02.06 Egypt has two faces. One is of a western ally heading slowly towardsdemocratic reform, the other is of an authoritarian regime whichbeats, kidnaps and tortures any opposition.

02.20 Welcome to Egypt whereemergency law has been in place for 25 years and in the past twomonths there have been over 600 arrests of pro-reform protestors.

02.28 But there are powerful new players in the opposition movement whoseefforts on the street are backed by the worldwide reach of the web.

02.40 Egypt's government is finding out that the usual intimidation tacticsaren't working on a younger net savvy generation of activists who feelthe time for change has come.
02.52 MALEK MOUSTAPHA MOHAMMED - BLOGGER & ACTIVIST ‘They not scared of us just writing blogs. They’re scared of us writing the blogs and then marching on the streets’

02.59 MANAL HUSSEIN BLOGGER & ACTIVIST The torture and beatings and insults have become things that happens to anyone not just those involved in politics. So for us to be afraid and stop isn’t going to make any difference.

03.16 NORA YONIS – BLOGGER, JOURNALIST & ACTIVIST ‘It’s really difficult to know that your friend is being beaten right now and you’re helpless about it.

03.33 One night in Cairo two very different perspectives. At Cairo’s Opera House Egypt's elite were out in force on the redcarpet celebrating the premiere of a new film.

03.44 The Yacoubian Building's depiction of an Egypt that featuredhomosexuality, police brutality and government corruption was alwaysgoing to be controversial.

03.54 But for the stars of the film,it was proof of Egypt's growing democracy.

03.59 NOUR EL-SHERIF – ACTORThe film criticises constructively not viciously, unlike the opposition papers which I don’t think are objective anymoreThey overstep the mark and are just rude

04.10 SOMAYA EL KHASHAB – ACTRESSIt shows Egypt that has democracy and that there is freedom of expression. The artist can express their opinions freely.without anyone telling them you can or can’t say that.

04.24 In the less glamorous world of open dissent there was a different view.

04.32 As Manal Hussein welcomed us into her home, it was clear that filmswere far from her mind.

04.37 Manal spends most nights these days on the phone talking to lawyers oron the web updating the site she maintains with her husband Alaa.

04.44 Manalaa.net a combination of both their names, started off as a spaceto post their thoughts and photos as well as provide technical supportfor other Egyptian bloggers.
04.54 But since their involvement in the pro-reform movement. The site hasbecome a platform for dissent.

04.59 Alaa's blogs have been appearing less frequently as he was arrestedsix weeks ago during a demonstration.

05.05 Demonstrations are illegal under Egypt's emergency laws.

05.08 MANAL HUSSEIN – BLOGGER, ACTIVIST, ALAA’’S WIFE ‘They went in, chose specific individuals and took 11 people. They took them and blindfolded them so they wouldn’t know where they were going’

05.22 In court they were accused of insulting the president, and obstructing traffic, of course their were only 30 of them surrounded by thousands of soldiers but they were the ones obstructing traffic….’

05.35 Despite being in prison Alaa continued to blog, managing to smuggle out his notes.

05.42 BLOG V/OToday I hit me…I’m really in prisonI’d say prison is not like I expected. But I had no expectations. No images. Not even fears. Nothing.

05.53 MANAL HUSSEIN we were getting a lot of comments to his prison blogs it removed the fear for a lot of people because now they know a lot of details of what happened inside.

06.00 His being in prison doesn’t scare us, now. We’ll carry on. As for torture and beatings and insults, these are things that can happens to anyone not just those in politics. So for us to be scared and stop isn’t going to make any difference.But for us to carry on and make people aware that could make a big difference.

06.28 BLOG V/OWhat if Hosni dies while I’m in jail?He is old and senile enough and I’m sure millions are actively praying for his death. Normally I’d be happy…but now that I’m in jail it’s a scar thought.It would take less than 3 months for the dust to settle…most likely no one but immediate family will remember us until its overScrew DemocracyKeep the guy on iceUntil I’m released.

06.57 MANAL HUSSEINI was afraid how prison would affect him but the fact that he’s still trying to do the same things he was doing on the outside writing in the same witty, occasionally caustic style. I feel like he’s still with me when I read what he writes, I feel he’s the same and hasn’t changed.

07.25 Tomorrow Manal finds out if Alaa will be released or whether he willspend another 2 weeks in prison.

07.33 MANAL HUSSEIN I’m anxious, I don’t want to think about the fact that he might be in for another 15 days or more. So I don’t want to hope that he might be released as there big chance that he won’t.

07.51 I’ll sleep because I’m really tired…I don’t have a problem sleeping I did when he was first imprisoned but now but I’m so tired that as soon as I hit the bed I’ll sleep.

08.09 The Egyptian blogosphere is a small but growing community that isplaying an important role in the opposition movement.

08.15 Alaa's arrest attracted attention from Bloggers around the world andwebsites were created calling for his release.

08.30 Political observers have now begun to take the bloggers and theirapproach more seriously.

08.36 RABAB EL MAHDY – ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE I think the blogs are having a direct and indirect influence and impact on Egyptian society especially the politicised sphere of it. In a number of ways. Through blogs Egyptians abroad and other activists abroad get to know whats going and this is how we create international solidarity and pressure on the regime and this is indirectThen there is the direct dimension or impact to what they’re doing in that they’re attracting younger people that we haven’t been able to attract through traditional routes.

09.05 One blogger who has certainly let people know what he's doing is MalekMoustapha Mohammed, whose blogg is named after another outspokenFigure, Malcolm X

09.17 Newly released from Prison, Malek was amongst a selection of bloggersinvited to speak at a Media conference broadcast live around the Arabworld.Responding to criticisms of his actions Malek fearlessly went on the attack.

09.30 MALEK MOHAMMED – Blogger, Activist50 years of military ruleMilitary regime passon on to military regimeAnd 25 years of being promised democracy And ultimately 16 people were just arrested in the streetAnd then they’re torturing people Even sexually abusing them. So how am I ruining Egypt’s reputation?And Which Egypt?

09.48 MALEK MOHAMMED we write and show our faceswe show our names and our telephone numberswe’ve broken through this idea that you just talk and write without doing anything. Its not just talk Its words and actionsThis has made them somewhat worried. That we’re not scaredWe don’t care What should we be worried about?Bring on your worst and then what?

10.13 RABAB EL MAHDY – Assistant Professor Political Science AUCIts an age thing They’re young they’re out there and they think the more courage they have the shorter the period of struggle will be. The other thing they haven’t been politicised for a long time so they’re not aware of the risks that are out there

10.39 As if to prove the point Whilst we were talking Malek's father called.

10.48 MALEK MOHAMMED What I’m supposed to do dadTell them you’ve got nothing to do with meLet them be upset and go to hell.

10.52 MALEK He works in KuwaitThey threatened him and told him they might deport him because what I’m doing.That I’m involved in illegal activities. And so the money he sends me every month…Well I’m his son so he sends me money every month to help me out. So they told him he was financing illegal activities. Activities that would harm the state and harm me. So I shouldn’t be doing this. So he phoned me. Whats he going to do. They brought him into the embassy. It was a really big deal.

11.24 One thing that Manal and Alaa need not worry about is their parent's support.Alaa's parents were activists themselves who were as surprised then byhis politicisation as they are now concerned at his imprisonment.

11.36 DR LEILA SOUEIF – ALAA’S MOTHERHe wasn’t particularly interested in politcs. Actually he used to think, this was a point of difference between us. He considered our generation old fashioned the way they go about politics is awful and doesn’t work. You could say the govt pushed him into activism. He used to go to the demonstration and take pictures. We were going to the Kifayah demonstration which was against the referendum. He was going to stand on the sidelines I was going to demonstrate.

12.13 I got beaten up he intervened so he was beaten up too, his laptop got stolen. After we got home we discovered others were beaten and sexually harassed

12.30 He was so angry that he became an activist. A number of his friends that when they entered the movement also became activists after May 25th 2005.

112’44 Another blogger who has brought the authorities tactics to light is Nora Younis

12.58 NORA YOUNIS – BLOGGER, ACTIVISTI use my small camera to record videos of the protest and upload them to the internet and people download them.

13.09 You see the plain clothes people, they come and mingle with the demonstrators and then they start beating them up.

13.21 Its important to record and archive it in one place

13.28 I always go with my camera I try to take small videos and pictures

13.35 Before any demonstration it became our mission to cover them for the blogs. They beat journalists everyone with a camera. We learn to be discreet, to run away.

13.49 Nora and other bloggers cover and report demonstrations but they alsoare active participants.

13.56 NORA YOUNIS My small network of bloggers I met on the street. And then the network became wider and wider because they kept introducing me to others.

14.06 NORA YOUNIS That was Leila, Alaa’s mother we’re going to protest outside the Basateen police station in half an hour because someone inside is being beaten.

15.03 MANAL HUSSEIN Its now 10 past 10 and we’re on our way to the state prosecution because today is Alaa’s hearing and it’ll be decided if he’ll get another 15 days or whether he’ll be released

15.32 If it happens I’ll be prepared for it I won’t crack down.

15.44 If he doesn’t get released today, there will be to her things to do, so I’ll be visiting him tomorrow and I need to prepare things … I don’t have a lot of time to get into hysterics

16.13 Manal was concerned that the camera's might affect Alaa's parolehearing so we stayed away. After a day's waiting in the sun Manal gotthe news she's been hoping for Alaa was to be released.

16.25 Unfortunately the release was not to go smoothly and Manal was to waiteven longer to be reunited with Alaa.

16.38 NORA YOUNIS We thought he’d be released the same night but he wasn’t for some reason we don’t know. Today when Manal went to see him she came out of the police station she called me over phone she was crying. She said Alaa was being beaten. Its really difficult to know that your friend is being beaten up and you’re helpless about it.

17.04 We’re going to Alaa’s home he’s finally home he just got out an hour ago.

18.06 ALAA SEIF ABD AL FATTAHthe things I missed most whilst I was in prison, in this order are: Manal, the internet, and freedom

18.22 ALAA SEIF ABD AL FATTAHIn jail we got a strong impression that the state was being more oppressive with us. . Not all of us understand how serious that is. We will need to calculate our next move. But I don’t mean that we should worry about how the state is going to react. No matter what, I’m not going to stop what I’m doing.

18.52 After 45 days in prison Alaa is keen to get back on the net and keento do some proper blogging.

18.56 A visit to Manalaa.net the next day showed Alaa was back to blogging in earnest and over the following weeks one thing dominated his post a determination to continue campaigning for others in prison and to continue demanding democratic reform.

19’14 Though the Egyptian regime may develop new tactics to reign in these dissident voices, new blogs are being created each day across the middle east and the voices behind them are getting louder and stronger each day. This is one fight the Egyptian regime may not be able to handle.
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