Football vision





Ohio is known for football  


Football slo mo





Beauty Pageants … 


Street parade pics





And picking Presidents



Republican committee

Mark - “if a Republican call pull maybe 40% of the vote, they’re going to win Ohio, they’re going to win the country.”




Donald Trump is leading in Ohio


Republican party volunteer

“Build that wall, build that wall.”


Trump @ a rally

“Build that wall, build that wall.”




But can he still survive?


Trump @ Debate #2

INSERT – Trump: “This was locker room talk. I’m not proud of it. I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women than I do.”




Or will Hillary Clinton finish him off?


Hillary @ Debate #2

he needs to take responsibility for his actions and his words.”




A battle for the heart of America


Ex steelworker & wife

“Why do you like Hillary so much?”


“Number one she’s a woman.”


“Is that all the qualification she needs?”


‘How are you even thinking about somebody who’s against your race?”



Trump fans

“Akron University to see Mr. Trump!!”


 STORY TITLE – Who’s Still With Trump?


V/O - As Donald Trump struggles to keep his Presidential campaign alive, there’s one key battleground state that’s getting behind him.








V/O – Ohio has gone has gone from ‘likely Democrat’ to favouring Mr. Trump, and I’m hanging out with some of his recent converts… 


carpool karaoke  [D4 01:00:04 F3 ] + [01:00:24]

V/O I’m on my way to a Trump rally with two of his biggest fans…


 During his um rally in Vienna when he came to Ohio um we actually got to meet him, he shook our hand, we actually got a kiss on the cheek...

Dean – how was that?

SHOMORE [00:51:47] Oh, it was amazing. It was great, well not like that but it was great. It was really awesome



V/O: ‘Being young, female AND African-American, Shomore and Justis are NOT typical Trump supporters… but, like many in Ohio, they’ve turned...'
















DEAN [00:52:35] What's your political history?

SHOMORE [00:52:37] Um, my political history... I, during high school um I was a democrat and [CUT] I did door to door for Barack, for President Obama.

DEAN [00:53:53] What do you think Mr Obama would think about you supporting Mr Trump?

SHOMORE [00:53:57] I don’t he’d hold anything against me … I honestly don't um maybe probably think I'm a little crazy. I don't know, a lot of people do. [00:54:15]

DEAN [00:54:15] What would you tell him, how would you justify your decision?

SHOMORE [00:54:17] I would tell him that everything, a lot of things, that Mr Trump is actually saying is what I believe in,  we were a really good country and I don't know what happened through the years but I'd like us to get back to where our jobs were here and that our education was back on top And he actually supports all that and I feel and what I believe so he's my guy. [00:55:22]









Shomore’s shifting vote is a thing here.

Ohio is a place known for picking Presidents.

Win Ohio, win the White house, or so the saying goes.

Making this a key election battleground.

Ohio is also defined by steel.

This place was America’s great manufacturing heartland for over a century.

Now better known as the Rust Belt…

An area full of people who want that great history back… and I’m learning (swing voters) can also be full of contridictions…




[D4 F3 - 01:23:09]

Upsots of girls in carpark, and walking in.

Shomore – (non-synch) “I know I’m a republican and I’m for Trump, but I will always have a love for my Michelle Obama.”

Here outside Ohio’s main cities, people are mostly white – Donald Trump’s biggest fans.

But his staff at the rally tonight are not neglecting another key demographic that Mr. Trump needs to win over.

African Americans are mostly rejecting the Republican candidate - so Shomore and Justis are a rarity, and welcomed enthusiastically into the fold” 

Dean – ‘You guys have got amazing seats!

In fact the young women are given a spot right behind the main attraction

S & J singing anthem, right up front of stadium…

S& J – cheering.’ [01:23:16]



Then the man himself walks in …right in front of the girls

These rallies are known for spectacle.

‘It’s difficult to forget the scenes of violence that defined earlier Trump rallies…’

Trump – “I love the people of Ohio.”

“But today, Candidate Trump is here to offer hope to an area defined by its dying industries...



Trump: ‘We’re going to put the miners and the steelworkers back to work.”

V/O: His other key message today, in front of a mostly white crowd, is for minorities... "

Trump: "Our government has totally failed our African American friends, our Hispanic friends, what the hell do you have to lose. Give me a chance"

“Trump, Trump, Trump!”










 V/O  This ‘what do you have to lose’ angle has been described as both patronizing and fear-mongering by Mr Trump’s critics… but it hits home for Justis and Shomore…  








Shomore   the Democrats were actually the true racists in the beginning when it started out, and the Republicans were completely supportive of not continuing slavery any longer. [02:29:59]

[02:29:40] “Justis - The Democrats do not care about the African Americans, they do not care about the African American voters

V/O – There’s also plenty of ill will directed towards Donald Trump’s opponent.

Voxie - (man in purple) [02:44:10] If you can read this the bitch fell off you know, life’s a bitch don’t elect one. I mean we’ve had enough of the Bush’s, enough of the Clintons, come on, another 4-8 years of the same stuff, come on, what are people thinking?”

V/O - And Mr Trumps more disciplined approach today hasn't gone unnoticed...

Voxie – (man in cap) there weren't any personal attacks, other than Hillary and Obama, and he's getting better.




[D11 F3 01:03:18]  "I was quite surprised by the Trump rally last night .. it was a very inclusive speech, he was incredibly disciplined, he was using the teleprompter, he was appealing to African Americans and Hispanics groups that he knows he needs, and what really saw was an incredibly slick performance by a man who knows how to work a room, and 7 thousand people who were lapping up every word.





“With Candidate Trump heading off in his private jet, I’m hitting the road.

Travelling north, to a town called Lorain.

Built on 120 years of steel tradition, the last mill shut down early this year.

Already, decay is spreading..





[01:28:21] back in the day when I was here in 87/88 we used to have a line out the door from lunchtime, so it's sad and it’s gone down a lot.”



VO – Elizabeth has been working at the grill at this local institution for 28 good years.

But there’s a harsh new reality, and she struggles to talk about it.



[01:29:50] E – it's sad because community's really going down, we have nothing in Lorain, we don't have barely jobs, we have nothing. ….. am I done?

E – yeah I almost cried there. It feels sad D – Well the hash still looks pretty good.

E- thank you  [01:30:30]



Carlos and his buddies were all laid off from the steel mill this year.

They worked there for decades, and have always voted Democrat... 

Most of them are still not sure about Donald Trump, but Carlos is on the turn...









 [00:02:59] - CARLOS -, when, ah, the economy went bad for the auto industry, for other places, and banks, they all got bailed out, they got help. Us, they let, they let us sink. We were like the Titanic, nobody came to save us, we had to fend for ourselves.

[00:05:09] - CARLOS - And I think that maybe we need a businessman,

[00:10:26] - NELSON - for me, Trump, he's just, he's off the rocker. He says some things out there that are just you just don't know what's going on with him. - CAMERA PANS TO CARLOS - CARLOS - I see the rhetoric and I understand why you guys are thinking not Trump or whatever

[00:11:03] - GIL - Listen, he's one bad hair day away from …. (GROUP CHUCKLES)[00:11:07] - CARLOS - Hey, maybe, maybe the other countries need to think that he's a nut. [00:11:11] - CAMERA PANS TO GIL - GIL - he doesn't have a plan...he doesn't have a plan (shakes his head)[00:12:43] - CAMERA PANS TO JOE - JOE - Being the military guy that I am, I don't think I want that guy to have those codes to use for nuclear weapons. You've got all these young guys going into the military and you've got this guy who's a tyrant, all he wants to do is have war with everybody, we'll have another war that we can never stop. We've already had Iraq and Iran, we don't need another war.





VO –  The steel mill job allowed Carlos to build a good life in his adopted homeland. 

He migrated to America from the Dominican Republic as a child.

But now he’s a 56yo grandfather with an uncertain future.

In – "Listen to my words, we gotta vote for the same guy …"

Kitchen debates with his wife Aurea are spirited, and no doubt being echoed in millions of Households right now...

‘More kitchen debate upsot’

Aswell as Carlos losing his job, he and Aurea now have their hands very full at home.

 They’ve stepped in to look after 2 of their grandkids, to help out their daughter.

01:39:08 –."Out - " … she's for planned parenthood." 01:39:54]

More kitchen Upsots

Out - … Oh My God help me lord [01:40:47] 





C – Jacob, say Trump Trump Trump, I love that messing with your grandma. Say trump trump trump … laughs”


There’s a sense of desperation here, but Carlos stays upbeat… It can’t be easy.


Carlos keeps himself busy, volunteering for night shifts with the local Auxillary police force.






























[CARLOS [00:10:28]you can't complain about your situation unless you're willing to help, and Lorain has been good to me as far as... I've worked here, I've made a living here for a very long time, you know, and it's a way of giving back.


But as the night rolls on, Carlos starts to open up about just how precarious his situation is.

00:54:37] My house right now, I still gotta pay my mortgage. I took a buy out from the mill and I'm good to the end of the year. After, because I put that in the mortgage to be paid... after that I don't know what I'm going to do.

V/O – Around every corner in Lorain, are reminders for Carlos of his broken dreams..

 [card 1 – 01:10:00] “my old stomping ground, it breaks my heart every time I see that place..Cop – how long’d you work there? Carlos – 28 years. Cop –what was the most amount of people that place employed ? Carlos – 13 thousand. [01:10:34]

When Carlos first came to Lorain as a young migrant 30 years ago, he says it wasn’t unusual for him to scrounge through rubbish bins for food. And it’s something he doesn’t rule out even now.

[01:00:30] I'm not a proud guy, if I have to dig through the trash I'll dig through the trash, if I have to pick cans I'll pick cans, whatever I have to do to make my family, eat survive, I'll do, that's what you do to help your family out [01:00:46]

Upsot – ‘Don’t be filming us man … Carlos – Shut up and move on.’

 [01:03:48] D – maybe Mr trump will have some policies to bring the town a better place again?

C –   do I have faith that he will do the right thing? no, they're going to do whatever they do, they're not going to consult me, I'm not going to get a call in the middle of the night, they couldn't care less once they get elected, I'm just a flea on a donkeys butt, meaningless. [01:04:53]






Dean driving footage

VO – I  find Carlos’s fatalism about his future unsettling.

A proud grandfather, 28 years at the steel mill, and still, no financial security after the end of this year.




Ninety minutes down the line from Lorain, another piece of America that was once great.

In the 1940’s Youngstown steel built America's huge war machine.

But, a third of Youngstown is now in poverty.[1]

Times are so tough, there’s even a Bruce Springsteen song about the place…

Is this what Carlos’s town will look like in 20 or 30 years?


  [shoot day 6]








Overlooking the old steel mills, in a bar that feels like a time capsule of Youngstown’s glory days, I meet Tony, a local with a voice for the ages.

[D6-F3 02:13:38]

‘When the mills were all working here, it was no worry …. and it was really no problems, everybody made money, the stores mills bars, nice homes, at that time, now things getting deteriorated, but that's the way life goes, when the mills left, it kind of killed Youngstown, that's all I can tell you, I've been here all my life."

VO - Despite enduring Youngstown’s slow decay, Tony is one local not responding to Donald Trump’s promises.

[02:10:16] I like to see a woman in there, we’ve had Caucasian presidents all through history, we’ve had one black President, it didn’t work out bad, a lady President I don’t think it would work out bad either.

V/O - A rare voice for Hillary Clinton, in a town that’s been hurting for a long time.




American Football was invented near Youngstown– a rough and tumble sport for a tough place.

A place that takes pride in its traditions.

Voting Democrat was one of those traditions...




But for people who’ve seen glory days disappear, old loyalties are evaporating.



 [0:30:51] I’m registered Democrat, my parents have been Democrats forever, but I’m going to vote Republican, I’m voting for Trump, guaranteed, I can’t vote for Hillary, I can’t trust her….I mean we have a lot of personal stories about people losing their jobs, it’s been horrible. [0:31:25]




VO  The mood for Trump seems to have captured imaginations  at the local Republican party HQ .                                                                                           



 [01:39:31]  Footage of a volunteer building a red brick wall to replicate Trump's Wall.

 [01:40:15] volunteer placing bricks on board - 'build that wall, build that wall'

VO – Mark Monroe is the chairman of the Mahoning County Republicans.

And he’s a supportive leader.

"Mark - That's starting to look good, I think there's hope."









[01:18:34] Dean – so are people around here excited about this idea that Mr Trump has about putting steel back into the centre of the American economy?

Mark – you know locally we’ve heard those commercials, I don’t know that the folks around here expect that those steel mills are going to come back, maybe not here but certainly in other parts of the country that may be true, what excites them about Donald Trump is the fact that they think that finally there’s somebody who goes to Washington who can actually bring about some fundamental change to the system. [01:19:06]

 VO –  With a 3D printed Donald Trump watching on, much of the creative energy here focuses on his opponent...

[01:26:29] Mark – often times people think well what do we really think of Hillary, well I think this sign sums it up sums it up very nicely.

D – do you think some of the attacks on Hillary are more intense because she’s a woman?

[01:26:47] Mark – no I don’t think so no. in fact if anything, if anything I think they might have been a little bit softer than they would have otherwise because she’s a woman.

[01:26:59] D – Right. What’s the male equivalent of Bitch? It’s bastard isn’t it?

M – that’s an Australian question I don’t know what the right answer is!

[01:27:10] D – No that’s cool no I was just thinking to myself because I think it’s interesting because I’ve never heard a Presidential candidate call another Presidential candidate a bastard, whereas it seems to be ok to call Hillary a bitch.

[01:27:22] M – you know I don’t hear people calling Hillary a bitch that’s not ….

D – right I just see it stickers, and t-shirts and chants …

M – [01:27:33] I don’t see that and I don’t think that’s the issue. I think there’s just concern about her temperament, her ah … she seems to be maybe the most ethically challenged candidate who’s run for President in my lifetime certainly. [01:27:49]

VO – The distrust of Hillary Clinton is palpable in the Rust Belt... and key to Donald Trump’s survival in this campaign.

Mr Trump sharpened that attack in the second Presidential debate.



Trump – “You think it was fine to delete 33-thousand emails. I don’t think so.

Clinton – “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the laws in this country.

Trump – “Because you’d be in jail”




 [0:49:39]I've driven quite a lot around this country but it's my first time in the rust belt and probably some of the hardest hit towns economically that I've ever seen.  Coincidentally or not, there's also more flags than I've ever seen anywhere and it makes you wonder whether when times get hard one digs in and  holds on to the national pride, almost as an act of defiance. There's something going on. Flag, flag flag









VO –It’s as though this part of middle America is collapsing into a hole.

Old industry hasn’t kept up globally.

Jobs have vanished.

People feel cheated.

But why does this look like a hole middle America can’t dig itself out of?

I’ve come to a small town just across the Ohio border. It’s coal country here.



VO - Bobby Erjevik is showing me around his beloved hometown of Waynesburg Pennsylvania, also a battleground State.









[00:28:50] Dean – so what do you like about Waynesburg? It's everything a small town should be … great people, a very clean town, the schools here, we got plenty of stores, restaurants.....

I admire Bobby’s affection for Waynesburg, but it's also a place going through tough times.

A few months ago the coal mine right next to town closed down.

 [0:29:50] dean – you'd rather not leave, even though the teaching job stuff is …? No, I want to stay the rest of my life.

Dean – does the economy make it more difficult? I think it will, people leave, houses for sale. Dean – how's that make you feel? Sad … you never want to see people leaving what I think is a great town. [0:30:21]





Bobby’s story gives a clue to a deeper problem here.

Which could partly explain why this part of middle America seems so stuck in a hole.

And, strangely enough, it’s to do with school funding.

Today Bobby works long hours in a road maintenance crew.

[0:33:20] B – The biggest thing is the heat.  

VO – But Bobby isn’t shoveling asphalt by choice




[0:34:10] I taught 3 years in a public school in PA, and then the last week of school I was told I do not have a job next year due to budget cuts.

Dean – how did that make you feel? I cried, literally cried as I left the office. To have something taken away that you've worked for, have a passion for, taken away, it just crushed me." [0:34:58]




VO – Bobby lost his teaching job after major cuts to school funding in Pennsylvania.

Incredibly, these funding cuts are because of coal mine closures.

Missy Wilson has been living and breathing the issue, as the head of the local teachers union




MISSY[00:32:34] So the state of education in Pennsylvania is in a crisis right now. From 2011 to 2016 we've lost 20,000 teachers in five years, and so we are most definitely in crisis mode. [00:32:48]

DC: [00:21:22] That's a heck of a number.

MW: [00:21:37] the way it is in Pennsylvania, every business has...they pay their school taxes or property taxes and that goes into our, you know, what the school can...what the district can pay its teachers, can pay for resources, you know, student supplies and so when businesses shut down or go bankrupt, they can't pay their property taxes or their school taxes and therefore that leaves the...the district short of what they can pay you know in their budget.

DC: [00:27:58] And it's a spiral, isn't it? Because the funding of the education to get people out of a generational coal structure is dependent on the coal mines which are going out of business

MW: [00:28:06] Right, exactly. It's just, you know, a double-edged sword. You know, a vicious cycle




VO – Things are so delicately balanced here.

Something fundamental like education relies on the success of the insecure local industry like coal.

And so  that decay …. KEEPS spreading, and the rust belt digs in.

No wonder people cling to big promises





 I think the area and people here want somebody in there that's gonna push for education, and not be afraid to put money into education, and not closing down coal mines. [0:42:10]

[0:45:21] D – and there's a feeling Mr. Trump would be the way forward?

B - I really feel that way, I do, and I don't think I'm the only one, I think there's a lot that think like that






VO – Clearly the Rust Belt is a proud place.

Every street reveals faded glories.

But hope is slow to move on.

Here at the annual ‘King of Coal’ parade, everyone I speak to favours Candidae Trump…

Whilst teenage parade queens still sit atop beds of coal, their parents, and their communities, seek change. Perhaps their Rusted American dreams will decide the next leader of the free world.







23:30 Bei Ling trying to get into book store

23:43 They’ve removed all the sensitive books
24:22  Mr Wong reading the messages: Continue to speak up never stop.
24:46 Freedom ends when we are all silent






17:09 Lee Bo: He told me he’d been warned a few times they told him to be careful and not talk like he did.






GM: Returning to China to turn myself in, is a choice I made voluntarily



AG: the bit that I saw seemed very scripted..






7:40 Mr Wong: It’s totally the Chinese communist party, they took over the bookstore so they could control it.


Mr wong: Freedom ends when we are all silent.





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