02:00 - 02:09 KLA fighters taking cover from incoming mortars.
02:09 - 02:34 Wounded fighter being evacuated by his comrades.
02:34 - 03:01 Firing mortar, various angles.
03:01 - 03:22 Mortar crew taking rest in abandoned house.
03:23 - 03:42 Fighters showing a dead Serb close to the Albanian border. One fighter explaining that there are more corpses further down, but that area is covered by Serb snipers.
03:42 - 04:29 Firing heavy machinegun toward Serb positions. Soldiers in trench.
04:29 - 04:47 An old, dead Serb, probably member of a paramilitary group.
04:47 - 05:10 Fighters leaving base in Albania by tractor heading for the frontline.
05:10 - 05:59 A Serb base called Karaullah, close to the Albanian border, after being captured by KLA, early April. Fighters ransacking the base.
05:59 - 06:17 Fighters checking the forest surrounding the base.
06:17 - 06:49 KLA staff officers showing Serb military IDs found at the base.
06:49 - 07:12 German volunteer sniper talking with the KLA as a mortar hit the area.
07:12 - 07:30 Fighters marching in central Kosovo, closing days of the war.
07:30 - 07:59 Hours after Serb forces left the small town of Malisheva in central Kosovo, KLA fighters, including KLA "Minister of Interior" (man speaking) enters the area, early June.
07:59 - 09:37 KLA fighters entering Malisheva, greeting each other and firing weapons in celebration.
09:38 - 10:17 Funeral of three KLA fighters killed in a Serb ambush, central Kosovo. Uniformed girl was girlfriend of one of the killed men.
10:17 - 12:00 KLA "special forces" doing physical training, base in Albania, April.
12:00 - 12:30 Firing RPG-7 during training, Albania, March.
12:30 - 13:18 Firing automatic rifle during training, Albania, March.
13:18 - 13:43 Training fire and movement, Albania, March.
13:43 - 14:04 Fighters lining up for inspection, Albania, March.
14:04 - 14:48 Cleaning weapons, Albania, March.
14:48 - 15:44 Handing out gasmasks after unconfirmed reports of Serb forces using chemical weapons, Albania, April.
15:44 - 16:22 Testing gasmask, late evening, Albania, April.
16:22 - 16:50 Civilians fleeing into forest expecting a Serb attack within hours, Southern Kosovo, May.
16:50 - 17:05 Fighters leaving for the frontline in moonshine, April.
17:05 - 17:50 NATO bombs exploding in Western Kosovo, filmed from Albania.
17:51 - 19:10 NATO planes bombing KLA area in central Kosovo, killing four civilians and forcing the KLA chief of staff, Agim Ceku, to take cover in the forest. June 2nd.
19:10 - 19:14 Black.
In context: As Serb forces withdrew from Kosovo in June, the Kosovars started searching for missing relatives and the full scale of Serb atrocities became clear.
19:15 - 19:32 Group of Kosovars with spades looking for sites to dig for relatives.
19:32 - 20:27 Digging, finding one man apparently killed by a shot to his head.
20:27 - 21:05 Lifting up dead man.
21:05 - 21:12 Father of dead man.
21:12 - 21:24 Another dead man found nearby, possibly associated with the KLA.
21:24 - 21:44 Refugee moving his tractor with flat tires.
21:44 - 22:16 Mosque in central Kosovo, trashed by Serb forces.
22:16 - 22:28 Mosque in Cherez, central Kosovo, destroyed by Serb forces.
22:28 - 22:44 Burned out Serb tank by road.
22:44 - 22:53 Village clinic hit by Serb tank shell.
22:53 - 23:39 House in Cara Luka close to the small town of Malisheva, central Kosovo, where Serb forces killed and burned an extended family consisting of 26 persons from the age of two to 70 years - a majority being women and children, various angles.
23:39 - 24:03 Relative giving testimony to KLA investigator.
24:03 - 27:41 House in Poklek, in between Kamaran and Gllogofs in central Kosovo, where Serb forces killed and burned 48 members of an extended family from the age of six months to 80 years.
Man in black vest is sole survivor of extended family and shows pictures of women and children killed.
27:41 End footage.

Originally filmed on DVCAM.
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