
It's hard to answer
a question like that...



It was nice for me.



Did they catch you
and force you into the army...



...or did you volunteer?



It's a hard question, that one.
Because people will see me.



I just went to the army.
I was too small, but I went.



I don't have anything bad
to say about the war.



The things I know... I was in the war,
I fought, I went home... Finished!



No one was bad to me.
Everyone was good to me.



I loved it.



After the end... I enjoyed the war,
I liked to fight, I liked to fire.



For me, it was...
I loved it. The war was good.



The chief always told me, 'Patrick,
you see how things really are.'



When it's a big fight,
it looks like a party, man.



It's nothing.



Were you scared? The first day?



The first day? Yes, I was shit scared.



The first bullet from the enemy
hit my friend straight in the head.



In here, and out here. I immediately
understood that it would lead to death.



Afterwards, in Cangamba, Savimbi said-



-that he gave orders to retreat,
to later capture the whole of Cangamba.



8,000 men left and went there.



On the first day, 1,100 men died.
Just on the first day.



In the first battle alone,
1,100 men died.



And that battle continued
for eleven days.



A great many of us died.



When Savimbi gave orders to retreat,
only 600 of us were alive.



I got hit here...



...and another bullet hit me here.
Right here.



Another one hit me here. Here...



After being recruited by the UNITA, did
you hear anything about your parents?



No, after they took me in 1980
I never saw my family again.



It wasn't until 1983...



...when I was in Mavinga
and my cousin came to me and said...



'Your mother and father died,
your brothers died, and all the kids.'



'We're the only ones left.'



I was forcefully recruited
by the UNITA in 1980-



-and served with them
until the 1990s.



Everything I saw during those years
was horrible.



It was all death and people suffering.



In war, you don't sleep. You don't
take off your pants or your shirt.



You sleep like a goat in the bush.
You know that at any moment-



-your enemy can attack,
and if you don't run, you're dead.



When you see hundreds of people die
around you every day, you die inside.



All those years in the bush...
Our lives wasted away.



You had nothing -
no shoes, no salt, nothing.



You eat sand,
you sleep badly on the grass...



That type of life, no...



When we could have had a nice life,
like other people.



The first time we visited
Samuel's village...



...everybody ran into the bush. Why?



Because people still don't understand
that the war is over.



It's sad that people still think
that there's a war.



They still think that UNITA supporters
are killed in Angola-



-and that Cubans eat UNITA people.
It's amazing.



The Cubans don't eat people.
They're not even in Angola anymore.



It made me cry when we went to fetch
Samuel and he fled into the bush.



The whole village hid in the bush.
They thought we wanted to eat Samuel.



This is Patrick. He's from Angola.
He's an MPLA veteran.



She is saying,
when Samuel is going out...



He use to do everything for his wife,
so how will we do about that?



So that she'll be all right
like when she's with her husband.



What do you think about
them two reconciling?



She's saying she's all right to see
two enemies together.



I'd like to see their faces
when I return to my village alive.



My UNITA buddies were convinced
that you were going to kill me.



'They'll kill you', they all said.



They said you were the brother of
that FAPLA general, Dodalo...



-They thought that we'd kill you?
-Yes, that you'd kill me.



The Portuguese, Namibian and
the South African army all exploited us.



They used the bad relation between
the Bushman and the Bantu.



The Bantu enslaved us to
work for them.



When the war broke out, the Portuguese
convinced the San to fight for them.



The San were a minority group.



They said, come fight with us
against the black man -



-to take and rule the land.



And that persuaded us to join
the Portuguese army.



For me it's bad what happened
between us and the black people.



The Portuguese came to us with
false pretensions-



-and misused us for their own



-and that created more hate-



-between us and the black people
and our way of life-



-causing us to loose our self worth.



The black people don't see us as
equals but think less of us-



-and that made us feel regret
for being soldiers.



They whites used us, threw us away
and today nobody care about us.



I don't know why the South Africans
fought in Angola. They wanted to steal.



I knew that I had to defend my country
against South Africa.



They wanted to take Angola just like
Namibia, and capture our economy.



Angolans didn't allow South Africans
to invade our country-



-and take our economy.



It's clear that the war
delayed our lives...



...and our development in Angola.



We veterans never had
a chance to advance-



-but I hope that coming generations
will have a better life than we had.



I have my own children now.



I don't regret that I fought.
But yes, it did delay my life.



I think that the other vets
who could never study...



...feel as bad as I feel.
Because I could never study.



I started school, but I could never
finish it because of the war.



I can't get a job in Angola today.



Still, I'm better off than most people
who live on barely a dollar a day.



I was on my way to school when I met
the soldiers that captured me.



They asked me to go with them,
and I just had to say yes.



They took us to the training camp in
Malange, and then to Cuito Cuanavale.



I fought in the battles of Menonge and
Mavinga. The first battle was terrible.



I was right in the middle, because I was
in the battle command group.



I just heard 'ta-ta-ta-ta'
for 30 minutes.



We moved forward, and this was
the first time I saw the UNITA.



Two dead UNITA soldiers. It scared me
shitless when I saw them.



I'd only seen them in photos
and didn't know if they really existed.



But I saw what the enemy did,
and that's why I went to fight.



I'd seen as a child-



-how the UNITA blew up bridges,
blew up roads-



-killed people, stabbed pregnant women
and killed children.



But you South Africans invaded Angola
with the Israelis, with superior power.



You invaded and bombed
with your aircraft.



Should I have waited for you
to take our land?



No, I couldn't sit still.
I was forced to fight against you.



I grew up thinking about becoming
a soldier. That's what I wanted to do.



I grew up and became a soldier,
went to war and fought against you.



Dear Jesus, soft and tender, look down
upon me, your faithful child. Amen.



I had a woman called Katarina-



-and another woman called Maura,
the mother of my children.



My problems are similar to Marius's.



I always used to come home
with that military attitude.



I decided that things should be
like this and like that.



I also used to drink a lot.



Sometimes I came home drunk
and just fought.



I banged pots and plates,
threw things around...



I had that military attitude.



I had nightmares about the war
and talked in my sleep.



Sometimes she woke up and helped me.



But it got to a point
where it didn't work out any more.



What happened was that I came home
and tried talking to her-



-but she just screamed back,



That freaks me out. I can't stand
loud sounds and noises.



It must be from the war.
I can't tolerate fighting and noise.



So I went to the kitchen
and took out a knife.



Just then, my son came in and said,
'Daddy, Daddy, what are you doing?'



I just dropped the knife, left
and went drinking again.



I went back to the bar.



I carried on drinking, went home
and collapsed in the bathroom.



Maura came in and woke me up
and said to me, 'Patrick...'



'You have such problems.
I can't take it any more.'



She was scared and left.
She returned to Angola.



But Katarina stayed and gave me advice.



She told me to do this and that,
up to the point where I am today.



Now I'm in control of my system.



I don't drink as much anymore.



She even took me to the doctor-



-who said I was suffering from
war trauma and shouldn't drink.



Today, I'm getting better. But when
I left the army, I felt like shit.



I just want to ask something.



The story he told-



-was it true, or was it just a dream
of what happened in the war?



Or is he telling us about the dream
to try to help us remember the war?



He wants to know about the story you
told... Is it true, or is it your dream?



It's true, but it reoccurs in my dream.



It's true, and it returns in his dreams.



They actually cooked a person, to eat?



Did you cook a human being?



No, not that bit. It was just that
the person that I've killed-



-appears in these different forms
in the dream.



The guy that I killed, his face appears
in different ways in dreams to me.



In my nightmares.



In 1975, I had a nightmare after seeing
my uncle get his legs cut off-



-and his arms.
He was cut here and here.



At night when I slept-



-I saw where they had put his legs.
In the potato field.



The Cubans just threw them away-



-they cut him here, and here.



Then the commander said something
in Spanish that I didn't understand.



Then he said, 'Let him be,
that's enough.' In Spanish.



Then they chopped his arm off
and threw it away.



At night, I dreamt that his legs
walked around by themselves.



And the arm waved liked this.



I just cried, 'Mommy!', and ran.



My father grabbed me and said,
'What's going on? Are you crazy?'



In 1975 you were a kid, right?
I was also a kid then.



But you knew roughly
what was happening.



When the Cubans came to Angola,
they didn't kill ordinary people.



So I wonder what his uncle had done
to be cut like that by the Cubans.



There was a man who reported him
to be an organizer for the FNLA.



We had to run from four in the morning
and the whole day.



-From four in the morning?
-Until the afternoon. Run like this.



They said we didn't understand anything
and that we were crazy.



They said that we were
crazy SWAPO terrorists-



-and that's why we should
cut the grass with our teeth.



Wait... The South Africans
said you were SWAPO?



But you were from the UNITA.
How did that happen?



When we lined up in a platoon
and he gave us orders to turn right-



-if you turned left by accident-



-he would shout,
'You see, that "ganjo" is SWAPO.'



'Come here, you Swapie fuck. Hit the
ground and start cutting the grass.'



-You chewed grass with your teeth?
-Yes, often. You get down like this.



You stand on all fours
and cut the grass like this.



-It's true.
-This whole area?



Yes, we chewed off
all the grass here. It's true.



But when the South Africans
operated with you-



-they knew that you fought
for them in Angola?



They never trusted us people from
the UNITA. They never relied on us.



Me, I just want to understand.
Like he says, and like he says.



Then I can say, 'Yes, that one
was there, that one was there...'



Like when you told us your dream
about cooking two black people.



We want the real thing.
We don't want a dream.



-Is a dream not real for you?
-I don't believe in dreams.



If you tell me, 'Patrick,
I was in Angola.'



'I fought here and I did this.'



Then I can believe it. It's fine.



Well, I mean...
I've told you, I think...



It's difficult to try and say
where we've always been-



-because the unit I worked in
was a special forces unit.



The parachute regiment. They didn't
always tell us where we would go.



We were dropped at night, deep into
Angola. Sometimes we were driven in.



Nobody told us where we were going,
because our operations were secret.



But you got a map?



Not us. Maybe the captain,
but not the troops. We were just troops.



We had... Every day,
there was a stick of soldiers.



Around 13 or 14
were on standby every day.



And then a siren would go off when
there was contact in Angola somewhere.



We would run for the helicopters with
our ammunition and R4 machine gun-



-jump into the helicopters, and fly very
quickly to where they found the tracks.



Then we would jump off
and run on the tracks-



-until we found the soldiers,
FAPLA or SWAPO or whatever.



And when we finished, they'd pick us up,
we'd fly back to Ondangwa...



Sometimes you would order a beer
while you waited. We had a bar.



You'd drink your beer, the alarm would
go off, you'd fly, kill the terrorists-



-fly back and carry on
drinking your beer.



For me, it was a terrible thing
not to know where we were-



-and why we'd done things.
And I think maybe that makes it extra...



It's extra painful.



I think... We have a different history.



Our country, that we fought for, or that
they brainwashed us to believe in-



-the South Africa of apartheid,
is not there anymore.



And it was a complete wrong war.



That's really how I feel.



Where we fought... For me, it's not
really important exactly which battle...



I know how I feel inside.
I know how my heart feels.



I can show you pictures, too.



-I brought pictures with me...
-No, we don't need it.



I want to show them
and then get rid of them forever.



I don't want to have them
ever with me again.



But first I want to show them to you,
and then I'm going to burn them.



He had a good life,
being able to take pictures.



This is some pictures from when I was
doing my training with the parachutes.



You can see there... You train
and you jump out of the aapkas.



This is when I got my... You get wings
when you become a paratrooper.



And there is... We did an ambush
and we shot a terrorist.



That's in the bush in Angola somewhere.



-You want to burn this? Why?
-I don't want the memory anymore.



-You must give it to your kids.



-Don't burn it. Give it to your friends.
-I must get rid of it. I don't want it.



I don't want the memory
in my head anymore.



I want to get rid of that memory. I want
us all to get rid of our bad memories.



Me, I got a question.



We three, were the soldiers.



I was a soldier, Mario was a soldier
and he was a soldier.



If I go to war and I have a camera...
That's not a war.



I want to kill people but
there was no war.



If I'm in a fire, I never have time
to take a picture.



Like this, and then take a picture.



The thing is, I'm a soldier.



If you bring me dead people
from the other side-



-you can drop them in Walvis Bay, I can
take a picture, and that's my proof.



-But not in a war.
-You think I've done that?



-Is my photograph taken in Walvis Bay?
-No, I didn't say Walvis Bay.



Maybe in Ondangwa.



So you think my pictures are all fake,
and I've taken them in Ondangwa?



We are saying the truth.



If you say, 'Patrick, that was this,
this, this, this and this place...'



'...I believe you.'
For me, I don't trust pictures.



I'm feeling very hurt
about you guys not trusting me.



There's a feeling between you guys...



I feel that you mistrust me. You think
that I haven't been in the war-



-or that I'm talking nonsense.
I would like us to talk about that.



He says that we don't believe
that he was in the war.



He wants us to talk about that.



Who wants to talk?



The problem is that we haven't been
in the areas where he fought.



He was in an area that I don't know.



They fought in Angola, but none of them
died. I never heard of anyone who died.



We didn't do the same work.
We didn't say that we don't trust you.



We just said that the way you want
forgiveness is difficult for us.



I feel the need to apologize,
to get forgiveness from Angola.



You need to apologize. It's your right.



Because you came to Angola to fight.
And me, I was defending myself.



You apologize to us, 'Sorry for that.'



I can't apologize to you people.
You people must tell me why we must...



I feel that I would like to ask for
forgiveness for what we've done.



Don't Samuel and Mario feel remorse-



-or feel that they need forgiveness
from the Angolans, from FAPLA?



What's he asking?



If you personally want to apologize
to your people.



But where shall I find them,
and where shall I apologize?



We can ask forgiveness here.
We left all of that behind us.



Even today, if I drive
from here to Cuito-



-and tell the people in Cuito,
'Sorry, I killed your children...'



What would they do to me?



What should be done
isn't an apology from Samuel-



-but an apology to the people.
What I did was wrong.



What makes you want to
ask for forgiveness?



It's probably that you feel bad,
that you feel deceived.



I fought in the army, I didn't always
know where I was shooting.



I may have killed, but I'm here
to ask forgiveness-



-from the Angolans, our brothers.



Yes, then you can ask for forgiveness.



Jesus, sorry guys, there is a
fucking huge crocodile over there...



What Marius is trying to do...
For me, it's very important.



For me, it's very important.
I know we need that, too.



Marius also needs...
We're going to help you to do that.



I'm going to help you.



Together. I wouldn't be able to do this
without your support and recognition.



And that is... I have it,
and it makes my heart feel very good.



My heart, too.



-Thanks a lot.
-I'll give my whole support to you.



And I'll support you too, Patrick.
We'll support each other.



I support you.



Very, very important.



Now we sit here
around the fire and talk...



During the war,
whenever we made a fire...



We didn't have food,
so why should we make a fire?



When we captured a soldier
from the MPLA, we took a pole-



-sharpened it with a machete
and stuck him on top of the pole.



I don't really understands this,
so who's doing this?



When he grabs a FAPLA he sharpens a pin-



-and then sticks him with his
asshole... and turns him around...



Have you done it? Did you
help doing this?



-Did you help them?
-Yes, I helped them.



So we were here...



We're standing here.



This is me.



We captured these men here.
When we captured them-



-we cut down wooden poles
with our machetes and sharpened them.



Then we stuck them onto the poles
and spun them around like this.



When the poles came out of
the side of their heads, we stopped.



The poles were as thick as my arm.



You'd hold it like this, dig a hole
and secure it in the ground.



He'd sit, stuck on the pole.
You'd lift him onto the pole like this.



When the pole sank in,
you'd start to spin him like this.



When the pole sunk in deeper,
they started to scream.



'Mommy, I'm going to die!
I'm going to die!'



-Were they really alive for three hours?



They screamed and screamed...



When we left them at three o'clock in
the morning, they were still screaming.



So they died of their
own weight?






Do you feel regret? Do you feel
ashamed of what you were forced to do?



How do you live with that?
How do you live with what you've done?



I felt very bad, but I'm not guilty.



The guilty ones
are the politicians and commanders.



And the president and government
that sent us out to kill.



I met a man in '85 who said our whole
village was burned down by the UNITA.



I was in the UNITA, but it was
the UNITA that burned our village.



They said my dad wasn't there anymore,
nor my mother or my brother.



He worked on a pig farm nearby
and he was killed there.



I cried for three days. On the fourth
day, leaders that I knew saw me crying.



They said, 'Don't cry.
This is how it is.'



Then it could come out of my heart.



The next day I realized I must think of
other things, otherwise I would die too.



Tell me, did you shake Savimbi's hand?



-That's fucked, isn't it?



When he was satisfied, he came
to the troops with a lot of stuff.



-He came with food.



His mother said, 'If you can't manage,
let them go back to their villages.'



-His mother?



He said, 'Mother, don't say that.
I will manage.'



He said we'd fight and we'd be free.



He said the FAPLA were faggots.



He told lies. He lied to us
about the Cubans being there.



-That we were Cubans?



I'm going to tell you
what happened in Jamba-



-when so many people
died of witchcraft.



This is wood.



This is petrol.



Here is Savimbi.



He stood here.



I stood here.



And my friend was standing here.



Here's an opening where the women
were led in. They were pushed in there.



When they were all inside,
this was closed.



Petrol was pumped in here from trucks.



He lit a match
and put a stick to it, like this.



It was just one stick that he threw in
like this, and pow!



It was like an ocean of fire.
Because petrol has an enormous force.



Flesh was burning,
and it sounded like this...



So all these women were burned alive,
because they'd bewitched the soldiers.



They'd sneaked up on the soldiers
while they were asleep-



-and rubbed shit
around the soldiers' mouths.



The women had cut their pubic hair
and mixed it with shit-



-and rubbed it around
the sleeping soldiers' mouths.



There was one woman there...
She was beautiful.



I cried when I watched her die.



That woman stood here. Here.



My heart was in pain when I saw her die.



Eight thousand people died here.



All of them women.
There were no men among them.



After three days,
Savimbi called his troops-



-and told them to play soccer on the
ashes. So they played soccer there.



-They played on the dead bodies?
-Yes, on the petrol and ashes.



It's all just business.



What happened in Angola was business.
I'm saying it and I can repeat it. Why?



Most of our leaders became rich-



-and most of us veterans who fought
remain poor.



Wherever I fought, I never saw
the son of any chief fighting.



It's just the sons of the poor.
I'm saying it again. I was a soldier.



I'm humiliated. I didn't study.
None of my colleagues studied.



But while we were in the war,
the others could study.



That's why so many veterans
are thieves nowadays-



-or crazy.



The children of poor country folk are
still suffering. They gained nothing.



I could never imagine what I've seen.
If I'd seen it on TV-



-I would have said it was a lie.
People can't suffer that much.



But I saw with my own eyes
how people suffer.



The war delays people's lives.



The war delays people's memory.



And here we are today.
We could never study.



We have nothing.



And all our strength
got lost in the war.



They got us together,
we finished the training together-



-and we went to fight together.
We were like brothers.



He tried to save my life
by putting me into the helicopter.



The helicopter couldn't stay long,
because the bombs are... like rain.



My friend came running to pick me up
and put me in the helicopter.



Before he came to me...



The things I remember today...



I just saw his body running,
and his head was there.



Callanga, a good friend of mine.



We advanced from here
early in the morning.



-We fought here in the morning.
-You're thinking of the battle at Lomba?



-Yes. I was there.
-Me too.



I gave the signal to launch that bomb.
Yes. Because I worked with...



We came in like this...cut off here.
We came in and there was an explosion.



Then the battle started. The UNITA
retreated to here, by the river Lomba.



-Bombardments by South Africa...
-They were behind the battle front.



My commander said, 'Patrick, run away!'
So I climbed up on the car and got shot.



But my buddy Callanga
saw when I got shot.



He said, 'Patrick, come here.' I went
over. 'Stay there, you've been hit.'



He pulled off his shirt
and used it to bandage me.



We were closed in for nearly 15 days
without water and food. We were here.



We couldn't move forwards
or backwards.



We were surrounded by the enemy,
the UNITA. We were in the middle.



I was here, behind a shelter.



I was here, and my friend was here,
behind a shelter here.



The helicopter came here
to land here.



Here. My friend
came running from here.



He came here to lift me in. Here.



The projectile landed here.



The battlements were here, and we were
in here. The projectile landed here.



A piece of shrapnel cut his head off.



Look. I'm returning to the battlement.



The helicopter lifted,
and when it got to about here...



Then they crashed here.



I was here. I was firing over there.



The machine gun was firing over here
and hit the helicopter that crashed...



The projectile exploded here. Boom!



The only thing I remember today
is his head flying off-



-and his body running straight ahead.



I still don't know where his body went.
His head just came off, like this.



Sometimes I dream of it.



Sometimes I think,
sometimes I'm angry...



I think, 'It was supposed to be me.
Not him. It was supposed to be me.'



Not him.



I don't feel as if I'm with the enemy.



I think that he's like my brother.
Because he's innocent.



He has no guilt. He was forcefully
recruited, like he told us already.



So I think... I have a lot of
compassion for him.



What do you think about me being with
the FAPLA and you with the UNITA-



-who were killing each other? When
you look at me, what do you think?



I don't think anything,
because we were in the war-



-but we're not the ones to be blamed.



The government is to blame.
They forced us out to the front.



But now that we're here together,
I feel like you're my brother.



We found the UNITA hiding place.
We spun the turret of the tank.



'Motherfucker! Drive, for fuck's sake!'



How did you run?
Did you run and shoot?



Yes, I'd run and shoot.



Then the others went like this. Boom!



We continued... Boom!



-Tanks are coming!
-When tanks came, we'd run like this.



You'd zigzag - run like this,
then like this, and then shoot.



Then you'd go like this...



Then to the other side.



For me, this is something
that gives me hope.



Meeting someone who fought
against me during the war.



I never imagined that I would sit
together with you like this.



I'll never, ever forget this.



Give me your hand, because we're
brothers. We didn't deserve war.



Let's rebuild our lives
and our countries.



Be done with the war. Stop the war.
It's no good.



It's a big thing for me to meet a person
that fought against me. I love it.



What happened happened.



They said we must forgive each other.



Yes, we forgive each other.



But I need to know
what we were fighting for.



We just fight
and the war stopped.



And we must forgive each other.
But I don't know why we were fighting.



We were supposed to do that before,
not now. Why didn't we do that before?



I also have a few things
I want to throw on the fire.



I was a soldier with the Portuguese
and with the South Africans.



Here, I found a brother from the UNITA
and another brother from the MPLA.



I still carry terrible memories
with me today.



Together, the four of us
thought we'd do something-



-to free ourselves of the memories
and forget what happened to us.



That's why I'm going to throw
my combat uniform into the fire.



My rank was staff sergeant,
so I had 'power'...



We want to show that the war
is over, and don't want more war.



It just burned up.
Yes, it was explosive.



-Who gave you that?
-It came from South Africa.



South Africa? Yes, very dangerous.



But, fuck... Give me your hand.



-The war was fucked up.
-Yes. The war wasn't good.



This war... No.



At the river Lomba, the big tanks...



Stop, motherfucker! UNITA is here!
Enemy, enemy! Advance, tank drivers!

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