Kabul Football Club
Duration: 50’ 18 . Un film de Nicolas Delloye and Thierry Trelluyer
A film by Nicolas Delloye and Thierry Trelluyer
IN 10:00:06:00 BONNE PIOCHE présente
OUT 10:00:11:00
IN 10:00:14:00
OUT 10:00:19:00 in collaboration with France 5
IN 10:00:24:00
OUT 10:00:29:00 A film by Nicolas Delloye and Thierry Trelluyer
IN 10:00:38:00
10:00:45:00 COMMENTAIRE
When Afghanistan faces Pakistan, the stakes are always high. Both countries histories are closely intertwined.
On one side, Pakistan, the heavily armed regional power. On the other, Afghanistan, its fragile neighbour, just emerging from 25 years of war. Their relationship remains tense.
The game tonight is to qualify for the South Asian Cup. Both teams are at the bottom of the FIFA ranking list. Pakistan are playing in front of their home crowd in Karachi. They hope to confirm their supremacy.
But, for the Afghans, dressed in red, this is a crucial game. It marks their return to international competition after 33 years of isolation.
10:01:38:00 COMMENTAIRE
Afghanistan’s national football team is trained by Ali Askar Lali. He’s one of the only homegrown football stars Afghanistan has ever produced.
10:02:01:00 COMMENTAIRE
Lali prepared for this crucial game in Kabul under very difficult conditions. The city is still struggling with reconstruction and dependent on foreign aid.
Security is maintained by Coalition forces. They face a difficult mission: to deploy a lasting peace.
10:02:24:00 COMMENTAIRE
Under the Taliban, football was discouraged and fans banned from cheering. But even they could not destroy the Afghan people’s passion for football.
In the gardens of the former presidential palace, children come to play every afternoon.
Despite decades with no national team, Football remains one of the most popular sports in Afghanistan.
10:02:47:00 COMMENTAIRE
Surprisingly, Kabul City Stadium survived the bombings. When accessible, it hosts a few games between local teams in Kabul.
In Afghanistan, there is no nationwide league. Each region across the country manages its own championship.
10:03:11:00 COMMENTAIRE
Today the stadium is being renovated and the national team has to start its training on a piece of waste ground.
Lali selected 25 players from across Kabul and the whole country. Now, he has to build a team: the eleven reds who will confront Pakistan.
10:04:01:00 ITV Lali
At the moment, we’re training in appalling conditions. We can only practice on this dusty pitch. Conditions are really bad so we have to make do with any kind of physical exercise. Anyway, we can’t do anything else on this kind of ground. But considering the coming event, we should already have been preparing our tactics. I can tell you that we are far from that. We can’t continue like this. We need a proper pitch to train on.
10:04:13:00 COMMENTAIRE
Lali knows better than anyone else the symbolic strength of such a game for his people. In this difficult period of reconstruction, facing such a critical opponent and bringing home a victory would help restore national pride.
10:04:32:00 COMMENTAIRE
In the 1970s, the golden age of Afghan football, Lali captained the national football team.
His squad, known as the Kabul Football Club, was made up of the best players of the City. They also formed the national team.
In 1976, in a crammed stadium, Afghanistan defeated Pakistan. All over the country, Afghan celebrated their victory.
By scoring the crucial goal, Lali secured victory for his country.
His moment of glory was witnessed by the entire country. All the authorities gathered for the occasion.
10:05:25:00 ITV Lali
At that time, Pakistan was already our rival. Relationships between both countries were not good. So when I scored the victory goal that day, it was the best day of my life.
After the game, the President of Afghanistan came to congratulate all the players and gave us some money. It was the first time I ever earned money playing football.
10:05:56:00 COMMENTAIRE
Since then, the country has never stopped chasing its past glory. Lali holds the destiny of the team in his hands as he tries to bring it back to life. But time is running out. Preparation for the game against Pakistan could only begin after the long winter.
Lali settled down in Macrorayan district. These blocks were built by the Soviets for the communist party apparatchiks and became the front-line during the civil war. Yet, these flats are luxurious by Afghan standards. They come with running water and four hours of electricity a day.
Lali sees his job as a personal mission. Working alone on rebuilding the team, the coach knows he can only count on his true supporters: his players.
10:06:55:00 ITV Lali
We have a good group. They’re young and very motivated. They all want to play for Afghanistan. But we need competitions to really improve. Willingness is not enough. And if we don’t gain more support from the football federation, we won’t be able to improve. It’s not enough to be a good group. We need experience.
10:07:27:00 COMMENTAIRE
In Afghanistan, there is no professional football. All the players selected by Lali had to make sacrifices to join the preparation for the game against Pakistan.
Those coming from the regions had to give up their jobs. A few players from Kabul, like Shams, can keep on working, with their employers’ permission.
The twenty years old goal-keeper was not even born when Lali became a legend. But he has been inspired by his country’s history.
10:07:58:00 ITV Shams
I started playing football in 1998 when I watched the world cup - the one happening in France. At that time, I was a refugee in Pakistan. I started playing there as a goal keeper. When I returned to Kabul two years ago, I looked for a job in an NGO but I couldn’t find anything. I kept on playing in a local team in Kabul. I was spotted and they selected me in the national team.
10:08:45:00 COMMENTAIRE
Everyday, Shams has to race across the city, through gridlocked traffic, to Jalal’s shop. He works here part time, fitting in shifts around his training.
10:09:10:00 ITV Shams
For the time being, no one really knows us in Afghanistan. They don’t talk about us on TV. There’s not any promotion around the national team. Most people don’t even know that a national team exists. It would really help if the media got behind us.
10:09:38:00 COMMENTAIRE
For Shams and the rest of the team, History has still to be written. But they have a long way to go before they replace Lali and his teammates in the hearts of the Afghan people.
After their heroic victory against Pakistan in 1976, Lali’s team scored a second major victory. But this time, it was a political triumph against the Soviet invaders.
10:10:01:00 COMMENTAIRE
In Decembre 1979, the Red Army invaded the country. Russian tanks block Kabul’s streets. It is the beginning of a long war period for Afghanistan.
As a protest against the Soviet invasion, most Western Nations decide to boycott the 1980 Olympics, hosted by Moscow
To replace the absent Western countries, Russia summoned its satellite states and invited other Soviet countries to participate. The order came for Kabul’s national football team to go to Moscow.
But Lali and all the players made a decision which changed their entire lives. None of them will reach the games. Just few days before the opening ceremony, they leave their country.
10:10:52:00 ITV Lali
I didn’t know how long I would be away for. I thought I would be back soon. But I was young, had no experience. My father knew it would be long time. It was the first I’ve seen him crying. He didn’t think we would ever see each other again.
10:11:38:00 COMMENTAIRE
The team split into small groups and left Afghanistan by road. After several months, they met again in West Germany which had a reputation for being the most welcoming Western country for Afghan refugees.
They all settle in Paderborn, a small town in Dortmund surroundings where a local businessman hired them to work in his factory.
Lali and the players of the national team re-formed, playing for a third league club in a regional championship.
10:12:15:00 ITV Lali
For us, defecting was the best way to show people, there is a Russian army in Afghanistan and we don’t accept them.
10:12:32:00 COMMENTAIRE
For Lali and his players, each game is a demonstration of support to the Afghan people.
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In 1989, when the Red Army withdrew from Afghanistan, Lali hoped he could now return home.
10:12:56:00 ITV Lali
I always dreamed of returning to my country with my family. When the Russians left, I thought it was possible. But fighting took over. The Mujahadin, who resisted against the soviets, splintered into different factions and started fighting each other.
10:13:21:00 COMMENTAIRE
Destined to remain a refugee, Lali taught himself computers, learned to speak German and took care of his three children. But his thoughts always bring him back to his homeland.
10:13:35:00 ITV Lali
We always listened to a Persian radio programme to stay aware of what was happening in Afghanistan. The News was always the same: war, death, bombings, people trying to escape to Pakistan or Iran. It was a terrible time.
10:13:54:00 COMMENTAIRE
Lali also does not give up on football. Although his career as a football player is over, he becomes a sports trainer and secretly sees himself as a coach in Kabul Stadium.
10:14:12:00 COMMENTAIRE
And in Afghanistan, football remains the national sport. Commander Massoud and his men play matches in the Panjshir highlands, between launching attacks.
10:14:35:00 COMMENTAIRE
Kabul becomes a war zone and suffers the most destructive bombings in its history. Civilians flee the city in their thousands, joining the growing the flow of refugees in Iran and in Pakistan. A quarter of the population left the country.
10:14:59:00 COMMENTAIRE
In Germany, Lali and the former players of the national team create a charitable foundation. Raising funds, they collect medicines and help the refugees seeking asylum.
Civil war ends with the Taliban’s conquest of Kabul in 1996. But those extremist militants, trained and armed in Pakistan, impose a regime of terror on the country.
10:15:36:00 ITV Lali
The Taliban almost destroyed my wish to go back to Afghanistan. It was out of question for me to return with them being there. They had strong international support from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, United-States and England.
10:16:03:00 COMMENTAIRE
Initially, the Taliban banned football but they later relented. Footballers were forced to play in long trousers and sleeves and executions were carried out in half time.
10:16:34:00 COMMENTAIRE
In 2001, US forces defeated the Taliban. Lali returns to Kabul. Of the entire team who beat Pakistan and then defected before the Moscow Olympics, the former captain is the only one to return to Afghanistan. He leaves behind his family to start a new life.
10:16:56:00 ITV Lali
En Allemagne, pendant mon exil j’ai eu la possibilité d’étudier, de devenir entraîneur, et j’ai décidé d’utiliser mes diplômes pour la bonne cause. Je me souviens que quand je suis arrivé dans l’équipe nationale de football afghane à vingt ans, ma vie était devenue soudainement beaucoup plus facile, je ne gagnais pas d’argent, mais j’avais pas mal d’avantage comme footballeur. Alors en souvenir de tous ces moments, aujourd’hui j’essaye de rendre à mon pays tout ce qu’il m’a donné. C’est un peu comme si je m’acquittais d’une dette.
In Germany, during my exile, I had the opportunity to study to become a coach. And I decided to use it for good things. I joined the national football team when I was twenty and my life suddenly became much better than others. I didn’t earn money but I had other benefits being a player. In the name of those great moments, I want to give back to my country all it gave to me. It’s a bit like paying a debt.
10:17:56:00 ITV Lali
When I came back to Afghanistan, I didn’t expect so much change. People have changed and the city is unrecognisable. Everything is destroyed and now people have to cope with reconstruction. I want to help rebuild a sense of national pride with football - to contribute somehow to my country reconstruction.
10:18:39:00 COMMENTAIRE
As Lali dreams about new victories, first he needs a pitch to train. But despite coaching the national football team, he can’t find proper training ground in Kabul.
10 days to go before the game against Pakistan but Lali and Klaus, a trainer from the German federation, are still desperately looking for lawn.
10:19:03:00 Intervention Jardinier
It can be done really soon, it’s the good season, we just need rain... If it rains we could start leveling the ground, you’ll see.
ITV Lali
It’s going to take too much time ! Forget about playing here. We have to find another solution. It might be ready in 6 months or next year, but for this year... Impossible!
10:19:34:00 COMMENTAIRE
A attendant une meilleure solution, Lali a regagné avec ses joueurs le grande stade de Kaboul où les services d’entretien ont bien pris soin de souligner qu’il est interdit de fouler la pelouse.
Waiting for a better solution, Lali withdraw with the young players in Kabul City Stadium where the local staff in charge notifies : keep out from the lawn.
10:19:56:00 COMMENTAIRE
L’équipe va devoir répéter ses gammes sur le béton au pied des tribunes. C’est tout ce que Lali peut proposer à des joueurs qui ont fait leur maximum pour répondre présent à son appel.
Team will have to tune on the concrete. Lali can not offer more to players who did their best to join the group.
10:20:08:00 ITV Lali
Malheureusement la fédération de football afghane n'a pas les moyens de nous apporter son aide. Pas de terrain, mais pas d’argent non plus. Et pourtant les joueurs eux ils font des sacrifices. Il y en a qui viennent de province, certains habitent encore en Iran ou au Pakistan. Et quand ils viennent ici, ils sont loin de leur famille. Ça leur pose de gros problèmes. Ils ont délaissé leur travail et leurs responsabilités de père de famille.
Ils vont être obligés de rester avec nous. En tout cette fois, on les aura mobilisé près de trois semaines. C’est même arrivé qu’on organise des préparations sur six semaines. Vous imaginez ce que ça peut représenter comme manque à gagner pour eux !
Unfortunately, the football federation cannot support us really. No field but no money either. Players themselves did some sacrifices. Some are coming from the far away or still live in Iran or Pakistan. And when they come to Kabul, they are far away from their families. It’s really an issue because they abandon their duties of worker and father. All together this time they’ll have to stay for three weeks but sometimes we organize six weeks preparation sessions. You can imagine all the consequences for them.
10:20:57:00 COMMENTAIRE
Lali a sélectionné des joueurs dans tout le pays. Mais aussi dans toutes les ethnies que compte l’Afghanistan. Un symbole fort !
Lali called players from all over the country and gathered all ethnicities in one group. A first step to a national reconciliation.
10:21:10:00 COMMENTAIRE
Hazaras, pachtounes et tadjiks, anciens ennemis durant la guerre civile, ont accepté de porter ensemble le même maillot.
Hazaras, Pashtuns and Tajiks who were enemies during the civil war finally agreed to defend the same colour.
Ils logent dans la maison délabrée que la fédération afghane a mis à leur disposition.
They are all living together in the most basic conditions.
10:21:24:00 COMMENTAIRE
Wahid, capitaine de la formation, utilise son autorité pour organiser la vie domestique dans des conditions parfois difficiles.
Wahid, captain of team, tries to rule this small community.
10:21:36:00 ITV Wahid
Voilà c’est ici que la fédération nous loge pour la préparation du match. On n’a pas de rangements vous voyez nos vêtements trainent partout, par terre. On a même pas de salle de bain. On doit aller au hammam pour se laver. On n’a pas de chauffage non plus et en ce moment il fait encore tellement froid, qu’on est obligé de dormir tout habillé.
This is the federation house where we live during the preparation. Very basic as you can see, nowhere to do some tidying. We don’t even have a proper bathroom. So we have to go to the hamam. We don’t have any heater either and weather is so called at the moment that we have to sleep all dressed up.
10:22:14:00 ITV Wahid
L’équipe nationale c’est un peu comme une famille, il y a une réelle fraternité entre nous et moi je suis un peu le grand frère. Je suis le plus âgé, je dois constamment montrer l’exemple sur le plan sportif bien sûr mais aussi sur le plan de la vie en général. En particulier pour les jeunes joueurs de l’équipe, je dois rester attentif et toujours montrer l’exemple.
The national team works a bit like a family. There’s a real brotherhood between us and I am the one in charge. I am the oldest so I have to be an example, on the field of course but also in the day-ti-day life.
10:22:40:00 ITV Wahid
Nous tout ce qu’on veut c’est gagner, avoir la meilleure équipe possible et peu importe d’où viennent les joueurs. On est afghans avant tout.
We just want to win! Having the best team and it does not really matter where players are coming from. We are all Afghans.
10:23:04:00 COMMENTAIRE
Les bureaux de la fédération se situent sous les tribunes du stade. Lali s’y rend tous les jours. Entraîneur, sélectionneur mais aussi organisateur, il est l’homme orchestre du football afghan. C’est lui qui a obtenu l’invitation du Pakistan pour venir jouer à Karachi. Il n’a pas le choix, s’il veut que son équipe participe à des rencontres internationales. Aucune formation étrangère n’accepte de faire le voyage à Kaboul. Les conditions de sécurité y sont trop précaires.
Afghan Football federation operates from the Stadium. But Lali is the one who supervises all activities. Trainer, talent searcher and manager, he is the conductor of the Afghan football. As no national team agree to come to Kabul yet, for obvious security reasons, he obtained to play Pakistan in Karachi.
10:23:34:00 ITV Lali
En théorie la fédération devrait se charger de tout le côté administratif, mais en réalité personne ne s’en occupe. Donc c’est moi qui gère tous les problèmes. Alors que normalement, je ne devrais me consacrer qu’à l’entraînement.
Normally, the federation is in charge of all administrative tasks, but in reality no one is taking care of it. So I have to manage all issues by myself other than I should concentrate only on the training.
10:23:49:00 COMMENTAIRE
Pour se rendre à Karachi, l’invitation ne suffit pas, il faut aussi envisager le déplacement de toute l’équipe. Et là rien n’est encore acquis.
Lali compte bien obtenir de la compagnie aérienne nationale des billets pour ses joueurs. Il veut leur éviter à tout prix un long voyage en bus qui ruinerait leurs chances avant même le début du match à Karachi.
With no budget and dealing with a tight schedule, Lali has now to organize the trip. He is willing to obtain from Ariana, the Afghan national airlines, free tickets for his players to avoid a long bus trip which would ruin all his efforts.
10:24:14:00 COMMENTAIRE
La patience est une qualité qu’il vaut mieux posséder ici.
Better be patient down here.
10:24:19:00 COMMENTAIRE
Un rendez-vous était prévu. Mais aujourd’hui, Lali, l’ancienne star du football afghan ne sera reçu par personne.
Today, Lali, the former football idol will not meet anyone from the company.
10:24:38:00 COMMENTAIRE
L’échéance approche. Comme tout entraîneur, Lali doit préparer la meilleure équipe possible.
Time is short. Lali has to prepare the best team for the game.
Il lui faut choisir, composer avec les qualités de chacun et la complémentarité des différents joueurs. Aujourd’hui, la séance d’entraînement servira de sélection définitive.
He has not only to select players for their skills but also for their complementarity and today’s training is the line-up.
Lali a réussi à trouver une pelouse praticable dans une caserne des forces internationales. Des responsables militaires ont accepté de l’aider en lui prêtant un terrain.
Lali finally obtained to use a field in a military compound.
10:25:35:00 COMMENTAIRE
Mais Kaboul est une ville sous tension qui réserve son lot de surprise.
Attentats, barrages militaires, survol et dépose d’hélicoptère rythment le quotidien, transformant parfois la capitale en un gigantesque embouteillage.
But Kabul is under constant security pressure. Terrorist threats and attacks, check-points of all kind can easily transform the city in a huge traffic jam.
10:26:34:00 COMMENTAIRE
Cela fait bientôt plus de deux heures que le bus est bloqué. Lali ne pourra sélectionner l’équipe qu’il alignera lors de la rencontre contre le Pakistan.
It’s been two hours the bus stopped. Lali knows the final selection will not happen today.
10:26:44:00 COMMENTAIRE
A défaut d’une véritable séance de travail, les joueurs vont simplement se détendre un peu. Quelques passes sur le bitume, entre les pare chocs et les pots d’échappement, voilà à quoi est réduit aujourd’hui l’entraînement de l’équipe nationale.
Instead of a proper training session, players finally decide to strech their legs, on the concrete, knees to bumpers among exhaust pipes. This is the national team training for today.
10:27:05:00 COMMENTAIRE
Délaissés par les dirigeants du football, ayant abandonné pour certains d’entre eux leur travail et leur famille pour rejoindre Lali, les joueurs ne savent toujours pas s’ils feront partie des onze qui affronteront le Pakistan. Mais il en faut plus pour les contrarier.
Abandoned by the football authorities, far away from their families. Players left behind their lives to join Lali endehavour. And they do not know yet if they will be part of the eleven who will face Pakistan.
10:27:32:00 COMMENTAIRE
Ils se retrouvent tous les soirs dans le quartier de Char-e-naw, le plus animé et le plus commerçant de la capitale.
They meet again at the end of the day in Shar-e-Nau district, one of the busiest and most lively area of the City.
Le dîner, seul repas payé par la fédération, est l’occasion de se réunir. Le seul moment aussi en dehors du terrain où ceux de province côtoient ceux de Kaboul.
The diner, only gratitude from the federation, gives at least the opportunity for the team to get together out of their ‘search for fieldom’. That’s also when players from Kabul meet those coming from the regions.
10:27:56:00 COMMENTAIRE
Et les gars, faut se détendre un peu là, ça sert à rien de stresser.
Hey guys, relax, no need to stress out!
10:28:21:00 COMMENTAIRE
Le match a lieu dans une semaine. Aujourd’hui le bus de l’équipe a réussi à rejoindre le terrain d’entraînement. C’est dans cette base militaire, à quelques mètres de l’ambassade américaine, que désormais Lali achèvera la préparation avec les joueurs.
One week before the game. Today the bus of the team finally made it to the football pitch. Close by a military base and few blocks from the American Embassy. In between, Lali should complete the preparation with the players.
Il a reçu l’assurance de pouvoir utiliser la pelouse tous les jours. Quand elle est disponible.
He has been assured he can use the field... whenever available.
10:28:52:00 COMMENTAIRE
La décision sera prise a la fin de l’entraînement. 16 joueurs seulement sur les 25 qui ont été conviés à la préparation vont représenter les couleurs de leur pays à Karachi.
Final selection should be taken at the end of the session. Only 16 players among the 25 called for the preparation will have the chance to represent their country in Karachi.
10:29:05:00 Klaus
Lali tu avais raison … C’est bien les blancs qu’il faut mieux aligner contre le Pakistan. Ils sont mieux organisés, ils jouent mieux , ils font mieux circuler le ballon. C’est plus fluide comme jeu.
You were right Lali. Players with the white shirt are the one we should align against Pakistan. They are better organized, they play well together, ball circulation is much more fluid.
10:29:18:00 Klaus
Mais c’est pas possible ! Non ! Ça fait pourtant dix fois qu’on repète la même chose, je sais plus quoi faire moi !
I can’t believe it! No! I keep on repeating myself over and over again, what should I say!?
10:29:32:00 COMMENTAIRE
Les joueurs courent ensemble après leur première victoire, ils rêvent ensemble d’entrer dans l’histoire. Un succès qui symboliserait la reconstruction en cours.
Players are doing their best to be selected. They are all running after their first victory, they all want to be part of History. A first success which would symbolize the on going reconstruction of their country.
10:29:55:00 Lali
Allez les gars ! Replacez vous, mais jouer bon sang !
Come on guys, move! Keep your post, please!
10:29:52:00 Klaus
Oui, oui , vas y c’est une belle passe ça !
Yes, yes! That’s a good pass Bashir!
10:30:01:00 COMMENTAIRE
A l’image de l’équipe de Lali, Kaboul tente de retrouver une vie normale. Mais aucun service ne fonctionne correctement. Transports publics, fourniture d’électricité, éducation, pas un n’échappe aux aléas d’une situation qui se définit ici par un état permanent depuis deux ans : non guerre, non paix.
Like Lali’s team and players, Kabul is trying to recover a normal life. But the City is in chamble. Public transportation, power supply, education, all areas of the society suffer from a statu-quo situation since two years : no war-no peace.
Le système de soin n’est pas mieux loti.
Health conditions are no better.
Un des joueurs a 40 de fièvre. Aucun médecin ne viendra à son chevet.
One of the player has been sick for two days, but there is no way to call a doctor.
L’équipe sait qu’elle ne peut compter que sur elle-même.
The team can only count on itself.
10:31:01:00 ITV Wahid
Ça va faire 3 semaines qu’on est là et personne n’est venu nous voir une seule fois, ne serait-ce que pour savoir si on était toujours en vie.
Déjà on est les seuls sportifs à ne pas être payé, mais en plus on doit tout faire nous même le ménage, la vaisselle la cuisine.
On a un joueur malade depuis deux jours. On a averti la fédération et ils nous ont dit: c’est pas grave il n’a qu’à rester couché et quand il ira mieux il reviendra s’entraîner.
Hier on a fait un entraînement très physique et nous on avait juste pris un verre de lait le matin.
A midi, on a même pas eu le temps de déjeuner parce qu’on avait notre linge à laver.
It’s been three weeks we are living here and nobody came to visit us at least once, just to know if we were still alive! First, we are one of the only not to be paid, second we have to do everything by ourselves: cleaning, washing, cooking.
One of my player has been sick for two days. We told the federation and they say: it’s ok, he can stay home, when he feels better he can go back to training.
Yesterday, we had a long training day and all we had was a glass of milk in the morning. We did not even have time for lunch as we had to do our laundry.
10:31:47:00 COMMENTAIRE
16 joueurs, Lali, Klaus et deux accompagnateurs, en tout vingt personnes vont se déplacer au Pakistan. C’est demain que le départ a lieu et Lali a de quoi être inquiet. Aucune nouvelle en provenance d’Ariana, la compagnie aérienne afghane. Le directeur a bien fait quelques promesses à Lali. Mais sans suite.
A group of 20 persons will travel to Pakistan: 16 players, Lali, Klaus and two staff members. They should leave tomorrow but Lali is worried. No news from Ariana, the Afghan airline company. The director promised to think about it but nothing came up.
10:32:12:00 COMMENTAIRE
Ce matin il retourne au bureau de la compagnie dans l’espoir de décrocher le sésame. Des billets d’avion. Faute de quoi il devra faire le voyage avec ses joueurs en bus.
This morning Lali returns to the company head office to unhook the sesame: flying tickets. If not, he will have to travel with his players by bus.
10:32:25:00 COMMENTAIRE
Après une heure d’attente, Lali est en enfin reçu. Mais il ne se fait plus beaucoup d’illusions.
After an hour waiting, he has a chance to speak out. But he knows well that time is running short now.
10:32:33:00 Klaus
La fédération, les joueurs, tout le monde sera fier de porter le logo de la compagnie Ariana sur le maillot.
Football federation, the players, everybody would be proud to have Ariana logo on the shirt.
10:32:37:00 Président
Nous aussi on serait très content si notre nom apparaissait sur les maillots de l’équipe… pour nous ce serait une possibilité.
And we would be really proud if our name appears on the team shirts... for us it is a possibility.
10:32:45:00 COMMENTAIRE
Le dernier entraînement avant le départ est l’occasion pour les joueurs de reviser les schémas de jeu qui ont été mis en place depuis trois semaines par Lali.
Captain Ali Askar Lali only has one training session to review the tactics he’s been working on for the past three weeks.
10:32:55:00 LALI
Bon les gars aujourd’hui on n’a peu de temps, alors on se dépêche. On va vite s’échauffer, on est efficace et ensuite on fera un petit match entre nous. Deux équipes de onze, onze contre onze. D’accord!
Ok guys, today time is short. So we have to speed up. Let’s start with a short warm up, let’s be efficient and then we’ll have a game between us. Two teams, eleven players, eleven against eleven. Right?
10:33:19:00 LALI
Contourner par la droite, pas par la gauche !
By the right side, not the left!
10:33:26:00 OFF – Soldat US
Il y a un hélicoptère là, vous devez dégager !
Helicopter approaching! you have to get out of here!
10:33:28:00 LALI
Quoi l’hélicoptère ?!
Which helicopter?
10:33:30:00 Soldat US
C’est un chinook de l’armée américaine.
A chinook, US Army.
10:33:39:00 LALI
Bon venez les gars, on va continuer là-bas.
Ok guys, let’s continue over there.
10:33:43:00 Soldat US.
10:34:12:00 Lali
C’est pas le moment de se refroidir, allez continuer à bouger les gars. Wahid, dis leur de continuer !
Stay warm, keep on moving guys! Wahid, tell them to keep on.
10:34:26:00 COMMENTAIRE
Depuis le début de la préparation, Lali se heurte en permanence à la réalité afghane, une réalité dont il avait largement sous estimé les effets, avant de prendre en main les rênes de son équipe.
From the very beginning, Lali has had to cope with the problems of everyday life in Afghanistan. Difficulties he probably underestimated when he agreed to lead the national team.
10:34:50:00 COMMENTAIRE
L’heure du départ approche, pour les joueurs le temps de la débrouille et du système D est plus que jamais de mise. Wahid a préparé la trousse à pharmacie. Malgré les difficultés, toute l’équipe fait corps autour de son entraineur dans l’espoir de réediter l’exploit qu’il avait accompli comme joueur trente ans auparavant.
The day they've all been waiting for has arrived. Lacking adequate provisions, the players are forced to improvise. Wahid makes his own medicine case.
Despite all difficulties, the team hopes to repeat Lali's victory against Pakistan. But that was thirty-years ago.
10:35:20:00 ITV Lali
Je ne sais pas comment dire mais je pense que comme entraineur je vais vivre cet évènement de façon encore plus intense que comme joueur. Si on arrive à battre le Pakistan, j’ai bien peur d’avoir une attaque par excès de joie. Je serais tellement content. Nos relations avec le Pakistan sont compliquées et tout le peuple afghan attend et espère cette victoire.
I don’t know how to say it but I thint being a coach will be even more difficult than being a player. If we beat Pakistan, I will be so happy I might have a heart attack. Our relationships with Pakistan is still very complicated. People of Afghanistan are expecting and awaiting such a victory.
10:35:46:00 COMMENTAIRE
Les billets d’avion promis ne sont plus que de vieux rêves. Et les visas pour le Pakistan ont bien failli eux aussi ne jamais arriver.
C’est quelques minutes seulement avant le départ que les services de l’ambassade pakistanaise ont fini par transmettre au siège de la fédération les précieux papiers.
There are more problems. The airline tickets have not arrived and the visas for Pakistan have not yet been issued. Finally, the visas are issued by the head office of the Pakistan Embassy just few minutes before departure.
10:36:11:00 COMMENTAIRE
Les joueurs vont rejoindre Karachi en bus. Quatre jours de pistes, poussiéreuses et sineuses, il y a mieux pour être en forme avant un match important.
The players will now have tp reach Karachi by bus. They face four days on dusty and dangerous roads
10:37:45:00 COMMENTAIRE
L’équipe de Lali arrive à Karachi, dans une ville où la loi martiale est toujours en vigueur, les Onze afghan est encadré et gardé de près par les forces de l’armée pakistanaise. Pas de quoi troubler les joueurs qui pour la plupart connaissent bien le Pakistan pour y être nés ou pour y avoir longtemps vécu comme réfugiés.
Lali’s team arrives in Karachi. The “Afghan Eleven” is closely protected by the Pakistani forces in a city still under martial law. Players are not really worried by such escort. Most of them know Pakistan well: they were born there or grew up as refugees in this country.
10:38:22:00 COMMENTAIRE
L’hôtel réservé aux joueurs a été payé par le pays hôte. Le Pakistan pour organiser le match et avoir la certitude de la présence afghane s’est engagé à prendre le gite à sa charge.
As the Afghan team could not afford to cover the cost, their accomodation and lodgings are paid for by Pakistan football federation.
10:38:35:00 KLAUS
Avant la réunion, il faut qu’on règle le problème des chambres.
Attendez une minute, il faut qu’on s’occupe des chambres.
Before the briefing, we have to fix this problem with the rooms.
Wait one minute, we have to check the rooms.
10:38:58:00 KLAUS
Eh les gars, les sportifs ça marche alors vous ne prenez pas les ascenseurs.
Sportmen walk! Don’t use the elevators !
10:39:18:00 COMMENTAIRE
Les consignes de sécurité sont strictes. Personne ne doit se promener en ville avant le match.
The players have to obey strict security rules. Nobody is allowed to go out in the city before the game.
10:39:34:00 LALI
Tout le monde vous observe ici, les afghans du Pakistan aussi. Et vous savez qu’être ici au Pakistan ça comporte un certain nombre de risques.
Donc pour tout le monde je le dis : interdiction formelle de quitter l’hôtel. Je sais que c’est pas drôle, vous avez peut-être des amis ou de la famille ici à voir, mais essayez de vous trouver des occupations dans l’hôtel.
Everybody is watching us here, Afghans living in Pakistan too. And you know that being in Pakistan can be risky for us.
So for everyone, the same rule applies: you are strictly forbidden from leaving the hotel. I know it's annoying and you might have friends or family living here, but please remain inside the hotel.
10:40:01:00 COMMENTAIRE
Les joueurs vont devoir patienter encore vingt quatre heures avant de fouler la pelouse.
L’environnement de l’hôtel dans lequel est également logé l’adversaire pakistanais, réserve quelques situations cocasses.
The young players will have to wait another long 24 hours before the game.
The Pakistani team is also staying in the same hotel, which sometimes creates diplomatic frictions.
10:40:22:00 Manager de l’hôtel
Voilà votre note pour le buffet Monsieur.
Here is your bill, Sir.
10:40:28:00 Manager de l’hôtel
Notez le numéro de la chambre.
Please take the room number.
10:40:30:00 LALI
Mais quelle note ? Pourquoi vous me parlez d’une note, on a rien demandé nous !
Which bill ? We didn’t ask for it!
10:40:35:00 Manager de l’hotel
Désolé, mais… vos joueurs se sont bien servis !
I am sorry but your players ate it all!
10:40:37:00 LALI
C’était là, c’était là dans notre salle de réunion.
It was there, it was in our room.
10:40:41:00 Manager de l’hotel
Oui mais c’était pour l’équipe pakistanaise.
Yes but it was for the Pakistanese team.
10:40:45:00 Manager de l’hotel
Allez, venez on va régler ça en bas.
Well, come with me, please.
10:41:31:00 COMMENTAIRE
Pour la première fois, le onze afghan ressemble à n’importe quelle autre équipe de football en déplacement. Mais l’illusion est de courte durée.
For the first time, the “Afghan Eleven” looks like any other team before a game. But it’s just an illusion.
10:41:48:00 LALI
Et dis donc, on a un problème avec les maillots que la fédération nous a fournis. Tu vois là il fallait coudre notre écusson sur la manche. Sans ces écussons on ne pourra pas jouer demain.
Hey guys, we have a problem with the shirts given by our federation. You see here they should have put this sticker. Without it, we cannot play tomorrow.
Les gars apportez tous vos maillots ! Non, non, pas à moi, c’est vous qui allez les coudre. On apporté les écussons au moins ? Allez les chercher !
Everybody please bring back your shirt. Don’t give it to me, you will have to sew it.
We brought the stickers at least? Go and get it!
10:42:12:00 LALI
Il faut coudre l’écusson ici.
We have to sew this here.
10:42:14:00 MAQSOOD (de dos)
Pas de problème, on va s’y mettre à plusieurs.
No worries, we’ll do it all together.
10:42:17:00 LALI
Arrangez vous les gars. Mais c’est important que ce soit fait ce soir. Et n’abimez pas les maillots hein !!!
Please organize this but it has to be done tonight. And please do it properly.
10:42:22:00 MAQSOOD (de face)
Non, non, de toute façon si ça va pas on arrache les écussons et on recommence.
No worries, anyway if it’s not good we will take it away.
10:42:26:00 JOUEUR 1
Mais c’est quoi cette histoire, s’il y a pas d’écusson sur le maillot, on pourra pas jouer demain. Je sais pas c’est l’entraineur qui l’a dit.
What’s this story about a sticker on our shirt? We cannot play tomorrow?
I don’t know, coach told us.
10:42:33:00 JOUEUR 2
Bon, moi je vous le dis tout de suite, je ne sais pas coudre. Tu sais coudre toi ?
Well, I can tell you right now, I don’t know how to sew. Do you?
10:42:39:00 JOUEUR 3
Non pourquoi j’aurais appris à coudre, moi je travaille dans l’informatique.
Noway? I work in computer.
10:42:44:00 JOUEUR 4
Oh, Shams, Shams, faudrait vraiment qu’on soit quatre pour coudre, tu voudrais pas nous filer un coup de main là ?
Hey, Shams, Shams, four of us to start sewing, can you help?
10:42:26:00 JOUEUR 5
De quoi on a l’air ? Tu parles d’une équipe nationale. Ils sont vraiment nuls à la fédé.
National team you say ? What is the federation thinking aboui?
10:43:03:00 WAHID
Et les gars, calmez-vous là !
Guys, please calm down?
10:43:06:00 MAQSOOD
Bashir ! Bashir Sadat ! File-moi ton maillot !
Bashir: Bashir Sadat! Bring me your shirt!
10:43:36:00 COMMENTAIRE
Extinctiondes feux. Rituel classique d’une équipe avant une compétition importante. Lali se charge de contrôler les chambres des joueurs, une par une.
Curfue. Classic ritual for a team before a big competition. Lali controls every single room, one by one.
10:43:46:00 LALI
Allez tout le monde au lit il est dix heures.
10pm everybody sleeps now.
10:43:52:00 LALI
Tout le monde est là dans la chambre ?
Everyone is in the room?
10:44:03:00 LALI
Allez bonne nuit à demain. Dépêche toi…
Good night, sleep well.
10:44:07:00 LALI
Il est déjà dix heures…Mais y a du monde ici c’est quoi ?
10pm everybo... Who’s here?
10:44:11:00 JOUEUR 1
Euh, c’est des cousins qui habitent à Karachi.
Well, just cousins from Karachi.
10:44:14:00 LALI
Bonsoir ! Bonsoir ! Bonsoir !
Good night! Good night! Night !
10:44:24:00 LALI
Oui, je sais ce que c’est la famille mais faudrait quand même laisser les joueurs se coucher. On a un match important. Ils se lèvent tôt demain.
I know what is family but players have to sleep. Big game tomorrow, they wake up early tomorrow.
10:44:32:00 Le cousin
Oui, oui, on y va !
No worries, we go now!
10:44:41:00 LALI
T’en as pour combien de temps ? Personne peut t’aider ?
How long will it take? Nobody can help you?
10:44:46:00 MAQSOOD en off
Ben, y a bien le gardien remplaçant qui sait coudre.
Well, the goal substitute knows a bit.
10:44:49:00 LALI
Ah bon ? Mais il est dans quelle chambre ?
Really? Which room?
10:44:53:00 MAQSOOD en off
Ben ouais ça irait plus vite si on était deux.
Yes, two would be better then one.
10:44:56:00 LALI
Bon je vais aller le chercher, j’y vais.
I’ll get him, I go now.
10:45:34:00 COMMENTAIRE
Dans quelques minutes, Lali va enfin savoir si ses joueurs sont capables de résister aux Pakistanais devant vingt-cinq mille spectateurs. Il peut être satisfait. La participation au match est déjà une victoire.
In few minutes, Lali will see if his players will be able to resist to Pakistanese in front of twenty-five thousand spectators. He can be satisfied. Participation to the game is already a victory.
10:45:57:00 COMMENTAIRE
Les joueurs afghans font mieux que résister. Ils sont à deux doigt d’ouvrir le score en première mi-temps. Un exploit quand on se rappelle les difficiles conditions de préparation qui ont été les leurs.
Afghan underdogs are suprisingly resistant. They could ever score during the first half. A real feat considering all the difficulties they had to go through.
10:46:14:00 COMMENTAIRE
Le rêve est même par moment à portée de main. Le jeune gardien Shams est dans un grand jour. A plusieurs reprises il sauve son équipe.
The dream is about to accomplish. Shams, the goalkeeper is in such a shape. He saved his team several times.
10:46:22:00 LALI
Heureusement qu’on a Shams ! Sans lui on en aurait déjà pris un !
Thanks God we have Shams! He saved us that time!
10:46:32:00 COMMENTAIRE
Sur le banc de touche, Lali espère sans trop y croire, que ses joueurs sauront transformer un simple match en succès historique.
On the bench, Lali hopes his team can turn a game in a legendary success.
10:46:45:00 LALI
Comment ça coup franc ? Mais c’est pas possible, faut qu’il change de métier cet arbitre!!!
What!? Free-kick? Fired this referee!
10:47:02:00 COMMENTAIRE
Ce n’est qu’en toute fin de rencontre que le onze afghan encaisse un but qui vient ruiner les espoirs de Lali. A quelques minutes du seulement de coup de sifflet final.
At the end of the game, this hard kick comes to ruin Lali’s promise. Just few minutes before the end of the game.
10:47:16:00 COMMENTAIRE
L’exploit de Lali et de ses coéquipiers en 1976 ne sera pas réedité ce soir. Et l’équipe court toujours après sa première victoire.
Lali and his team legend, one day in 1976, will not be reissued tonight. And the team is still running after its first victory.
10:47:26:00 LALI off
Vous avez fait le maximum les gars, vous n’avez rien à vous reprocher.
You did your best boys tonight, nothing to be ashamed of.
10:47:35:00 KLAUS
C’est nous les vainqueurs ce soir. On a aussi gagné.
We are the winners today.
10:47:40:00 COMMENTAIRE
Effondrés, aucun des joueurs ne veut admettre la défaite. Les entraîneurs, Lali et Klaus, ont le sentiment de ne jamais s’être autant approchés du succès que ce soir.
Players are too disappointed to admit the defeat. Lali and Klaus have the feeling that victory had never been so close than tonight.
10:47:57:00 COMMENTAIRE
Mais seul le résultat compte. La jeune équipe afghane le sait qui vient d’ajouter ce soir une ligne de plus dans la colonne des défaites. Au delà de la déception, d’un coup franc encaissé ou d’un tir raté, tous ces joueurs comptent bien ne pas en rester là.
Ils ont vingt ans, ils sont nés quand leur pays était encore en pleine guerre et ils continueront de tout faire pour s’offrir une victoire.
But only result really matters. And players know it well who just add a new defeat in their long list.
But beyond desolation of a taken goal or a missed kick, the players will continue their quest.
They are twenty years old. They were born under war, they will do all they can to afford a first victory.
10:48:42:00 COMMENTAIRE
A Kaboul, rien n’a vraiment changé.
In Kabul nothing really changed.
La ville vit toujours au rythme des attentats, des convois militaires et des organisations humanitaires.
The city is still suffering from various attacks, drumbed by military convoys under the humanitarian organizations ballet.
Les terrains de football sont toujours aussi rares pour l’équipe nationale afghane qui s’entraîne comme elle peut, quand elle peut.
Football field are still difficult to find for the national team who train where they can, when they can.
Mais il y a des signes qui ne trompent pas. Quelques semaines après la défaite contre le Pakistan, l’Afghanistan a enfin gagné son premier match depuis trente ans. C’était contre le Sri Lanka. Deux but à un, la plus large victoire de l’histoire du football afghan. Une renaissance. Lali s’est bien juré que ce n’était qu’un début. Que son pays arriverai bientôt à battre de nouveau son voisin pakistanais.
But, result only matters. Sometimes after the defeat against Pakistan, Afghanistan won its first game for thirty years. It was against Sri Lanka. Two goals to one, the biggest score of all Afghan football history. A rebirth.
And this time, Lali promessed himself it was just the beginning. That his country will soon capabale of defeating his Pakistanese neighbour.
10:50:18:00 FIN / END.