Publicity: Look! Up in the sky. It’s a bird*, it’s a plane. It’s a
floating TV station streaming live to the web. It’s a
prying lens snapping lucrative snaps of a celebrity
party. It’s the police chasing suspects. It’s kids playing
in the park. It’s a government agency keeping an eye
on things. It’s all of the above.
Just as mobiles and wireless dramatically changed the
way we live our everyday lives, drones are set to
become the next game-changer.
"This is a powerful technology. It is real, it is coming.
No amount of hand-wringing is going to stop it."
PETER SINGER Drone Expert, Brookings Institution
For many onlookers, drones have been a controversial
weapon prowling over foreign battlegrounds targeting
enemy combatants and terrorists, often with
devastating consequences for hapless civilians in the
vicinity. Now as America’s military campaigns wind
down many of those drones are coming home, losing
the military decals and weaponry and turning their
attention to porous borders, law enforcement and a
myriad of civilian uses.
“The size of the industry - it’s billions of dollars. $30
billion by 2015 was one estimate I’ve seen.” CHRIS
ANDERSON Editor, Wired Magazine, Drone
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The exponential growth is happening with smaller
drones in the hands of anyone with a few hundred
dollars and access to the local hobby shop. They can
buy a sophisticated, unmanned aerial vehicle over the
counter. Guided by GPS and tiny autopilots, hobby
drones now have the ability to fly for miles providing
sharp video vision directly back to the pilot. But
hobbyists are one thing, some operators are defying the
law and flying their drones for commercial purposes;
Journalists chasing a story, real estate agents selling a
house, paparazzi chasing celebrities and a big-pay day.
"Well I wouldn’t step out on your wife, that’s really the
first thing. I think it will cut down dramatically on
adultery. What should people do? I’d say carry an
umbrella.” CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER Syndicated
columnist and conservative commentator
In just three years an order from the US Congress will
see tens of thousands of drones take off legally into an
already crowded sky, competing for space with
domestic aviation. It’s a regulator's nightmare. No one
seems to know how it will be managed. Supporters see
farmers and scientists at the controls. Opponents fear
terrorist drones.
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“There are political, legal and ethical issues that play
out with this. Everything from how do we ensure rights
of privacy, to what way the police should be allowed to
use them, what way should they not be allowed to use
them and how do we keep bad actors from utilising
these technologies?” PETER SINGER Drone Expert,
Bookings Institution
*The Humming Bird
Release of single drone in lab 00:00
SCIENTIST IN LAB: “We developed a nano-quad
rotor capable of agile flight”.
BORMANN: In a lab at the University of
Pennsylvania, it’s hard to know if this is the work of
manic hobbyists or level-headed scientists. Drones
attract both.
SCIENTIST IN LAB: “Multiple vehicles can fly as a
Music 00:25
Drones fly around lab BORMANN: What we do know is that the technology
making unmanned flight possible is getting smaller
and is evolving at breathtaking speed.
Music 00:38
SCIENTIST IN LAB: “The team can also navigate in
environments with obstacles”.
MAGAZINE): “Here’s what we know – cheaper,
better, faster. Thanks to
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Anderson these things in our pockets, thanks to Smartphones and
Wii controllers and you know other consumer
electronics, we have all the necessary elements to
Drones in lab create a drone. This has just happened over the past
four or five years”.
Music 01:02
Singer DR PETER SINGER: “This is a technology that’s a
game changer. It’s been so on the military side, it will
be the same on the civilian side”.
Military drone on airfield Music 01:13
Drone strike on Afghanistan BORMANN: For many Americans, drones have been
a controversial weapon prowling over foreign
battlegrounds, targeting and striking the enemy, but as
the military campaigns wind down, the drones are
coming home.
Singer DR PETER SINGER: “This is a powerful technology.
It is real. It is coming. No amount of hand wringing
is going to stop it”. 01:39
Enthusiasts with drones/Drone
surveillance photos
Music 01:41
BORMANN: The technology is being reborn in
swarms of ingenious mainstream hardware, drones of
all shapes, sizes and uses. Anything from an
opportunistic snap of a celebrity.... to crime fighting....
to Government surveillance.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: “My problem is once
you start with this, it doesn’t stop
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Krauthammer and I’m very concerned we’re at the beginning of a
revolution in surveillance that will not stop”.
Drones in formation in lab Music 02:15
BORMANN: Just as wireless and mobiles reshaped
the way we live our lives, drones are looming as the
next big game-changer. And flying alongside them are
important questions about safety, security and privacy
– and who will be at the controls?
Music 02:39
Team Blacksheep members in
car/Drones buzz Golden Gate
BORMANN: This is what happens when they’re in
the hands of some airborne anarchists. Team
Blacksheep, the bad boys of a growing garage drone
movement, are barnstorming their way across America
buzzing the nation’s most treasured landmarks, then
posting their audacious missions online.
“Well I mean part of what we do is try to stir up
controversy, I mean just to show what can be done
Pirker with these drones. You have to cross certain
boundaries to actually do that, to show people the
technology is here”.
Drone shots. New York skyline Music 03:31
BORMANN: Their most controversial mission was
across New York’s skyline, getting under the nose of
Miss Liberty herself. For some New Yorkers it was an
outrage exposing big holes in city security.
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RAPHAEL PIRKER: “It went viral on the internet, the
whole thing just exploded. All the news networks were
covering it,
Pirker but I think the connection between 9/11, the huge
security surrounding
Drone shots. Statue of Liberty the Statute of Liberty and someone just flying a plane
over the statute kind of also showed that the security
there is really a little bit of a circus. But I think what
struck most people is that it was actually possible”.
San Francisco drone shots Music 04:27
BORMANN: For years conventional hobbyists have
been allowed to fly model planes as long as they stay
below 400 feet, away from populated areas and aren’t
used for commercial purposes. But this is very
different. A remote control range stretching to the
horizon and beyond, auto pilot GPS and the all-seeing
live stream camera.
Music 04:57
BORMANN: In America this kind of flying is illegal,
but in three years time the US will open up its skies to
Pirker shows drone RAPHAEL PIRKER: “Well we basically we use a
modified remote control receiver and a video
transmitter which is down here, together with a video
camera and with that we can fly about ten miles with
these kind of antennas.
Drone flying I mean you could basically go further if you changed
some antennas around”.
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Pirker flies drone BORMANN: Team leader Raphael Pirker doesn’t
actually live in the US. When not launching drone
raids across America, he’s back home in the sanctuary
of Switzerland.
RAPHAEL PIRKER: “I think that the commercial
applications are just too overwhelming to have any
draconian rules against them.
Pirker Yeah, I mean I see it that within three or four years the
drones will actually be flying alongside normal
New Mexico sunset Music 06:05
BORMANN: Out in the New Mexico desert 06:16
Air Force drone tracking vehicles
on freeway/Drone control room
motorists are being watched, oblivious to the fact that
they’re in the cross hairs of a “Reaper”, the most
formidable military drone flying today.
Music 06:29
BORMANN: This is just an exercise for student drone
pilots at Holloman Air Base in New Mexico. The US
Air Force is in the midst of radical change – now
training more drone pilots than fighter pilots.
Music 06:55
Air Force base BORMANN: It’s extraordinary global technology.
These trainees are learning to be fully fledged military
operators making remote life and death decisions,
flying missile armed drones on the other side of the
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Drone exercise Music 07:17
opportunity to go to work, fly a mission,
USAF Drone Instructor no matter where it is, do the job, and then I put on a
different hat and I come home to my wife and my
Drone on tarmac Music 07:32
USAF OFFICER: “This is not a video game. This is
real life and we train our folks to make this real life.
USAF Officer This makes a big difference. This is a force multiplier
and I tell you there are more troops on the ground that
are alive today because of this airplane”.
Drone takes off BORMANN: But increasingly they’re also a force
multiplier for other government agencies.
Reaper into hangar Nine unarmed military style drones almost identical to
these Reapers, already fly for the US Customs and
Border Patrol, hunting for illegal immigrants. Last year
one was called in to help a North Dakota sheriff catch
cattle rustlers. Now the possibilities seem endless.
Fast action drive to Vegas Music 08:14
BORMANN: To get a taste of what’s now on offer in
the domestic drone market all roads lead to Las Vegas
which is hosting the world’s largest convention of
unmanned aerial vehicles as the experts like to call
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Convention hall/ drone
Here there are drones for every purpose – from
emergency response to monitoring farm stock. There’s
one message - if it’s dirty, dangerous or dull get a
drone to do it.
Drone demonstrations at
SALESMAN: “This airframe can be utilised in law
enforcement, disaster relief, industrial applications. In
addition to all the capabilities, it’s also very good at
dusting the floors. Every home owner should have one
of these in their house”.
BORMANN: These sales people are working to a
congressional order domestic airspace be opened up to
civilian drones by 2015, a deadline now fuelling a
multi-billion dollar market.
It’s estimated that a staggering 30 thousand drones of
all shapes and sizes could be buzzing around American
skies by 2020.
Police officer at drone convention 09:22
Domestic police forces are already taking off.
Aerovironment which builds 85% of the US military’s
small drones has been quick to launch its first cop
drone, The Qube.
STEVE GITLIN: “I can say that in the US alone
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Gitlin. Super:
Steve Gitlin
Drone manufacturer
there are something around the order of 18,000 local
law enforcement agencies and about 99% of them
don’t have any kind of aviation unit. So that represents
a pretty big market opportunity just here and that’s just
law enforcement. When you layer in fire departments,
hazardous material teams, search and rescue teams,
agriculture, security and even commercial applications
like pipeline inspection, it could become a significant
market and it’s global in nature”.
Drone promotional video. Super:
Promotional video
Music 10:08
BORMANN: The sales pitch is compelling. Why buy
a two million dollar police helicopter when a twenty
thousand dollar quad-rotor can chase down the bad
guys. With GPS, autopilot and a live video feed to
police smart phones, they can run but they can’t hide.
KEN CORNEY: [Ventura County Police Chief] “It’s
very exciting and the future’s going to be special. It
will be a
Corney. Super:
Ken Corney
Ventura County Police Chief
benefit to law enforcement. It’s a force multiplier in
that you’re able to use technology to use less people.
You walk through this trade show and you realise the
future is here, it’s now and all this exists. It’s just
working through the bureaucracies and the politics and
the community engagement of operating these
Drone trade show BORMANN: But with the swarm building, who will
keep order in the skies? The Federal Aviation
Administration has the job of making America’s drone
age a reality.
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Overlay Singer/Drone footage.
Peter Singer
Brookings Institution
Drone/Robotics Expert
Leading robotics expert Dr Peter Singer, reckons the
regulators are way behind reality.
Singer DR PETER SINGER: “Congress though has said
2015, FAA figure it out. Figure out how to allow all
this to happen. The problem is the FAA is an agency
that essentially deals with the airspace management.
Drone convention It’s thinking about things like how do we make sure
these micro drones don’t crash into other planes – but
that misses all sorts of the other political, legal, ethical
issues that play out with this.
Singer Everything from how do we ensure rights of privacy to
what way should the police be allowed to use them?
What way should they not be allowed to use them? To
how do we keep bad actors from utilising these
Drone convention 12:06
BORMANN: Drones are first and foremost
surveillance platforms and that worries both civil
liberties groups and conservative pundits who now fear
flying police cameras above every backyard barbecue.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: “This is not what we
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Krauthammer interview on Foxtel
I would say that you ban it under all circumstances and
I would predict, I’m not encouraging but I’m
predicting, the first guy who uses a second amendment
weapon to bring a drone down that’s been hovering
over his house is going to be a folk hero in this
Krauthammer “I think people may take the law into their own hands
but I say that really tongue in cheek. I do think this is a
country that really does value its freedom, above
everything else”.
Overlay Krauthammer/Drone
footage. Super:
Charles Krauthammer
Syndicated Columnist
Drone Opponent
Music 12:51
BORMANN: Syndicated columnist and conservative
commentator Charles Krauthammer is leading the
charge against the rise of the machines.
Krauthammer CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: “And I think people
will see this as something of a threat. I mean there’s
already a sort of discomfort with Google Street View
where you see your own house and I’ve seen my house
and you can locate the car in the driveway so we
already know that goes on and I don’t want anything
buzzing over my house and I think most Americans
don’t either.
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I would begin with a ban and nibble away from there.
I’m really afraid that once we open the floodgates--
look people argue, you have helicopters that can
follow you, yes but helicopters are big, they’re loud,
they’re expensive and they’re dangerous so you can’t
possibly keep them up there all the time. They go up
for a car chase or somebody on the loose and then you
bring them down. With drones everything changes. It’s
like having a permanent camera over everybody’s
head, in every street forever”.
Singer. Super:
Peter Singer
Robotics expert
Brookings Institution
DR PETER SINGER: “Now we’re in a space where
they’re going to be able to pick up a lot of things that
they may not have that warrant for and so it’s akin to
some of the monitoring of email. We then have to
figure out when can they do that, when can’t they,
what do they do with all that information that they’re
gathering when they may be monitoring one person
but they’re picking up all the data on all the others. Do
they have to throw it away or can they also sift through
that data and try and find bad things? We’re not ready
for this world and yet that’s what we’re moving into”.
‘Daily Drone’ footage from
Music 14:32
BORMANN: Under pressure to cut costs media
organisations are also taking a keen interest in drone
Music 14:47
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Drone over floods BORMANN: Some are already pushing the envelope.
Here online news site, “the” defies the
current ban on media flights by launching a few drones
of its own to cover a big story on floods in the
American south.
NEWS READER: “Here in Natchez, Mississippi this
drone video exclusive to The Daily gives a unique
aerial view of the struggle to keep the water at bay”.
DR PETER SINGER: “It allows a whole universe of
new possibilities, you know, things that are very
positive. Let’s just take reporting as an example.
Singer We’re going to see journalists use this to gather all
sorts of stories. We’ve already seen examples such as
reporting from natural disasters when there was
flooding in one place they popped up a little drone that
monitored what happened in a way that the news
wouldn’t have been able to cover it before,
to documenting issues of abuse. There’s been a couple
of protests where they have put up little tiny drones to
monitor whether the police were going to commit
abuses against the protestors, but of course there’s a
flip side to that. Paparazzi using these, following
people in a way that we wouldn’t want to see or
violates the rights of privacy”.
Hilton sisters paparazzi shots 15:59
BORMANN: In the drone age, where there’s a
celebrity you’ll probably find a prying lens hovering
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REPORTER: “Is it a problem for you – all these
BODYGUARD: “She loves them”.
BORMANN: Paparazzi drones are yet to take off in a
big way in the United States but they are already
stalking America’s beautiful people on the French
Paparazzo PAPARAZZO #1: “In theory, we’d need authorisation
to fly over the beach itself so we’re just going to skirt
around it”.
Drone lifts off from beach BORMANN: Celebrity socialite Paris Hilton among
the first to be targeted by a remote control, high flying
PHOTOGRAPHER: “Can you see Paris Hilton?”
PAPARAZZO #2: “Try to go as far as possible”. 16:44
Music 16:46
PAPARAZZO #1: “There! Shoot!” 16:48
Stills from drone of partygoers on
BORMANN: The drone returned with more than a
hundred photos. Unnerved by the new technology,
Paris Hilton’s bodyguards attempted to seize the craft.
Paparazzo PAPARAZZO #1: “We pretended to erase the memory
card – obviously we still have the images”.
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Anderson overlay/stylised drone
images. Super:
Chris Anderson
Editor in Chief
Wired Magazine
Drone Evangelist
Music 17:08
BORMANN: However they’re used, drones are
becoming a very big business, very quickly. Chris
Anderson is editor in chief of the tech head bible,
“Wired” magazine.
Anderson CHRIS ANDERSON: “The size of the industry, you
know it’s billions of dollars, I think 30 billion dollars
by 2015 was one estimate I’ve seen”.
Tech team flying drone BORMANN: Anderson sees a future with a drone in
every home, just as the Silicon Valley hotshots once
brashly predicted a computer on every desk top.
CHRIS ANDERSON: “So in the same way that Steve
Jobs and Steve Wozniak in the 1970s looked at
computers which were then mainframes, IBM, etcetera
and said you know what? These chips are now
available. Let’s take computers away from big
companies and governments and give them to people,
Anderson the Apple to ultimately the Mac, that’s democratising
Tech team flying drone It’s taking technology and giving it to regular people to
find new uses and we’re at the moment where we can
do the same thing with drone technology”.
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Inside drone factory BORMANN: Chris Anderson isn’t just writing about
the drone phenomenon, he’s making it happen. He
owns the San Diego factory which mass produces
drone autopilots and they’re flying out the door. A few
hundred dollars buys you membership of the booming
do it yourself drone network.
CHRIS ANDERSON: “Today there’s more drones out
there being flown by hobbyists then there are by the
military, tens of thousands of these members of our
community and
Anderson thousands of these drones that use our autopilot out
there, used by everything from children to college
students to, you know, companies, NASA etcetera, all
non-military purposes”.
18:44 YouTube video 18:57
BORMANN: But down in Texas there’s anger over
what might be soon appear over the cattle ranch or
pickup truck. Controversial radio shock jock, Alex
Jones, rallied gun enthusiasts in this online call to
Super on video:
Alex Jones
ALEX JONES: [advert] “Recently the federal
government has announced that 30,000 drones are to
be deployed in the skies of America. So we return to
Steiner ranch to shoot down a few drones of our own.
You’re going to see corporations and stalkers using
these systems to harass people. Why don’t we get
together as Americans, reaffirm our Bill of Rights and
Constitution and politically shoot down this out of
control big brother drone roll out”.
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Drone in sky/ near miss over
BORMANN: Texan drone control aside, drone
advocates concede sorting out the safety issues needs a
lot of work.
Music 19:50
BORMANN: As an example of what’s potentially
ahead, this is what happens when new age meets old in
the airspace of Afghanistan, a close encounter between
a military drone and an airliner.
Aircraft/LA Airport Music 20:08
BORMANN: Understandably in the busy skies over
the United States, airline pilots are appalled by the
prospect of sharing space with thousands of unmanned
machines, unmanned aircraft also have a much higher
crash rate so what happens when a drone simply falls
out of the sky?
Anderson. Super:
Chris Anderson
Editor in Chief
Wired Magazine
CHRIS ANDERSON: “The copters of various sorts,
multi copters, four, six, eight blades or single blades
etcetera, those can be more dangerous. They really are
sort of flying lawn mowers in a sense”.
Singer. Super:
Peter Singer
Robotics expert
Brookings Institution
DR PETER SINGER: “It’s funny because the safety
issues are usually treated either in a hysterical manner
or in a manner that’s a little bit like the ostrich with
their head in the sand. So the hysterical manner is, you
know, the idea that you’re going to have hundreds of
thousands of these systems all flying about, constantly
crashing or constantly being used by terrorists or
constantly being used in some way that’s just
Armageddon coming. It’s Robo Armageddon.
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Model plane takes off and then
Or you hear the don’t worry about it, they’re really,
really small so even if they crash it won’t matter. That
just frankly ignores the laws of physics.
Singer They go oh but it’s just a, you know less than a
hundred pounds. Well go up to the top of a ten storey
building and take a 100 pound piece of metal and drop
it and see if it causes some damage. That’s a concern”.
Kaminsky driving porch through
Manhattan Beach
ED KAMINSKY: “We’re driving right through the
heart of Manhattan Beach California. Homes probably
range from I would say three million to a recent sale of
sixteen million dollars”.
Hollywood sign/Traffic montage Music 21:54
Plane/Kaminsky BORMANN: With one of the world’s busiest airports
in his city, Los Angeles real estate agent Ed Kaminsky
is never too far away from the buzz of passenger air
craft and many of the world’s best known celebrities.
Young drone pilots Music 22:20
Kaminsky on balcony. Drone
footage of house
BORMANN: It’s still illegal to use drones for
commercial purposes but Ed Kaminsky is comfortable
with what he’s doing and interestingly no authority has
stepped in to stop him.
ED KAMINSKY: “Obviously our sellers who own the
properties love it that we’re creating this perspective
for the buyers. The buyers seem to really like it
because now they can really get a feel of the property
without having to go there.
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Kaminsky We’re not using it for anything that would I think
abuse privacy or go above height limits as far as
airspace goes, so for what we use it for, we’re not
violating any of those issues and what’s what I focus
on is what we’re doing is right, you know, what other
people do I can’t control”.
Scientist in lab with drone. Super:
‘Nano Hummingbird’ without
landing gear
BORMANN: And what of the future? Well it’s going
to be even small and smarter. If it flaps like a bird, it
might just be a Hummingbird drone.
STEVE GITLIN: “Well something the size of the
Hummingbird could conceivably provide customers
with a pocketable unmanned aircraft system
Gitlin and as we look at the military market which is the
largest adopter of this technology today, that idea of
making something as standard issue as a sidearm for
example or a helmet, it certainly interests a lot of
Drone trade show/ Shots of
BORMANN: But not all small drones are so benign.
Aerovironment, creator of the Hummingbird, and the
unarmed Qube cop drone has also quietly developed
another nasty surprise, it’s called the Switchblade.
DR PETER SINGER: “It’s a cross between a drone
and a munition or rather what you would call it
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Singer as a robotic kamikaze. It’s about the size of a rolled up
magazine. A soldier can shoot it off, it flies, observes
and then rather than having to call big brother then to
fly in and drop bombs on the target,
Switchblade in this case the little tiny drone they can then decide
now it’s going to turn into a little cruise missile and fly
into the target”.
Drone demo in lab Music 25:08
BORMANN: Back in the lab at the University of
Pennsylvania, the drones come in peace.
Here they’re being marshalled to play the James Bond
theme. Cute, clever but what to make of them out in
the real world?
Drone demo continues DR PETER SINGER: “You wouldn’t be flying high
overhead but able to zoom down and do things what
they call perch and stare. Imagine a bird landing on
your window sill and peeking in”.
BORMANN: The drones are taking off, the question is
do we have the ability to harness a technology now
evolving at phenomenal speed. Can society keep up?
DR PETER SINGER: “Moore’s law is the idea that
our technology, particularly our microchips has
doubled in its power capacity just about every 18
months or so.
Singer Moore’s law though doesn’t stop. If Moore’s law holds
true, the way it’s held true
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Drone demo over the last forty years, within twenty five years our
technologies will be a billion times more powerful
than they are today”.
Music 26:30
Credits: Producers : Mark Corcoran,
Janet E. Silver
Production team: Trevor Bormann,
Michael Brissenden,
Eric Campbell,
Craig McMurtrie
Cameras: Louis Eroglu (ACS),
Leigh Hubner,
Alan McGreevy,
Dan Soekov,
Shane Wilcox
Editor: Garth Thomas
Narration: Trevor Bormann
Additional material:
Java Films,
Saatchi and Saatchi,
Pennsylvania University,
Alex Kushleyev,
Daniel Mellinger
Vijay Kumar
Executive producer: Steve Taylor

© 2024 Journeyman Pictures
Journeyman Pictures Ltd. 4-6 High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0RY, United Kingdom

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