00:00:12   00:00:17

This film was made in a collaborative effort, with the donation of the talents of many

00:00:43 – 00:00:47

On July 14, 2013, Amarildo Dias Souza (43 years)

00:00:48 – 00:00:54

was tortured till death by military police of the Rocinha favela in Rio de Janeiro

00:00:58   00:01:02

The story has become a symbol of the fight of the society

00:01:03  00:01:07

Against the state violence

 00:01:13;24 00:01:15;29

Attention all Rocinha UPP callsigns

00:01:16;17  00:01:19;11

All Rocinha UPP callsigns Park back in operation

00:01:21;08  00:01:22;25

90 30 Appia Rep

00:01:23;10 00:01:23;25


00:01:25;06  00:01:29;05

Command, please check if name is on the list of wanted suspects

00:01:30;12  00:01:32;15

90 30 Trench Rep

00:01:32;23 00:01:33;08

Trench report

00:01:35;20  00:01:36;23

Correct, commander

00:01:37;23  00:01:42;26

Just inform that a citizen was stopped by the rep here

00:01:43;26  00:01:48;12

Commander there are too many numbers there I'll try and withdraw it here, OK?

00:01:49;06  00:01:49;21


00:01:50;20  00:01:51;14

Aren't you vicious?

00:02:04;15  00:02:10;14

90 / 30, here it is the dirty linen rep... I've copied nothing in relation to the withdrawal there.

00:02:10;17  00:02:12;06

Do you want to die, you bastard? 


00:02:12;06 00:02:13;26

Nothing on record, commander, nothing on record.

00:02:31;09  00:02:33;23

90 / 30, morama rep.

00:02:35;23  00:02:39;17

Please wait morama. All callsigns involved with the rep

00:02:40;02  00:02:42;21

Order from commander Major Edson Santos

00:02:43;10  00:02:47;04

The rep goes on. It is not to undo the reps, right?

00:02:47;28  00:02:51;20

Sir, I'll tell you, look, I'd like a half a century to live, OK?

0:00:02:51;28 00:02:52;11

Calm down, calm down

00:02:52;14  00:02:55;10

- My name is Guilherme (William)...

- Calm down! Look at it, the family. Just the family.

00:02:57;12  00:03:00;04

Beth! Beth! Just Beth. Just Beth.

00:03:00;27 00:03:01;21

It is just Beth.

00:03:02;08  00:03:02;24

Just the family.

00:03:03;16   00:03:08;04

I am not Government, OK? I am not. I have no Government authority.

00:03:08;05   00:03:08;17

I know.



00:03:08;22  00:03:18;23

We sent an official letter yesterday to both the head of the 15th precinct as to the UPP Coordination Office 

00:03:19;12  00:03:24;07

Requesting origin and your husband's whereabouts

00:03:37;17  00:03:39;25

Commander, ASAP

00:03:39;29   00:03:42;28

ASAP Do you copy?

0:00:03:42;29   0:00:03:47;23

Carefully and immediately go the riot battalion, to the CIM, to quickly refuel the car

0:00:03:48;21  0:00:03:50;08

Boiadeiro with Gávea, 90 / 30

0:00:03:51;06   0:00:03:52;07

Boiadeiro with Gávea listening.

0:00:03:53;22   0:00:03:56;05

Correct, immediately go to the CCC.

0:00:03:57;12 0:00:03:59;20

The rep emotions... 90 / 30

0:00:04:00;16   0:00:04:04;00

ASAP! Proceed to the CCC on 2nd street ASAP.

0:00:04:06;02   0:00:04:11;12

I have been personally threatened by him. I met the secretary and she also had a threat on her life.

0:00:04:11;15   0:00:04:12;08

Me and my family.




0:00:04:12;24   0:00:04:17;03

We now have an emergency situation. The case of your husband.

0:00:04:17;27   0:00:04:20;11

And the demonstration you are staging here.

0:00:04:20;11  0:00:04:21;25

I am not negotiating anything with the major.

0:00:04:22;06 0:00:04:27;25

Who will tell what to negotiate, what to do, what your conditions are

0:00:04:28;05  0:00:04:32;05

Imagine this, if you sat at a table with the Government.

0:00:04:32;24  0:00:04:34;11

What is it that you demand?

0:00:09.04.00 -  0:00:09:10.00

There is much we can remember and that we keep... It's hard to forget, isn't it? The good things that happened. 

0:00:09.11;00  0:00:09:12.00

Of the bad things.

0:00:09:13.00    0:00:09:21.00

But even then the most recent memories, I think I was about 4. That I can remember a few things.

0:00:09:22.99  0:00:09:29.00

Our house had wattle and daub walls. It was mud, with a bamboo and wooden frame.

0:00:09:30.00   0:00:09.36.00

Every storm we had and the first thing I felt, already aged 5 or 6, was a strong tummy ache.

0:00:09.39.00 0:00:09.42.00

When the first thunder sounded, and the heavy rain.

0:00:10:15;00   0:00:10:18.00

Because I knew then that a tragedy could happen.

0:00:10:27.00 0:00:10:30.00

And then my father managed to buy a place. 

0:00:10:31.00   0:00:10.35.00

Right next to my granny's place. Because there is a strong family thing there, every one

00:10.36.00   00:10.41.00

builds close by, all together, Everybody helping each other.

0:00:10.46.00    0:00:10.49.00

Neighbours, relatives, everyone together.

00:11:52   00:11:56   (Cartela crédito)

Mc Leonardo – Musician

0:00:10.50.00  0:00:10.54.00

In combination one day and every one carrying the building materials.

0:00:10.55.00   0:00:10.56.00

Carrying sand, stone, cement

0:00:10.57.00  0:00:11:01.00

All the floods we had and that nowadays people have to salvage their things from their homes

0:00:11:02.00   0:00:11:03.00

To avoid losing them because of the rain.

0:00:11:04.00  0:00:11:07.00

In our time we had to hold to the house or we'd lose it at every downpour.

00:11:08   00:11:11

So this will to fight collectively to avoid losing

00:11:12.   00:11:15.

led us to really see what a community is.

0:00:11:15.00   0:00:11:17

Those who were kids in the slum in the 1980s

00:11:17  00:11:22

who was a teenager then learned the meaning of the word community.

00:11:27 0:00:11:31.00

And the slum it is really a replacement for the tenements in houses


0:00:11:32  0:00:11.35

That there was a hard campaign at the end of the 19th century

0:00:11.36   0:00:11.40

Related to the tenement houses that were precarious but popular dwellings

0:00:11:46   0:00:11.47

Before they made this tunnel here

0:00:11:48  0:00:11.51.00

Before the huge urban growth in the south side

0:00:11.52  0:00:11.54

The city of Rio de Janeiro ended in Leblon

0:00:11.55   0:00:11.58

Rocinha was off the city plan.

00:11.58   00:11.59

That's why we're here.

00:12.00  00:12.03

We were disregarded by the public power in that place no one goes to.

00:12.04    00:12.05

The problem is that the city continued on

00:12.06   00.12.07

The advancing went on.

00:12.08   00:12.13

And led Rocinha to be right between the most expensive square metre in Brazil that is São Conrado and Leblon.

00:12.14 0:00:12.19

There is something very good for us who live in Rocinha and that is the job market

0:00:12.20  0:00:12.23

Once you get out of the tunnel and you have the whole of the south side in front of you.

00:12.24  00:12.27

To mind parked cars, carry bags for the wealth ladies, to work as doormen, waiters

0:00:12.28  0:00:12.32

The chef, the maid, the cleaner, the nanny

00:12.33  0:00:12.38

This also helped the community to grow as I had already heard

00:12.39  00:12.42

my granny used to say that her employer wanted to help her

00:12.43  00:12.45

'Tell me what you need to redecorate your place'

00:12.46   00:12.48

 'Tell what you need to build, another floor'

00:12.49  00:12.57

So I heard this a lot when I was a teenager, the employer helping the employee

00.12.59  00.13.02

The slum cannot be seen as a problem. The slum was a solution.

0:00:13.03  0:00:13.05

Solution from a non-housing plan

00:13.06 00:13.07

For this state that received everyone

00:13.08  00:13.12

to build the Rio-Niteroi bridge, to construct the Avenida Brasil, Aterro do Flamengo

00:13.13   00:13.14

And there was no plan.

00:13.15  00:13.18

A plan like 'these people will have kids, and where are they going to study?'

00:13.19   00:13.21

Where will everyone be able to live?”

0:00:13.22   0:00:13.23

This plan was not made.

00:13.23 00:13.28

It was just accepted. Well, leave them up there in the shacks that they will some time get tired of so much toiling they will go back to the Northeast.

00:13.29  00:13.30

But this never happened.

0:00:13.31  0:00:13.34

At age 12 I was working in the open market. Carrying fruit and vegetables in bags for the ladies.

0:00:13.35   0:00:13.42

Selling garlic, lemons. Which was how we managed to help my mother.

0:00:13:44   0:00:13.45

And I grew up being beaten by the police.

00:13:46 00:13:51  (Cartela crédito)

Carlos Eduardo ‘Duda’ - Community Leader for Rocinha

0:00:13.46 0:00:13.49

I grew up getting beaten by them

00:13.51     00:13.59

and I do not see all this project that is being implemented in the state as a solution to the problems, no I don't. 

0:00:14.00   0:00:14.03

We also have, historically, and that is also a disaster

00:14.04   00:14.10

an entire punishing system that works to try and control these populations.

0:00:14.11  0:00:14.19

As if the problem of criminality in Rio de Janeiro, say from the 1930s, 40s, 50s to these days

0:00:14.20   0:00:14.25

were solely the responsibility of the slum populations. And this is not true.

0:00:14.29   0:00:14.36

The pacifying police unit was opened in the Rocinha community in Rio. One hundred security cameras.

00:14.37   00:14.40

More security today for the nearly 100 thousand dwellers of Rocinha...


0:00:14.41   00:14.43

The arrival of the pacifying forces mobilised 3,000 men...

00:14.44    00:14.49

The UPP - Pacifying Police Unit - implementation, hope of better days...

0:00:14.50   0:00:14.52

The Security Secretary talks about making history...

00:14.53    00:14.54

This is the concession from the State...

0:00:14.55   00:14.58

Tens of escape routes in a thick Atlantic forest area.

0:00:14.59   00:15.03

The air space in Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, will be closed on Sunday for the Police to occupy a new...

0:00:15.04    0:00:15.05

One place less for the police to commit murders...

0:00:15.06    0:00:15.08

And the PM commander so summons:

00:15.09   00.15.11

Shall we move to success ?!

00:15.12   00:15.16

This monitoring room linked to Police computers

00:15.17    00:17:18;22

to facilitate the identification of suspects, the camera circuit will also be...

00:15.21    00:15.25

And 70,000 dwellers were free from the grip of the drug dealers

00:15.26   00:15.29

The camera circuit will also be used to watch the community.

0:00:15.30  0:00:15.32

Since Rocinha was occupied by the Police

00:15.33 0:00:15:38

At least 5 people were shot in some 12 hours of intense confrontation

0:00:15:39  0:00:15.40

I am talking about the pacified Rocinha.

00:15.41 0:00:15.47

Fear is the rule and we do not know who the next victim will be, how many more people will be assassinated, killed.

00:15.48  0:00:15.54

To avoid the confrontations that have been going on here. To avoid new Amarildo cases.

0:00:15.55  0:00:16.02

Its bullets fired, by drug dealers and police, and the 99% are in the cross fire.

00:16:00 00:16:02  (TC Cartela)

Bandeirantes TV Report (source:YouTube)




00:16.03 0:00:16.09

This won't solve the trafficking issue here, not in Alemão, or in Manguinhos, and in none of the pacified communities.

0:00:16.10  0:00:16.11

Duda, tell me your full name... Carlos Eduardo?

0:00:16.12  0:00:16.13

Carlos Eduardo da Silva Barbosa

0:00:16.14  00:00:16.23

I was surprised when one of the witnesses was speaking there, she heard the policemen who were behind my place saying this when they were about to leave:

0:00:16.24  0:00:16.28

'Leave it out. Leave it out, leave it out, he will go missing just like Amarildo.'

0:00:16.29  0:00:16.38

And I was really shaken. It is panic, panic. My daughter cries all the time when I go out.

0:00:16.39  0:00:16.44

My wife is worried, she's so much afraid, thinking they will take it on me, 

00:16.45  :00:16.48

they will try to do something against my life. Make an attempt on my life.


0:00:16.49   00:16.59

My mum says I see her waning away, every day. Psychologically she is scared and when we get a chance to talk she cries so much.

0:00:17.00  0:00:17.03

It is a life I do not wish to anyone.

0:00:17.04  0:00:17.08

I believe we don't want another Amarildo case anywhere.

0:00:17.09 0:00:17.18

This doesn't have to happen in no slum. I feel we, as dwellers, could complain, record, charge.

0:00:17.21  00:17:23

Right. Thank you, Claudia.

0:00:17:24  0:00:17:25

Bye. Bye.

00:17:30   00:17.30

Who was it, Duda?

0:00:17.31  00:17.32

Someone from Jornal do Brasil.

00:17.33   00:17.37

Called to hear me on what happened on Friday.

00:17.39  00:17.45

Said he followed up the news and wanted me to clarify all the details, facts.

00:17.46  00:17.50

On the last Police stoppages made by them.

00:17.52  00:18.03

It is there... Another one, right? just this week I think all the media came round, asked me on what is going on.

0:00:18.04  0:00:18.06

We'll see, right? We'll see.


00:18.20  00:18.24

The child saw the police as a security.  You can't say that today.

00:18.25  00:18.31

The child is afraid. Afraid of leaving home, walking on the alleys, fear.

00:18:28  00:18:32 (Cartela crédito)

Lucineide Silva – Duda’s neighbour

00:18.32  00:18.37

Why? Because there is violence, there is no respect with us dwellers in the slum.

0:00:18.38 0:00:18.41

When they slapped me on the face, I fell to the ground, all dizzy.



00:18:41   00:18:44  (Cartela Crédito)

Yuri – Duda’s brother


00.18.42 00:18.47

My chest was swollen, my face was cut. The lit a lighter next to me.

00:18.49  00:18.52

Pepper spray? They arrived at my place and placed it on the small bathroom window. 

00:18.53 0:00:18.58

There was no ventilation, only two very small windows, one in the kitchen and another in the bathroom.

00:18.59  00:19.02

They came with a pepper spray and stuff, and used through the window and we had to leave. 

00:19.03  00:19.08

When we left we ran into them. They asked: Why are you running? Where are you going? And they laughed at us.

00:19.10 00:19.18

There were weekends in which I'd take my wife out to chill out. And they said: You are going nowhere. Locked me to my front door. I could not leave.

00:19.19 00:19.22

It was as if I had been arrested. I could not leave the place.

0:00:19.23  0:00:19.32

Because if I left and they found me in the street it was certain they would beat me up or take me into a corner to torture me. 

00:19.33 0:00:19.35

Because last time they tried to place a bag on my head.

0:00:19.36  00:19.40

And then I thought that it was... Choking me... I thought they were going to kill me.

0:00:19.42  00:19.45

I went to the 2nd street, in my area. I didn't want to, but I had to.

0:00:19.46   00:19.53

A girl filmed it. She said, I did not know her then, but now I do.

00:19:49 – 00:19:53

Adriana – Jonathan mother's, killed by police

0:00:19.54  00:20.02

She said: Adriana, I was on my balcony, I saw it. I was taking a picture of my daughter and saw it when it happened.

0:00:20.03  0:00:20.09

He was sitting on a motorcycle with two phones, moving songs from one to the other.

0:00:20.10   00:20.12

When this PM turned and said  “Lost it”.

0:00:20.13  00:20.19

He jumped, when he said 'my papers are here' and reached for his pocket, and the PM yelled 'lost it all right'.

0:00:20.20  00:20.23

And shot Jonathan. He fell down

00:20.24 0:00:20.32

When they took his phone they yelled: 'Fuck'. We screwed it, we got the wrong boy, but now it is too late.

0:00:20.33  0:00:20.42

When they looked up, they saw she was there, then went in, took her phone, broke her memory card and her phone.

0:00:20.44  00:20.52

She went to the station, made a statement, told the woman chief inspector, but nothing happened till now.

00:20.52  00:20.55

The meaning of police in the community is fear.

0:00:20.57  00:21.06

In one of the police incursions here in the street, the alley where I live. The major himself, the commander himself, made a point of saying it to my face

0:00:21.07  00:21.11

In front of my family, that he would get me. That I was not getting by unnoticed.


0:00:21.12  0:00:21.18

Then the officers who were there with him, which was that tactical group he created, started to threaten me, too.

0:00:21.20  0:00:21.23

And some of the police officers already knew me. They passed on and on in front of my snack bar

0:00:21.24 0:00:21.30

And even having that relationship, the treatment from seeing I am a worker, and I know I was working. The insisted in continuing with the threats.

0:00:21.31  00:21.39

The policeman broke into my home, pointed an assault rifle to my 15-year-old daughter.  Forced her to leave the house.

0:00:21.40  0:00:21.45

Yelling, asking if there were any more people in the house. My wife was coming out of the bathroom and was threatened, too.

0:00:21.46  00:21.52

They came into their homes, placed a gun to his face. And the other one said: Kill him. Kill him now!

00:21.53  00:21.59

And my grandson said: Mum, granny, they are going to kill the boy... Duda, right? We call him Duda. 

0:00:22.00 0:00:22.03

They are going to kill him. And then I said: No, Christian, slow down. They are not going to do it. And then he said: They are, granny.

0:00:22.04 0:00:22.09

I asked if that policeman, who broke into my place, if he had a search warrant.

00:22.10  00:22.20

And they started to scorn. They started to say I was an intellectual, that I knew so many things. This because I had mentioned my rights.

0:00:22.21 0:00:22.28

And I even asked the policeman that if he was there as a representative of the law, shouldn't he be making sure my rights were respected.


00:22.29 0:00:22.40

When this team started to actually ask me about weapons, ask me about an assault rifle. Saying I had to hand the assault rifles over. That they already had this information and that I was the person responsible.

0:00:22.41 00:22.48

That I stashed the rifles of the drug dealers, and that they knew I was involved with the drug trafficking. It was there that I saw my life was at risk.

00:22.49 0:00:22.55

And as I had already witnessed several torture sessions, many police actions involving bribery, filthy stuff.

00:22.56  00:23.04

I started to see that I could become a victim at any moment. Or become a victim of torture. Or they making me disappear.

00:23.05  00:23.11

So I had no doubt. I had to denounce or wait for the worse to happen to me.

00:23.39  00:23.47

Because on the 29th a bullet was fired into my place, through the window, fired by a policeman, through my daughter's bedroom.

00:23.48  00:23.56

I placed myself in the line of fire and asked the police to stop that as the alleys are very narrow where we live.

00:23.57  00:24.01

And the area is full of holes. The police are firing almost without looking.

00:24.02  00:24.10

Because these policemen started to yell from the end of the alley, calling me out. Aiming their rifles at me. Telling me to walk towards them.

0:00:24.11  0:00:24.19

I refused to go. Told them I was in my home and that if they could come to a place well lit, that would not be a problem, but I would not go where it was dark.

0:00:24.20  0:00:24.33

The Human Rights Commission, we are in the Legislative Branch, helping the public. Helping them with legal advice, social advice and taking on the charges they have.



00:24:26  00:24:30 – (CARTELA CRÉDITOS)

Marilene Franco – ALERJ Human Rights Commission

0:00:24.34  0:00:24.38

And they did not even search me. Just told me to place my hands against the wall and then just beat me.

0:00:24.39  0:00:24.43

The policemen who took me there were the same that walked past me and searched me.

0:00:24.45 0:00:24.56

They told him: Tel that man there, the big white one, that if we catch him alone in the alley, we will hurt him. Because he is very cheeky, very full of himself.

0:00:24.57  0:00:25.03

I am quite proud, we talk a lot about taking individual cases and turning them into collective actions. 

0:00:25.04 0:00:25.07

To organise in such a way that the individual does not feel alone.

0:00:25.11  0:00:25.18

Can you call me then to tell me how it went there with Marcio?

Thank you everyone.

00:25.50  00:25.53

What's up, Boi? Take the cement here.

0:00:28.14  0:00:28.19

I was coming from the market. I went shopping for things we needed at home.

0:00:28.20  0:00:28.29

And I passed by the policemen who stopped Amarildo. Some of them with ninja hats, that tactical group.

00:28.30   00:28.39

And right there I felt worried as a police operation was going on in that weekend, with UPP police and Civil Police too. 

00:28:42  00:28:49

The ARMED PEACE operation was carried out on June 12 and 13, 2013 by the Civil and Military Police forces (TC CARTELA)


00:28.49 0:00:28.52

It had been 2 days since the start of the 'Armed Peace' operation. 

0:00:28.53  0:00:28.58

Which did not produce the expected result. Not exactly a successful operation.


00:28.59   00:29.12

This lack of satisfaction lead the major to order them to bring Amarildo in to have him talk about the weapons and the drugs.

00:29:02    00:29:05

Carmem Eliza Bastos – Prosecutor (Cartela crédito)

00:29:06  00:29:10

Bandeirantes TV Report (source: Youtube) (Cartela)

0:00:29.24 0:00:29.35

A neighbour of mine came quickly and said: Beth, the police have arrested and taken Amarildo. I asked: Why? He just came back from fishing?

0:00:29.32  0:00:29:35

She replied: Go, go after them. I was wearing a pair of shorts, put a jacket on and went after them.

0:00:29.36 0:00:29.42

When I got there, and I was running, from my place down to the UPP it is just a few metres. I no longer saw my husband, they really rushed my husband away from there.

0:00:29.43 0:00:29.50

I ran, got there and asked the policemen: Where is my husband? They said: Amarildo is here but you can go home because I have some questions to ask him.

0:00:29.51 0:00:29.52

And we will release him You can leave now.

0:00:29.53 0:00:29.59

I said: I will not leave and I will only leave when you release my husband. And I remained there, waiting for my husband to come out from there. And I never saw my husband again.

0:00:30.00 0:00:30.08

As I was waiting there I saw  a VW Gol stop in front of the UPP and the policemen took my husband from there, in handcuffs.

0:00:30.09  0:00:30.15

And then I said: Where are you taking my husband? He said: We are going to the red gate but he has no quarrel with the Justice and we will let him go.

0:00:30.16  0:00:30.22

Before my husband went into the car, he looked up and told me: Beth, my document is with this policeman. Who was the so-called monkey face.

0:00:30.23  0:00:30.30

And there was a policeman standing next to the car who looked at my husband, sternly, and said: We are going to have a conversation at the red gate.


0:00:30.31 0:00:30:38

As he said so, the policeman came to me and my 13-year-old daughter, and said the major had phoned them and told them no one was allowed to go up.

0:00:30:39 0:00:30:45

Because there were 20 people being held up for questioning and they could not talk to anyone's family.

0:00:34:13 0:00:34.23

When it was later, in the evening, Beth came to me, in despair, crying: Saying that the policemen had taken Amarildo.

0:00:34.24  0:00:34.26

And he had not come back yet.

0:00:34:28 0:00:34.37

And I, even to calm her down, told her: No, Beth, calm down that they took Amarildo and they will have to let go of him. Because Amarildo is no criminal. 

0:00:34:38 0:00:34.48

After that I went looking. I said: People, Amarildo has gone missing. Then I went to the station, to the morgue, I went to every place in Rio, looked for him in his home, his relatives, nothing, nothing at all.

0:00:34.49 0:00:34.56

The other day we went back to the red gate. Amarildo has not come home yet! 'No, we let him go, he is in someone's place, some relative's.”

0:00:34.57  0:00:35.05

I said: I have lived with my husband for 30 years. I know the ways he takes, it is from home to work, he was not fond of music groups, was not fond of dances. 

0:00:35.06 0:00:35.12

My husband's only vice was fishing and bringing fish home. And my husband is missing. He would not go to a relative's place, not even when we fought .

00:35.13   00:35:15

If we fought we would come back soon after and stayed home.

0:00:35:16  0:00:35.21

But when she said he was not at the station, was in no hospital, then she went back to the UPP with her family.


0:00:35.22  0:00:35.29

And the major said he had let him go as he saw he had no problems and that he had already gone home.

0:00:35.30 0:00:35.39

It was then that I started to worry and be certain that something really serious had happened to him.

0:00:35.40  0:00:35.42

And then I said, wait a minute, I will start to talk.

0:00:35.43  0:00:35.47

Rio is easily frightened with a demonstration in front of the Rocinha slum, the largest in Latin America.

00:35:46  00:35:49

1987 Globo TV Report (source: Youtube)

0:00:35.48 0:00:35.52

The main route between the south and west sides is blocked by football and drumming.

0:00:35.53 0:00:36.00

That picture was well printed in my mind, in my life, as an uncle of mine was in that demonstration. 

0:00:36.01  0:00:36.07

But soon the drumming changes into a huge confusion. The traffic comes to a halt and the police start to act.

0:00:36.09  0:00:36.17

And I wanted that the community could somehow come together again, and I missed that, of us together again.

0:00:36:18 0:00:36.21

People united, to complain or demand

0:00:36.24  0:00:36.27

To try and rescue that union in the community of Rocinha.

0:00:36.28 0:00:36.33

As Amarildo was  one of ours. And we decided that could not go unpunished.

0:00:36.35 0:00:36.46

Hundreds of Rocinha dwellers demonstrated on Thursday evening, demanding explanations on the disappearance of assistant mason Amarildo de Souza, missing since the 14th of July.

00:36:43 – 00:36:47

Agence France Presse 2013 Report  (source: Youtube)  (Cartela)

0:00:36.47 0:00:36.52

The presence of major Edson at the demonstration was a request from the dwellers.

0:00:36.53 0:00:36.58

They wanted him to explain what had happened to Amarildo. As he was the head of the UPP.

0:00:36.59  0:00:37.04

And who had taken Amarildo from his home were the policemen, UPP policemen.

0:00:37.05  0:00:37.10

I told him we would only clear the roads with the presence of the chairman of the Human Rights Commission.

0:00:37.11 0:00:37.13

The crowd blocked the Lagoa-Barra motorway for some 2 hours

0:00:37.14 0:00:37.19

After a few minutes the major notified me that someone from the Human Rights would come.

0:00:37.23  0:00:37.26

The people were blocking the road at the exit of the tunnel

0:00:37.27  0:00:37.28

Which in this region means the place where the road sign is.

0:00:37.29  0:00:37.34

Well, if I am not mistaken, the major is a militia man.

0:00:37.35  0:00:37.42

The first contact with the demonstrators, with the family, with Duda, was a little complicated due to the lack of information, wasn't it?

0:00:37.43  0:00:37.53

People mix Government with eh State and in that case I was representing a team from a parliament commission that is part of the State but that is not Government.

0:00:37.54  0:00:37.59

Rather the opposite, the role of this parliament commission is to inspect and to demand from the Government. 

00:37:56   00:37:59

Guilherme Pimental – Human Rights activist (Cartela Crédito)

0:00:38.00 0:00:38.01

- Calm down, calm down

0:00:38.02 0:00:38.03

- Just the family. Just the family.

0:00:38.07 0:00:38.10

Beth! Beth! It is just Beth.

0:00:38.12  0:00:38.18

Look, my name is Guilherme. I am not in the Government, I am not. I have no Government authority.

0:00:38.18 0:00:38.19

I know.

0:00:38.20  0:00:38.22

I am with the Human Rights Commission.

0:00:38.23  0:00:38.26

At first people treated much like Government.

0:00:38.27  0:00:38.34

 They made demands, and that is when Duda came up and said 'I've been there, I've made the charge, I had already spoken about these practices'. 

0:00:38.35 0:00:38.40

Guilherme, this is not the first case. Others have happened since the occupation.

0:00:38.41  0:00:38.45

The family that lives here in the Dirty Laundry is afraid of charging; her husband was murdered, too.

0:00:38.46  0:00:38.52

Pointed a gun and planted drugs, said the man was a drug dealer. This is common practice. It happens all the time.

0:00:38.52  0:00:38.53

They do this with anyone.

0:00:38.54 0:00:38.56

Two youngsters were kidnapped in their home; they forged a possession and arrested them.

0:00:38.57  0:00:39.07

There are people imprisoned who are not drug dealers. What we want is just that, the major should come and take a look at it; he militarised the community. 

0:00:39.08  0:00:39.13

He does only what he wants in there. His men know how far they can go. They have no limits.

0:00:39.14  0:00:39.15

The Police will kill on his orders.

0:00:39.15  0:00:39.21

So we should not move from a community ruled by the drug dealers to a community occupied by the Police.

0:00:39.22 0:00:39.26

Because what they are doing here is the work of militia. Thrashing the lives of workers.

0:00:39.26 0:00:39.26

Kidnapping the person in his home...

0:00:39.27  0:00:39.34

Arresting the innocent. We keep on waiting for two things: one, if I get arrested and the other if I get killed.

0:00:39.35 0:00:39.37

Do you know why? Because I went there to make the charge, man.

0:00:39.38 0:00:39.38

- I went there to make the charge...

0:00:39.39 0:00:39.40

But I have to make the charge after all.

0:00:39.41 0:00:39.42

- Who goes there afterwards...

0:00:39.43  0:00:39.48

The number of other cases was amazing, other people who came forward to speak out.

0:00:39.48 0:00:39.52

I mean, people were scared to talk, they do not believe it can produce anything.

0:00:39.53  0:00:39.58

And they absorb their own pain. No matter how big it is.


0:00:39.59 0:00:40.08

But that was a moment of catharsis, when the whole hill had come down because of one man's disappearance and it was a moment to breathe, a flash of hope when something could be done.

0:00:40.09  0:00:40.12

And I think it triggered other people somehow, that it was necessary to speak out.

0:00:40.13  0:00:40.19

You can even kill me, but I have 20 thousand more behind me.

0:00:40.20  0:00:40.31

It was a storm of tragedies that took place there while I tried to explain my role.  As we tried to set up a channel, open a channel to negotiate.

0:00:40.33 :00:40.36

- For as long as we get no response...

- I will talk, I will talk to the major now

0:00:40.37 0:00:40.39

We will have the chance to sit down and negotiate.

0:00:40.40   0:00:40.42

We want the dwellers to come along and negotiate, too.

0:00:40.43 0:00:40:44

- I am not negotiating anything with the major.

- Only with the major...

0:00:40.45 0:00:40.47

Please, let me finish this.

0:00:40.48 0:00:40.55

I am not negotiating anything with the major. I'll say we can sit down, everyone together, to negotiate

0:00:40.56  0:00:41.01

Those who will say what there is to be negotiated, what they want to do, what the conditions are. It is you.



0:00:41.02 0:00:41.03

You are the ones who live here, and not I.

0:00:41.05  0:00:41.10

I am here to open this channel as the partner over there said. Open the channel.

0:00:41.11  0:00:41.17

Consider this, if you sat now at a table with the Government, what is it that you want?

0:00:41.18 0:00:41.20

Think about it, I need this answer.

0:00:41.21 0:00:41.24

And then I said: First we would like to talk to the top officials in public security. 

0:00:41.25 0:00:41.27

I wanted to talk to José Mariano Beltrame.

0:00:41.28  0:00:41.32

That it was no use for us to talk, let's say, with soldiers. We want to talk to their boss.

0:00:41.33  0:00:41.40

In the mean time, we opened a half a channel, as the dialogue began.

0:00:41.41 0:00:41.50

But the imposition that if it took 10 minutes, and then another 10 minutes, we would come to an agreement until the new official position came.

0:00.41.51 0:00:41.52

And so it came. 

0:00:41.52  0:00:41.59

Tomorrow at 10´o clock Mr. Beltrame the State Security Secretary will attend it at his Department, along with

0:00:42.00  0:00:42.10

the Civil Police chief who at the time was Ms. Martha Rocha, the head police chief at the 15th precinct, chief Orlando Zaccone and the general commander of the UPPs.

0:00:42.11  0:00:42.19

And in the case of major Edson who was not mentioned, to be invited to this meeting, and he attended it.

0:00:42.20  0:00:42.33

I did not hesitate. I asked permission to Amarildo's family. As I thought that meeting was for them to speak out, it was more important for them to speak out, talk about the tragedy.

0:00:42.34 0:00:42.45

But I was in this moment of I had to talk to Mr. Beltrame, to chief Martha Rocha, to Mr. Zaccone and to the UPP coordinator.

0:00:42.46  0:00:42.56

That there was a corrupt man present there. There was a man there who always threatened my physical integrity.

0:00:42.57 0:00:43.05

And I spoke about his positioning, his attitude, and his omission as regards the community that was evident.

0:00:43.06 0:00:43.12

And I went further. I also made the charge as to what he did with the money of the moto-taxis.

0:00:43.13 0:00:43.18

The money that came from the company that wanted to sponsor and make improvements to the moto-taxi business.

0:00:43.19 0:00:43.22

printing their logo on the vests of the riders, and the money went to his pocket.

0:00:43.24 0:00:43.26

And this was mentioned there. At this meeting.

0:00:43.28  0:00:43.31

Major Edson is the UPP representative.

0:00:43.32  0:00:43.33

He is a very powerful man.

0:00:43.34 0:00:43.35

We were very impressed with it.

0:00:43.36 0:00:43.43

Because of all the evidence and we could not have him removed from his position, at least.

0:00:43.44 0:00:43.48

Taken from that place, as from his position he could harass the witnesses, as everyone knows.

00:44:47  00:44:51

Orlando Zaccone – Chief Inspector at the 15th Police Station during the inquiry (Cartela Crédito)

0:00:43.49 0:00:43.51

He had support from State representatives.

0:00:43.52  0:00:43.49

Yes... Rio de Janeiro representatives with connections in Rocinha and representatives who had an interest in the continuation of that arrangement.

0:00:44.00 0:00:44.05

I felt an enormous concern there of the authorities, to prevent the political project from being tarnished.

0:00:44.07 0:00:44.14

I saw it as very political issue, not one of justice.

0:00:44.15 0:00:44.22

Not of a will to truly want to investigate those charges, those facts.

0:00:44.23 0:00:44.25

As I made the charges in April and

0:00:44.26  0:00:44.33

the Government knew of the torturing and threats that Amarildo's family were suffering

0:00:44.34 0:00:44.35

Since April.

0:00:44.41 0:00:44.45

The period I was in charge of the inquiry was the initial period of 15 days. It was too short.

0:00:44.46 0:00:44.52

I had a general idea of the situation, what was being presented and of some of the question that were made. 

0:00:44.53 0:00:45.00

The first question came at the time it was found that the cameras at the main UPP building were switched off.

0:00:45.01 0:00:45.06

And therefore we had images of Amarildo going into the police car, and going towards the main UPP building.

0:00:45.07 0:00:45.13

But we had no images of his getting off at the UPP due to this switched off camera.

0:00:45.14 0:00:45.20

So there was only the account at that time of the UPP commander who said he was there

0:00:45.21 0:00:45.25

At the time of Amarildo's presentation in the container, at the UPP main building and after checking his papers.

0:00:45.26 0:00:45.30

As he took the documents and work card to the main building 

0:00:45.31 0:00:45.43

Proving he had no arrest warrant pending when he let Amarildo go.

0:00:45.44 0:00:45.43

And that Amarildo would have left the building. And would have seen Amarildo going down the stairs that face the UPP container.

0:00:45.44  0:00:45.50

But that would give access to another way. At the end of this staircase there was another camera that was not off

0:00:45.51 0:00:45.53

And he did not appear leaving by the stairs.

00:45:57  00:46:02

After 15 days into the inquiry the case is transferred to the Homicides Police Station (CARTELA)

 0:00:46.05 0:00:46.10

The police started on a line of inquiry that was totally wrong and prejudiced 

0:00:46.11  0:00:46.16

The prejudice went: let's criminalise the victim because then you justify these measures

0:00:46.17  0:00:46.22

Justifies the barbarism. If he is a drug dealer he can be killed by the police the way he was.

0:00:46.23 0:00:46.30

During the 15 days was at the head of the inquiry the only questions the press and even the people in my social environment

0:00:46.31 0:00:46.35

Sometimes family members, friends... thought whether Amarildo was a drug dealer or not.

0:00:46.36 0:00:46.42

No conclusion can be reached as to whether there was a homicide or not. If there was torture or not

0:00:46.43 0:00:46.48

Due to the fact that a person, in this case, the alleged victim is a drug dealer. 

0:00:46.49 0:00:46.55

The "Extra" newspaper published an article yesterday on the possible involvement of Amarildo and his wife with the drug traffic.

00:46:58  00:47:41

Ruchester Marreiros – Chief Inspector (Crédito cartela)

0:00:46.56  0:00:47.04

Amarildo, as well as many other members of the organisation, he was responsible for storing materials, drugs, for the traffic.

0:00:47:05  0:00:47.12

The report concluded at the beginning of the week, Richester Marreiros came to request the temporary detention of Elizabeth Gomes da Silva

0:00:47.13  0:00:47.17

The police chief said he only found the involvement of the couple after the disappearance of Amarildo.

0:00:47.18  0:00:47.23

The head of the Gavea station, Orlando Zaccone, gave an interview yesterday in Piauí

0:00:47.24  0:00:47.27

and explained why he decided not to request the detaining of Elizabeth

0:00:47.28  0:00:47.32

As, after observing the data of chief Richester, I feel that the elements of evidence attached to the inquiry

0:00:47.33  0:00:47.43

I could see that it was too rash to indict and request the detaining of many people, including Beth, Elizabeth that is 

0:00:47.44 0:00:47.47

the wife, companion, of the missing person, Amarildo. There were no elements capable.

0:00:47.48  0:00:47.52

To provide evidence that the Beth mentioned in a statement given by a policeman was 

00:47.53  0:00:47.57

the Elizabeth and there was no recognition evidence that they were the same person


00:47.58.00  00:48.01

Orlando Zaconne also questions another conclusion of the assistant chief.


00:48.02 00:48.05

That Amarildo's house would be an escape route for drug dealers.


00:48.07  00:48.08

He probably does not know Amarildo's house


00:48.09.00 00:48.12


as this house is 10 square metres and has no window through which to escape.


00:48.13  00:48.14


A house used by very poor people


00:48.15  00:48.19


who lived, yes, in an area where drug trafficking was going on as a retail thing.


00:48.20  00:48.22


My report included this in the sense of my rejecting them.


00:48.23  00:48.28


As I cannot go along with the idea that the people who live near


00:48.29 00:48.31


or next to the drug traffic, anywhere in this country,


00:48.32   00.48.35


are drug dealers just because they live in poor places.


00:48.40 00:48.42


Where is Amarildo?


00:48.43 00:48.45


Mr. President, on the Amarildo case.


00:48.46  00:48.52


Where it is proven that there are many, many indications that it was the drug traffic that would have made him disappear.


00:48:48  00:48:52


Flávio Bolsonaro, PP - Rio de Janeiro state representative (Fonte: Youtube)


00:48.53  00:48.57


If Amarildo were not missing then would have to be in detention.




00:48.58 00:48.59


The one taking the brunt of this now


00:49.00  00:49.06


is the poor military police officer


00:49.07  00:49.12


who has nothing to do with it and that is being accused of having made the body disappear, with Amarildo 


00:49.13   00:49.17


and now they are sleeping thanks to prescription pills


00:49.18  00:49.21


with this sword dangling over their heads,


00:49.22  00:49.26


with this rotten finger of some people, pointing at their faces,


00:49.27  00:49.28


as if they were to blame.


00:49.30  00:49.34


I deeply regret this case is being exploited


00:49.35  00:49.37


including by some state representatives.


00:49.38  00:49.41


In a time of pain they use this to gain advantages.


00:49.42  00:49.44


There is a fantasy that the drug dealer


00:49:44 – 00:49:48


João Damasceno – Law Judge (Cartela Crédito)


00:49.45  00:49.48


is someone who has to be exterminated.







00:49:49: 00:49:51


and then the so-called drug dealer, slum dweller


00:49:52  00:49:55


is built, materializes into


00:49:56  00:49:57


This enemy number one.


00:49:57  22 00:50:02:11


All the dead are drug dealers. All the dead have a connection with the traffic.


00:50:03:02 00:50:05:11


This is not de-constructed until today


00:50:05:22 00:50:06:22


the perspective of War.


00:50:07:01 00:50:08:22


The bellicose perspective, right, 


00:50:09:02 00:50:11:22


of confrontation and more confrontation, right.


00:50:12:02 00:50:14:11


As a result of the confrontation and extermination.


00:50:14:22 00:50:16:11


You are choosing people to die


00:50:16  00:50:19


Francisco Carlos Teixeira, Phd - Political Sciences – Tempo Presente Institute (Cartela Crédito)



00:50:16:22 00:50:20:22


and after they are dead


00:50:16:22 00:50:20:22


they instantly become drug dealers. They are immediately branded as drug dealers.


00:50:23:22 00:50:28:11


Why? Because the dealer was been stripped of his humanity.





00:50:28:22 00:50:31:11


So killing a drug dealer is no crime.


00:50:31:22 00:50:32:22


It is not a human fact.


00:50:33:01 00:50:37:22


We haven't understood that he who kills a criminal is a criminal.


00:50:38:02 00:50:42:22


We told the police. If one follows on this path is committing another crime.


00:50:43:11 00:50:46:11


As the trafficking has absolutely no connection with it.


00:50:46:22 00:50:48:11


they also try to fabricate evidence


00:50:48:22 00:50:51:11


with witnesses taken by those involved.


00:50:51:22 00:50:54:22

By Major Edson, who is one of the main accused parties


00:50:55:11 00:50:57:01

and by another policeman involved.


00:50:57:22 00:51:01:11

They take witnesses that tell what they saw and heard


00:51:01:22 00:51:04:22


some drug dealers saying that they would have eliminated Amarildo.


00:51:05:02 00:51:07:22

After he left the main UPP building.


00:51:08:02 00:51:10:11

This farce was quickly dismantled. 


00:51:11:02 00:51:17:22

A witness comes and sees Amarildo's body covered by a plastic sheet, being tortured and asking for help.


00:51:18:01 00:51:21:22

This witness never wanted to give a statement and this is completely understandable.



00:51:22:01 00:51:26:11


With a police that keeps threatening the witnesses, planting witnesses


00:51:26:22 00:51:30:22

How are you going to make a statement to try and help the inquiry?



00:51:31:02 00:51:37:11

It is the procedural fraud practised that enable it, right


00:51:37:22 00:51:38:22

to prove what they did.


00:51:39:01 00:51:41:22

The conversations between the alleged drug dealers


00:51:42:11 00:51:43:22

who we now know were not drug dealers


00:51:44:02 00:51:46:11

and that they were agents of the State itself


00:51:46:22 00:51:49:22

pretending to be drug dealers and assuming the disappearance of Amarildo.


00:51:50:02 00:51:52:22

A man who identifies himself as the drug dealer named Catatau


00:51:53:01 00:51:56:11

makes threats to a policeman infiltrated in the traffic


00:51:55   00:51:59


Rede Globo TV Report (Cartela)


00:51:56:22 00:51:58:22

and suggests he killed Amarildo


00:51:57:01 00:52:00:00

who went by the alias Boi.


00:52:00:22 00:52:02:11

Expert examination showed that this man


00:52:02:22 00:52:05:22

was police officer Marlon staging a farce.


00:52:06:01 00:52:10:22

Then X9 (informer), I'll cut your head off, do you hear

You'll see...


00:52:11:02 00:52:12:22

My friend, my friend ... let me explain to you


00:52:13:01 00:52:17:11

We have already placed two on your tab, old boy



00:52:17:22 00:52:19:22

So what we have there is a set of procedural fraud elements


00:52:20:11 00:52:22:22

which are not very well explained, either.


00:52:23:11 00:52:26:11

The conversations had between State agents


00:52:26:22 00:52:30:11

we have in Rio de Janeiro, the ‘Guardian’, that tapes everyone


00:52:30:22 00:52:32:22


this device should be audited


00:53:33:01 00:52:35:22

for us to find out who talked to whom in this period.


00:52:36:11 00:52:38:22

Who in the Government talked to whom?


00:52:39:01 00:52:43:11

And then we would know what problem is not in the order of the Rocinha UPP


00:52:43:22 00:52:45:22

as regards the commander and his subordinates.


00:52:46:11 00:52:50:11

This would already show us the MO of the State in these occurrences.


00:52:48  00:52:52


Rede Globo TV Report (Cartela)


00:52:50:22 00:52:53:11

The State also cared to preserve the person of Major Edson.


00:52:53:22   00:52:56:22

So much that we was never dismissed.


00:52:57:02 00:52:59:02

He was sent ... he went on holidays.


00:52:59:22 00:53:06:11

That's when we conclude that days before he was formally charged with the death of Amarildo


00:53:06:22 00:53:08:22

he had gone on holidays. He was not removed from his post.


00:53:09:01 00:53:14:11

If we look at it, from the disappearance of Amarildo on the 14th of July


00:53:15:01 00:53:16:22

until the two following months.


00:53:17:01 00:53:22:11

The entire government had the version, I mean, not official.


00:53:23:11 00:53:27:22

The media insisted on it until we could no longer be denied.


00:53:28:22 00:53:33:22

The Judiciary branch, the Prosecutor's Office carried on, right


00:53:35:22 00:53:40:22

without going into the question and it almost came to the point that the fantasy version


00:53:41:02 00:53:45:11

that incriminated the victim, Amarildo, prevailed.


00:56:10:00 00:56:17:00

The Rio de Janeiro Police closed the inquiry on the disappearance of assistant mason Amarildo de Souza.


00:53:45:22 00:53:48:22

One gets to the conclusion, even if a partial one


00:53:49:02 00:53:55:22

that some of the police officers were responsible for the death of Amarildo. 


00:53:56:02 00:53:57:02

Torture and death of Amarildo.


00:53:57:22 00:53:58:22

That's what happened.


00:53:59:02 00:54:01:22

It was the barbaric action that took place there.


00:54:17:01 00:54:18:00

I am a worker.


00:54:18:11 00:54:20:11

Any vagrant will say he is a worker.


00:54:20:22 00:54:25:11

Every bastard vagrant I took down said he was a worker.


00:54:25:22 00:54:26:22

Is he a worker in this shitty place?


00:54:27:02 00:54:28:11

What sort of worker, son?


00:54:29:02 00:54:30:11

Only if it is in drug trafficking.


00:54:31:22 00:54:32:22

Pay attention.





00:54:34:11 00:54:38:22

You’re fucked already. Do you want your wife to be fucked too?


00:54:39:02 00:54:41:11

Your child to be fucked too? Because that is what I am going to do, Boi.


00:54:41:22 00:54:44:11

This ‘I am a worker’ talk is rubbish, I am a worker and I know nothing. Fuck off.


00:54:46:22 00:54:47:22

My wife, my wife is honest.


00:54:48:02 00:54:49:11

Boi. You have been snitched on, sunshine.


00:54:49:22 00:54:51:11

It is nothing like that. Nothing like that.


00:54:51:22 00:54:53:11

You know the dirty things that happen there.


00:54:53:22 00:54:54:02

No, it is only honest people in my place.


00:54:54:11 00:54:56:22

My children, my wife, we have nothing to do with it.


00:54:57:02 00:55:01:22

All friends with the criminals.

All friends with the criminals in this shitty place.


00:55:01:02 00:55:01:22

Do you want me to take your son in?


00:55:02:01 00:55:02:22

You know me.


00:55:03:02 00:55:05:22

I am going to forge it and bust your son.


00:55:06:01 00:55:08:22

I am taking your son in.I will bring him in and beat the crap out of him as I am doing with you.


00:55:09:01 00:55:10:22

For the love of God, you know me.  Is this what you want?


00:55:12:22 00:55:16:11

Give them to me, them mother fucking guns. There are no guns. There are no guns.


00:55:16:22 00:55:18:11

You're stashing them guns for the men, son.





00:55:18:22 00:55:21:22

Who lives in that house cannot work for any criminal act. Only honest stuff.


00:55:22:02 00:55:23:02

But you are stupid, my son. You are stupid.


00:55:23:22 00:55:25:22

You're stashing them guns for the men because of the powder for your old lady.


00:55:26:02 00:55:28:02

My wife is decent. My wife is a mother of a family.


00:55:29:02 00:

Hmm. You mean your wife is a family mother?


00:55:31:02 00:55:33:22

Family mother? (laughter)


00:55:34:02 00:55:36:22

Medeiros. A whore. A real whore.


00:55:37:11 00:55:40:02

Sniffer, she is a real slut. Keeps putting her big nose on the powder.


00:55:40:22 00:55:42:11

Whore my ass. Do not talk about my family.


00:55:44:01 00:55:44:22

And keep your voice down in this shitty place.


00:58:52:00 00:58:53:00

Do not talk about my family.

And keep your voice down in this shitty place.


00:55:44:01 00:55:44:22

And keep your voice down in this shitty place.


00:55:45 00:55:45:22

Do not talk about my family.


00:55:47:22 00:55:49:02

Just offering her old pussy around...


00:55:49:15 00:55:52:02

Do not talk about my wife, you bastard.


00:55:52:22 00:55:53:02

Hello, you're all steamed up? Why?


00:55:53:22 00:55:54:22

I am not steamed up.


00:55:55:11 00:55:58:11

The house is down, son.

The house is down, mother fucker.


00:55:58:22 00:55:59:11

Leave me, you bastard.


00:55:59:22 00:56:01:22

No more funny business in that shitty place.


00:56:02:02 00:56:04:11

Funny business is what you are doing to me now.

I am a worker, I am telling you.


00:56:04:22 00:56:05:05

You're joking, right?


00:56:05:22 00:56:09:22

You stash the guns for the drug dealers who sniff powder and fuck your woman and I am the one with funny business?


00:56:10:02 00:56:12:02

Do not talk about my wife.


00:56:12:11 00:56:13:11

Your wife is a whore, son.

You don't know this?


00:56:13:22 00:56:14:22

My wife is no whore.

You don't talk about my wife.

She is no whore at all.

Do not talk about my wife.


00:56:18:02 00:56:20:22

And keep your voice down in this shitty place.

Keep your voice down in this shitty place.


00:56:21:11 00:56:23:11

Do you want to die?


00:56:23:22 00:56:25:22

Do you want to die? You want to die.


00:56:26:02 00:56:28:22

Give me them guns you bastard. 'Fuck'.


00:56:29:11 00:56:30:22

Where are the guns, you bum?


00:56:36:22 00:56:37:22

Where are the guns, mother fucker?


00:56:38:22 00:56:39:11

Where are the guns, mother fucker?


00:56:42:11 00:56:45:11

There is no mother fucking gun, I am telling you.


00:59:48:00 00:59:51:00

Nothing, there is nothing.


00:56:56:22 00:57:00:02

Where are the guns, mother fucker?

Where are the guns, you bum?


00:57:02:11 00:57:03:22

Wake up. Wake up, you bum.


00:57:11:02 00:57:12:22

Talk now, mother fucker. Where are the guns?


00:57:13:11 00:57:17:11

It is over, Boi. It is over!


00:57:24:11 00:57:24:22

The house is down, Boi.


00:58:16:02  00:58:18:02

It is over, Medeiros. Shit this is going to stink, major.


00:58:18:22 00:58:22:22

No, it is not. Clean this shit and lose the body.


00:59:12:02 00:59:17:22

Amarildo, I say this with an open heart


00:59:18:02 00:59:19:11

with a clean soul.


00:59:20:11 00:59:21:22

Being the person he was on a very day basis


00:59:22:11 00:59:26:22

and because he was always there working on something.


00:59:26:01 00:59:28:11

He was glad to work.


00:59:29:01 00:59:30:22

It was the same thing with helping people.


00:59:31:11 00:59:34:22

I always saw Amarildo carrying a sofa,


00:59:35:02 00:59:38:11

or a fridge, carrying building materials for other people.


00:59:39:02 00:59:43:22

I saw him taking a neighbour who was ill to the hospital.




00:59:45:02 00:59:48:11

They managed to do something bad


00:59:49:11 00:59:51:11

something bad to such a good person.


01:00:29:01 01:00:31:11

Torture always existed in the country, always.


01:00:31:22 01:00:34:11

But it gets perfected in the civil military dictatorship


01:00:34:22 01:00:37:22

and then against thought, against ideas.


01:00:38:01 01:00:40:11

And we inherited this.


01:00:40:22 01:00:43:22

The Police inherited this. This practice was widespread


01:00:44:01 01:00:48:11

it goes for everyone. But today it essentially affects the poorer level. 


01:00:48:22 01:00:53:22

With the military dictatorship the police, especially the military police. it gains much relevance.


01:00:54:02 01:00:57:22

Their numbers raised and they gain these powers on the fringe of legality.


01:00:58:02 01:01:04:11

BOPE, for example, it was created by a colonel linked to the dungeons of the dictatorship in 1978.


01:01:04:22 01:01:09:22

And there we have a relation of these paramilitary groups, or ‘para-official’, right.


01:01:10:02 01:01:15:22

The military dictatorship, the military police and terror model implemented during the dictatorship and


01:01:16:02 01:01:19:11

that was not dismantled with the re-democratisation of the country.


01:01:19:22 01:01:23:02

Still today, we still have this interface


01:01:23:15 01:01:28:22

between a Police State, the punitive State and the State of exception.


01:01:29:02 01:01:32:11

In a State with the rule of law, the State is limited by the Law.


01:01:32:22 01:01:34:11

Now, in a Police State everything is allowed.


01:01:34:22 01:01:38:22

In a Police State it is a State that no longer is a representation


01:01:39:02 01:01:42:02

of civil society or of a politically organised society


01:01:42:11 01:01:46:11

and therefore the State with their apparatus becomes the enemy of society. 


01:01:46:22 01:01:48:22

Be it through force or brutality


01:01:49:02 01:01:54:11

it seeks, right, not to be legitimised, but it seeks affirmation through terror.


01:01:55:11 01:01:56:22

No violence !


01:01:57   01:02:00

Tarja preta (source: Youtube) - Cartela


01:02:07:22  01:02:09:11

The violence on the 20th was very intense.


01:02:09:22 01:02:12:11

The police truly had no skill at all to deal with that kind of event.


01:02:12:22 01:02:18:11

So, many people were wounded, constitutional rights were violated in series.


01:02:18:22 01:02:22:11

The population was somewhat a hostage of the police training which at that time was none.


01:02:22:22 01:02:26:22

Resist, resist, resist !


01:02:35:22 01:02:37:22

Resist, resist, resist !


Bastards!. Cowards!  Cowards!


01:02:57:11 01:02:58:02



01:02:59:15 01:03:01:22

Civil war, mother fucker.


01:03:08:22 01:03:11:22

And one demonstration after the other.  The violence got worse and


01:03:12:02 01:03:13:22

this was a remarkable characteristic.


01:03:14:02 01:03:19:22

From aggressions with no grounds at all to arrests with no justification.



01:03:25:11 01:03:29:01

No matter the reason, police violence has always been disproportional.


01:03:26    01:03:29


Renato Teixeira – CAD – Solicitors’ Collective


01:03:32:22 01:03:34:22

It won't go beyond this point. It won't go beyond this point.


01:03:35:11 01:03:38:22

No here. You are solicitors at the door of the police station, but no here.


01:03:40:22 01:03:41:22

Really ignorant.


01:03:43:22 01:03:44:11

Switch this light off...


01:03:47:22 01:03:54:22

Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.


01:03:55:02 01:03:56:22

Get out of here...


01:04:46:22 01:04:52:11

So the feeling the population has is that when it relates to the State, the


01:04:52:22 01:04:56:11

State rejects it, and then it protests and then it gets beaten up.


01:04:56:22 01:05:00:05

And in a police State the power is not with the Police alone


01:05:03:11 01:05:07:22

But rather other Justice agencies and with other purposes,


01:05:08:11 01:05:10:22

They start to act also with a Police logic


01:05:12:11  01:05:13:11

And this is coordinated within the State itself.


01:05:13:22 01:05:19:11

So one gets a repressive State structure within the structure of the State.




01:05:19.22 01:05:22.11

The police started to repress the demonstrations


01:05:22.22 01:05:23.22

it is the police that always trained up in the slums.


01:05:24:11 01:05:27.22

Breaking in, kicking walls, slapping faces,


01:05:28:11 01:05:30:22

killing those who live there; this is the police that got trained. 


01:05:31:11 01:05:34:11

And the middle class said it was good, the police are protecting us


01:05:34:22 01:05:38:11

The thing is that this police started to go to the demonstrations and no longer protected the middle class.


01:05:38:22 01:05:41:11

All the violence people went through in the demonstrations. 


01:05:41:22 01:05:45:11

All the viciousness, all the incompetence of the police.


01:05:45:22 01:05:46:11

the media were there, filming it.


01:05:46:22 01:05:52:22

But in the communities here, it is a rare thing, one in a million.


01:05:53:11 01:06:00:05

When one of those who live here has the courage to point a camera and record a police action like this.



01:06:01:11 01:06:03:05

At this point Amarildo comes up as an icon.


01:06:04:11 01:06:07:11

As a symbol of what could be expressed, right. 


01:06:07:22 01:06:12:22

Of all the feelings regarding this landmark of police brutality.


01:06:13:05   01:06:15:11

And this spreads around the world. It didn't move Rio de Janeiro, no it didn't.


01:06:20:11 01:06:21:22

Where is Amarildo?


01:06:22:11 01:06:33:22

Police. Where is Amarildo?


01:06:42:22 01:06:45:22

Where is Amarildo?


01:06:22:11 01:06:33:22

Where is Amarildo?


01:06:40:11 01:06:42:05

Hey, where is Amarildo?


01:06:42:22 01:06:45:22

Where is Amarildo?

Where is Amarildo?


01:06:46:02 01:06:47:01

The Amarildo case attracted attention


01:06:47:22 01:06:48:11

because after a long time without a strong demonstration


01:06:48:22 01:06:49:22

The slum came down so strongly


01:06:51:20 01:07:01:22

and served as an example, to trigger this action in other people and other slums.


01:07:02:01 01:07:03:01

This was very important.


01:07:16  01:07:20


Rocinha, Nov 2, 2013 – All Saints Day (Cartela)


01:07:19:02 01:07:20:22

The police after 2007


01:07:21:01 01:07:23:22

was told, I have no doubt about it,


01:07:24:02 01:07:27:11

by their commanders, and started to changer this behaviour


01:07:28:02 01:07:29:22

and started to make people disappear.


01:07:30:01 01:07:31:22

So, we believe the police today


01:07:32:11 01:07:36:01

make the people they kill disappear,


01:07:36:22 01:07:39:01

and this is what has happened to justify it,


01:07:39:11 01:07:39:22

because there is no inquiry.


01:07:40:05 01:07:42:02

Close this, everyone. Let's round up, please.


01:07:42:22 01:07:45:22

closing the street, everyone. Closing it now, come on. Close it now.


01:07:47:02 01:07:51:22

Death is a very hard thing, but a disappearance is ... it deepens the loss.


01:07:52:02 01:07:57:05

You have not buried anyone, you cannot grieve, you didn't say goodbye.


01:07:57:22 01:08:01:22

We are here because we are sad. Because our Pacifying Police Unit



01:08:02:11 01:08:07:11

dragged my uncle from his family. That's enough. That's enough. It is not because we are poor,



01:08:08:11 01:08:16:05

and live in a poor community, that we will be victims of the State.


01:08:10   01:08:14


Michelle Lacerda – Amarildo’s niece (Cartela crédito)


01:08:17:05 01:08:20:02

There is a say in Brazil that goes: Go after your rights.


01:08:21:05 01:08:23:22

But I think that most of the times it does not happen.


01:08:24:11 01:08:25:22

Because you have to after a right that you do not yet have.


01:08:26:11 01:08:28:22

The right you have you do not have to after it any more as it already exists.


01:08:29:01 01:08:32:11

A right is not begged for, one does not crawl and beg for it, it is demanded.



01:08:32:22 01:08:37:22

The Military Police in the state of Rio de Janeiro cannot arrive at the slum with a free pass to do whatever they want and get away with it.


01:08:38:22 01:08:45:22

I lost count of how many times I tried to talk to a policeman, not because their internal rules expect you to.



01:08:46:11 01:08:51:22

Not their internal rules, no need to ask anything for me, as I am no policeman.


01:08:52:22 01:08:53:22

You are the policeman.


01:08:54:02 01:08:59:11

With the excuse that Rocinha is a cartel, they made Rocinha into a fortified structure.



01:08:59:22 01:09:06:22

Where one who lives in Rocinha is a private, getting orders from any soldier.


01:09:07:11 01:09:08:22

Freeze, mother fucker! Freeze, you bastard!



01:09:09:05 01:09:11:01

What are you doing, you bastard? Is this the way to talk to me?


01:09:14   01:09:19


Maria Eunice Dias Lacerda – Amarildo’s sister


01:09:14:11 01:09:16:22

Amarildo's smile we'll never see that again.


01:09:17:01  01:09:19:22

Amarildo's face we'll never see that again.


01:09:21:22 01:09:26:22

The only thing left to the family was grief and sadness.


01:09:27:11 01:09:30:11

There is a concept of public security that emphasizes and therefore keeps these two ways of seeing it,


01:09:30:22 01:09:37:22

that of War and that of the Enemy. And with a massively punitive control, brutal and unlimited.


01:09:38:22 01:09:41:22

And when you give them a free pass, to the police do what they want in the slum.


01:09:44:11 01:09:47:22

Because that is what the UPP is about. The UPP is the AI-5 slammed on the slums in Rio.


01:09:50:22 10:09:54:11

How was the DOPS called? The political (thought) Police.



01:09:55:11 01:10:05:11

What is an UPP? Same thing. It is only the year that changes, the torture is the same, the disappearances are the same.


01:10:06:11 01:10:09:22

In the past it was the white university student that was hunted down, right.


01:10:11:11 01:10:12:22

Now it is the children of black people and of north-easterners who live in the slum.


01:10:13:22 01:10:17:11

The governor won't show up on national TV to speak. ‘I have come to promote the control of the poor, through guns, rifles, and soldiers.


01:10:17:22 01:10:20:02

He will come and say he is fighting the enemy.


01:10:20:22 01:10:24:22

That he is fighting the drug traffic.


01:10:25:11 01:10:28:22

That he is promoting the good. That the State is now coming in.


01:10:29:02 01:10:31:11

But when you try to find out, you'll see that before the UPP


01:10:31:22 01:10:36:22

the Government did work in the slums, especially in election years.


01:10:47:10 01:10:50:01

The state Government would come and inaugurate some PAC work, as it built the cable car in Alemão.


01:10:50:11 01:10:53:22

So what are they talking about when they say the State is coming in now?


01:54:02 01:10:57:11

This is a lie. This is a lie, what is going on now is a


01:10:57:22 01:10:59:01

greater militarization of these places, the slums and the areas around them.


01:10:59:22 01:11:06:22

The media play a major role in this.  And Brazilian media is changing into



01:11:07:11 01:11:10:02

A conservative media, not analytical at all.


01:11:10:22 01:11:11:02

Every day the TV tells us that shots were exchanged in a pacified area.


01:11:11:22 01:11:14:22

Either the area is pacified or there is a shootout.


01:11:15:05 01:11:18:22

In short, there is a short-circuit in critical reasoning


01:11:19:11 01:11:24:22

That would say ‘Look, it did not pacify it.  It did not happen.


01:11:25:11 01:11:29:22

As a shootout, and deaths on both sides is an absence of peace.



01:11:30:02 01:11:36:22

There is this huge problem in there, right? And the Brazilian media refuses


01:11:37:11 01:11:38:22

To reflect upon it in a decisive way.


01:11:39:02 01:11:42:11

If people try to learn what has been going on in the city,


01:11:43:01 01:11:46:22

they will see that the Amarildo case was not the problem of the soldier who arrested


01:11:47:11 01:11:49:11

unduly, then tortured and killed a person.


01:11:49:22 01:11:54:02

The problem with Amarildo is a public security issue.


01:11:55:22 01:12:02:00

The UPP would only work if it were a Public Policy Unit where the Police would be part of the project.


01:12:02:22  01:12:05:11

The Police being the Project will never work, neither in Rocinha


01:12:05:22 01:12:07:11

nor in any slum and in no country either.


01:12:07.00 -01:12:11.00

The Police cannot be The Project of any place.


01:12:11.00  01:12:18.00

For all the consideration you have shown the family, we will ask you to do this peacefully because this is our fight.


01:12:18.00 - 01:12:22.00

You have already destroyed our family and we would not like you to destroy our dignity.


01:12:22.00 01:12:27.00

We are a dignified family and are among dignified friends, so we'll walk in and do our demonstration,


01:12:28.00 01:12:33.00

say our prayers and then we will all leave peacefully, holding each other's hands,


01:12:33.00  01:12:37.00

always struggling for our rights because this is enough.


01:12:38.00  01:12:43.00

A state that spends billions to buy armaments, increasing the numbers of the police force,


01:12:4400 - 01:12:48.00

with Robocop armoured suits, repressing the demonstrations, armoured cars,


01:12:48.00 – 01:12:56.00

armoured helicopters, assault rifles, spy bots, so much cash, to control


01:12:56.00 - 01:13:00.00

and where is the advanced post of the Department of Culture in Rocinha??


01:13:01.00 - 01:13:05.00

What is the advanced post of the Department of Social Services and Human Rights in Rocinha??


01:13:06.00 - 01:13:10.00

What is the advanced post of the Department of Work and Income in Rocinha??


01:13:11:00 - 01:13:15.00

There is none, but the UPP is there. Full of assault rifles, stocked up with ammunition, to exercise social control.


01:13:15.00 - 01:13:25.00

A large share of the society and the public authorities are not worried about it.


01:13:26.00 - 01:13:36.00

They think the social issue can be managed from a Police perspective;


01:13:37.00 = 01:13:40.00

the social problem is no police matter.


01:13:56.00 - 01:14:03.00

If all the dwellers had gone with me, if all the people who were suffering then


01:14:03.00 - 01:14:12.00

If all the communities that are experiencing this organised themselves, in unison, to seek their rights, not submitting.


01:14:13.00 01:14:19.00

How many Amarildos died with no punishment of the culprits?  How many people died in Rocinha?


01:14:19.00 01:14:23.00

And in Alemão, Tabajaras, Chapéu Mangueira, Vidigal.


01:14:23.00 01:14:29.00

Which community there is where the young are not being tortured? Which community is this where people are not being murdered?


01:14:30.00 01:14:36.00

How does one abandon, for over 4 decades, these people who live in communities,


01:14:37.00 01:14:43.00

and then someone arrives to tell me that it is public security that we need?


01:14:43.00  01:14:49.00

Imagine this, those who live in slums and around them, ever more organised


01:14:49.00 01:14:52.00

and ever more assuming their roles, masters of their own lives.


01:14:53.00 01:14:56.00

The Amarildo case was, in fact, the fuse that got lit.


01:14:56.00 - 01:14:59.00

For the person who lives in the slum, for those who do not.


01:15:00.00 - 01:15:04.00

They should see that we are the power.


01:15:05.00 - 01:15:07.00

The answer to this is the organisation of a network amongst the slums.


01:15:08.00 - 01:15:12.00

The setting up of a network for people in a city, who question this militarization model.


01:15:13.00 = 01:15:17.00

The person who lives in the slum has this Gabriela syndrome, right?

Not only that, every Brazilian does, too.


01:15:18.00 - 01:15:21.00

I was born like this, I grew up like this, I will live like this and I'll die like this, the song goes.


01:15:21.00 - - 01:15:22.00



01:15:23.00 - 01:15:27.00

We can do it, we might even fail, man.


01:15:28.00 - 01:15:32.00

But the next generation will not go through what we've endured.


01:15:32.00 - 01:15:35.00

We can change it, for the benefit of the next generation, oh yes.


01:15:38.00 - 01:15:41.00

We will go to each place we have to, to create this network.


01:15:41.00 - 01:15:48.00

To make it strong and to strengthen our contacts, this link that is ours,

that belongs to the society.


01:15:51.00 - 01:15:56.00

Come on, man... I was looking at the kids talking one of these days,


01:15:57.00 - 01:16:01.00

it is the end of the year and they have this tradition to dye their hair.


01:16:02.00 - 01:16:06.00

Go through New Year's Day with the hair dyed and so on. And they were saying



01:16:07.00 - 01:16:10.00

Well, I am not going to dye my hair this year. And I asked them why


01:16:10.00 - 01:16:14.00

And they said Well, if the police grab us, they will try and beat us up.


01:16:15.00 - 01:16:19.00

Last year they said we were all criminals because we had all dyed our hair yellow.


01:16:20.00 - 01:16:24.00

And then I said: Well, I'll dye mine yellow too and if the police beat you up


01:16:24.00 - 01:16:30.00

they will have to get me too and tell me I have my hair dyed yellow and we'll all go to jail together.


01:16:31.00 - 01:16:34.00 -

And they all got excited. And then everyone started to dye their hair.


01:16:35.00 - 01:16:38.00 -

I said, if I do it, will you all do it, too? Listen to me, I'll do it. 


01:16:38.00 - 01:16:45.00 -

Everyone started to dye their hair,  I had to buy the dye, and hydrogen peroxide for everyone to dye their hair,


01:16:45.00 - 01:16:50.00

I even paid for them to have their hair dyed as everyone joined in, including the neighbours.


01:16:51.00 - 01:16:55.00

Breno, the kids here, we are all close. Breno is there.


01:16:56.00 - 01:17:02.00

My front door neighbour and Paula's son, everyone with their hair dyed blonde


01:17:03.00 - 01:17:06.00

and we'll go through the New Year all dyed yellow, that's it.


01:17:08.00 - 01:17:12.00

A community that lives at ease, with more freedom, will have more to gain.


01:17:13.00 - 01:17:18.00

As there are some paths to happiness, Peace, Culture, Leisure.


01:17:19.00 - 01:17:22.00

A community that is cornered, beaten up from all sides,


01:17:24.00 - 01:17:27.00

moves away from such hope and its youngsters grow up in rebellion.


01:17:27.00 - 01:17:31.00

One does not fight organised crime by sending in the armoured cars into the alleys.


01:17:32.00 - 01:17:35.00


It will only produce more anger in the people who live in the place.


01:17:36.00 - 01:17:40.00

I live in the slum and I demand respect, it is only my rights that I am asking here.


01:17:40.00 - 01:17:44.00

Kicking doors without a warrant, this must be punished, it cannot be like this.


01:17:45.00 - 01:17:48.00

It is all wrong, it is hard to even try to explain it.


01:17:48.00 - 01:17:52.00

And the way things are going, it is way past the breaking point.


01:17:53.00 - 01:17:59.00

It is all wrong, so difficult to understand it, too.

There are people sowing the seeds of evil and wishing to reap good


01:18:00.00 - 01:18:03.00

And jobless mothers, children out of school, that is the cycle we see in this place.


01:18:04.00 - 01:18:07.00

It is thousands of accounts that are basically the same, it is possible to see this.


01:18:08.00 - 01:18:11.00

I honestly can't see how this cycle would stop,


01:18:12.00 - 01:18:15.00

but the way they are treating us only helps this evil to spread.


01:18:16.00 - 01:18:19.00

Police dying, criminals dying, and the second after another one takes the place


01:18:20.00 - 01:18:23.00

of the dead one, to make it worse, and no one cares.


01:18:24.00 - 01:18:28.00

Now, my friend, it is all up to you, just to finish this.


01:18:29.00 - 01:18:32.00

The future of the slum depends on the fruit you choose to plant.


01:18:33.00 - 01:18:36.00

Yes, it is all wrong. It is even hard to explain.


01:18:37.00 - 01:18:40.00

And the way things are going, it is way past the breaking point.


01:18:41.00 - 01:18:43.00

It is all wrong, so difficult to understand it, too.


01:18:44.00 - 01:18:47.00

The Government sows evil and then want to harvest good.


01:18:48 – 01:18:51.00

At the end of production for this film (July 2014)


01:18:52.00 - 01:18:54.00

Major Edson and 2 other military police officers


01:18:55.00 - 01:18:59.00

Still faced criminal charges for the torture and death of Amarildo





Song lyrics


01:19:25:00 - 01:19:28:00

A community that lives at ease, with more freedom, will have more to gain.


01:19.29.00 - 01:19.32.00

As there are some paths to happiness, Peace, Culture, Leisure.


01:19.33.00 - 01:19.35.00

A community that is cornered, beaten up from all sides,


01:19.36.00 - 01:19.39.00

moves away from such hope and its youngsters grow up in rebellion.


01:19.40.00 - 01:19.43.00

One does not fight organised crime by sending in the armoured cars into the alleys.


01:19.44.00 - 01:19.47.00

It will only produce more anger in the people who live in the place.


01:19.48.00 - 01:19.51.00

I live in the slum and I demand respect, it is only my rights that I am asking here.


01:19.52.00 - 01:19.55.00

Kicking doors without a warrant, this must be punished, it cannot be like this.


01:19.56.00 - 01:19.59.00

It is all wrong, it is hard to even try to explain it.


01:20.00.00 - 01:20.03.00

And the way things are going, it is way past the breaking point.


01:20.04.00 - 01:20.06.00

It is all wrong, so difficult to understand it, too.


01:20.07.00 - 01:20.10.00

There are people sowing the seeds of evil and wishing to reap good


01:20.11.00 - 01:20.14.00

It’s all wrong, so hard to explain.


01:20.15.00 - 01:20.18.00



And the way things are going, it is way past the breaking point.


01:20.19.00 - 01:20.21.00 -

It’s all wrong, so hard to explain.


01:20.22.00 - 01:20.25.00

There are people sowing the seeds of evil and wishing to reap good


01:20.26.00 - 01:20.29.00

And jobless mothers, children out of school, that is the cycle we see in this place.


01:20.30.00 - 01:20.33.00

It is thousands of accounts that are basically the same, can you see it.


01:20.33.00 - 01:20.37.00

I honestly can't see how this cycle would stop,


01:20.38.00 - 01:20.41.00

but the way they are treating us only helps this evil to spread.


01:20.41.00 - 01:20.44.00

Police dying, criminals dying, and the second after another one takes the place of the dead


01:20.45.00 - 01:20.48.00

one, to make it worse, and no one cares.


01:20.49.00 - 01:20.52.00

Now, my friend, it is all up to you, just to finish this.


01:20.53.00 - 01:20.57.00

The future of the slum depends on the fruit you choose to plant.


01:20.58.00 - 01:21.01.00

Yes, it is all wrong. It is even hard to explain.


01:21.02.00 -  01:21.05.00

And the way things are going, it is way past the breaking point.


01:21.06.00 - 01:21.08.00

It is all wrong, so difficult to understand it, too.


01:21.09.00 - 01:21.12.00

There are people sowing the seeds of evil and wishing to reap good


01:21.14.00 - 01:21.16.00

Yes, it is all wrong. It is even hard to explain.


01:21.17.00 - 01:21.21.00

And the way things are going, it is way past the breaking point.


01:21.22.00 - 01:21.24.00

It is all wrong, so difficult to understand it, too.


01:21.25.00 01:21.28.00

People sowing evil and wishing to reap good.

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Journeyman Pictures Ltd. 4-6 High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0RY, United Kingdom
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