Europe/USA – School Stress

Katinka Nowotny

Stand: 06.09.2010 


Houston, Texas. In this booming city, today’s parents will do anything to make their offspring equipped for today’s competitive, globalised world. 

Throughout America and Europe, paving the way for a child’s future success has become big business.


Here live the Howson family.




Miles is 3 weeks old. Ever since he saw the light of day, he has been taught by his parents; today, in climbing stairs.

0:49 OPEN 


The entire family disappears into the closet for the next lesson.




All this is part of a daily learning program. 


Megan Howson, housewife

"If he gets tired, we stop immediately. It is not good when one of us is no fun anymore." 


Then it is older brother Chris’s turn.



Everything follows a well-defined routine.


Kevin Howson, bankers Markus Waibel

"This tutorial gave me good ideas have been new. At first I did not know what I should our son play with. Even more so when it was our first child. Now I have lots of ideas, the fun and good for my son. "



"Acceleration forward and backward acceleration."





Mother Megan shows Chris pictures of famous buildings. Does her son know who lives in the White House?





"These are all pieces of information that can be combined with other pieces of information. My son already knows, for example, that Barack Obama is our president and the White House resident. Later he will learn that the White House in Washington DC stands. Up information, individual linked to information to create a new one. " 




Kevin Howson Markus Waibel

"Many people believe that babies are stupid. Wait that they are older to them to explain the world. It is much wiser newborns than adults. So it makes sense it from day to teach."




New York - the metropolis is overflowing with the new generation of parents. They are called "Helicopter parents" by the American media, because they constantly hover around their children.


There has always been a level of over protectiveness and ambition amongst parents who want the best for their children. Increasingly however, today’s society is fraught with perfectionism and an almost irrational fear of the outside world.


Hara Marano is chief reporter of the magazine "Psychology Today". The playground in front of her apartment has changed in the past few years. The reason is the phenomenon of overprotective parents.


Hara Marrano - NO INSERT HERE

"This playground is so safe that it more attractive for small children is just -. But even as parents are constantly next to their children and determine everything. The children simply have no space for more. "


Filming children in America is extremely difficult. Already a few parents here have called the police. The camera must go off.  


Hara Marano, chief reporter of "Psychology Today"

Angelika Langer (older and more thoughtful woman) 

Many of the helicopter mothers are extremely well-educated women who have given up the profession to their children at home to stay at. They take all their professional ethos of home and educate with these high standards for their children. "


So what has inspired this latest generation of parents to be so over-bearing? In a suburb of Philadelphia sit the foundations of the United States Early Learning Institute. The Institute is controversial.  Supporters of the ECI on the other hand see this as a training ground for prodigies. 


The courses in the "Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential", will be attended by parents from all over the world.


The Howson family from Houston have visited these courses. Ever since then the parents have been enthusiastic about this kind of early education of their child.


OT Janet Dowman, founding member of "The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential" CHRISTA HOFMANN

"It's easy to teach a baby to read. You need a white cardboard and a thick red marker. Thus we labeled things in the house. Then, with one 4 month old baby around that and show him the sign and says "Look it's a chair, a sofa, a wall"




The Institute believes that small people are all geniuses that just need to be stimulated. Robert Moses has, like many other parents, decided to stay at home to teach his children. He doesn’t trust the traditional school system.


His 3-year-old son Jake can name the first 10 American presidents, and point to their pictures correctly.




Experts view this development with concern: teachers are under tremendous pressure to produce results. Within a generation the playtime in American kindergartens has halved.

Younger and younger children are being made to learn to read -with devastating consequences.


Catherine Tamis Le Monda, Professor F. Child Development, New York University

Angelika Langer

(Child development expert?) 

"Just because a child the word" ball "can parrot that does not mean that initial advantage has any relation to a child who read later learns to first. You can dog to train one, that it the word" ball "recognizes. But this dog is so do not go to Harvard anyway. "

7:57 INSERT Top left: source: You Tube



Indeed, a quick scan through the Internet soon produces several clips of apparently literate dogs.

8:16 to 8:18 OPEN


Even Robert Moses' older daughter Cortney is a child prodigy when it comes to reading. She finds it easy to read the opera guide. 

What is her favourite word?


OT Cortney, 6 years HANNAH ......

"I like" ubiquitous ", that is omnipresent.


I like "unkempt" and the word

8:47 OT Robert Moses: Markus Waibel

Really? Why? (Laughs)

Cortney 8:49 OT: HANNAH .......

"That is unkempt, and really dirty." 


Robert Moses, home 

"I am grateful that I can teach at home, my children (rather than restricting them to the school.) So I can respond to their needs and give them the pleasure of learning. Also, I can so help a little to improve the world . These children are the leaders of tomorrow: the President, senators and ruler of the future. And if they know more they will govern wisely once.. So, this world a better place "are




In Brooklyn, New York lives the leading marketing expert in child’s toys. 


In her small house, she plays with 1year old Will - the youngest of her three children.


In her book "Buy, Buy Baby", Susan Gregory Thomas examines how parents and children need to be educated consumers.


Susan Gregory Thomas, author "Buy, Buy Baby"

Helicopter parents are primarily Generation X parents. "This generation, the 60s was born in - and here I quote a study - the neglected generation of America. That was were the latchkey kids of the seventies was. 40% are home then come and no one there. But when parents are not cool and they become inaccessible - on the contrary these days are over-protective parents. you "


The market bombards the Generation X with offers: they know about the fears of parents, and their willingness to buy anything that promises a positive effect on their child.


Susan Gregory Thomas

"Here," my pretty learning purse. "Advertising promises that you will, opposites, colors, and greetings, and much more to learn numbers"


"It's just a learning experience when the alphabet is on the toy, and promises to provide extraordinary." 



"This is a typical picture of a happy mother, her toddler playing with. On the Packs are the exact statement" talk with your child cover. Say for example, "I pour tea into the open. Can you the cup? " Such statements come more often. You are not even wrong. But most people would, even without instructions from such things say. "




"These parents often complain that other parents and children suffer the overambitious. Them, they say, would never do. But when you examine their behavior, they are at least as overambitious. It's like an epidemic. "


Trends in education and family mostly start in America and then spread to Europe. In Berlin there is a booming business in private schools and kindergartens. Every week two new private schools open in Germany.


The Treitel family has decided to rear their children in two languages - German and English.


Ot Jochen Treitel, management consultants (in German)

“In today’s western civilisation English cannot be considered a foreign language. So, we thought we would do something good for our children and give them the chance to learn this language in a playful way. I hope it will make things simpler for them later.”

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This nursery is called an "Academy" and the playgroups are named after Darwin and Einstein. The bilingual kindergarten is popular and has long waiting lists. 

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Even the smallest age group are encouraged to read and write.

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In Houston, Texas, something even more special has been created. The flagship nursery, called "crème de la crème", has already been copied 25 times across the USA.


The children are immersed in a sugar-sweet world of adventure here.

14. 17 Laura Whitley, pediatrician

"This is the pavilion. Here are the most beautiful children's pictures on display." 

"Shown here is the coconut-Theater Da. There are puppet shows and films."

"This is the library. Spanish is taught here. There are books and videos in English, Spanish and French."

"This is the computer room. They use the 3 years. My daughter is 31 / 2 and already knows how to computer uses a"

"This is Krem TV. The television station of the kindergarten. My daughter loves this then you see on the screen and pretend they would just read the news."

"This is the latest innovation: in the children's kitchen, the children learn to cook use. The oven, the microwave and the refrigerator can."

"It looks like Disney World - Main Street of Disney World. All these little, sweet homes. That's all very colorful and cheerful great. I find it."

16. 02

The amount there is to see here is fascinating: there is even a kindergarten hairdresser. Every half hour the children move into a new room.


108 surveillance cameras make sure that everything is done correctly.


And yet these parents would not call themselves particularly ambitious. 

16. 28 Andrea Jensen-Smith, Key Account Manager Telecommunications


certainly more money for my children than my mother. It is "not so much the pressure of the other. I I want my children simply to offer. all give If you're as an exclusive nursery school is in, then we hear from the other, for example: "In the model agency" Pages park "just has a course for Child Models begun." When a group of like-minded parents is that all are prepared more money in the education of their children stuck to, then there is also itself automatically more money. "


Andrea wants to demonstrate how her son can list the days of the week already. But he does not want to perform to the camera. The pressure on these children is intense; this generation simply has too many competitors. 

17. 13 Laura Whitley, pediatrician NOEMI FISCHER

"It is difficult from one institution to be taken up again. I went to one of the best colleges in the country. In my year we had 3,000 students. At that time, some 20,000 students have applied for 3,000 free. Today, there are 150 000 3000 to order the same courts to apply. "




Not all parents bow to this pressure. This New York boy caused an outcry in the United States two years ago.


Izzy is 9 years old and travels in the subway alone - and his journalist mother has written about it. 


Lenore Skenazy, a journalist and founder of "free children"

"I am" America's worst mother ". If you google my name you can find me there 11 million times and first time I was called America's worst mother than I've felt very miserable ... .. but after the 11 millionth time ... What did I do? I have given my son a little freedom. Nowadays this is not something completely unusual radical. Freedom, the children in Austria, of course, the look, but to go to school to take a bus, buy sweets - all that is here in America that is completely crazy looks at something.

You have endangered the lives of your children now ... .. and therefore we will make up the stocks of. " (Makes hand motion)


Lenore Skenazy then founded the movement of "Free-range children”. 

Lenore Skenazy 18:53 

"I'm not saying that bright / sunny day, everybody will be. I mean is that we educate our children otherwise not have, as we were brought up themselves. They are not endangered, vulnerable or dumber than we were. If we do , 8.9 or 10 years could make 7, it allows our children the same age. You will find their way. They can then educate the way our parents raised us. "


These ‘free-parents’ are the counter-movement to the over-cautious ‘helicopter’ parents. Lenore wants nothing more than a little common sense in education.

Lenore Skenazy 19:35 Angelika Langer

Time was here in New York boy of the school suspended. He had a "a gun to school welcome. But before the gun he had with that was pistol his Lego figure. Short She was so small. But the rules say a gun is a gun if you bring that is, expelled from the school. What we bring to our children? We can not assess risks? We think now has always been the worst in a scenario. "


A bag containing a few favourite examples:

Lenore Skenazy 20:07 Angelika Langer

"What is it?

"These are baby Knee pain. As if her child could be really hurt if it - crawling. Bloody battered knee, infection, incredible suddenly need the baby knee pads.


"Yet? What Here are plastic kits to go to a restaurant why.?" They protect against bacteria, dirt and detergents God. "" Moment: again, offer you protection from dirt, while protecting it even if the table - forbid - maybe clean should be. Your child is definitely in danger - no matter whether the table is dirty or clean now. "


"This is my favorite. The baby bath duck. Looks nice - it is not. This duck is there to undermine your confidence. You might think so they know their child as they deal with the duck ... she does not know it. You have no idea. This duck says they need this to test the water duck. If the word "hot" appear then water is hot. And they know it, thanks to the clever duck. Because they are more stupid than the duck. You can not find out " Ahh, the water is very hot. Maybe I'll wait a little longer " (Leave open end) 




It's rodeo day in Houston. The further you go out into the country, the more freedom the children have.


Life moves at a different pace here.


With no anxious parent stopping him, this child is more interested in climbing trees than watching the cowboys. 

22:04 Jason, 6 years JULIUS NEUHAUSER

"When you climb to the small branches must be on the lookout. Then they pull up to those high on and climb up that way. "

22:17 Allison Wells, teacher Angelika Langer

"Once a week, a car stops and someone will ring us and say at." Her son is on the tree climbing. " 

We smile and then we think our part. "


The Wells are staunchly liberal parents.

22. 35


22:49 Cayley, 11 years HANNAH .......

"I love this freedom funny. My friends are jealous because I can do things, do not they: may. But the other parents react think my mom makes very strange things. The"


But this freedom has its price: 


OT Alison Steele, a photographer NOEMI FISCHER

"We have been criticized - we have lost friends - all this only because we give our daughter a little freedom.Anyone who thinks so is excluded from various social circles. "



23. 35

Back in Germany, in Mecklenburg, a boarding school was founded 15 years ago, now widely regarded as the Eton of Germany. The cost: €30,000 per student a year.




Dragon boating is compulsory here for 2 years.  It encourages the children to be part of a team.


Per class, there are never more than 12 students.

Over 400 teachers applied for 20 jobs.

The boarding school is overwhelmed and can now choose only the best students.


Performance is important. Marks are posted publicly, a novelty in German schools.


Catherine chose this boarding herself when things at her previous school weren’t going so well. Her grandfather and mother share the costs.

24.47 OT Catherine age 15 (in German)

"You don’t feel stressed here. There are enough opportunities and yet still time to relax, and you can even get to bed a bit earlier. I think you get used to the routine and it never gets boring.”


OT Michael, 15 years (In German)

"Compared to my old school there is more stress here, and more needs to be learned, but when I look at how much my parents work, even after their working hours are over, I think its a good preparation for life. So I find it good. "


Mario Lehmann, the current director, founded the private boarding school. No one initially believed in the success of this school - except him. 

25.40 Mario Lehmann, founder boarding Torgelow (in German)

“Boarding schools have always had this reputation, that one doesn’t send their child unless they can’t manage. If the child is badly behaved or doesn’t meet the right educational standard then “you’ll go to boarding school” is always the threat. I find that awful. Boarding school should be a reward, because the parents can’t provide the opportunities the kids get here. And it is great for the children to grow up in such a community and be occupied all day.”



Today Michael has cooking. Up to 70 extra-curricular courses are offered here. For state schools this is inconceivable.

26.33 Mario Lehman, founder boarding Torgelow (in German)

"I think that the Federal Republic of Germany invests too little in the education system, which is the biggest mistake. They should invest there. But politicians do not, and it is understandable why they don’t, because they only worry about being re-elected every four years. A politician wanting to be re-elected in 4 years does not think about whether children will be well trained in 20 years. He thinks in cycles of 4 years and therefore education always falls behind. "




So, are expensive and elite schools the only way to make children into confident and successful adults? In the U.S. doubts are stirring. 

27.23 Lenore Skenazy, a journalist and founder of "free children"

"The idea that if one parent does everything right as children only get excellent grades and just wants to be just based on the strange idea that you could control another living it. The best way to these young people themselves- ever-changing, time to prepare is globalized, t self-confident and independent young people to educate. They can only be when they learn to do things alone, too. "


In the race for the best education in a globalized world, parents are spending more and more on their children. But the old saying still holds true - the most valuable lessons in life are free.



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