1: >10:00:27.11 <10:00:29.12

Where is my rucksack?

2: >10:00:30.04 <10:00:32.19

It is there on the top.

3: >10:00:43.24 <10:00:45.16

Run, run.

4: >10:00:58.00 <10:01:01.07

Bolivians, a favourable destiny,-

5: >10:01:01.19 <10:01:05.03

has crowned our vows and longings,-

6: >10:01:06.03 <10:01:09.16

Liberty, liberty, liberty!

7: >10:01:23.00 <10:01:41.05

VO1: Bartolina and her brother Claudio live and go to school in El Alto, an expanding city that in over a couple of decades has grown up next to La Paz, the economic capital of Bolivia.

The locals are mostly Aymara-speaking Indians who have moved to El Alto from the countryside. It is, therefore, no surprise that you hear more Aymara than Spanish on the streets. More than half of all Bolivians speak indigenous languages - nevertheless, Spanish is still the language of the educational system.

8: >10:01:41.06 <10:01:44.02

Evo, Evo!

9: >10:01:44.09 <10:01:46.18

At school we don't use the Aaymara language,-

10: >10:01:47.00 <10:01:51.02

because none of the teachers can teach it.

11: >10:01:51.23 <10:01:55.11

Some pupils have learnt the language from their parents.

12: >10:01:56.08 <10:01:58.17

I think schools should teach aymara,-

13: >10:01:59.04 <10:02:02.04

because it is useful to us.

14: >10:02:03.09 <10:02:06.15

They will probably soon start teaching it at our school.

15:>10:02:11.01 <10:02:22.09

VO2: South America's first indigenous president, Evo Morales Ayma, came to power in 2006. He has ever since been in favour of a democratic revolution.

16: >10:02:26.01 <10:02:29.01

At that moment, I realized,-

17: >10:02:30.02 <10:02:34.00

that the people will start organizing themselves.

18: >10:02:34.22 <10:02:39.01

This struggle won't stop!

This struggle will continue!

19: >10:02:39.03 <10:02:54.19

VO3: Nearly a year ago, Morales managed to gather enough support for the approval of a new constitution that significantly improves the status of indigenous people. If he wins the upcoming elections the next step will be to enact new laws and put the changes into practice.

20: >10:02:58.04 <10:03:03.16

The possibilities of indigenous people to participate in decision-making ,-

21: >10:03:04.15 <10:03:08.10

have significantly improved.

22: >10:03:09.01 <10:03:15.21

Participation has become easier on many levels.

23: >10:03:16.08 <10:03:20.22

We have been given the chance to use our

own languages.

24: >10:03:21.10 <10:03:26.16

Earlier, it was hard for us to communicate in public offices.

25: >10:03:27.19 <10:03:30.01

Are you drawing a picture of Evo?

26: >10:03:39.00 <10:03:42.08

Here you see Mr. Evo Morales.

27: >10:03:42.17 <10:03:46.16

We'll study the five senses with it.

28: >10:03:47.23 <10:03:54.18

I use the traditional "pollera" costume because my mother also wears it.

29: >10:03:55.12 <10:04:00.08

It is normal to use the pollera in the countryside.

30: >10:04:00.19 <10:04:07.14

But here it was first difficult at first because I was teased.

31: >10:04:08.01 <10:04:11.00

Evo Morales has been able to make a difference.

32: >10:04:11.09 <10:04:13.19

Before we faced greater discrimination.

33: >10:04:14.07 <10:04:16.17

But Evo has said,-

34: >10:04:17.03 <10:04:23.14

that no one should be discriminated against because of what he is wearing,-

35: >10:04:23.23 <10:04:26.01

because everyone is equal.

36: >10:04:26.10 <10:04:29.11

Come on Bartolina, what is this sense?

37: >10:04:30.11 <10:04:35.11

I am jealous because when I was young I couldn't

dress up like her.

38: >10:04:35.22 <10:04:40.01

My mother uses a pollera and I would have liked to wear one.

39: >10:04:40.07 <10:04:43.00

Unfortunately, society sets the rules,-

40: >10:04:43.12 <10:04:47.07

We were obliged to leave our traditional costumes

if we wanted to study.

41: >10:04:47.014 <10:04:51.09

Recently our society has started thinking in a new way.

42: >10:04:59.10 <10:05:14.23

VO4: One of President Morales' main goals is to reform the educational system. First, he created a subsidy scheme called Juancito Pinto for children in public schools. They receive an allowance of 200 bolivianos, or 20 euros, per year.

43: >10:05:15.14 <10:05:18.16

100, 150, 200.

44: >10:05:19.09 <10:05:20.09

Thank you.

45: >10:05:22.02 <10:05:26.04

I will save the money so that I can buy a house.

46: >10:05:28.05 <10:05:30.12

Why do you want a house?

47: >10:05:30.22 <10:05:36.20

Because I want a swimming pool and I want to be rich.

48: >10:05:22.02 <10:05:26.04

I will buy pens and utensils and I will waste all the money!

49. >10:05:52.06 <10:06:12.08

VO5: Another major effort during Morales' first term was the literacy campaign, a typical feature of Latin American socialism. According to the government, over 800 000 adults participated in the program. In Bartolina's school, parents studied during evenings and weekends. A continuation to the course will follow soon.

50: >10:06:14.00 <10:06:17.00

Sisters and brothers,-

51: >10:06:17.20 <10:06:22.16

This is the first province where illiteracy no longer exists.

52: >10:06:23.01 <10:06:25.07

The province of Oruro.

53: >10:06:25.18 <10:06:28.09

The methodology came from Cuba,-

54: >10:06:28.20 <10:06:32.10

and it does not necessarily mean that it works as efficiently in Bolivia.

55: >10:06:32.20 <10:06:37.03

We have similarities, but there are also differences.

56: >10:06:37.14 <10:06:42.11

One example is the term "gringo",-

57: >10:06:42.21 <10:06:46.08

Many people here have respect towards the North Americans,-

58: >10:06:46.17 <10:0649.09

because they have helped us with aid.

59: >10:06:49.17 <10:06:53.02

In Cuba they think differently.

60: >10:06:53.18 <10:06:58.17

In their opinion all North Americans are capitalists.

61: >10:07:06.02 <10:07:37.13

VO6: The most significant reform to the Bolivian educational system is still to come, that is if Morales' MAS -party wins the elections. The government has been working on new educational legislation, which has not yet been approved by the senate. In the mid-90ies new teaching methods and indigenous languages were introduced to primary schools in rural areas. This was met with a great deal of criticism. The new proposed bill would signify a even more radical reform.

62: >10:07:38.12 <10:07:41.05

The new constitution states,-

63: >10:07:41.19 <10:07:44.04

that education should have a descolonizing effect.

64: >10:07:44.09 <10:07:48.17

Through education, we want to break the existing hierarchies.

65: >10:07:49.00 <10:07:53.09

In addition to descolonization,-

66: >10:07:53.22 <10:07:57.24

it is important to emphasize the importance of our own cultures.

67: >10:07:58.07 <10:08:05.01

We need a reform based on the values of indigenous people.

68: >10:08:06.13 <10:08:12.13

The intercultural aspect needs to be broadly understood.

69: >10:08:18.15 <10:08:22.16

This is the strategic plan for the educational reform.

70: >10:08:23.04 <10:08:28.00

The most important goal is to have a high-level of education,-

71: >10:08:28.06 <10:08:30.22

within the reach of everyone.

72: >10:80:31.04 <10:08:34.22

We want to educate all the people so that they can gain access to a good life.

73: >10:08:35.07 <10:08:42.00

This is the main focus of our plurinational state.

74: >10:08:42.18 <10:08:46.14

We aim at a revolution through education.

75: >10:08:47.06 <10:08:55.16

We are not merely talking about a change in public policy,-

76: >10:08:56.00 <10:09:01.20

we are talking about an alternative system to the western capitalist model.

77: >10:09:02.07 <10:09:06.13

How well the government will succeed remains to be seen.

77: >10:09:10.09 <10:09:20.21

VO7: According to the new constitution, civil servants should know at least one indigenous language. A new institution has been set up in order to attain this goal. Here, government servants are studying Aymara and Quechua.

78: >10:09:25.10 <10:09:29.16

We are on a foundation course for the Quechua language.

79: >10:09:30.05 <10:09:38.10

I believe that after the third level we will be speaking Quechua fluently.

80: >10:09:40.15 <10:09:46.06

A majority of people in our country speaks either Quechua or Aaymara.

81: >10:09:46.16 <10:09:49.01

I think it is fair,-

82: >10:09:49.13 <10:09:52.24

that we, the minority, learn to speak these languages.

83: >10:09:53.19 <10:09:59.11

We need to radically change the people and the system,-

84: >10:09:59.17 <10:10:03.11

so that we attain our aim - descolonization.

85: >10:10:04.03 <10:10:09.03

We have to create the new man of the revolution.

86: >10:10:17.15 <10:10:20.13

We have launched a descolonization program,-

87: >10:10:21.08 <10:10:25.05

and the students begin with learning the language.

88: >10:10:25.17 <10:10:29.14

They will learn to respect the other cultures by learning their languages.

89: >10:10:34.07 <10:10:54.03

VO8: In order to strengthen the status of indigenous Bolivians, the government has set up three indigenous universities. Evo Morales gained experience here in Chapare when acting as the leader of the coca growers' trade union. One of these new institutions is located in this very area.

90: >10:10:58.24 <10:11:06.21

In this university, we teach both western methods,-

91: >10:11:07.13 <10:11:12.17

and knowledge and skills from indigenous people.

92: >10:11:13.01 <10:11:17.24

We give a lot of time for practical, productive work.

93: >10:11:19.06 <10:11:27.11

In our studies we aim to respect our traditions,-

94: >10:11:28.01 <10:11:37.13

and take the acquired knowledge back to our villages.

95: >10:11:041.15 <10:11:46.13

Before the arrival of the Spaniards,-

96: >10:11:46.23 <10:11:52.23

we indigenous people had our own economic and social systems.

97: >10:11:53.13 <10:11:55.05

What is descolonization?

98: >10:11:55.15 <10:12:00.11

It means respecting our own culture and habits.

99: >10:12:01.08 <10:12:06.16

Nowadays, we no longer live under the colonial power.

100: >10:12:07.05 <10:12:10.23

we have to get rid of all their influence.

101: >10:12:12.02 <10:12:16.23

The biggest problem with normal universities,-

102: >10:12:19.06 <10:12:24.08

is that they have not been able to respond to the needs of

indigenous organizations.

103: >10:12:24.21 <10:12:28.02

Students who have an indigenous background,-

104: >10:12:28.12 <1012:30.16

have to face discrimination.

105: >10:12:31.05 <10:12:33.00

There exists a hidden risk ,-

106: >10:12:22.10 <10:12:40.15

that private universities will keep offering a certain vision,-

107: >10:12:42.04 <10:12:45.23

and that the students of indigenous universities will have

108: >10:12:46.08 <10:12:48.19

their own separate discourse.

109: >10:12:49.07 <10:12:52.19

Communication problems won't be solved in this way.

110: >10:12:53.05 <10:12:55.10

Dictatorship, Dictatorship!

111: >10:12:57.03 <10:13:26.01

VO9: But Morales has his enemies. Many think the president only represents one part of the population. They blame him for having aggravated the divisions in the country. The drafting of the constitution led to many violent confrontations last year. The new constitution sets limits on the ownership of land, declares the oil and gas reserves to be public property and defines the different types of autonomies in a way that does not please everyone.

112: >10:13:28.16 <10:13:30.21

Let's elect Evo again!

113: >10:13:33.02 <10:13:36.03

Bolivia is prospering,


114: >10:13:36.19 <10:13:39.20

Evo won't get exhausted.

115: >10:13:38.09 <10:13:52.24

VO10: The government has also joined the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas, led by the strongest socialist leader in Latin America, Hugo Chavez. However, many do not accept Bolivia's new political direction.

116: >10:13:54.07 <10:14:02.11

Things might have changed for the poor and most deprived,-

117: >10:14:03.09 <10:14:06.23

but not necessarily for the middle class.

118: >10:14:07.11 <10:14:14.00

The worst thing what he is doing to the Eastern part of the country.

119: >10:14:14.18 <10:14:19.08

They are throwing people into jail because of their political views.

120: >10:14:19.18 <10:14:27.07

We don't want them to introduce Cuban communism here.

121: >10:14:30.15 <10:14:46.20

VO11. The country has concretely and geographically divided into two. The rich Eastern parts opted for broad autonomy. In October last year, the supporters of this automony and the supporters of Morales clashed in the province of Pando.

122: >10:14:57.19 <10:15:26.05

The Yañez family lives in Santa Cruz. They earn their living from cattle rearing in an area which nominally gained autonomy. The mother has joined the opposition party and is a candidate for parliament in the upcoming elections. The strongest opponent to Morales' MAS party is the Convergencia -party led by General Manfred Reyes Villa. The party's candidate for the vice-presidency is currently in jail, having been accused of inciting violence during the Pando confrontation.

123: >10:15:27.05 <10:15:30.10

I decided to join Manfred Reyes Villa's party,-

124: >10:15:30.19 <10:15:33.05

because he is the best option.

125: >10:15:33.15 <10:15:36.14

The other option, Evo Morales, is notorious.

126: >10:15:37.00 <10:15:42.12

He has only increased the divisions in this country.

127: >10:15:43.02 <10:15:45.17

Now we have a war between the classes.

128: >10:15:46.09 <10:15:48.21

"divide and reign", as Machiavelli used to say.

129: >10:15:49.05 <10:15:54.16

That is exactly what Morales is doing, dividing the country into two.

130: >10:15:57.18 <10:16:02.21

I don't understand why we should learn indigenous languages.

131: >10:16:04.21 <10:16:09.13

Why do we all have to learn indigenous dialects?

132: >10:16:10.01 <10:16:19.06

I think it is part of our Bolivian culture, that's why.

133: >10:16:20.06 <10:16:24.16

But it's not part of my culture, do you understand?

134: >10:16:26.13 <10:16:30.01

This is where we will build the first club house.

135: >10:16:30.10 <10:16:33.06

That is where the second one will be.

136: >10:16:33.16 <10:16:38.09

Here we will have children's pool and here the adults' Olympic size pool.


137: >10:16:38.22 <10:16:44.24

Only these nine houses have not yet been sold yet.

138: >10:16:49.17 <10:17:22.08

VO12: The Eastern provinces voted for autonomy in a referendum last year. The elections in Santa Cruz also ended up in violence. The citizens voted "yes" for autonomy, but so far it is not clear what it means in practice. The new constitution recognises four types of autonomy: provincial, regional, municipal and indigenous. The main question is who benefits from the natural resources in these areas. Santa Cruz abounds is rich in oil and natural gas.

139: >10:17:29.08 <10:17:36.05

The government is authoritarian and wants centralized power.

140: >10:17:36.16 <10:17:40.24

We don't believe that they will really support the autonomy.

141: >10:17:51.07 <10:17:54.04

Let me see what you have got there....

142: >10:18:06.08 <10:18:11.01

VO12: Lavive's daughter goes to a Bolivian-American private school

143: >10:18:22.03 <10:18:28.01

This society will become overly obedient and enslaved.

144: >10:18:28.15 <10:18:33.19

We educators are afraid,-

145: >10:18:34.11 <10:18:39.15

that we will have to give up our own educational curricula.

146: >10:18:40.09 <10:18:45.13

The result would be a society with brainless individuals,-

147: >10:18:46.06 <10:18:53.16

automatons who would merely be faithful to the state.

148: >10:18:54.012 <10:18:59.09

The citizens who have been demanding autonomy,-

149: >10:19:00.04 <10:19:08.24

are afraid of losing power within their provinces,-

150: >10:19:09.19 <10:19:14.16

since indigenous autonomies will have parallel equal power

151: >10:19:15.04 <10:19:19.03

to the provincial autonomies.

152: >10:19:20.03 <10:19:41.18

VO13: Morales thinks that autonomy should primarily protect indigenous people. When whites also apply for autonomy, this is not as easily supported. The new constitution and the draft for the new educational bill has inspired the indigenous organizations in Santa Cruz to apply for autonomy and to propose their own educational plans.

153: >10:19:41.13 <10:19:48.23

In rural areas education has been second rate,

154: >10:19:50.07 <10:19:58.07

In cities like Santa Cruz they have good private schools.

155: >10:19:59.01 <10:20:02.23

We want to defend our rights to education.

156: >10:20:03.08 <10:20:09.04

Without education we cannot advance as people.

157: >10:20:10.00 <10:20:16.19

The most sensitive part of Bolivia, the East, has been divided into two,-

158: >10:20:17.21 <10:20:24.08

also with respect to descolonizing and communal education.

159: >10:20:25.03 <10:20:31.19

Those who support provincial autonomy wish to destroy the unity of Bolivia,-

160: >10:20:32.06 <10:20:43.13

whereas the indigenous people are eager to introduce the new educational reforms.

161.>10:20:46.09 <10:21:05.11

VO14: Another actor that is worried about the consequences of the new constitution and the proposed educational bill is the Catholic Church. It would mean that religious Catholic education in schools would receive less focus and other religions and indigenous beliefs would be brought introduced into the curriculum.

162: >10:21:05.04 <10:21:08.24

80 % of Bolivians believe in Jesus Christ.

163: >10:21:09.15 <10:21:13.18

We need to follow the principles of peace, justice and liberty,-

164: >10:21:14.04 <10:21:19.11

and not other values that have nothing to do with the will of God.

165: >10:21:25.15 <10:21:36.19

They want to smash religious education into pieces.

166: >10:21:37.11 <10:21:41.14

What kind of teacher can accomplish what they are proposing?

167: >10:21:42.01 <10:21:46.04

Are there any teachers who know enough about Judaism, Islam,-

168: >10:21:46.12 <10:21:50.05

Christianity and indigenous beliefs?

169: >10:21:50.18 <10:21:52.24

No, there is not one.

170: >10:21:59.05 <10:22:02.17

In our school we have a deep faith.

171: >10:22:03.12 <10:22:08.17

It is important that they teach us about ethics and morals.

172: >10:22:09.20 <10:22:14.03

In some disciplines we pray in the mornings,-

173: >10:22:14.12 <10:22:22.05

and sometimes we go to mass.

174: >10:22:28.08 <10:22:32.02

Religion is a question of faith.

175: >10:22:32.15 <10:22:40.16

I believe in God, and it happens to be the Catholic God.

176: >10:22:41.06 <10:22:45.02

Morales believes in Ekeko,-

177: >10:22:45.18 <10:22:49.14

but I don't want that his beliefs are to be imposed on me.

178: >10:22:50.02 <10:22:57.04

Our aim has been to be planning as broad as possible content for religious education.

179: >10:22:57.20 <10:23:00.23

We want to offer plenty of information,-

180: >10:23:01.08 <10:23:04.11

so that children can learn about religions in a democratic way.

181:>10:23:08.00 <10:23:12.00

VO14: In Bolivia many schools are run by the Catholic Church.

182: >10:23:17.14 <10:23:27.18

In primary schools, children should be taught about many different religions.

183: >10:23:28.15 <10:23:33.10

so that when they enter 4th grade they can choose their religion.

184: >10:23:34.17 <10:23:37.02

It is illogical and anti-pedagogic.

185: >10:23:37.10 <10:23:41.19

If you wish to make the a child understand something,-

186: >10:23:42.02 <10:23:47.13

you need to start by teaching him what is most common and closest.

187: >10:23:47.23 <10:23:52.04

Young people should make the decisions about their religion only later in secondary school.

188:>10:23:56.15 <10.24:02.11

We want to have a class room for educational videos.

189:>10:24:05.22 <10.24:18.04

VO15: We return to El Alto, the Bolivia of the Aymara indigenous people. As the national election rally heats up, Bartolina's school prepares for student union elections.

190: >10:24:28.05 <10:24:34.01

Evo will succeed because we, the indigenous people, are the majority.

191: >10:24:34.17 <10:24:36.16

We support him.

192: >10:24:37.01 <10:24:45.09

Whites, who are chauvinists anyway, are only a minority. We will always win!

193: >10:24:49.03 <10:24:53.04

It went really well!

194: >10:24:56.11 <10:24:59.14

The situation in Bolivia is very bad.

194: >10:24:59.24 <10:25:06.18

It would be wonderful if we could all walk towards in the same direction,-

195: >10:25:07.00 <10:25:09.01

but it is not so.

196: >10:25:09.14 <10:25:12.06

Evo! Evo!

197: >10:25:14.18 <10:25:17.12

Manfred! Mandfred!

198: >10:25:18.12 <10:25:23.04

The future looks grim. We won't have a unified Bolivia.

199: >10:25:23.15 <10:25:28.20

There will be resentment and discrimination between the East and the West.

200: >10:25:31.15 <10:25:33.16

They are not sincere.

201: >10:25:33.23 <10:25:37.02

They have joined the madness of Chavez.

202: >10:25:37.24 <10:25:41.10

The people shall be "liberated".

203: >10:25:42.02 <10:25:46.07

Latin America should unite,-

204: >10:25:46.20 <10:25:51.00

and become an economic and political rival to United States.

205: >10:25:52.22 <10:25:59.03

Chavez likes to consider himself as the born-again liberator,-

206: >10:25:59.15 <10:26:04.17

a Simón Bolivar of the present.

207: >10:26:05.07 <10:26:08.21

I am against all this madness.

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