"Not dead are those who rest in sweet peace in the cold grave, are those who live on with a cold soul." Rubén Darío.

2 women in uniform...A revolution... A poem... A memory... of an afternoon 20 years ago... Memories of a country that no longer exists.

Our America

Not dead are those... who rest in sweet peace... in the cold grave...

Dead are those who live on with a dead soul.

If you look at this photograph...?

It tells me, that there was a moment in our country, when the women took part... in the conquest of the dreams, liberation from a 50 year dictatorship... and suppression.

With the message, the promise... of a revolution... everybody took to the streets, the children, the women, the men. It was... like someone... Like someone.. who sees a promise from afar... that is worth living for.

After that all the young women... joined the battalions. And they defended their ideals: more freedom, more rights...

Did you join in too?

Yes. But not with weapons. I told... the young and the old. That it was necessary... to start a revolution, that changes the old system. A struggle of the farmers and workers, to build a new Nicaragua!

Somozo has to go,
so we can live in peace.

Freedom for our country!

Going back...

Why do I expect to recognize,

even though I should know better...

The neoliberal Managua...

is not the revolutionary one.

Going back to a place...I haven't been to for 20 years.

I can feel them, the 20 missing years.

A 30-year-old...

had turned 50...
The inner images once more flash up defiantly,

before fading away at the sight of the present,
only to reappear again...
as the lost world:

as a memory.

I remember a country...

that no longer exists.
A country that never existed like this.

I haven't been to Managua for 20 years.

In those days, Nicaragua was a place of utopia,

of revolution,
that attracted people.

I also stayed two years to make a film.
But what am I looking for now?

Armed with a photograph showing a moment...

when everything still seemed possible?

There is only a small sequence of film from...
Sandino, who gave the revolution its name.

In 1933 he waged...

the first guerrilla war in Latin America.

The US occupants left.

Freedom for our country...
or death!

Sandino was murdered maliciously...
and was immortalised as a hero and martyr.
Whether his 18 meter statue...

is able to brave the Nicaraguan storms...
in the long run,
remains to be seen.
I find myself wanting to...

rediscover the two women...
in the faces of young women.

I know that to them the picture...
of the two Sandinistas is as exotic...
as it is to women their age in Zurich or Berlin.

The pictures of the revolution...
seem strange in neoliberal Nicaragua.
They are a memory of a country,

that should never have existed in this way.
The failure of the revolution...
defines the image of history.
The war with...
its thousands of dead is Nicaragua's trauma.
So, how can such a past be mastered?

"Insofar as...

any 'mastering' of the past is possible",
as Hannah Arendt writes,
"it consists in relating...
what has happened;

but such narration, too,
which shapes history,
solves no problems and assuages no suffering;

it does not master anything once and for all.

Rather 'mastering of the past'...

can take the form of ever recurrent narration.

Are you Josefina?

- Yes. Who are you? - Kristina. Nice to meet you.
I was told you were...
involved with the battalion...

Rosa María Hernández...

was also in the Verónica Lacayo battalion...
Do you know her?
I only remember her.

These women have recited a poem...
by the great Rubén Darío for us.
Do you know a poem by him?
When in one of the verses in "Caupolicán" it says:

"This tree: Warrior and fighter."

"Upon the shoulders of the winner...
lay the power of the warrior...
to break the chains...
they are putting on us now."

I interpret for you what Ruben Darío...
wants to do, not with his words,
but with this great boldness and love:

He made a social accusation.
When you see this photograph,
does it recall memories,

does it trigger something?

As I knew Magali before the revolution...
it aroused memories from the beginning.

During the uprising of 1978...
we had to get hold of weapons.

We had to go to the national guard...
and the spies...
to get weapons which we didn't have.

Once I had a gun, a Magnum 22,
and we were 10 compañeros in one detachment.

One compañero, Mamerto Bustamante said:
At midnight we left and he said:

"I am going back now, I have no weapon."
In those times it was difficult...
to go back on an agreement.

So I said to him: "you cannot go back,
otherwise you are a traitor."

"And here we allow...
neither traitors nor cowards."

I took my gun and said:
"You will not go back because of the weapon,
take mine."

My body was shaking violently.
Terrified I thought:
"How can I go there without a weapon?"
So I looked for a stick,
such as this one.
It was lying there on the ground.
They said to me: "attack!".
As I was scared and didn't want...

my hands to be seen...
in a black and red piece of shawl I crept...
holding the stick forwards, like this...
We had to climb over a fence.

And we had to show courage.

I walk bent over with the stick like this...

I know, once I have cleared the fence...

I am closer to the house.

I go like this with the stick...

And my nerves... I was feeling sick!
My nerves!
A compañero who we called...
Coyunda said to me:
"We don't want any cowards, show them, Katy,
show your guts, keep going, keep going!"
I don't know how...

but I clear the fence...
and enter the house and say:
"Don't move, stay put!"
"The Sandinista...
national liberation front."

I muster up all my courage...
It was a stick that I carried,
and I go pam pam:
"we are all coming, the building is surrounded!"

And my body, ah...
"Give me the weapons, there are weapons here...
"Hands up". The man advances with a pistol...
"Don't switch the light on!"
If they switched on the light...
they would of course see the stick...

Don't move, hands up!"
"Put that weapon down!"
When I reach the weapon I quickly...
put down the stick and pick up the pistol...
Once the pistol is in my hand,

my hands begin to shake...
"What am I going to do with the pistol?"
For I couldn't...
handle this kind of pistol.
It was... a 9 millimeter.
I was scared,
but basically I was happy.

Years later I am still nervous.
My heart... as if it were all real.

There are so many nice things...
worth remembering...

to honour the women.
The circumstances were different,

the prospects were different...

We always carried the vision inside us,
that it would be different here.

Once it was different.
Now it is no longer different, now it is...
completely different from our expectations.

At least from my expectations.
So many sacrifices, so much effort...
for what we have now,
that is painful.

Very painful,
because we adapted a common dynamic.

And what happened...
to the famous Sandinista mystique?

The dead obtain...
the mystique.

We survivors...
experienced it in a particular moment.
I believe we have lost it.

We have lost it mainly...
because we are no longer linked as we were.

There is no longer a real organic life...
that allows you to carry on,

to take a look at yourself, to see...
where you are going, to weigh things up.

I believe in a particular moment...
we possessed a lot of mystique.

A lot of mystique to defend the revolution,
to reach for the weapons, to...

Why did you call it mystique,
and not ideology?

People who died near me...
said to me: "Keep going."
In agony they said: "keep going,
don't stay, we will win."
I have some poems.

A boy from Chinandega called Isidro Valle...
arrived with a bullet wound.
And I said: "We will take you to hospital,
jumping from ditch to ditch."
"It's all over for me now,
but don't stop, keep going."
These words stayed in my mind,

I wrote a poem for him: "The circumstances".

And this is...
how I define mystique:
Having taken a decision...
to do something, having defined yourself.

We regret...leaving our families behind,
but the defence of the sovereignty...
of our country is fundamental.

Loving our country with words is not enough,
you also need to defend it,
to leave our children a decent...
and glorious future.

The women go to war.
Against the Contras, an army of mercenaries,
financed by the US.
Nicaragua was the Vietnam of my generation.

I think I would walk with a bowed head,
if I hadn't fought against the most cruel...
dictatorship of Latin America.

To look my children...
and later my grandchildren...
in the eyes...
At least they should remember someone,
who left them...
a better country, rather than...
as shameful a dictatorship as Somoza's.

I will never regret it,
it's a part of my life.
These are your life's great deeds:

you think about them - and you act.
"Honourable National Assembly,
People of Nicaragua.
Counselled by the governments...
with a genuine interest...
in peace for this country,

I decided to comply with the decree...
of the American States...
and therefore renounce the presidency,
the people elected me to.
I fought against communism...
and believe that I will be proved right...
by history once the truth has come out."


July 17, 1979

With these words did not only...
Nicaragua's president resign...

These were also...
the parting words of the owner of:
30% of Nicaragua's land,
rice, tobacco and coffee plantations,
the general representative of Mercedes Benz,
the airline LANICA,
the shipping company MAMENIC,
the harbour services Marítima Mundial,
the harbour installations Puerto Somoza,
the hotel chain "Hoteles de Nicaragua S.A.",
the newspaper Diario Novedades,
the fishing company PESCANICA,
the sugar refinery Central de Ingenios,
the construction company CASANICA,
the asbestos cement factory NICALIT,
the cement factory Cementera Nacional,
the metal processing company METASA,
the textile factories EL PORVENIR,
the paper factory ENVASES Y CARTONES,
the slaughter houses CARNIC,
and the chief shareholder...
of the blood plasma factory Plasmaféresis.

The people called the blood plasma factory...
"the house of the vampires".
Here, blood was taken from prisoners,
and poor people...
suffering from malnutrition were able...
to sell their blood for a few pesos.
The factory was under license...
of the US Food and Drug Administration...
and sold the blood mainly to...

Western Europe and to the United States.
This used to be the Rubén Darío Salon,
where the last important event was...
the handing over of Somoza's power.
Then the Sandinista came,
and I had to serve them just like Somoza before.

Everybody was very happy,
pleased about the change, but...
after a few days we could see the difference.
I even spent 4 days in prison...
for serving General Somoza.
We were wrong,
as the Sandinista had made so many promises.

They cheated us with their promises.
Before leaving the country Somoza said,
we would be begging him on our knees...
to return.
After a short time it was...
exactly how he predicted:
everything had been better under Somoza.

You know, good clothes...
You are treated according to your appearance.
If you are badly dressed you are treated badly,
if you are well dressed you are treated better.

During the era of the Sandinista they...
didn't want to see people in suits and ties,
only sports shirts, casual clothing.
Who doesn't like...
to dress well and look elegant?
Differences and classes are necessary.

We cannot all be poor,
and we cannot all be rich.
Some people must have money...
so they can give work to those...
who have no money.

Things are unaffordable for proletarians.
An employee...
with a low salary cannot eat here,
the price of a meal is 200 Cordobas.
If it were 10, everybody would come here.
You are always in the middle,
someone is in front of you and someone behind.
You have to try to reach the one in front...
and to avoid the one behind catching you up.

To sit here and order an espresso...
without feeling guilty...
In 1985 the Intercontinental...
was the only place in Managua...
with a breakfast buffet.
That was of course frowned upon and decadent...
to those devoted to the revolution.

But after months of rice and beans...
we allowed our desire for food...
to triumph over our moral.
It was affordable for us.

We were more equal then too.

While I'm waiting for Don Herty,
Managuas mayor, a Sandinista,

I watch Don Francisco...
and think of the long-haired...
very casually dressed foreigners,
a colourful bunch of internationalists...
who used to dream while eating breakfast,
that one day...
the Intercontinental would be affordable to all.
During the eighties a lot of young people came.

What did you think of these people?

At that time, after the change...
from Somoza to the Sandinista,
a lot of strange people came here.

People with long hair,
with various bad odours,
people from countries such as Bulgaria,
countries who were politically left wing.

The people with class and money didn't come...
to do business here.
Rich people were scared to come here...
and to invest in this country.

You know each other, don't you?

Don Francisco Ramírez,
he has been working at the hotel for 30 years.
Do you know the mayor?

Don Lewites, of course.

It was a long time ago.

- How are you? - Very well, Don Herty.
He will always be young.

Despite everything...

Did you know each other then?

- 20 years ago... - Of course.

- How is your family? - Fine, Don Herty...

- Do you always work here? - Always.

May I?

What memories do you have of this hotel?

People used to polemicize against this hotel,

85 - 90 % of it belongs to the Somoza family.

I remember how all of us used to come here...

in our military uniforms, with our guns etc...

It was like an operations centre, the Sandinista...

had taken it over completely.

All the rooms.

Hundreds of militia men used to live here.

When they presented us with the bill,

we owed thousands of dollars.

The commanders asked: "what is going on?"

And they said:

"You are the minister of tourism...
and responsible for the hotel."

So I said:

"We already owe...
200'000 dollars for food and accommodation."

And they said: "Get out" and they all left.

There were also thousands...

** scene-change **

who took part...

in the battalions.
* 01074.14-01077.13 03.00 00.0 1 0190 11 16-090-090
There were 30'000 women...
* 01078.01-01082.02 04.02 00.0 1 0191 11 16-090-090
who took part in those battalions at that time,
* 01082.06-01084.09 02.04 00.0 1 0192 11 16-090-090
* 01086.10-01089.14 03.05 00.0 1 0193 11 16-090-090
They had a vision.
* 01090.10-01095.07 04.14 00.0 1 0194 11 16-090-090
That is to say, life in Nicaragua will change.
* 01095.11-01099.11 04.01 00.0 1 0195 11 16-090-090
Our children will grow up in a world that is...
* 01100.14-01103.10 02.13 00.0 1 0196 11 16-090-090
more equal for everyone...
* 01105.05-01107.15 02.11 00.0 1 0197 11 16-090-090
Her smile...
* 01108.03-01111.07 03.05 00.0 1 0198 11 16-090-090
as pretty as can be.
* 01114.01-01117.01 03.01 00.0 1 0199 11 16-090-090
25 years later...
* 01117.14-01121.14 04.01 00.0 1 0200 11 16-090-090
there are many who say: "Why did we fight,
* 01122.02-01125.08 03.07 00.0 1 0201 11 16-090-090
if things got worse in Nicaragua,
* 01126.10-01130.10 04.01 00.0 1 0202 11 16-090-090
so much blood was shed here."
* 01130.14-01135.07 04.10 00.0 1 0203 11 16-090-090
"After 25 years, there is still no work,
* 01135.13-01141.04 05.08 00.0 1 0204 11 16-090-090
and neither education nor public...
* 01142.01-01146.03 04.03 00.0 1 0205 11 16-090-090
health services are available to everyone."
* 01146.10-01148.03 01.10 00.0 1 0206 11 16-090-090
All this then is important,
* 01148.07-01152.09 04.03 00.0 1 0207 11 16-090-090
because those women can already...
* 01152.13-01154.13 02.01 00.0 1 0208 11 16-090-090
have 18 or 20-year-old children.
* 01155.01-01157.08 02.08 00.0 1 0209 11 16-090-090
Where are the women?
* 01166.14-01171.13 05.00 00.0 1 0210 11 16-090-090
I am looking for this person,
* 01172.13-01176.04 03.08 00.0 1 0211 11 16-090-090
don't you know her?
* 01195.07-01197.09 02.03 00.0 1 0212 11 16-090-090
Have you seen Magali?
* 01203.07-01209.09 06.03 00.0 1 0213 11 16-090-090
There? Does she work here?
* 01210.01-01215.01 05.01 00.0 1 0214 11 16-090-090
No, she is a lawyer, she often comes here.
* 01219.01-01221.08 02.08 00.0 1 0215 11 16-090-090
Is she here today?
* 01222.00-01229.15 08.00 00.0 1 0216 11 16-090-090
Yes, in the hall, the 1st or 2nd door on the right.
* 01231.12-01231.12 00.01 00.0 1 0216 12 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01233.09-01239.13 06.05 00.0 1 0217 12 16-090-090
Yes, that was in the camp in the mountains.
* 01240.01-01242.06 02.06 00.0 1 0218 12 16-090-090
That is you, isn't it?
* 01245.13-01253.01 07.05 00.0 1 0219 12 16-090-090
Yes, we were mobilised after the revolution.
* 01254.02-01260.15 06.14 00.0 1 0220 12 16-090-090
With the Verónica Lacayo battalion,
* 01261.09-01266.03 04.11 00.0 1 0221 12 16-090-090
the second infantery brigade.
* 01266.07-01275.03 08.13 00.0 1 0222 12 16-090-090
There were several battalions: 4014, 1728, 2332...
* 01277.08-01279.11 02.04 00.0 1 0223 12 16-090-090
Do you remember?
* 01280.05-01282.11 02.07 00.0 1 0224 12 16-090-090
Yes, it was a company of women...
* 01282.15-01286.03 03.05 00.0 1 0225 12 16-090-090
of the Verónica Lacayo battalion.
* 01286.07-01288.03 01.13 00.0 1 0226 12 16-090-090
And the other one?
* 01288.07-01291.11 03.05 00.0 1 0227 12 16-090-090
She is a compañera.
* 01292.08-01294.12 02.05 00.0 1 0228 12 16-090-090
What is her name?
* 01295.00-01296.15 02.00 00.0 1 0229 12 16-090-090
Mercedes, I think...
* 01301.13-01303.06 01.10 00.0 1 0230 12 16-090-090
* 01304.00-01308.09 04.10 00.0 1 0231 12 16-090-090
I think, I don't remember exactly.
* 01314.06-01316.04 01.15 00.0 1 0232 12 16-090-090
It was so long ago...
* 01316.08-01319.06 02.15 00.0 1 0233 12 16-090-090
You don't know anything about her?
* 01319.10-01323.08 03.15 00.0 1 0234 12 16-090-090
No, I haven't seen her...
* 01325.15-01328.05 02.07 00.0 1 0235 12 16-090-090
since our demobilisation.
* 01328.08-01328.08 00.01 00.0 1 0235 13 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01371.00-01374.09 03.10 00.0 1 0236 13 16-090-090
That was in the prime of my youth!
* 01432.04-01434.10 02.07 00.0 1 0237 13 16-090-090
I ask the people here...
* 01434.14-01438.14 04.01 00.0 1 0238 13 16-090-090
if they have a lawyer,
* 01439.02-01443.13 04.12 00.0 1 0239 13 16-090-090
I offer them my services if they don't.
* 01447.05-01450.01 02.13 00.0 1 0240 13 16-090-090
That is...
* 01450.05-01453.00 02.12 00.0 1 0241 13 16-090-090
how most of the lawyers...
* 01458.11-01461.15 03.05 00.0 1 0242 13 16-090-090
live here in Nicaragua:
* 01462.03-01467.02 05.00 00.0 1 0243 13 16-090-090
We look for the clients, not the other way round!
* 01582.11-01582.11 00.01 00.0 1 0243 14 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01606.11-01606.11 00.01 00.0 1 0243 15 16-090-090
** scene-change **
0 3 1.0 1.0 4.0 045 0400 0040 0500 090 100 0 100 0 6600 6600 01
MAXIMAGE (FLAT) Utilisateur:
* 00012.02-00012.02 00.01 00.0 1 0000 01 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00022.09-00022.09 00.01 00.0 1 0000 02 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00022.13-00026.02 03.06 00.0 1 0001 02 16-090-090
During the time we were mobilised...
* 00026.06-00030.03 03.14 00.0 1 0002 02 16-090-090
which was 6 months...
* 00030.07-00035.00 04.10 00.0 1 0003 02 16-090-090
we fought against the machismo of the men,
* 00035.04-00039.00 03.13 00.0 1 0004 02 16-090-090
who don't respect women,
* 00039.10-00039.10 00.01 00.0 1 0004 03 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00039.11-00049.01 09.07 00.0 1 0005 03 16-090-090
see them as sex objects and good for the kitchen.
* 00050.06-00052.13 02.08 00.0 1 0006 03 16-090-090
We have inherited...
* 00053.11-00056.12 03.02 00.0 1 0007 03 16-090-090
this machismo,
* 00057.00-00062.05 05.06 00.0 1 0008 03 16-090-090
that's why we have to fight...
* 00062.10-00062.10 00.01 00.0 1 0008 04 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00063.06-00065.11 02.06 00.0 1 0009 04 16-090-090
to make them accept us.
* 00066.04-00070.10 04.07 00.0 1 0010 04 16-090-090
We educate them...
* 00070.14-00076.07 05.10 00.0 1 0011 04 16-090-090
because we consider them...
* 00076.11-00079.07 02.13 00.0 1 0012 04 16-090-090
as one of us.
* 00080.05-00082.10 02.06 00.0 1 0013 04 16-090-090
We love them,
* 00082.14-00086.13 04.00 00.0 1 0014 04 16-090-090
but we ourselves want to experience...
* 00087.01-00089.07 02.07 00.0 1 0015 04 16-090-090
what they have suffered,
* 00090.11-00092.13 02.03 00.0 1 0016 04 16-090-090
that's why...
* 00093.01-00095.11 02.11 00.0 1 0017 04 16-090-090
we continue to fight,
* 00095.15-00100.10 04.12 00.0 1 0018 04 16-090-090
to make our men understand,
* 00100.13-00100.13 00.01 00.0 1 0018 05 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00101.00-00104.09 03.10 00.0 1 0019 05 16-090-090
that we feel and see...
* 00104.13-00107.10 02.14 00.0 1 0020 05 16-090-090
what they are doing.
* 00107.14-00112.00 04.03 00.0 1 0021 05 16-090-090
We definitely don't want to fight against them...
* 00118.04-00123.04 05.01 00.0 1 0022 05 16-090-090
The idea was good, but I don't like war.
* 00127.15-00130.07 02.09 00.0 1 0023 05 16-090-090
You don't like war?
* 00136.06-00139.12 03.07 00.0 1 0024 05 16-090-090
I don't like war,
* 00140.00-00142.10 02.11 00.0 1 0025 05 16-090-090
because people die.
* 00143.15-00146.00 02.02 00.0 1 0026 05 16-090-090
During this era...
* 00146.04-00149.14 03.11 00.0 1 0027 05 16-090-090
there wasn't much to be done,
* 00150.02-00152.06 02.05 00.0 1 0028 05 16-090-090
things were restricted,
* 00152.10-00156.01 03.08 00.0 1 0029 05 16-090-090
not everybody could go to school.
* 00160.13-00163.01 02.05 00.0 1 0030 05 16-090-090
And the war itself:
* 00165.00-00170.01 05.02 00.0 1 0031 05 16-090-090
a lot of innocent people lost their lives.
* 00173.10-00178.13 05.04 00.0 1 0032 05 16-090-090
I think they should have invested...
* 00179.01-00184.08 05.08 00.0 1 0033 05 16-090-090
in something else instead of the war.
* 00185.11-00191.05 05.11 00.0 1 0034 05 16-090-090
He knows little about history.
* 00192.06-00196.06 04.01 00.0 1 0035 05 16-090-090
Maybe it's due to a lack of communication,
* 00198.06-00202.01 03.12 00.0 1 0036 05 16-090-090
we have never talked about it.
* 00202.05-00206.11 04.07 00.0 1 0037 05 16-090-090
But after the war...
* 00207.11-00209.10 02.00 00.0 1 0038 05 16-090-090
the Frente gave me...
* 00209.14-00213.09 03.12 00.0 1 0039 05 16-090-090
a scholarship to study law.
* 00214.07-00214.07 00.01 00.0 1 0039 06 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00214.08-00219.04 04.13 00.0 1 0040 06 16-090-090
We owe many things to the Frente.
* 00223.05-00225.08 02.04 00.0 1 0041 06 16-090-090
I didn't dare ask Magali,
* 00225.13-00230.10 04.14 00.0 1 0042 06 16-090-090
a convinced Sandinista,
* 00231.07-00235.13 04.07 00.0 1 0043 06 16-090-090
why she didn't tell her sons more.
* 00236.10-00239.12 03.03 00.0 1 0044 06 16-090-090
Is she ashamed of the failure?
* 00240.11-00243.02 02.08 00.0 1 0045 06 16-090-090
Or does the memory hurt...
* 00245.00-00247.03 02.04 00.0 1 0046 06 16-090-090
as past comes back,
* 00247.07-00252.00 04.10 00.0 1 0047 06 16-090-090
forcing her to the following conclusion:
* 00252.08-00255.02 02.11 00.0 1 0048 06 16-090-090
the revolution is over.
* 00258.09-00260.12 02.04 00.0 1 0049 06 16-090-090
Perhaps the problems...
* 00261.00-00264.07 03.08 00.0 1 0050 06 16-090-090
of the present are too overwhelming...
* 00264.11-00268.11 04.01 00.0 1 0051 06 16-090-090
to be able to afford the luxury of remembering,
* 00268.15-00271.06 02.08 00.0 1 0052 06 16-090-090
as it provides no solutions.
* 00306.01-00309.01 03.01 00.0 1 0053 06 16-090-090
We want some cake now,
* 00309.15-00313.14 04.00 00.0 1 0054 06 16-090-090
even if it's only a small piece!
* 00387.05-00389.07 02.03 00.0 1 0055 06 16-090-090
Two women in uniform,
* 00391.00-00394.04 03.05 00.0 1 0056 06 16-090-090
a revolution, a poem...
* 00397.09-00401.04 03.12 00.0 1 0057 06 16-090-090
Who is the other woman in the photograph?
* 00401.09-00403.06 01.14 00.0 1 0058 06 16-090-090
Is she still alive?
* 00404.12-00406.14 02.03 00.0 1 0059 06 16-090-090
Has she, like many others,
* 00407.02-00411.07 04.06 00.0 1 0060 06 16-090-090
emigrated to Costa Rica or to the US?
* 00412.01-00412.01 00.01 00.0 1 0060 07 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00412.03-00414.10 02.08 00.0 1 0061 07 16-090-090
Nobody knows anything specific,
* 00415.03-00417.02 02.00 00.0 1 0062 07 16-090-090
everybody knows something,
* 00418.03-00420.11 02.09 00.0 1 0063 07 16-090-090
and somebody thought...
* 00420.15-00423.03 02.05 00.0 1 0064 07 16-090-090
she had died...
* 00431.10-00435.14 04.05 00.0 1 0065 07 16-090-090
Of course I remember her,
* 00436.02-00441.13 05.12 00.0 1 0066 07 16-090-090
she sang a nice song for us: "Everlasting Love".
* 00446.10-00449.12 03.03 00.0 1 0067 07 16-090-090
Everlasting love...
* 00450.04-00453.12 03.09 00.0 1 0068 07 16-090-090
* 00454.14-00458.02 03.05 00.0 1 0069 07 16-090-090
Sooner or later...
* 00458.06-00461.11 03.06 00.0 1 0070 07 16-090-090
I will be with you again.
* 00461.15-00469.13 07.15 00.0 1 0071 07 16-090-090
I will continue to love you...
* 00474.11-00479.03 04.09 00.0 1 0072 07 16-090-090
I remember how you filmed us...
* 00479.09-00484.13 05.05 00.0 1 0073 07 16-090-090
when we returned from the battalion.
* 00485.08-00489.06 03.15 00.0 1 0074 07 16-090-090
I left this daughter at a very young age,
* 00489.10-00491.11 02.02 00.0 1 0075 07 16-090-090
now she is a doctor.
* 00491.15-00496.15 05.01 00.0 1 0076 07 16-090-090
This is her daughter and this is my other one...
* 00497.15-00500.04 02.06 00.0 1 0077 07 16-090-090
Would you leave your daughter...
* 00500.08-00503.12 03.05 00.0 1 0078 07 16-090-090
behind for a mobilisation?
* 00504.00-00507.04 03.05 00.0 1 0079 07 16-090-090
If necessary I would.
* 00512.04-00515.02 02.15 00.0 1 0080 07 16-090-090
As a doctor I would go...
* 00515.06-00520.05 05.00 00.0 1 0081 07 16-090-090
and help the people.
* 00602.03-00605.02 03.00 00.0 1 0082 07 16-090-090
Do you remember her name?
* 00606.08-00610.15 04.08 00.0 1 0083 07 16-090-090
One of her sisters lives in this street.
* 00612.08-00615.03 02.12 00.0 1 0084 07 16-090-090
Do you know her name?
* 00616.03-00619.10 03.08 00.0 1 0085 07 16-090-090
No, but I know her.
* 00622.01-00625.10 03.10 00.0 1 0086 07 16-090-090
The intention of the revolution was good,
* 00625.14-00634.00 08.03 00.0 1 0087 07 16-090-090
but human beings are capable of nothing.
* 00634.06-00636.12 02.07 00.0 1 0088 07 16-090-090
And the benefit:
* 00637.01-00639.10 02.10 00.0 1 0089 07 16-090-090
to work...
* 00639.14-00644.05 04.08 00.0 1 0090 07 16-090-090
merely to enrich yourself is bad.
* 00645.00-00650.04 05.05 00.0 1 0091 07 16-090-090
That's why I prefer to work for God.
* 00650.08-00655.00 04.09 00.0 1 0092 07 16-090-090
The revolutionary process...
* 00656.02-00658.08 02.07 00.0 1 0093 07 16-090-090
was beautiful.
* 00663.01-00665.09 02.09 00.0 1 0094 07 16-090-090
I liked it very much,
* 00667.08-00670.08 03.01 00.0 1 0095 07 16-090-090
but now I belong to Jesus Christ.
* 00690.03-00690.03 00.01 00.0 1 0095 08 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00863.08-00868.13 05.06 00.0 1 0096 08 16-090-090
San Benito is a saint...
* 00871.10-00874.01 02.08 00.0 1 0097 08 16-090-090
who fulfils all our requests.
* 00875.09-00880.03 04.11 00.0 1 0098 08 16-090-090
I owe him two promises for my sons.
* 00883.00-00885.07 02.08 00.0 1 0099 08 16-090-090
My elder son...
* 00885.11-00889.10 04.00 00.0 1 0100 08 16-090-090
was born with one eye smaller.
* 00891.07-00898.08 07.02 00.0 1 0101 08 16-090-090
The deformation was very obvious.
* 00898.15-00906.05 07.07 00.0 1 0102 08 16-090-090
The doctors suggested plastic surgery,
* 00908.00-00914.02 06.03 00.0 1 0103 08 16-090-090
but without means, no operation.
* 00914.06-00919.00 04.11 00.0 1 0104 08 16-090-090
So I asked San Benito to redo the eye.
* 00921.09-00925.10 04.02 00.0 1 0105 08 16-090-090
And after some time...
* 00925.14-00931.10 05.13 00.0 1 0106 08 16-090-090
the eye became normal.
* 00933.02-00936.02 03.01 00.0 1 0107 08 16-090-090
The second miracle:
* 00936.06-00939.09 03.04 00.0 1 0108 08 16-090-090
my younger son...
* 00941.04-00941.04 00.01 00.0 1 0108 09 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00941.06-00945.03 03.14 00.0 1 0109 09 16-090-090
was seen with no arms at the echogram.
* 00946.11-00951.05 04.11 00.0 1 0110 09 16-090-090
I was desperate...
* 00951.09-00953.13 02.05 00.0 1 0111 09 16-090-090
and asked San Benito...
* 00954.01-00957.08 03.08 00.0 1 0112 09 16-090-090
to make him all in one piece.
* 00959.12-00962.08 02.13 00.0 1 0113 09 16-090-090
When my son was born...
* 00962.12-00967.02 04.07 00.0 1 0114 09 16-090-090
I asked if he was all in one piece.
* 00968.10-00973.07 04.14 00.0 1 0115 09 16-090-090
I could see that nothing was missing.
* 00973.11-00977.06 03.12 00.0 1 0116 09 16-090-090
So I promised San Benito...
* 00977.10-00980.08 02.15 00.0 1 0117 09 16-090-090
I would remember...
* 00981.11-00984.08 02.14 00.0 1 0118 09 16-090-090
and honour him every year.
* 01001.04-01003.04 02.01 00.0 1 0119 09 16-090-090
To the right.
* 01006.01-01008.01 02.01 00.0 1 0120 09 16-090-090
The first one?
* 01008.08-01011.03 02.12 00.0 1 0121 09 16-090-090
- Yes. - Thank you.
* 01011.11-01013.06 01.12 00.0 1 0122 09 16-090-090
At your service!
* 01030.02-01032.00 01.15 00.0 1 0123 09 16-090-090
She will be right here.
* 01057.10-01060.13 03.04 00.0 1 0124 09 16-090-090
- Are you Cecilia? - Yes.
* 01063.12-01067.13 04.02 00.0 1 0125 09 16-090-090
- You don't remember me? - No.
* 01070.13-01073.02 02.06 00.0 1 0126 09 16-090-090
Do you remember being...
* 01073.06-01075.12 02.07 00.0 1 0127 09 16-090-090
in the battalion together?
* 01080.00-01084.06 04.07 00.0 1 0128 09 16-090-090
Yes, in the Verónica Lacayo battalion.
* 01090.05-01093.08 03.04 00.0 1 0129 09 16-090-090
We have been looking for you.
* 01095.09-01097.11 02.03 00.0 1 0130 09 16-090-090
Do you remember this photograph?
* 01097.15-01099.15 02.01 00.0 1 0131 09 16-090-090
I would like to see it.
* 01108.05-01111.12 03.08 00.0 1 0132 09 16-090-090
Do you remember us being there?
* 01113.11-01117.04 03.10 00.0 1 0133 09 16-090-090
Yes, in Santrita, right?
* 01121.01-01123.04 02.04 00.0 1 0134 09 16-090-090
It was such a long time ago.
* 01128.05-01131.04 03.00 00.0 1 0135 09 16-090-090
Yes, I was a girl,
* 01132.15-01135.02 02.04 00.0 1 0136 09 16-090-090
about 16...
* 01140.07-01143.07 03.01 00.0 1 0137 09 16-090-090
We were celebrating your birthday.
* 01143.11-01145.10 02.00 00.0 1 0138 09 16-090-090
Yes, the 15th.
* 01146.10-01148.09 02.00 00.0 1 0139 09 16-090-090
- Your 15th? - Yes.
* 01150.11-01150.11 00.01 00.0 1 0139 10 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01151.05-01158.07 07.03 00.0 1 0140 10 16-090-090
Yes. I am married and have 4 children.
* 01159.05-01160.12 01.08 00.0 1 0141 10 16-090-090
Come here!
* 01169.09-01171.08 02.00 00.0 1 0142 10 16-090-090
* 01173.01-01175.00 02.00 00.0 1 0143 10 16-090-090
* 01175.06-01180.04 04.15 00.0 1 0144 10 16-090-090
José León, the little one.
* 01181.01-01186.14 05.14 00.0 1 0145 10 16-090-090
We call him "bald head", because he is a rascal.
* 01196.00-01198.07 02.08 00.0 1 0146 10 16-090-090
Would you like to come in?
* 01233.13-01238.03 04.07 00.0 1 0147 10 16-090-090
So one of the few...
* 01238.13-01242.15 04.03 00.0 1 0148 10 16-090-090
happily married women?
* 01243.03-01246.15 03.13 00.0 1 0149 10 16-090-090
A little bit happy,
* 01247.12-01252.09 04.14 00.0 1 0150 10 16-090-090
but there are always problems,
* 01252.13-01256.04 03.08 00.0 1 0151 10 16-090-090
financial problems.
* 01256.08-01258.01 01.10 00.0 1 0152 10 16-090-090
I work for...
* 01258.05-01259.15 01.11 00.0 1 0153 10 16-090-090
* 01260.13-01263.06 02.10 00.0 1 0154 10 16-090-090
For women,
* 01264.03-01271.14 07.12 00.0 1 0155 10 16-090-090
they sell cosmetics.
* 01275.10-01279.02 03.09 00.0 1 0156 10 16-090-090
We don't earn much,
* 01280.03-01284.04 04.02 00.0 1 0157 10 16-090-090
but at least it helps.
* 01284.08-01288.13 04.06 00.0 1 0158 10 16-090-090
My husband helps more,
* 01289.01-01296.10 07.10 00.0 1 0159 10 16-090-090
he works with household appliances,
* 01296.14-01304.07 07.10 00.0 1 0160 10 16-090-090
TVs, mixers, irons, microwaves,
* 01304.11-01310.08 05.14 00.0 1 0161 10 16-090-090
washing machines, ventilators, sewing machines...
* 01311.01-01313.01 02.01 00.0 1 0162 10 16-090-090
That was...
* 01313.12-01319.01 05.06 00.0 1 0163 10 16-090-090
when I met her in the army...
* 01323.12-01326.09 02.14 00.0 1 0164 10 16-090-090
Are you still in the party?
* 01329.13-01329.13 00.01 00.0 1 0164 11 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01329.15-01336.14 07.00 00.0 1 0165 11 16-090-090
Yes, we will be Sandinista until we die.
* 01340.12-01342.08 01.13 00.0 1 0166 11 16-090-090
"Not dead are those...
* 01342.12-01346.02 03.07 00.0 1 0167 11 16-090-090
who rest in sweet peace...
* 01346.06-01349.01 02.12 00.0 1 0168 11 16-090-090
in the cold grave,
* 01349.05-01350.12 01.08 00.0 1 0169 11 16-090-090
dead are those...
* 01351.00-01354.11 03.12 00.0 1 0170 11 16-090-090
who live on with a cold soul."
* 01356.01-01356.01 00.01 00.0 1 0170 12 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01356.03-01359.14 03.12 00.0 1 0171 12 16-090-090
This poem by Rubén Darío...
* 01360.07-01363.01 02.11 00.0 1 0172 12 16-090-090
inspired me,
* 01363.05-01367.00 03.12 00.0 1 0173 12 16-090-090
as many people had died...
* 01367.11-01370.03 02.09 00.0 1 0174 12 16-090-090
during the fight.
* 01373.08-01378.01 04.10 00.0 1 0175 12 16-090-090
They said: this one died, that one died...
* 01381.01-01383.06 02.06 00.0 1 0176 12 16-090-090
I said,
* 01384.03-01388.05 04.03 00.0 1 0177 12 16-090-090
the fallen are not dead,
* 01389.01-01393.12 04.12 00.0 1 0178 12 16-090-090
we are dead,
* 01397.02-01400.03 03.02 00.0 1 0179 12 16-090-090
because we have a cold soul.
* 01400.07-01407.08 07.02 00.0 1 0180 12 16-090-090
You had a cold soul?
* 01410.12-01413.15 03.04 00.0 1 0181 12 16-090-090
Yes, we had...
* 01414.03-01418.01 03.15 00.0 1 0182 12 16-090-090
a cold soul.
* 01419.13-01422.04 02.08 00.0 1 0183 12 16-090-090
What do you mean?
* 01422.15-01425.07 02.09 00.0 1 0184 12 16-090-090
Because of our nerves,
* 01426.11-01430.15 04.05 00.0 1 0185 12 16-090-090
because we were homesick,
* 01431.09-01436.04 04.12 00.0 1 0186 12 16-090-090
we also felt dead because we never knew...
* 01436.08-01440.08 04.01 00.0 1 0187 12 16-090-090
if we would wake up dead.
* 01457.04-01461.01 03.14 00.0 1 0188 12 16-090-090
It is right that we are happy for those...
* 01461.11-01464.10 03.00 00.0 1 0189 12 16-090-090
who came back.
* 01468.09-01473.06 04.14 00.0 1 0190 12 16-090-090
But it is also right...
* 01473.10-01480.09 07.00 00.0 1 0191 12 16-090-090
that we honour those...
* 01481.01-01486.07 05.07 00.0 1 0192 12 16-090-090
who never came back.
* 01486.11-01489.11 03.01 00.0 1 0193 12 16-090-090
To tell the world,
* 01491.02-01495.07 04.06 00.0 1 0194 12 16-090-090
the North American people:
* 01496.02-01499.06 03.05 00.0 1 0195 12 16-090-090
Here are our tears,
* 01499.10-01504.10 05.01 00.0 1 0196 12 16-090-090
here is our blood and our pain!
* 01525.13-01530.11 04.15 00.0 1 0197 12 16-090-090
From the "Ode to Roosevelt" by Ruben Dario,
* 01530.15-01535.12 04.14 00.0 1 0198 12 16-090-090
written in 1904:
* 01537.01-01540.08 03.08 00.0 1 0199 12 16-090-090
You are the United States,
* 01540.12-01543.11 03.00 00.0 1 0200 12 16-090-090
future invader of our naive America...
* 01543.15-01549.14 06.00 00.0 1 0201 12 16-090-090
with its Indian blood, an America
* 01550.08-01554.10 04.03 00.0 1 0202 12 16-090-090
that still prays to Christ...
* 01554.14-01557.14 03.01 00.0 1 0203 12 16-090-090
and still speaks Spanish.
* 01558.09-01562.04 03.12 00.0 1 0204 12 16-090-090
You think that life is a fire,
* 01562.08-01565.01 02.10 00.0 1 0205 12 16-090-090
That progress is an irruption,
* 01565.08-01568.07 03.00 00.0 1 0206 12 16-090-090
That the future is wherever...
* 01568.11-01572.06 03.12 00.0 1 0207 12 16-090-090
your bullet strikes. No.
* 01573.06-01575.02 01.13 00.0 1 0208 12 16-090-090
The America,
* 01575.06-01578.12 03.07 00.0 1 0209 12 16-090-090
where the noble Cuathémoc said:
* 01579.00-01584.11 05.12 00.0 1 0210 12 16-090-090
"I am not on a bed of roses" - our America
* 01584.15-01589.12 04.14 00.0 1 0211 12 16-090-090
trembling with hurricanes, living with Love:
* 01590.02-01595.12 05.11 00.0 1 0212 12 16-090-090
O men with Saxon eyes and barbarous souls,
* 01596.01-01597.12 01.12 00.0 1 0213 12 16-090-090
our America lives.
* 01598.00-01601.01 03.02 00.0 1 0214 12 16-090-090
And dreams. And loves. And vibrates.
* 01601.05-01603.14 02.10 00.0 1 0215 12 16-090-090
And it is the daughter of the Sun.
* 01604.02-01609.03 05.02 00.0 1 0216 12 16-090-090
Be careful. Long live Spanish America!
* 01609.10-01612.14 03.05 00.0 1 0217 12 16-090-090
A thousand cubs of the Spanish lion...
* 01613.02-01615.00 01.15 00.0 1 0218 12 16-090-090
are roaming free.
* 01615.04-01618.01 02.14 00.0 1 0219 12 16-090-090
Roosevelt, you must become,
* 01618.07-01620.09 02.03 00.0 1 0220 12 16-090-090
by God's own will,
* 01620.13-01623.01 02.05 00.0 1 0221 12 16-090-090
the deadly Rifleman...
* 01623.05-01625.13 02.09 00.0 1 0222 12 16-090-090
and the dreadful Hunter,
* 01626.01-01631.14 05.14 00.0 1 0223 12 16-090-090
before you can clutch us in your iron claws.
* 01634.06-01637.08 03.03 00.0 1 0224 12 16-090-090
And though you have everything,
* 01637.12-01641.15 04.04 00.0 1 0225 12 16-090-090
you are lacking one thing: God!
* 01645.15-01645.15 00.01 00.0 1 0225 13 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01669.15-01669.15 00.01 00.0 1 0225 14 16-090-090
** scene-change **
0 3 1.0 1.0 4.0 045 0400 0040 0500 090 100 0 100 0 6600 6600 01
MAXIMAGE (FLAT) Utilisateur:
* 00012.02-00012.02 00.01 00.0 1 0000 15 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00025.09-00025.09 00.01 00.0 1 0000 16 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00030.10-00034.07 03.14 00.0 1 0001 16 16-090-090
Somebody said to me at the time:
* 00034.11-00039.00 04.06 00.0 1 0002 16 16-090-090
Even if you know everything about my country,
* 00039.04-00040.13 01.10 00.0 1 0003 16 16-090-090
its history,
* 00041.01-00042.10 01.10 00.0 1 0004 16 16-090-090
its geography,
* 00042.14-00044.07 01.10 00.0 1 0005 16 16-090-090
its economy,
* 00045.06-00047.11 02.06 00.0 1 0006 16 16-090-090
you won't understand anything.
* 00049.00-00052.12 03.13 00.0 1 0007 16 16-090-090
Once you understand Rubén Darío,
* 00053.00-00056.12 03.13 00.0 1 0008 16 16-090-090
you will see Nicaragua's soul.
* 00059.02-00059.02 00.01 00.0 1 0008 17 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00085.00-00086.09 01.10 00.0 1 0009 17 16-090-090
Can I...
* 00086.13-00088.11 01.15 00.0 1 0010 17 16-090-090
as a European...
* 00088.15-00092.04 03.06 00.0 1 0011 17 16-090-090
really understand Rubén Darío?
* 00093.01-00093.01 00.01 00.0 1 0011 18 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00093.03-00094.14 01.12 00.0 1 0012 18 16-090-090
Rubén Darío,
* 00095.07-00098.10 03.04 00.0 1 0013 18 16-090-090
the poet of Latin America.
* 00099.01-00102.01 03.01 00.0 1 0014 18 16-090-090
Rubén Darío, the Indio...
* 00103.00-00106.03 03.04 00.0 1 0015 18 16-090-090
who renewed the language of the invaders -
* 00106.07-00108.10 02.04 00.0 1 0016 18 16-090-090
Spanish -
* 00109.05-00112.11 03.07 00.0 1 0017 18 16-090-090
in his poetry and...
* 00113.07-00115.13 02.07 00.0 1 0018 18 16-090-090
made it shine.
* 00145.05-00145.05 00.01 00.0 1 0018 19 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00145.14-00149.02 03.05 00.0 1 0019 19 16-090-090
Both my brothers...
* 00150.01-00152.09 02.09 00.0 1 0020 19 16-090-090
and I swore:
* 00153.08-00156.06 02.15 00.0 1 0021 19 16-090-090
"Freedom for our country or death",
* 00156.10-00159.01 02.08 00.0 1 0022 19 16-090-090
to win or to die,
* 00159.15-00163.13 03.15 00.0 1 0023 19 16-090-090
and that would always be our motto.
* 00166.03-00168.10 02.08 00.0 1 0024 19 16-090-090
How come...
* 00170.00-00175.06 05.07 00.0 1 0025 19 16-090-090
a son from a good familiy...?
* 00177.01-00178.10 01.10 00.0 1 0026 19 16-090-090
Not only I,
* 00178.14-00182.15 04.02 00.0 1 0027 19 16-090-090
the whole family was against Somoza...
* 00183.08-00189.00 05.09 00.0 1 0028 19 16-090-090
without taking any action against him.
* 00190.00-00193.04 03.05 00.0 1 0029 19 16-090-090
My father was even in business...
* 00193.08-00198.05 04.14 00.0 1 0030 19 16-090-090
with some Somozistas, with ministers...
* 00198.15-00204.10 05.12 00.0 1 0031 19 16-090-090
At my secondary school however...
* 00205.10-00211.09 06.00 00.0 1 0032 19 16-090-090
we were all against Somoza.
* 00212.07-00215.09 03.03 00.0 1 0033 19 16-090-090
I joined the fight...
* 00216.05-00220.09 04.05 00.0 1 0034 19 16-090-090
and when I was 18 or 19 I realised...
* 00221.13-00225.07 03.11 00.0 1 0035 19 16-090-090
Somoza couldn't possibly be...
* 00226.07-00230.05 03.15 00.0 1 0036 19 16-090-090
overthrown through elections,
* 00231.11-00234.12 03.02 00.0 1 0037 19 16-090-090
because he always cheated.
* 00235.00-00237.09 02.10 00.0 1 0038 19 16-090-090
* 00237.13-00240.02 02.06 00.0 1 0039 19 16-090-090
a group of friends decided...
* 00240.10-00243.15 03.06 00.0 1 0040 19 16-090-090
to overthrow him.
* 00244.13-00247.10 02.14 00.0 1 0041 19 16-090-090
We bought weapons to take over barracks.
* 00248.12-00252.00 03.05 00.0 1 0042 19 16-090-090
I did one thing after another,
* 00252.04-00254.01 01.14 00.0 1 0043 19 16-090-090
ended in prison...
* 00254.05-00256.09 02.05 00.0 1 0044 19 16-090-090
had to go into exile, came back...
* 00256.12-00256.12 00.01 00.0 1 0044 20 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00257.05-00263.03 05.15 00.0 1 0045 20 16-090-090
Your brother Israel was killed...
* 00263.07-00269.06 06.00 00.0 1 0046 20 16-090-090
When Israel was murdered in 1977 I thought:
* 00270.03-00275.06 05.04 00.0 1 0047 20 16-090-090
Now I have more responsibilities than ever.
* 00275.14-00278.14 03.01 08.5 1 0048 20 16-090-090
I had recruited him.
* 00279.02-00281.01 02.00 08.5 1 0049 20 16-090-090
Whenever I do something,
* 00281.05-00283.07 02.03 08.5 1 0050 20 16-090-090
I think of him...
* 00283.11-00287.01 03.07 08.5 1 0051 20 16-090-090
and many others who are dead...
* 00287.14-00292.03 04.06 08.5 1 0052 20 16-090-090
with the ethical responsibility:
* 00293.13-00296.04 02.08 00.0 1 0053 20 16-090-090
I cannot disappoint you,
* 00296.08-00299.01 02.10 00.0 1 0054 20 16-090-090
I have to continue your struggle,
* 00299.05-00301.05 02.01 00.0 1 0055 20 16-090-090
in which you dreamt...
* 00301.09-00304.01 02.09 00.0 1 0056 20 16-090-090
of a beautiful country.
* 00306.08-00306.08 00.01 00.0 1 0056 21 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00313.07-00315.12 02.06 00.0 1 0057 21 16-090-090
Thousands dreamt...
* 00316.07-00319.11 03.05 00.0 1 0058 21 16-090-090
and they did more than just dreaming:
* 00321.07-00323.10 02.04 00.0 1 0059 21 16-090-090
Still, Magali couldn't...
* 00323.14-00326.07 02.10 00.0 1 0060 21 16-090-090
make her son understand...
* 00326.11-00328.13 02.03 00.0 1 0061 21 16-090-090
what had moved her.
* 00330.07-00333.01 02.11 00.0 1 0062 21 16-090-090
I also sometimes find it difficult...
* 00333.05-00336.07 03.03 00.0 1 0063 21 16-090-090
to remember the Nicaragua...
* 00336.11-00338.12 02.02 00.0 1 0064 21 16-090-090
that used to be a hope.
* 00339.04-00341.11 02.08 00.0 1 0065 21 16-090-090
But I come and go.
* 00341.15-00345.00 03.02 00.0 1 0066 21 16-090-090
Thus I can afford the luxury...
* 00345.04-00347.07 02.04 00.0 1 0067 21 16-090-090
of heroically refusing...
* 00347.11-00350.13 03.03 00.0 1 0068 21 16-090-090
to dismiss the hope we had then...
* 00351.01-00354.12 03.12 00.0 1 0069 21 16-090-090
as a misapprehension of reality.
* 00361.05-00363.04 02.00 00.0 1 0070 21 16-090-090
Thousands dreamt...
* 00363.15-00367.03 03.05 00.0 1 0071 21 16-090-090
and they did more than just dreaming.
* 00368.00-00370.11 02.12 00.0 1 0072 21 16-090-090
Women break away,
* 00370.15-00375.14 05.00 00.0 1 0073 21 16-090-090
a people sends a dictator to hell,
* 00376.02-00378.15 02.14 00.0 1 0074 21 16-090-090
or rather, to the US.
* 00379.09-00379.09 00.01 00.0 1 0074 22 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00379.13-00382.01 02.05 00.0 1 0075 22 16-090-090
Revolutionary priests,
* 00382.06-00384.06 02.01 00.0 1 0076 22 16-090-090
poets as ministers,
* 00384.12-00387.12 03.01 00.0 1 0077 22 16-090-090
literacy campaigns, redistribution...
* 00388.00-00391.06 03.07 00.0 1 0078 22 16-090-090
a whole country in motion.
* 00391.10-00394.01 02.08 00.0 1 0079 22 16-090-090
Everything is wildly improvised,
* 00394.07-00396.10 02.04 00.0 1 0080 22 16-090-090
absurd, inconsistent,
* 00397.03-00399.05 02.03 00.0 1 0081 22 16-090-090
tragic, painful,
* 00400.02-00404.03 04.02 00.0 1 0082 22 16-090-090
but definitely fully alive.
* 00405.05-00408.01 02.13 00.0 1 0083 22 16-090-090
That was my Nicaragua.
* 00409.13-00411.09 01.13 00.0 1 0084 22 16-090-090
That was no dream,
* 00412.00-00414.14 02.15 00.0 1 0085 22 16-090-090
that was a country that existed.
* 00430.04-00432.01 01.14 00.0 1 0086 22 16-090-090
Thousands throughout the world...
* 00432.04-00432.04 00.01 00.0 1 0086 23 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00432.06-00435.12 03.07 00.0 1 0087 23 16-090-090
did more than just dream.
* 00436.02-00439.04 03.03 00.0 1 0088 23 16-090-090
Sometimes they risked their lives...
* 00440.01-00443.09 03.09 00.0 1 0089 23 16-090-090
but they considered it to be more important...
* 00443.13-00446.08 02.12 00.0 1 0090 23 16-090-090
to work in a foreign country,
* 00446.12-00449.08 02.13 00.0 1 0091 23 16-090-090
to pick coffee in a brigade,
* 00449.12-00454.00 04.05 00.0 1 0092 23 16-090-090
rather than worry about their own career.
* 00454.13-00458.09 03.13 00.0 1 0093 23 16-090-090
The fact that this situation didn't last...
* 00458.13-00463.13 05.01 00.0 1 0094 23 16-090-090
says nothing about the power of this reality.
* 00464.07-00465.14 01.08 00.0 1 0095 23 16-090-090
* 00466.02-00467.15 01.14 00.0 1 0096 23 16-090-090
in the end Goliath...
* 00468.00-00468.00 00.01 00.0 1 0096 24 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00468.03-00472.05 04.03 00.0 1 0097 24 16-090-090
was not impressed by David's little stones.
* 00472.09-00476.04 03.12 00.0 1 0098 24 16-090-090
But nothing is nicer than the feeling...
* 00476.08-00479.01 02.10 00.0 1 0099 24 16-090-090
of lifting the catapult...
* 00479.04-00479.04 00.01 00.0 1 0099 25 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00479.06-00483.01 03.12 00.0 1 0100 25 16-090-090
and attempting the impossible.
* 00485.00-00488.01 03.02 00.0 1 0101 25 16-090-090
Those who speak of pointless sacrifices...
* 00488.05-00492.06 04.02 00.0 1 0102 25 16-090-090
should be told that it was never about sacrifices,
* 00492.10-00494.15 02.06 00.0 1 0103 25 16-090-090
it was about decisions...
* 00495.03-00496.11 01.09 00.0 1 0104 25 16-090-090
to do with life...
* 00496.15-00500.10 03.12 00.0 1 0105 25 16-090-090
and nothing but life.
* 00527.04-00528.14 01.11 00.0 1 0106 25 16-090-090
I met Yvan...
* 00529.02-00531.13 02.12 00.0 1 0107 25 16-090-090
from the Jura in Switzerland...
* 00532.01-00534.05 02.05 00.0 1 0108 25 16-090-090
when we filmed brigades.
* 00535.04-00536.15 01.12 00.0 1 0109 25 16-090-090
He was very proud...
* 00537.03-00540.11 03.09 00.0 1 0110 25 16-090-090
to have organised the first international...
* 00540.15-00543.02 02.04 00.0 1 0111 25 16-090-090
brigade of workers.
* 00554.00-00556.03 02.04 00.0 1 0112 25 16-090-090
Whether I like that?
* 00558.10-00561.10 03.01 00.0 1 0113 25 16-090-090
Well, no one likes...
* 00562.12-00565.11 03.00 00.0 1 0114 25 16-090-090
to share a house with 50 people.
* 00565.15-00572.02 06.04 00.0 1 0115 25 16-090-090
Hygene is really a problem.
* 00572.06-00573.13 01.08 00.0 1 0116 25 16-090-090
The problem is...
* 00574.01-00576.00 02.00 00.0 1 0117 25 16-090-090
that there is no other solution!
* 00577.07-00585.00 07.10 00.0 1 0118 25 16-090-090
Could it be that you love adventures?
* 00587.07-00593.10 06.04 00.0 1 0119 25 16-090-090
No, for me that is no longer the case.
* 00596.15-00598.08 01.10 00.0 1 0120 25 16-090-090
I did that...
* 00601.08-00606.13 05.06 00.0 1 0121 25 16-090-090
during 1978/79 in Bolivia,
* 00607.13-00611.13 04.01 00.0 1 0122 25 16-090-090
pleasure drives, they were adventures.
* 00612.11-00616.12 04.02 00.0 1 0123 25 16-090-090
But what we are experiencing now -
* 00617.00-00618.12 01.13 00.0 1 0124 25 16-090-090
I don't think...
* 00619.00-00622.03 03.04 00.0 1 0125 25 16-090-090
you can call that an adventure.
* 00623.11-00625.04 01.10 00.0 1 0126 25 16-090-090
It is rather...
* 00626.08-00628.12 02.05 00.0 1 0127 25 16-090-090
political work...
* 00629.00-00631.11 02.12 00.0 1 0128 25 16-090-090
in view of solidarity,
* 00631.15-00636.10 04.12 00.0 1 0129 25 16-090-090
direct help for Nicaragua, the farmers...
* 00636.14-00638.09 01.12 00.0 1 0130 25 16-090-090
* 00639.15-00641.11 01.13 00.0 1 0131 25 16-090-090
it is mainly...
* 00641.15-00645.01 03.03 00.0 1 0132 25 16-090-090
an antiimperialistic struggle -
* 00646.01-00648.10 02.10 00.0 1 0133 25 16-090-090
so no adventure!
* 00651.10-00653.01 01.08 00.0 1 0134 25 16-090-090
That's it!
* 00682.12-00686.01 03.06 00.0 1 0135 25 16-090-090
Do we work here or what?
* 00703.05-00705.14 02.10 00.0 1 0136 25 16-090-090
The Nicas called him lovingly...
* 00706.02-00708.08 02.07 00.0 1 0137 25 16-090-090
the red haired madman,
* 00708.14-00712.06 03.09 00.0 1 0138 25 16-090-090
because he was full of strange ideas.
* 00713.08-00716.03 02.12 00.0 1 0139 25 16-090-090
For example building...
* 00716.07-00718.13 02.07 00.0 1 0140 25 16-090-090
a swimming pool for children...
* 00719.01-00722.05 03.05 00.0 1 0141 25 16-090-090
in a poor mountain village in the midst of a war!
* 00723.10-00727.02 03.09 00.0 1 0142 25 16-090-090
Yvan was famous in the whole area:
* 00728.05-00731.09 03.05 00.0 1 0143 25 16-090-090
the way he raced over the mountain roads...
* 00731.13-00734.13 03.01 00.0 1 0144 25 16-090-090
in his cream-coloured truck...
* 00735.01-00739.02 04.02 00.0 1 0145 25 16-090-090
with his favourite music playing loudly:
* 00739.06-00741.01 01.12 00.0 1 0146 25 16-090-090
* 00806.07-00806.07 00.01 00.0 1 0146 26 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00806.08-00809.00 02.09 00.0 1 0147 26 16-090-090
On this 28th of July...
* 00810.02-00817.03 07.02 00.0 1 0148 26 16-090-090
I met Yvan in Marañoza.
* 00818.15-00822.06 03.08 00.0 1 0149 26 16-090-090
He gave some final instructions...
* 00822.10-00826.03 03.10 00.0 1 0150 26 16-090-090
for the construction...
* 00827.12-00831.13 04.02 00.0 1 0151 26 16-090-090
of a housing estate.
* 00832.05-00836.00 03.12 00.0 1 0152 26 16-090-090
His departure...
* 00836.04-00840.15 04.12 00.0 1 0153 26 16-090-090
was more or less a fact,
* 00841.03-00848.12 07.10 00.0 1 0154 26 16-090-090
as his work here was finished.
* 00849.00-00851.00 02.01 00.0 1 0155 26 16-090-090
We agreed...
* 00851.04-00854.09 03.06 00.0 1 0156 26 16-090-090
how we would drive.
* 00855.07-00857.15 02.09 00.0 1 0157 26 16-090-090
I asked Yvan:
* 00861.02-00868.15 07.14 00.0 1 0158 26 16-090-090
"Do you want to be in front or behind?"
* 00872.07-00874.06 02.00 00.0 1 0159 26 16-090-090
Yvan answered:
* 00874.10-00877.09 03.00 00.0 1 0160 26 16-090-090
"Listen, Anibal, it's better...
* 00878.10-00882.03 03.10 00.0 1 0161 26 16-090-090
if I am behind you."
* 00883.03-00886.06 03.04 00.0 1 0162 26 16-090-090
About 40 metres from here...
* 00889.03-00893.07 04.05 00.0 1 0163 26 16-090-090
I heard a shot.
* 00893.15-00897.08 03.10 00.0 1 0164 26 16-090-090
I knew immediately...
* 00897.12-00901.04 03.09 00.0 1 0165 26 16-090-090
that the Contras had laid an ambush.
* 00904.13-00906.13 02.01 00.0 1 0166 26 16-090-090
The horrifying,
* 00907.01-00909.03 02.03 00.0 1 0167 26 16-090-090
painful thing was,
* 00910.06-00915.14 05.09 00.0 1 0168 26 16-090-090
as was the nature of this war,
* 00916.05-00921.03 04.15 00.0 1 0169 26 16-090-090
the way the Contra...
* 00921.07-00928.04 06.14 00.0 1 0170 26 16-090-090
dealt with the wounded.
* 00930.00-00933.09 03.10 00.0 1 0171 26 16-090-090
Yvan was badly hurt...
* 00934.02-00935.13 01.12 00.0 1 0172 26 16-090-090
and they came...
* 00936.01-00939.02 03.02 00.0 1 0173 26 16-090-090
and finished him off brutally.
* 00955.04-00957.04 02.01 00.0 1 0174 26 16-090-090
Hello parents,
* 00958.14-00962.10 03.13 00.0 1 0175 26 16-090-090
first a big kiss to everyone.
* 00963.01-00966.00 03.00 00.0 1 0176 26 16-090-090
We are not doing too badly.
* 00966.04-00969.06 03.03 00.0 1 0177 26 16-090-090
As you can read in the newspapers,
* 00969.10-00971.03 01.10 00.0 1 0178 26 16-090-090
there is a war here.
* 00971.07-00973.14 02.08 00.0 1 0179 26 16-090-090
But what kind of a war!
* 00974.06-00976.07 02.02 00.0 1 0180 26 16-090-090
We work and fight...
* 00976.11-00978.13 02.03 00.0 1 0181 26 16-090-090
for a just cause,
* 00979.01-00982.07 03.07 00.0 1 0182 26 16-090-090
confronted with the aggression of the US...
* 00982.11-00986.00 03.06 00.0 1 0183 26 16-090-090
who want no justice for Nicaragua...
* 00986.04-00988.03 02.00 00.0 1 0184 26 16-090-090
and no development.
* 00988.07-00992.05 03.15 00.0 1 0185 26 16-090-090
Their government approves 100 million dollars...
* 00992.09-00994.04 01.12 00.0 1 0186 26 16-090-090
to attack,
* 00994.10-00996.01 01.08 00.0 1 0187 26 16-090-090
to lay mines...
* 00996.10-01000.00 03.07 00.0 1 0188 26 16-090-090
and to kill farmers and workers.
* 01001.01-01004.06 03.06 00.0 1 0189 26 16-090-090
This time I wasn't ambushed,
* 01004.10-01007.12 03.03 00.0 1 0190 26 16-090-090
I think I am still lucky.
* 01008.02-01011.07 03.06 00.0 1 0191 26 16-090-090
I was born under a lucky star,
* 01011.12-01013.15 02.04 00.0 1 0192 26 16-090-090
thanks, Mum!
* 01014.07-01017.09 03.03 00.0 1 0193 26 16-090-090
But perhaps tomorrow my turn will come,
* 01017.13-01020.00 02.04 00.0 1 0194 26 16-090-090
I write this coldly...
* 01020.04-01023.04 03.01 00.0 1 0195 26 16-090-090
because I know, that's how it is.
* 01023.08-01026.09 03.02 00.0 1 0196 26 16-090-090
If I have to sacrifice my life,
* 01026.15-01029.06 02.08 00.0 1 0197 26 16-090-090
it is for a beautiful...
* 01029.10-01031.15 02.06 00.0 1 0198 26 16-090-090
and good cause:
* 01032.03-01034.06 02.04 00.0 1 0199 26 16-090-090
It is for the poor...
* 01034.11-01036.07 01.13 00.0 1 0200 26 16-090-090
I have decided...
* 01036.11-01041.02 04.08 00.0 1 0201 26 16-090-090
that if I die I would like to stay in Nicaragua.
* 01041.06-01043.00 01.11 00.0 1 0202 26 16-090-090
At the moment...
* 01043.04-01045.09 02.06 00.0 1 0203 26 16-090-090
I have fun, I work,
* 01046.00-01049.10 03.11 00.0 1 0204 26 16-090-090
am full of energy and enjoy the tropical sun!
* 01049.15-01051.07 01.09 00.0 1 0205 26 16-090-090
See you soon.
* 01052.06-01053.15 01.10 00.0 1 0206 26 16-090-090
I love you both,
* 01054.03-01059.01 04.15 00.0 1 0207 26 16-090-090
Yvan, June 1986.
* 01103.05-01103.05 00.01 00.0 1 0207 27 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01140.10-01142.15 02.06 00.0 1 0208 27 16-090-090
It is really beautiful...
* 01143.03-01146.14 03.12 00.0 1 0209 27 16-090-090
Yes, as if we were in the US.
* 01147.02-01150.03 03.02 00.0 1 0210 27 16-090-090
This is just like being in Miami...
* 01152.14-01154.10 01.13 00.0 1 0211 27 16-090-090
And it points to...
* 01154.14-01159.13 05.00 00.0 1 0212 27 16-090-090
the progress that has been made in Nicaragua.
* 01160.01-01162.08 02.08 00.0 1 0213 27 16-090-090
When such a company...
* 01163.14-01166.12 02.15 00.0 1 0214 27 16-090-090
invests 2 millions...
* 01167.00-01171.08 04.09 00.0 1 0215 27 16-090-090
This is already the third operation of this kind.
* 01171.12-01176.03 04.08 00.0 1 0216 27 16-090-090
- It shows the progress. - And it's creating jobs.
* 01187.03-01190.06 03.04 00.0 1 0217 27 16-090-090
Let's remember that we were...
* 01190.10-01193.00 02.07 00.0 1 0218 27 16-090-090
confronted with the superpower,
* 01195.08-01198.06 02.15 00.0 1 0219 27 16-090-090
the US.
* 01198.10-01202.02 03.09 00.0 1 0220 27 16-090-090
And also with the Catholic Church,
* 01202.13-01206.09 03.13 00.0 1 0221 27 16-090-090
humanity's oldest party.
* 01207.03-01212.01 04.15 00.0 1 0222 27 16-090-090
How were we able to hold on so long?
* 01212.07-01214.04 01.14 00.0 1 0223 27 16-090-090
It was impossible.
* 01214.08-01216.09 02.02 00.0 1 0224 27 16-090-090
So much was against us:
* 01217.04-01220.15 03.12 00.0 1 0225 27 16-090-090
A permanent campaign,
* 01221.03-01223.05 02.03 00.0 1 0226 27 16-090-090
the Catholic Church,
* 01224.10-01228.02 03.09 00.0 1 0227 27 16-090-090
the private sector,
* 01229.03-01232.05 03.03 00.0 1 0228 27 16-090-090
the US,
* 01232.09-01235.04 02.12 00.0 1 0229 27 16-090-090
a permanent war of aggression,
* 01235.07-01235.07 00.01 00.0 1 0229 28 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01236.06-01238.01 01.12 00.0 1 0230 28 16-090-090
it was impossible.
* 01238.05-01244.00 05.12 00.0 1 0231 28 16-090-090
When the Sandinistas lost the election in 1990,
* 01244.04-01249.03 05.00 00.0 1 0232 28 16-090-090
how did you feel that day?
* 01249.07-01252.12 03.06 00.0 1 0233 28 16-090-090
At about 10 o'clock at night...
* 01253.10-01256.03 02.10 00.0 1 0234 28 16-090-090
I cried for an hour and a half,
* 01256.07-01261.06 05.00 00.0 1 0235 28 16-090-090
streams of tears.
* 01263.04-01268.00 04.13 00.0 1 0236 28 16-090-090
That helped.
* 01268.13-01272.06 03.10 00.0 1 0237 28 16-090-090
I may have cried like that as a child,
* 01272.10-01274.05 01.12 00.0 1 0238 28 16-090-090
but never since I'm a man.
* 01274.09-01276.09 02.01 00.0 1 0239 28 16-090-090
It was so painful.
* 01276.14-01280.12 03.15 00.0 1 0240 28 16-090-090
My own brother died in the war,
* 01281.00-01284.00 03.01 00.0 1 0241 28 16-090-090
which affected me very badly,
* 01284.04-01285.15 01.12 00.0 1 0242 28 16-090-090
but it was harder...
* 01286.13-01288.11 01.15 00.0 1 0243 28 16-090-090
when we lost.
* 01295.12-01298.15 03.04 00.0 1 0244 28 16-090-090
Then I thought:
* 01302.07-01304.07 02.01 00.0 1 0245 28 16-090-090
With all the weapons we have,
* 01304.11-01310.04 05.10 00.0 1 0246 28 16-090-090
with over 150'000 armed young men and women,
* 01311.01-01316.05 05.05 00.0 1 0247 28 16-090-090
why should we give up on the revolution...
* 01316.12-01320.03 03.08 00.0 1 0248 28 16-090-090
if we possess the military power?
* 01320.07-01323.11 03.05 00.0 1 0249 28 16-090-090
That was the great maturity...
* 01323.15-01326.03 02.05 00.0 1 0250 28 16-090-090
of the Frente Sandinista,
* 01327.04-01330.06 03.03 00.0 1 0251 28 16-090-090
accepting what the people wanted.
* 01330.08-01330.08 00.01 00.0 1 0251 29 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01332.02-01335.10 03.09 00.0 1 0252 29 16-090-090
The parting president...
* 01336.06-01339.04 02.15 00.0 1 0253 29 16-090-090
Daniel Ortega Saavedra...
* 01339.14-01342.14 03.01 00.0 1 0254 29 16-090-090
hands the presidential ribbon...
* 01343.10-01345.15 02.06 00.0 1 0255 29 16-090-090
to the elected president...
* 01346.10-01350.11 04.02 00.0 1 0256 29 16-090-090
Violeta Barrios de Chamorro.
* 01408.06-01408.06 00.01 00.0 1 0256 30 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01432.06-01432.06 00.01 00.0 1 0256 31 16-090-090
** scene-change **
0 3 1.0 1.0 4.0 045 0400 0040 0500 090 100 0 100 0 6600 6600 01
MAXIMAGE (FLAT) Utilisateur:
* 00012.02-00012.02 00.01 00.0 1 0000 32 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00020.07-00020.07 00.01 00.0 1 0000 33 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00040.04-00040.04 00.01 00.0 1 0000 34 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00060.01-00063.13 03.13 00.0 1 0001 34 16-090-090
The country that should never have been like this,
* 00064.01-00069.04 05.04 00.0 1 0002 34 16-090-090
ceased to exist and became the country...
* 00070.03-00072.05 02.03 00.0 1 0003 34 16-090-090
it never wanted to be.
* 00073.00-00077.10 04.11 00.0 1 0004 34 16-090-090
A government approved by the US was elected.
* 00077.14-00081.01 03.04 00.0 1 0005 34 16-090-090
The Contra lost their jobs.
* 00081.05-00085.04 04.00 00.0 1 0006 34 16-090-090
Democracy. Peace. Normality...
* 00085.09-00088.05 02.13 00.0 1 0007 34 16-090-090
"I'm surprised that my mother-in-law...
* 00088.07-00088.07 00.01 00.0 1 0007 35 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00088.09-00093.01 04.09 00.0 1 0008 35 16-090-090
hasn't been privatised yet!", said Herty.
* 00094.02-00096.09 02.08 00.0 1 0009 35 16-090-090
And the Sandinista party...
* 00096.13-00099.14 03.02 00.0 1 0010 35 16-090-090
became a normal party...
* 00100.03-00103.14 03.12 00.0 1 0011 35 16-090-090
with normal incidents and normal scandals:
* 00104.02-00106.12 02.11 00.0 1 0012 35 16-090-090
corrupt, perfectly normal.
* 00166.04-00168.15 02.12 00.0 1 0013 35 16-090-090
"It is now a third-world-country...
* 00169.03-00170.14 01.12 00.0 1 0014 35 16-090-090
like all the others",
* 00171.02-00172.11 01.10 00.0 1 0015 35 16-090-090
wrote Traute,
* 00172.15-00175.10 02.12 00.0 1 0016 35 16-090-090
who was our roommate...
* 00175.14-00178.07 02.10 00.0 1 0017 35 16-090-090
when everything still seemed possible.
* 00178.12-00181.03 02.08 00.0 1 0018 35 16-090-090
Most of the internationalists...
* 00181.07-00183.10 02.04 00.0 1 0019 35 16-090-090
left along with the hope.
* 00184.03-00186.05 02.03 00.0 1 0020 35 16-090-090
Traute stayed.
* 00187.10-00189.02 01.09 00.0 1 0021 35 16-090-090
I have to...
* 00189.06-00191.10 02.05 00.0 1 0022 35 16-090-090
lock myself in now, as you see,
* 00191.14-00193.13 02.00 00.0 1 0023 35 16-090-090
but that's the way it is.
* 00195.07-00199.10 04.04 00.0 1 0024 35 16-090-090
I still don't know which key it is either.
* 00200.01-00201.12 01.12 00.0 1 0025 35 16-090-090
Next time...
* 00202.00-00205.10 03.11 00.0 1 0026 35 16-090-090
I will have even more.
* 00219.10-00219.10 00.01 00.0 1 0026 36 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00223.07-00225.01 01.11 00.0 1 0027 36 16-090-090
* 00226.10-00228.12 02.03 00.0 1 0028 36 16-090-090
I have a big machete,
* 00229.15-00235.12 05.14 00.0 1 0029 36 16-090-090
and if necessary I use it,
* 00236.00-00239.02 03.03 00.0 1 0030 36 16-090-090
we are well prepared,
* 00239.06-00243.06 04.01 00.0 1 0031 36 16-090-090
in case something happens.
* 00243.10-00246.05 02.12 00.0 1 0032 36 16-090-090
When the guy up there wanted to break in...
* 00246.09-00250.10 04.02 00.0 1 0033 36 16-090-090
I ranted and raved...
* 00250.14-00253.03 02.06 00.0 1 0034 36 16-090-090
looking for the right words...
* 00253.07-00256.06 03.00 00.0 1 0035 36 16-090-090
in Spanish.
* 00256.10-00258.13 02.04 00.0 1 0036 36 16-090-090
I told him to get lost.
* 00259.01-00261.02 02.02 00.0 1 0037 36 16-090-090
And he did.
* 00261.06-00263.12 02.07 00.0 1 0038 36 16-090-090
My words chased him off,
* 00264.01-00267.02 03.02 00.0 1 0039 36 16-090-090
so I haven't used the machete ever.
* 00267.06-00272.15 05.10 00.0 1 0040 36 16-090-090
- Would you use the machete if...? - Definitely.
* 00273.01-00273.01 00.01 00.0 1 0040 37 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00273.04-00277.03 04.00 00.0 1 0041 37 16-090-090
I wouldn't chop his head off,
* 00277.07-00281.00 03.10 00.0 1 0042 37 16-090-090
I don't know if I could do that.
* 00281.04-00284.05 03.02 00.0 1 0043 37 16-090-090
But I would threaten him and chase him,
* 00284.09-00286.00 01.08 00.0 1 0044 37 16-090-090
that's for sure.
* 00287.09-00289.13 02.05 00.0 1 0045 37 16-090-090
I get so furious...
* 00290.01-00293.09 03.09 00.0 1 0046 37 16-090-090
if somebody tries to steal from me...
* 00293.13-00296.04 02.08 00.0 1 0047 37 16-090-090
or wants to harass me,
* 00296.08-00299.08 03.01 00.0 1 0048 37 16-090-090
I get really furious.
* 00304.00-00304.00 00.01 00.0 1 0048 38 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00331.06-00339.04 07.15 00.0 1 0049 38 16-090-090
During the 80s I could participate in many things.
* 00339.08-00343.13 04.06 00.0 1 0050 38 16-090-090
And look now! Water is being privatised!
* 00344.02-00348.05 04.04 00.0 1 0051 38 16-090-090
Terrible! What do we do? Nobody does anything.
* 00348.09-00352.00 03.08 00.0 1 0052 38 16-090-090
You can't do a thing. That's ugly.
* 00352.04-00355.12 03.09 00.0 1 0053 38 16-090-090
It is as if you were chained up.
* 00357.08-00361.13 04.06 00.0 1 0054 38 16-090-090
That's why I often said to Eveling:
* 00362.01-00365.13 03.13 00.0 1 0055 38 16-090-090
I don't want to see or hear any more.
* 00366.07-00369.13 03.07 00.0 1 0056 38 16-090-090
Our grandparents...
* 00370.01-00374.01 04.01 00.0 1 0057 38 16-090-090
said the same:
* 00378.08-00383.02 04.11 00.0 1 0058 38 16-090-090
"We don't want to see the news anymore."
* 00383.12-00387.10 03.15 00.0 1 0059 38 16-090-090
It's the same over and over again.
* 00388.09-00392.01 03.09 00.0 1 0060 38 16-090-090
It is nice if you don't yet know...
* 00392.05-00394.08 02.04 00.0 1 0061 38 16-090-090
that it all repeats itself:
* 00394.12-00398.09 03.14 00.0 1 0062 38 16-090-090
when you are young, it's nice.
* 00398.13-00401.04 02.08 00.0 1 0063 38 16-090-090
When you fly!
* 00404.01-00406.03 02.03 00.0 1 0064 38 16-090-090
The dreams...
* 00406.10-00406.10 00.01 00.0 1 0064 39 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00406.13-00410.11 03.15 00.0 1 0065 39 16-090-090
we could realise...
* 00410.15-00415.01 04.03 00.0 1 0066 39 16-090-090
were crushed.
* 00416.00-00418.05 02.06 00.0 1 0067 39 16-090-090
A process which made you...
* 00418.09-00422.01 03.09 00.0 1 0068 39 16-090-090
continually grow has been interrupted,
* 00422.05-00427.11 05.07 00.0 1 0069 39 16-090-090
but the thought, the idea, hasn't.
* 00428.08-00434.03 05.12 00.0 1 0070 39 16-090-090
The process was crushed, the ideas weren't.
* 00434.09-00437.12 03.04 00.0 1 0071 39 16-090-090
And then...
* 00438.01-00443.00 05.00 00.0 1 0072 39 16-090-090
Even though you appear to be sleeping...
* 00443.04-00447.06 04.03 00.0 1 0073 39 16-090-090
it's going through your head, you see the news,
* 00447.15-00452.15 05.01 00.0 1 0074 39 16-090-090
read the papers, meet friends...
* 00455.05-00460.02 04.14 00.0 1 0075 39 16-090-090
which initiates a process of reflection,
* 00461.05-00463.04 02.00 00.0 1 0076 39 16-090-090
but also...
* 00465.05-00468.13 03.09 00.0 1 0077 39 16-090-090
of disappointment,
* 00470.04-00473.05 03.02 00.0 1 0078 39 16-090-090
of frustration.
* 00473.09-00473.09 00.01 00.0 1 0078 40 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00477.10-00482.08 04.15 00.0 1 0079 40 16-090-090
However, you had to experience this moment,
* 00483.02-00487.06 04.05 00.0 1 0080 40 16-090-090
and if you didn't, you had missed it.
* 00487.10-00489.01 01.08 00.0 1 0081 40 16-090-090
Almost 15 years...
* 00489.05-00493.15 04.11 00.0 1 0082 40 16-090-090
have passed since a dream was lost.
* 00494.03-00494.03 00.01 00.0 1 0082 41 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00495.11-00498.02 02.08 00.0 1 0083 41 16-090-090
A dream of many,
* 00499.02-00501.15 02.14 00.0 1 0084 41 16-090-090
not a dream of a group...
* 00502.04-00504.04 02.01 00.0 1 0085 41 16-090-090
who had power.
* 00504.13-00508.05 03.09 00.0 1 0086 41 16-090-090
It was a dream of thousands...
* 00509.14-00515.04 05.07 00.0 1 0087 41 16-090-090
Yours, mine, Traute's, my mother's,
* 00516.02-00518.06 02.05 00.0 1 0088 41 16-090-090
my sister's.
* 00523.14-00527.13 04.00 00.0 1 0089 41 16-090-090
It is very difficult...
* 00528.01-00532.00 04.00 00.0 1 0090 41 16-090-090
to believe in something again,
* 00532.04-00535.04 03.01 00.0 1 0091 41 16-090-090
because at that moment...
* 00536.00-00540.00 04.01 00.0 1 0092 41 16-090-090
you had everything...
* 00541.00-00542.13 01.14 00.0 1 0093 41 16-090-090
and it was...
* 00544.10-00550.02 05.09 00.0 1 0094 41 16-090-090
impossible to realise...
* 00552.02-00553.11 01.10 00.0 1 0095 41 16-090-090
and now,
* 00553.15-00555.12 01.14 00.0 1 0096 41 16-090-090
even if you...
* 00557.15-00561.08 03.10 00.0 1 0097 41 16-090-090
really want to get it back,
* 00562.03-00565.13 03.11 00.0 1 0098 41 16-090-090
life's context is different:
* 00567.00-00571.00 04.01 00.0 1 0099 41 16-090-090
one's personal situation,
* 00572.08-00574.07 02.00 00.0 1 0100 41 16-090-090
the emotional one,
* 00575.11-00583.04 07.10 00.0 1 0101 41 16-090-090
the one in the country too.
* 00584.08-00584.08 00.01 00.0 1 0101 42 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00609.07-00613.00 03.10 00.0 1 0102 42 16-090-090
I wished for a park,
* 00613.04-00614.15 01.12 00.0 1 0103 42 16-090-090
a kind of Disneyland.
* 00616.04-00620.04 04.01 00.0 1 0104 42 16-090-090
I knew Disney's parks in the US...
* 00620.14-00622.05 01.08 00.0 1 0105 42 16-090-090
and decided...
* 00622.09-00625.09 03.01 00.0 1 0106 42 16-090-090
to call this project Hertylandia.
* 00630.14-00632.05 01.08 00.0 1 0107 42 16-090-090
I hope...
* 00632.09-00635.14 03.06 00.0 1 0108 42 16-090-090
it will become as famous as Disneyland.
* 00636.02-00638.06 02.05 00.0 1 0109 42 16-090-090
Would you like that?
* 00639.03-00641.12 02.10 00.0 1 0110 42 16-090-090
I don't think there is anybody...
* 00642.00-00644.12 02.13 00.0 1 0111 42 16-090-090
who doesn't want to triumph in life.
* 00647.12-00654.13 07.02 00.0 1 0112 42 16-090-090
When Disney created Disneyland...
* 00655.12-00659.06 03.11 00.0 1 0113 42 16-090-090
the whole of humanity recognised...
* 00659.10-00664.05 04.12 00.0 1 0114 42 16-090-090
that it brought happiness,
* 00665.07-00671.03 05.13 00.0 1 0115 42 16-090-090
especially to children.
* 00720.05-00722.14 02.10 00.0 1 0116 42 16-090-090
I don't think the Sandinista dream...
* 00723.02-00724.15 01.14 00.0 1 0117 42 16-090-090
will end.
* 00726.06-00731.14 05.09 00.0 1 0118 42 16-090-090
Because the song as such is very beautiful.
* 00732.02-00735.07 03.06 00.0 1 0119 42 16-090-090
The singers are not always...
* 00735.11-00738.06 02.12 00.0 1 0120 42 16-090-090
the way we would like them to be.
* 00739.01-00741.05 02.05 00.0 1 0121 42 16-090-090
So you have to...
* 00742.11-00746.08 03.14 00.0 1 0122 42 16-090-090
look out for new singers...
* 00746.14-00750.15 04.02 00.0 1 0123 42 16-090-090
to turn the Sandinista revolution...
* 00752.05-00757.12 05.08 00.0 1 0124 42 16-090-090
into reality.
* 00758.11-00762.12 04.02 00.0 1 0125 42 16-090-090
The Sandinist revolution will not die,
* 00763.00-00764.10 01.11 00.0 1 0126 42 16-090-090
it will not die.
* 00768.06-00769.15 01.10 00.0 1 0127 42 16-090-090
"Our America,
* 00770.03-00774.08 04.06 00.0 1 0128 42 16-090-090
trembling with hurricanes, living on love:
* 00774.15-00779.12 04.14 00.0 1 0129 42 16-090-090
O men with Saxon eyes and barbarous souls
* 00780.06-00781.14 01.09 00.0 1 0130 42 16-090-090
Our America lives.
* 00782.02-00785.03 03.02 00.0 1 0131 42 16-090-090
And dreams. And loves. And vibrates.
* 00785.07-00788.12 03.06 00.0 1 0132 42 16-090-090
And it is the daughter of the Sun."
* 00823.02-00823.02 00.01 00.0 1 0132 43 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 00931.10-00933.03 01.10 00.0 1 0133 43 16-090-090
The America...
* 00933.07-00935.14 02.08 00.0 1 0134 43 16-090-090
which the Indio Rubén Darío...
* 00936.02-00939.15 03.14 00.0 1 0135 43 16-090-090
implores in the language of the invaders...
* 00941.02-00944.11 03.10 00.0 1 0136 43 16-090-090
is a land that does not exist,
* 00945.10-00948.03 02.10 00.0 1 0137 43 16-090-090
that never existed,
* 00949.13-00954.13 05.01 00.0 1 0138 43 16-090-090
but still is alive every moment.
* 00956.08-00959.14 03.07 00.0 1 0139 43 16-090-090
If the aim of my return...
* 00960.02-00964.04 04.03 00.0 1 0140 43 16-090-090
was to wake up, then I have achieved it now.
* 00965.09-00968.09 03.01 00.0 1 0141 43 16-090-090
And Rubén Darío's language...
* 00968.13-00970.15 02.03 00.0 1 0142 43 16-090-090
seems more real to me...
* 00971.03-00975.04 04.02 00.0 1 0143 43 16-090-090
than the neon slogans of the trademarks...
* 00975.08-00977.01 01.10 00.0 1 0144 43 16-090-090
of a united world.
* 00981.12-00981.12 00.01 00.0 1 0144 44 16-090-090
** scene-change **
* 01000.13-01004.08 03.12 00.0 1 0145 44 16-090-090
Through wherever they passed, our ancestors...
* 01006.10-01009.02 02.09
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