07.59 – A cow being shot in the head to prevent the spread of foot and mouth disease (Latin name Aphtae epizooticae, sometimes called hoof-and-mouth disease).
08.29 – A Catholic image of Jesus.
15.42 – An empty farm after the effects of foot and mouth disease.
18.18 – A truck being sanitised to avoid the spread of foot and mouth disease.
19.21 – Cows standing near a gate and breathing on the camera lens.
24.07 – Sheep carcases infected with foot and mouth disease being loaded and removed from a field by a bulldozer.
26.01 – Sheep carcases infected with foot and mouth being dumped from a bulldozer to a truck.
30.50 – Lamb and sheep being killed to prevent the spread of foot and mouth disease.
36.25 – A bulldozer transporting and dumping cow carcasses as a result of the spread of foot and mouth disease.
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