

00:11:53.12 Haven’t been here for a month, have you? Hi.

Tc. 11.55 – Today we see a completely different Natalja. Tough, ruthless, to the point. And not without reason, she has found out that the head of the health post here is not doing his administration properly and is disregarding the medical problems of the male prisoners.

00:12:12.12 Can you make sure
00:12.15.18 I’ll get everything?

00:12:24.12 Who are you working with here?
00:12:31.00 – With Vadim Petrovitsj, he’s a dentist.

00:12:31.00 There is a lot of work
00:12:34.12 but nobody who wants to do it.

00:12:36.18 Not for that money, no.

00:12:36.18 Should we just put a stop
00:12:42.06 to our medical service?

00:12:42.06 Because the salary is too low
00:12:46.00 and nobody wants to do the work

00:12:46.00 But there are patients who have the right
00:12:51.12 to healthcare according to regulations.

00:12:51.12 And it’s the same throughout the country.
00:12:56.12 Although nobody wants to offer it.

00:12:56.12 You decide: Do we want healthcare
00:13:03.18 the way you carry it out?

00:13:03.18 If you say yes,
00:13:08.00 do what you got to do.

00:13:12.06 Or be honest and say no, and stop what you are doing.

00:13:12.06 I am not demanding the impossible from you,
00:13:17.00 but at least try…

00:13:19.12 …to keep up with your own laboratory.

00:13:19.12 And don’t blame it on the fact
00:13:25.06 you’ve had a job vacancy for years.

00:13:25.06 Nobody wants to work here
00:13:30.00 because of your policy.

00:13:33.18 We’re trying, but personnel…

00:13:36.18 …remains to be a problem for us.
00:13:36.18 Natalja, don’t you trust the doctors
00:13:42.18 and the medical staff here?

00:13:45.18 Because you’re very severe with them.

00:13:45.18 Not really. He just doesn’t do as I say.
00:13:51.00 He says yes to everything…

00:13:51.00 …but in a month
00:13:54.10 he still hasn’t accomplished anything.

00:13:56.12 He still doesn’t do
00:14:00.00 what he should.

00:14:00.00 It’s no use being nice.
00:14:04.00 Then he doesn’t change.

00:14:04.00 It’s in his nature. He’s ambitious
00:14:10.12 and thinks he can do and knows everything.

00:14:10.12 Now he pretends to agree with everything,
00:14:15.00 but in his heart he protests.

00:14:15.00 The gentle approach isn’t
00:14:19.06 suitable for him. Only being strict works.

00:14:19.06 Without scolding him, or humiliating him
00:14:25.06 he won’t change, you just need to point him to the facts.

00:14:26.00 How long have you been HIV-positive?
00:14:32.00 – About eight years, I think.

00:14:32.00 Eight years. Do you often
00:14:36.06 have a cold…

00:14:39.06 …and the flu, where everything hurts?

00:14:45.00 I often get boils.

00:14:45.00 Did you have those before the infection?
00:14:50.06 – No.

Tc. 14.50 – Whilst Natalja Bolsunovskaya is tough against the authorities she is compassionate with the people who lack opportunity and especially with the prisoners, like Andrei, that have contracted AIDS.

00:15:04.06 What would I like to change about the system?
00:15:09.00 I’d love to have…

00:15:09.00 …good healthcare
00:15:14.00 in every prison…
00:15:14.00 …and enough staff
00:15:18.00 to offer it.

00:15:18.00 To get enough people you have to
00:15:24.06 make the work attractive financially.

00:15:24.06 You have to offer them accommodation and make sure
00:15:31.18 they’re children have everything they need.

00:15:31.18 Then you’ll get people who want to
00:15:37.12 help the patients.

00:15:37.12 Apparently a hungry doctor has
00:15:44.18 less to offer a sick person.

00:15:44.18 I think a hungry doctor
00:15:48.18 is unusual .

00:15:51.18 All I can do is hope
00:15:58.00 that you don’t lose your spirit.

00:15:58.00 If you keep it, you’ll be less bothered
00:16:03.12 by boils and other suffering.

00:16:03.12 And remember: try to avoid the cold
00:16:09.06 and flu and other infections like that

Tc. 16.17 – Natalja Bolsunovskaya is a woman fighting against the system. Against suppression, against the authorities.

00:16:19.06 As far as that’s possible
00:16:13.10 during these conditions.

00:16:27.12 I’ll be honest about it:
00:16:33.00 In my presence my superiors say…

00:16:33.00 …how delighted they are about me,
00:16:39.06 that I’m so sensible…

00:16:39.06 …demanding, severe, courageous,
00:16:43.00 and so on.

00:16:43.00 But behind my back
00:16:45.21 they call me a bitch.


Tc. 17.05 – The End
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