Prussia; Russia / USSR
221174 02:00:49 - 02:12:55 1943 Germany ?; East
Die Deutsche Wochenschau [No.674 Aug43]

02:03:57 Hitler & von Ribbentrop walk through grounds of Wolf’s Lair / Wolfsschanze - Alsatian dog Blondi seen. Vars shots other Generals arriving for conference & greeting one another inc. Keitel, Oshima from Japan, Dietrich, Jodl, Milch, Doenitz, Goering w/ Speer. Hitler w/ Goebbels.

02:05:22 Supplies loaded onto supply U-Boat / U-Tanker at docks. U-Tanker at sea - alarm raised - good PoV shot facing conning tower as submarine goes under water to hide from British scout sub - INT engine room - LS sub diving at sharp angle. U-Boat surfaces - crew relax on deck - catch shark - lookouts w/ binoculars - bread cooked in galley - supplies passed along ropes to sub from ship - torpedo floated across & loaded into gun - doctor into small boat to examine troops - fuelling pipes - damage repaired - crews wave to each other.

02:10:45 Map of Eastern Front around Leningrad. Displacement of soldiers - good shots heavy bombardment across lake [Ladoga?] during Siege of Leningrad [no snow]. Scout soldier.

True Glory Reel 2On the Allied invasion and conquest of Western Europe, 1944-1945. D-Day

220762 03:08:06 - 03:17:26 1944 France England B/WSD

Military training exercises. Training landing on rocks in rough seas and scaling cliff face.

03:08:45 Map. Germany - Hitler - German Generals with maps.

03:09:19 SHAEF HQ interior, High Command meeting. Good night shots British bombers taking off towards cameras. Night and day bombing of Europe. Brief shot agent parachutes into France. One man submarine. Torpedo boats etc returning from Normandy with sand for analysis. Woman at microscope. Man putting camera into reconnaissance plane. Coast of Normandy. Still photographs glued together making relief map. Supplies dropped to French resistance.

03:10:31 Mulberry Harbour launched. Montage supplies readied and stockpiled, men inoculated, ships launched, radio listening for German transmissions. SHAEF HQ, meeting of high command.

03:11:11 Stalin. Roosevelt and Churchill pose after Tehran conference.

03:11:24 Eisenhower, Montgomery and others at wall map. Montage preparations. Montage aircraft bombing and strafing France including RR marshaling yards. Railway lines destroyed. German plane shot down. Map showing Normandy and South Coast of England. German coastal defences, German troops march, Officers at West Wall. Goering inspects troops.

03:13:22 Invasion convoys assemble at Southampton, mass movement of military trucks, troops and materials through countryside and small towns. Transport continues at night by rail and road. Tanks etc loaded onto ships. Troops boarding. British and US men waiting on ships in harbour. Barrage balloons, hills in background. Men briefed on deck and dockside. Aircrews briefed.

03:15:51 Flags run up on ship, officers boarding, torpedo loaded, King George VI on board, salutes sailors.
Signals made with lights. Anchors weighed. Engine room scenes. Convoy sets sail

03:16:44 Eisenhower with camouflaged troops - inspects.

03:17:02 Silhouette shots soldiers moving at dusk. Aircraft, nose paint “That’s All Brother” . Planes take off, almost night.

Nazi Germany’s Leaders on Trial at Nuremberg
220594 03:39:28 - 03:45:36 1945 Sd B/W
Palace of Justice, MPs outside watching from streets and tanks. Signs and inspection of documents allowing press into court. Judges of Tribunal entering Court. Pan over seated judges. Earphones on various parties. Chief of German Defense Counsel addresses court. 20 defendants shown. Hess, Von Papen, Goering. Instructions given to Goering to go to dock. When asked to plead he tries to make statement. Hess pleads not guilty. von Ribbentrop pleads not guilty. Keitel not guilty. Rosenberg, not guilty. Streicher not guilty. Goering again denied right to make statement. Jackson makes opening statement.

LN 400-251 05:01:29 - 05:11:16 1942 Austria; France; Germany ? B/W SD
Die Deutsche Wochenschau [No.601 Mar42 Reel 1]
Lazarett in Salzkammergut, Austria - wounded soldiers play game of curling in snow - woman brings enormous glass stein w/ hot drink - good shots troops having snowball fight.

05:03:16 Vars shots women helping on farm, one has Nazi armband.

05:03:39 Area of Paris in ruins after British bombing raid - collapsed buildings & firefighting - civilians survey devastation & salvage possessions among ruins. Tall building left standing in precarious state. CU sign Hopital Ambroise Pare, 82 Rue de St. Cloud; INT badly damaged hospital ward, rubble on beds etc.

05:06:36 Kriegsmarine troops rush to coastal positions - “Alarm!” - heavy gun fired from fortification - France? Submarine construction scenes - G144 seen on conning tower - parts manufactured on production line - huge engines. Good shots U-boat launch; Captain addresses crew; Nazi Kriegsmarine flag raised; sub ploughs through icy sea; submarine pulls alongside warship; captain greets officers & crew of vars nationalities?
5:10:29 Harbour at German Baltic Sea Coast: Troops bound for Eastern Front - soldiers of Netherlands Legion queue for hot food - supplies loaded at docks - ships leave dock led by icebreaker. Cont’d...

Olympic Games - XI Olympiade Berlin 1936 - German Film
220560 05:17:49 - 05:26:33 1936 Germany b/w Sd
First Day - Javelin - medal ceremony, gold for Tilly Fleischer. Highjump - 100 metres

05.20.25 Hitler in car through Brandenburg gate - banners with swastikas - Hitler through streets in open top car. Athlete carrying Olympic torch - Zeppelin with swastika flies over. VIPs led by Hitler walking onto stadium field. Hitler gets flowers from little girl. Opening ceremony, participating nations parade. Opening speech in German by ? Hitler makes opening speech. Olympic flame lit.

LN 400-262 05:43:23 - 05:51:46 1944 France; germany; England B/W SD
[D-Day 6-6-44] Pt. 1 of 3 ?
D-day, officer walks thru corridor & enter door w/ sign: Office of Supreme Commander General Dwight. D. Eisenhower. CU book label - Ourline plan for Invasion of N.W. Europe. Men load camera onto twin-engine aircraft. CU propeller, plane takes off, aircraft in the air, man w/ team of horses ploughing field.

05:44:10 Hitler w/ other officers at the table in railroad train car, look at the map, officers smile. French man in farm yard, plane in sky, cameraman looks down, LS from the plane to the ground, LS coast line, picture taken

05:44:38 Man collects film from plane & taken by sidecar motorcycle; officers enter camp tent.

05:44:50 Plane takes off at night, int. aircraft men prepare to jump, LS car on the country road, LS parachute jump, boxes of equipment thrown out, parachutist lands, LS boxes w/ parachutes in the air, men collect boxes from field, load them into truck & cover w/ branches.

05:46:12 Allied expedition planning committee at meeting table. Bombers in air, LS down to the coast, various shots of fighter planes, flak, bombs dropped. LS explosions on ground. CU pilots, bombs dropped, explosions. British bombers in formation. View of machine gunner position.

05:47:43 Britain. Women checking & packing parachutes, fold them, tie ropes. Welding, bolting & assembling Mulberry units & launched. Arriving GIs, in the port, exit the ship. March on dock.

05:48:31 CU Montgomery, Sir Arthur Tedder & Eisenhower at army base, army cars & equipment parked on big field, soldiers inspect tanks, long lines of artillery. June44 soldiers on motorbikes, army cars, military cars convoys on the road, DUKWs, drive thru city, train thru countryside, train arrives at night.

05:49:30 02Jun44 CU fighter planes loaded w/ artillery, airmen paint aircraft's. CU men painting white star, troops at the invasion port board ships, military trucks, tanks drive onto LSTs & other ships.

05:50:10 03Jun44 Submarines on water, ships wait as operation on hold because of the weather warnings LS many ships, CU soldiers read small booklets about France.

05:50:49 Eisenhower w/ ?? out of building, walk towards car, on 5th of June air force division briefed, sit on ground, listen to commander. American GIs prepare, load guns, grenades into pockets, sharpen knives & throw them at cartoon of Hitler, jeep onto plane. Continued...

Keywords: World War Two, WWII, WWll, WW2, Hitler
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