Transcript N-SA


Saturday evening in Moerbrugge, a West Flemish hamlet: a church, two cafes and a few houses. An extreme-rightwing gathering is in progress. Permission applied for and granted.

All completely legal.

A camera crew would normally be unwelcome, but we have been invited by the N-SA.

Eddy Hermy – N-SA

This evening is a New Solidaristic

Alternative youth congress.

We are combining it with a concert.

It's a new concept. We've invited


because they represent a sort of

underground youth culture.

We hope their music will get our

message across to youngsters.

It all sounds very innocent. And these look like ordinary market stalls. Until you look closer:

T-shirts showing lynched paedophiles... or white supremacist stickers. Later, extreme-right bands from all over Europe will be performing.

Ruben – N-SA

We've bands from Holland, Flanders,

Wallonia, France, Italy and Germany,

so our programme today is very


Eddy Hermy – N-SA

Like the rest of us, youngsters are

split into cultures and subcultures.

Some like to watch soaps. Some like

events such as this one.

We can't pick out any obvious soap viewers. But we do recognise figureheads of the extreme right. Kris Roman, for instance. Last year he invited a former Ku Klux Klan leader to Belgium. Or Tim Mudde, once a leader of the now outlawed Dutch Centre Party. There is also the German Axel Reitz, a regular guest at extreme-right gatherings throughout Europe.

Axel Reitz

I am a German National Socialist.

I advocate a Europe of fatherlands.

In Germany I organise events

to sensiblise public opinion.

I publicise meetings at which

I will be speaking.

I publish propaganda.

We are waging a battle against those

who undermine the German people,

and all the European peoples,

and want a multiethnic society.

That problem is threatening

the whole of Europe.

So we are looking for comrades

in neighbouring countries.

And that's why I've come here

to support my Flemish comrades.

One of those Flemish comrades is N-SA leader Eddy Hermy. He is a former member of

the Flemish Militant Order, a rightwing militia that utilised violence in the 1970s. The VMO is now outlawed. Hermy has several convictions, including assault and battery.

Eddy Hermy

Welcome to the first

N-SA Youth Congress.

He is now 60, but he is every bit as virulent: against capitalism, against the EU and above all against immigrants.

Eddy Hermy

In our streets, girls are raped,

molested and insulted

by gangs of immigrants.

But if anyone thinks they can get

away with using violence against us

they will find they are repaid in kind,


Our workers, young and old, are

humiliated and treated with contempt.

Immigrant elites spit in their faces.

Who gets the jobs, comrades?

Who gets the money?

Who gets the social housing?

Who gets benefit payments?

Who is treated generously

in this country?

The immigrants. The illegals.

Political speeches and extremist music, those are the N-SA's recruitment tools. The bands who are performing here usually avoid being filmed. But we have permission to film a couple of numbers.

Eddy Hermy

We can let them film one Ultima song

and one by Brigade.

You can go in, film, and then come

straight back out.

Camera crews are far from welcome here. We are told not to film the audience and for our own safety we are accompanied by N-SA security.


We are Brigade.

We've promised the TV people

that they can film one number.

One of the best known extreme-right bands is Brigade M. They have performed several times

for Blood & Honour. This is their song Eigen Volk Eerst, (our own people first).

Song Brigade

I see my people in decline

I see them on the edge of the abyss

mixing races, multiculturalism

will stab them to the heart.

We will always stand by our own opinion, no matter what people say about us. We are national revolutionaries. People are free to hate us. They can think what they like. But if they read our lyrics carefully, they will understand what we are talking about.


the national religion was demonised

whole populations were forcibly


torture and murder in the name

of the lord

and now Islam is doing it again

The band preaches hate against immigrants and is racist. They prefer to call it 'radical nationalist'.

Tim Mudde

We are taking a clear stance.


But we don't think we are better

than others.

We wish everyone the best.

But everyone should stay

in his own biotope.


holy war against the delusion

of Judaism and Islam

And then comes Axel Reitz. He was an electoral candidate for Germany's extreme-right NPD.

He has convictions for anti-Semitism and the wearing of Nazi symbols. He is the N-SA's guest of honour.

Axel Reitz (speech)

We are not fighting today for money,

or any other personal enrichment,

we are fighting for our fatherland,

for our history, for our culture,

for the generations yet to come.

We are fighting today

to preserve Europe as the continent

of the white race, comrades.

I'm not racist in the sense that

I discriminate against people

on the basis of physical


We are fighting today

not only for ourselves, for our families

or for our clan,

but also for our shared 1,000-year-old

Arian culture, comrades.

I am racist in the sense that I stress

the difference in people's nature.

Not their difference in worth.

Everyone has his worth. But that

doesn't mean we are all the same.

It is this difference that is the essence

of human nature.

Those of us gathered here today,

we, the universally despised and

generally ridiculed minority in Europe,

stand for a new world order

and a new system:

a system in which every people

will be a nation,

a nation with its own socialism.

It will be a system based on blood,

soil, identity, culture and race.

It will be a new world order,


abandon all hope

you who have no traditions

welcome to the ball

of the great illusion

Tonight's headliners are Italian band Ultima Frontiera, known for their hatred of Jews and immigrants.

Images Youtube

This is a concert of theirs in Italy, amid a sea of fascist salutes.

Ricardo – Ultima Frontiera

In our country, for example, the ancient regime now is called the absolute evil.

-What do you mean?

Fascism … is the absolute evil. But I don’t think that is absolute evil.

-You mean Mussolini?


Allesandro – Ultima Frontiera

I have tatoo with swastika, you see this. Swastika is not Adolf Hitler, is not National Party. We are in united Europe, but I can’t go in Germany, Why?

Song Ultima

I can't stand by and let my city die

come here and earn easy money

the goddess of reason

will make you sly and stingy

Does it bother you that people call you fascist?

-I am proud to be fascist. It’s not a problem. If people say me that I’m fascist, I am fascist, yes.

Okay, that's the end of filming.

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