TC Transcript


00:00:00:00 – 00:00:05:24    Title: Bear Dereams


00:00:16:06 – 00:01:33:08    Elisabeth Stanley (interview):


00:01:06:19  -  00:01:12:10  Title: Elisabeth Stanley


00:01:33:00 – 00:02:18:20   Title: TURKEY


00:01:40:22 – 00:01:57:10   Victor Watkins (interview):


00:01:45:23 – 00:01:51:22   Title of Victor Watkins


00:01:59:07 – 00:02:03:22   Voice over: ‘Today there are 60 bears living in the bear                           sanctuary in Turkey.’


00:02:06:15 – 00:02:15:04   Voice over: ‘They all paid a bitter fee for this holiday village luxury. Some gave an arm and some an eye for their dreams.’


00:02:52:10 – 00:03:57:11   Title: INDIA


00:02:54:07 - 00:02:59:16    Voice over: ‘However there’re more bear cubs suffering the same drama elsewhere in the world.’


00:03:27:10 - 00:03:34:02    Voice over:  ‘From the day their mothers were killed and they were poached from the wild, they have become the slaves of their owners.’

00:03:43:01 - 00:03:54:03   Voice over: ‘Bears are trained brutally to become dancing bears.. The iron ring in the bear’s nose makes them dance – or suffer the deepest pain on earth.’


00:03:57:12 - 00:04:27:13   Title: PAKISTAN


00:03:58:12 - 00:04:03:16   Voice over: ‘However the most barbaric bear practice is yet to come: The bear baiting.’

00:04:06:18 - 00:04:14:04   Voice over:’ The wild fighting dogs attacking the bear chained to the ground, with no claws or teeth to defend itself.’

00:04:27:14 - 00:04:51:19   Title: RUSSIA


00:04:34:00 - 00:04:52:04    Voice over: ‘In Russia death comes during sleep.  Hunters simply wake up the hibernating bears to their deaths. The dens soon reveal the bear cubs.. They are to be taken and sold - most will never return to the wild.’


00:04:56:09 - 00:05:01:07    Voice over: ‘Humans not only target the bodies of the bears, but also their souls.’


00:05:04:12 - 00:05:09:06    Voice over: ‘They are regularly used in circuses and animal parks in the name of entertainment.’


00:05:17:01 - 00:06:20:08    Title: CHINA


00:05:18:12 - 00:05:23:24    Voice over: ‘In China it is widely believed that bears entertain and also heal humans.’


00:05:25:06 - 00:05:36:16    Voice over: ‘More than 7.000 bears are trapped in bile farms.. Some eventually die a long and agonizing death, but the worst is some live 25 years in those iron cages.’


 00:05:39:03 - 00:05:47:14   Voice over: ‘All suffer constant agony, extreme thirst and hunger - A starving bear produces more bile to use in Chinese medicine...’


00:05:57:05 - 00:06:36:18    Jill Robinson (interview):


00:06:22:01 - 00:06:28:00    Title: Jill Robinson


00:06:51:00 - 00:06:57:08    Voice over: All around the world there are bears waiting for their saviors who will make their dreams come true.



00:07:04:08 - 00:07:26:19  Final credits



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