YUMYUM - by Hazel Chandler



Caption on black





Night scenes of people walking and sleeping

Music and Caption

Kenema, Sierra Leone, 2006.

Four years after the end of a brutal conflict

which lasted 11 years and left Sierra Leone

the poorest country in the world.

Caption on black

Music and Caption

Over half the population is under 18

and 20% of children do not have a primary carer.

Thousands of young people live on the streets.

Slowmo CU Yumyum

Music and Caption

Yumyum, 'General' of the 400 street youth in Kenema.

Yumyum means Bad Man.

He is 23, an ex child soldier and

on the streets since he was eight years old.


CU slomo Yumyum


Yumyum was given a small camera.

He did not sell it even when it might have kept

him out of prison. He refused to give it up.


He shot 100 hours of footage.

Candid, brutal, honest





footage from Yumyum's camera, boys sleeping/talking

Small caption

Yumyum's camera


Flashing 'rec'


YY: How do you survive on the streets?

YY's camera

Boy with kids sleeping around him

Boy:Some of them steal

Some of them tote. Some of them steal

YY's camera

boy being turned upside down

YY: He's got small change in his pocket

He says he's got nothing

Boy:I've got no money

YY:I saw it. He does


YY's camera.


YY: Leave them, let them fight

Blacks stop it

Blacks stop. Leave it


YY's camera

YY washing

Boy: Hey brother, early in the morning like now

you're washing and smoking.

YY: It's the general who is washing.

I have the power. I'm Yumyum



Sub Heading



WS Kenema town


Kenema, September 2006


Paul Williams PW

Title caption

Paul Williams

Child Protection Officer



Paul Williams, PW:They commit serious crimes, serious crimes

Sometimes they use a knife

PW walking through market

PW: I have received a series of floggings from street children

They stripped me naked, they thought I had money

Late at night you'll find them sleeping in this market place

On these tables where people are selling

So these are hardened criminals anyway

They are hard to deal with


PW with YY

PW: I said you are in charge of them all

In the night he goes, when he's alone here

he fetches them from the street and says come lets be together

He says they are thieves, they do all kinds of odd things

but they are happy to receive you

They will not do anything to you



Sub heading

Cameras and Arrests


YY with his camera


June 2007


Shots in police station


That night Yumyum is arrested

for stealing the camera




Police Officer: This man was interrogated

by my night men yesterday

About this camera

We were a little bit sceptical

About where he got it from

He had no documents



Leaving station

PW: Write on here that you have given him the camera


PW: He's free now, they are freeing him.


YY walks away


Though often guilty of something, the street

boys are frequently arrested for loitering,

even though they have nowhere to live.



Yumyum's gang

HC: How does it work?

They bring it to you - then what do you do with it?


shots of different kids in the gang

YY:I buy everything for them

HC: Does he feed you?

YY: Anything they get they come and give it to me

But I don't keep any.

I buy them clothes or food

Eugene: He doesn't keep anything. Does he beat you?

Kids: No

Eugene: Are you happy with Yumyum?

Kids: yes

HC: Why?

Kids: Because he takes care of us


Yumyum's camera

Flashing 'Rec'


YY talks to camera

It's me, Yumyum. I'm Mende. I suffer

I've been on the streets since I was a small boy. From 1992, on the streets

It's 14 years now. I'm big now. No mammy or pappy or gaurdian. I've got no way to make money so I gamble. I'm a thief. I'm Yumyum

General Yumyum. General Yumyum. I suffer


YY's camera

Man attacked

Man: See what they did to me

I went to steal and they stabbed me


YY's camera

boy being beaten

YY: You beat that old woman.You deserve 12 lashes

woman: 12 aren't enough for what he's done. Give him 36

YY: I said 12 but every time he moves we start again

Leave your hand. Leave your hand. Come on, be a man

Boy:12 is too many, you're killing me

YY: I'm not counting so you need to count. If you block me with your hand I'll start again. If you don't keep still I'll have someone

hold your hands and feet.I've told you whenever someone does wrong don't take matters into your own hands or this is what happens

Woman: Obey him now. You deserve this for what you have done. Don't be leniant with him. punish him like you did that other boy

YY: Eleven, twelve. You're not dead. Get up, get up.


Gvs Kenema

Caption: March 2008


YY arriving on a bike


Yumyum has spent several weeks in prison


YY walking

YY: They arrested us and when they took us to the

police station they said it was loitering



Youth: This little boy-He is a notorious criminal. He's a notorious criminal. So dangerous. we love him so much. He has the art of doing things like a man


Slomo KKDog


KK Dog


slomo CU KKDog



KK Dog means dog to be put down

11 years old, abandoned by father and sent

to Kenema by his mother

to be schooled by an uncle




The uncle was abusive and he ran away.

On the streets for 4 years

Occupation - thief


CU A-Class

Caption :

A - Class




A-Class means brainy one.

His parents were killed in the conflict

14 years old and on the streets for five years

Occupation- thief



AC: Our motto, everyone of us, we steal



Sub heading:



A-Class on the roof

watching boys carrying loads


small boy walks upstairs

AC: We will steal your property and go and sell it

and have our daily bread.That is the way we are surviving here.Some of them carry loads

KK: For 200 leones (5 cents)

YY:: This one does sweeping. This one carries loads

Boy: This is the smallest boy among us

YY:How old are you?

Boy: Five, five years

AC: He's the smallest among us. Sometimes, if it's raining,

we sleep in the container

HC:How many sleep here?

AC: More than 20. Some sleep up here



some of the gang Out on the street

AC: Some of us are bad. We will rape her

HC:You will attack her?

AC: Yes we will rape the girl.So we don't allow a little girl to stay out

HC:Who would rape her?

AC: My companions, even me. If I see a little girl on the streets. I will ask you what are you doing on the streets?If you say nothing I will rape you. That's why we don't allow a girl on the streets

AC: Go to sleep, go to sleep



A-Class where they sleep

AC: Love is blind.My girl, if I sleep on the table, if I say

let's sleep on the table she will follow. So love is blind. The girls love the street boys.Some of them will go and steal their mother's money

and come and give it to us to eat



On the roof with some gang members at night

AC:This business is my girlfriend's to sell

so I can go back to school. Because I don't have any money

HC:So she's doing it for you?

AC: Yes, she will sell it for me and collect the money

It costs 500 leones (12 cents).We hide it from the policemen.

If the police see you you are in trouble



Still on roof at night

HC: They pick eachother's pockets?

Eugene: Is it possible to go to sleep with money and still have it in the morning?

YY: If I'd have been here first today I would have searched all their pockets. 12 to 1 the troops pass by here. We hear the sounds of the boots and we call Police, police, police. We jump down and run. The first prayers they call, we should wake up by then and scatter



Daytime Gvs

YY on roof



Gang walking led by YY

YY: I came this morning. The police raided around the rubbish dump

Some ran away, some were arrested. I met some friends at the rubbish dump. As soon as it was day the police came and arrested us for loitering.

HC: Where do they run to?





Boy injured

YY: What happened to you?

Eugene: He went to steal. The window was closed. As soon as he prised

the window and put his arm inside. They chopped his hand . They stabbed him with a knife



Watching the market from the roof

YY doing hair etc

AC: It's cat

HC:Do they ever steal your food?

Woman:They steal all the time. Anything I put out they take it

AC: Now he's making his hair ratty



YY's camera




YY's camera

Boys at night

Boy: I am a sufferer

Let me talk. Wait for me

YY:It's 3 am and I came to meet these boys. They sleep here and I came to wake them up. They sleep on this verandah. They are all sufferers. Today, what did you do?

Boy:I ate cassava on the streets . We've got nothing to do.

YY: What do you want to do?

Boy: We steal cassava from the streets

YY: Where are the other boys sleeping?

Boy: Yumyum, I swear to god if he doesn't take

the coat off I will hit him

YY: Take it off. Take it off. Come here. Come here. Leave him. Leave him.

What happened? Where did you get the coat?

Boy: A boy called Temeni gave it to me. It's mine. They tried to steal it

when I went to the toilet



YY's camera. Youth with weapon

Youth: Guys came to fight me. They roughed me up. If you don't

believe me, look at the weapon I've got to damage someone. If I meet you I will damage you Then search you. Then shove you away



YY's camera looking around a room

Youth: There's condoms here

Woman: Yumyum, this man wants me to have sex

with him for 2000 leones (50 cents). He says he's your brother and to ask you

Youth: All over, there's used condoms, cigarettes all sorts of things.



yumyum's camera

Youth talking

Youth: All the money that I've got I put inside here And I wrap my feet like this. Some street guys would take my slippers so I take them off and put them like this



Yumyum's camera. YY talking

YY: This is what I threaten people with, scissors.

If you've got money you'll give it to me



Tracking shots and GVs


September 2008



KK Dog


K.K. Dog




KK: I'm smoking. I've got nowhere to sleep

I'm sleeping right over..

AC: He's in the cold room

KK: The police arrested me. See here, they boxed my eyes

Youth: The police they beat this guy

They beat him up.They removed this boys teeth

KK: Bang, bang. It was too much

AC: Yumyum travelled to Bo



A-Class talking


A -Class




AC: Because of some conflict, Yumyum ran. He had a conflict with two girls in the market. We were sleeping here last Tuesday. So many police.

They came and arrested us as for me I escaped from the police station. They wanted to Jail Yumyum But we started talking to them

saying don't do that

HC: So what happened to him?

AC: He's run away from this town. If he hears you are here he will come



Tracking and Yumyum in Bo

HC: Hello Yumyum. How are you?

YY: I've not got money for transport. I want to go back



Yumyum arguing on the street

Eugene: As soon as Yumyum got back they started shouting

when they saw Yumyum in the market . Keep your bags, you should hold your bags. He's back, he's going to steal your bags. At one point  he went too the lady and said Patricia, Stop, I don't like that kind of thing

I am not a thief. I am a changed man. Then she started abusing him and his (dead) mother saying bad words to him. Then Yumyum grabbed her and people came between them . He stopped. Then she went to the police



Prison shots

Youth: Please leave something for us

HC: What do we do? Do we knock?

Prison guard: Hold on please. Just a few minutes please, I'm counting

HC: Counting? Counting what? Prisoners?

Guard: yes



Yumyum laughing with the guys


Yumyum would have stayed in prison

but we pay his fine of $50 and

$100 compensation to the market women




YY: K.K. Dog- do you want that tooth removed?We're going to pull it out.

We'll get a rope. K.K. Dog, we'll pull it out



Night time roof shots

conversation between various youths

AC: In the rainy season, street boys suffer a lot

Youth: Have you ever eat dog?

Are you eating dog?

Can you eat dog?

Is that the right question?

It says here on the test paper,

"are you eating dog?"

No I can't. That's what you write- the answer. Is it not correct?

What did you answer?

I said no I can't

No you can't? You are right

No I can't. No I didn't

No I didn't?

Yes. I didn't eat dog, simple

Are you eating dog?

No I don't eat dog

 don't eat dog. That's the question they asked me

If a man asks you, are you eating dog?

The answer that goes with this question

are you eating dog?

If they say are you eating dog

You say no I didn't

Other people eat but I didn't

But I don't. I don't eat dog



night scenes





night scenes





Yumyum walking


In order for Yumyum, K.K. Dog and A-Class

to get off the streets, first

they must find somewhere to live


Yumyum is easy to find a room for.

Being 'General' gives him some

standing in the community



Yumyum in house


Yumyum has never been to school so

cannot read or write. There are few options

and he decides he wants to be a mechanic.



Yumyum talking

Eugene: Yumyum, I have found you a place in Freetown at

a garage where you can learn. We'll give you $50 a month.

150,000 leones allowance every month. What do you think? Are you ready to leave all your friends?You have to think carefully.

YY: I am ready right now.

Eugene: You're ready right now?Never mind you're leaving your friends?

YY: I'm tired of living on the streets . I want to learn something.

If someone will help me I will go.

Eugene: And he promises nothing illegal will happen there.

He'll abide by the laws of the garage



Yumyum walking at night


But overnight Yumyum changes his

mind about being a mechanic



Yumyum in the morning

I'm not able to do mechanic's work. If I go there I won't be able to do it. If I leave everyone and go far up country. It's not going to be easy



Market and fish


His next idea is to invest in a fish cooperative

which, on the surface, seems legitimate



Market woman

In the beginning he gave me 800,000 ($200). I distribute to petit traders And make 250,000.After two weeks the money becomes 1 million 50 thousand. 250,000 ($60) profit

YY: When I've saved 600,000 I'll go into business for myself

HC: Selling what? Selling fish?

Eugene: He wants to sell shoes



Yumyum on the roof twisting hair


Whilst not lacking in enthusiasm, Yumyum,

for whom money has been easy come, easy go,

has no idea about business and

other are quick to exploit him




KK Dog at night


K.K. Dog




KK: My mother wanted me to come here to a relative. He was to teach me but the man beat me And when he beat me I ran away here. I want to go to school .

Eugene: Where's your father?

KK: I think my papa's in the village but it's eight years since I left. I don't know if he's still there. My mother died

Eugene: They used to beat him up. They used to starve him

That's why he ran away. But he says if he's got someone to pay

school fees for him, he'll go back . He'll go back to that man and start going to school . Does the man agree?

KK: Yes I'm sure



Uncles house daytime


K.K. Dog changes his story every day but

repeatedly says he wants to go to school.

He has an uncle he can stay with

who previously threw him out.



entrance to the uncles house



The Uncle



The uncle in his house

Uncle: Hello, Come in

Eugene: He says he wants to go to school . He says you beat him and made him run away .

Uncle: It's not true. Some of it is true. I didn't beat him. I hate him. I don't like him if he had money he could keep it. I didn't drive him away. Any child from Kenema who doesn't learn But who goes on to the streets -That's it. If he goes to the street he doesn't come back . He's become a thief

Eugene: If he were to come back would you accept him?So he can go to school ?

Uncle: If you pay for everything. Before I say yes, I'm not going to say no I'll say yes but we have to have an agreement





The School



Headteacher in his office

Teacher: A lot of other schools in the town  are grumbling about them. When they're in school they don't attend properly.

They don't attend regularly.But since school is to reform them. We will not reject them. We should bring them home. They are our children.

We want to see them be good boys tomorrow

KK.My name is Allusine, Mohamed Sesay



KK Dog outside his uncles house


3 days later...



KK Dog crying

YY: Are you happy with your uncle?Now you are with your uncle, are you happy?

KK: No, someone told him I went to smoke Marijuana and he shouted at me. Yesterday in the streets

Eugene: Someone told on you?

KK: Yes

Eugene: What did you do?

KK: Nothing

Eugene: Is it true? Don't lie.

KK: No it's not true

YY: You weren't gambling?

Yesterday I went to A-Class for my money. This is what happened before. Someone told tales on me. Before they said I would go and cause trouble on the streets. Thats why I left before and now it's all starting again

YY: Do you want us to come for you?

KK:That's not why I'm crying

YY: What now?And talk like a man

KK: There's an old woman, she's my grandmother




Of all of them, Yumyum said K.K.Dog

would never leave the streets.

He loved gang life and getting high too much.




But he was also just a child

looking for someone to love him



KK: I want to go and see my brother

YY:What do you want to do now?

KK: It's been eight years since I saw my family


With the Uncle

Eugene: He says that yesterday people came to you and said

he was going to the streets. That he smoked marijuana And actually when he went there he went to

collect some money that one girl owed him

Uncle: You know what I don't like? When someone

doesn't take me seriously, I will hit him. I warned him not to go on the streets Because he's in bad company

Eugene: Don't stop him going to the streets because his only friends are there. But you could tell him, he can go there as long as he sleeps at the house and doesn't smoke there Because he has promised me that he

isn't going to smoke again

Uncle: I don't want him to gamble again

Eugene: He wont stop him going to the streets  he can go and see his friends But he can't gamble  or smoke marijuana. So that's why he shouted at him


Aclass and Yumyum walking


A-Class is always very clear

he wants to go back to school.

He was a good student before

his parents were killed in the conflict.




But finding somewhere to live proves difficult


A Class  looking at a property

AC: I went to see that woman who said she would help. She's not serious about finding a place for me. She's not going to find a place for me

So I decided to find a place for myself

Man: This is a big house. So the money you will pay I will take 50,000 ($15)To fix the doors. I'll finish the toilets for them also. Come and see

AC: If they do the maintenance on the place I will like it

That place we just saw The chief doesn't want us there


argument with the landlord


The chief decides he doesn't want

street youth living in his area.

We don't get our deposit back


A Class walking


We look at several more places

before finding one that accepts A-Class


Teachers home


Next we visit A-Class' old teacher




The Teacher



Teacher: He started attending at the school  for a month or so. After a month and a half he disappeared He didn't tell me he was going anywhere And today I am seeing him after a very long time

HC: Why did you disappear?

AC: I had problems

Teacher: But you should have told me your problems. I listen. I'm your class master. I admitted you. Next academic year we'll enrol him again. He will start fresh. I want to believe he can do well



April 2009


night shots of the streets


Yumyum has, once again, spent time

in jail for loitering.

The police have shaved his head.




The fish cooperative has

gone belly up.


Yumyum at night

YY: The woman we gave the money to She went twice to get the fish But then she never came back. She took our money


Yumyum buying flip flops


The final investment is in flip-flops

which Yumyum says he has sold before



Man: Do you want a mix of them all?


Yumyum in class


Yumyum also asks to go to

literacy classes as long as he

doesn't have to sit in a classroom



YY: I want to learn

I am not a thief

I am not a thief


A Class at night





AC: Since you left I have a lot of difficulties. My girlfriend's sick since she had our baby. She has a big sore on her foot. They have done an operation two times. We used to have a bed. A-Class pawned it. He pawned everything. Everything is gone.

HC: Did you sell the school books as well?

AC: No I didn't sell them

HC:You thought when she had the baby that her parents would take her back

AC: Because she is very sick they wont take her.

HC: Because she was sick?

AC: Yes, They asked me to do everything, forever


shopping for baby clothes


Despite having a sick girlfriend

and a new baby, A-Class has been

doing the lessons set for him over summer.

Now he wants to enrol at the school.


Teacher's place











Aclass getting books and uniform

Teacher: We arranged lessons for him. English language, mathematics and biology. At times he absented with no justifiable reasons

AC: I was helping a girl with a baby, who was sick

Teacher: Whose baby?

AC: It's mine

Teacher: You can't be a father at the same time as going to school

especially at your age, it will be very difficult. Do you want to go to school or be with your wife?

AC: I want to go to school

Teacher: Will you be able to give your attention? Concentrate fully on your education?Can you leave all your other activities and concentrate

on your studies and academic work

AC: I give my promise

HC: Please give him a chance

Teacher: Yes, alright


Gvs rubbish dump




KK Dog in car

KK:I don't have any trouble

HC: are you doing your school work?

KK: Yes I am doing my school work


The uncles

KKDog buying uniform

Eugene: So the arrangement we will make now that we have tested him for three months. He's going to try and we will buy the school uniform

so he can continue going to school now. Are you ok with that?


Yumyum's camera

Boys on tables asleep


flashing REC


Yumyum's camera

Tearing of clothes

YY: He's tearing his trousers. He stole 500 leones (12 cents)

Youth: You stole from me. Every time I see you  in good trousers I will tear them for you .

Boy: Do you think when you tear them the money will appear?


walking across rubbish dump


November 2009




Yumyum and K.K.Dog have fled to nearby town Bo

due to increasingly frequent arrests for loitering


KK Dog

HC: What are you doing here?

KK: I don't know what happened

HC: Is Yumyum here somewhere?

KK: I don't know where he is I'm on my own here.


leaving the rubbish dump


It turns out Yumyum has already returned

to Kenema and the only reason K.K. Dog

hasn't is because he has no clothes

or money for the fare


KK Dog in the car

HC: What happened to school?

KK: what happened to school?

HC: Yes, why did you stop going?

KK: The uncle couldn't take care of me That's why I went back to the streets. When I went to town he said I was smoking marijuana And of course I am not smoking marijuana. He was shouting at me- shouting at me. That's the reason I went back to the streets again. I want to go to my dad. I want to go to my dad. It's a long time since I saw my dad

HC: Do you know where your dad is?  OK


Driving to Kenema


Despite his insistence to the contrary

it is likely that K.K.Dog was

on the streets smoking marijuana




But he still desperately wants

someone to look after him


The uncles house

Eugene: What happened with Allusine at the house?

Uncle: Nobody beat him. Nobody drove him away. Nobody made him go hungry. Allusine is a very difficult child to take of. You need to find another way.

I don't want him


walking down street


K.K.Dog's father lives in a village

two days journey away.

An aunt offers to take him


the dentists


K.K.Dog is ashamed of the gap in his teeth

and doesn't want to see his father again

unless it can be fixed




2 days later...

HC: smile, lets see.


A-Class with baby




A Class with papers

AC: This is my first term examination, biology. I did well. In the first test I got 71% In the exam I got 32%. I only failed one paper but I do nine subjects


Teacher s house

Teacher: He's doing fine. Because he goes to school. He attends school  And equally I monitor his academic work, his activities. Actually he's improving. I don't want to praise him more but he's improving Compared to the way he was intially. He's doing fine


Yumyum at the pharmacy with his bad hand


Yumyum is not doing so well.

He's been in and out of prison

often for something one of the other

gang members did or for loitering




He has a badly infected hand

that needs urgent treatment



Chemist: Are you not a man?

YY: My heart.

HC: He needs to rest




His thumb is infected down to the bone

and the chemist fears he might lose it



Chemist: He's in very serious pain


still having his hand done


There is little left for Yumyum in Kenema.

For the first time he shows signs

of being ready to leave permanently


Yumyum outside in the field

Eugene: What happened to the shoes you were selling?

YY: I was selling the shoes in Blama village. On fridays I would go and sell with the market people. So I would always sell the shoes there on Fridays. When I came back on the Friday there was a raid going on. The police caught me and took the money. They framed me for breaking into a shop


slomo CU Yumyum


This story checks out.

The police have confiscated his money




With nothing left in Kenema for him

except the possibility of being arrested

and ending up in jail permanently,

Yumyum moves to capital- Freetown


Yumyum packing up

Woman: He's not been any problem. He's crying,he's crying. God bless you son. Don't cry. Now go, Byebye


Gvs Kenema


September 2010




K.K.Dog got to his father's village

but his father was dead.

He stayed with an uncle for a while but

is now back on the streets in Kenema.


KK Dog

KK: My uncle is a farmer. In the rainy season he has nothing. They're struggling in the rainy season. When the food I took ran out

I went to bed hungry. My uncle said, before you starve, maybe Kenema town would be better for you. I didn't want to suffer. He said if I got something I could go back (to the village)

Eugene: What happened to your teeth?

KK: I went to the river to wash. In the village you wash in the river. The river was deep. I nearly drowned and my teeth fell out


arrival in village


K.K.Dog is always determined to find

someone to go and live with.

He hears of another uncle in a village

five hours outside Kenema


Another uncle

Eugene: I'm Eugene. This is Hazel. He's the younger brother of his mother. When he was born, he was there

Uncle: He was on the streets and I wanted to take him but I had nothing. But now I am happy to take him

Eugene: What does he need to go to school?

Uncle: Uniform, pencil, book. Do you see this one?They have the same mummy and daddy. He's his brother


village shots


Yumyum thinks that if K.K.Dog stays in the

village it will be because it is isolated

and hard for him to leave


driving back to Kenema

Aclass in car


Everything seemed to be going well for A-Class.

But after completing a year in school there

now seems to be confusion around

registering for the new term.



AC: The principal, he called my name. My name's not registered

I don't have the paper (receipt) I never saw it.




The Teacher


The teachers house

HC: I'm confused. I thought I'd paid for his books, and the boarding school

Teacher: and the school fees

HC: But now I hear the school fees aren't paid and he's not on the register.

Teacher: He is. What happened was.. This is the receipt for the boarding school for a year and also the school fees for a whole year. Maybe he doesn't want to help himself. I don't know but I told him I paid his school fees. So you are supposed to start attending. He just has the problem. I'm always in school. He's the problem. Look at this receipt. He's paid up. I'm not going to give them to him.

Eugene: You need to get a photocopy of them . Take a photocopy of it

Teacher: and return the original to me. I will do it myself.

AC: I love school mum


getting in car and driving to school


We go to see the principal to find out

why A-Class isn't on the register.

But Eugene is suspicious of the teacher

and decides to bring him with us



Eugene: Hazel. Do you want to go in the front?

He's coming with us.


at the school


As soon as we get to the school

the teacher runs away.




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