YEMEN SCRIPT 15 31_Aug_17








Yemen -  the world’s worst humanitarian disaster

اليمن – أسوأ كارثة إنسانية في العالم


As the richest countries in the Arab world relentlessly batter the region’s  poorest, the West stands accused of complicity…


 "فيما تقصف قوات من أغنى الدول العربية دون رحمة أهدافاً في واحد من أفقر تلك الدول، يهدد الجوع والمرض جيلاً بأكمله".



If something’s not done soon literally hundreds of thousands of children will die


ما لم يتم اتخاذ إجراءات سريعة فقد يعني ذلك موت مئات الآلاف من الأطفال خلال الأشهر الأربعة أو الخمسة المقبلة.



The hunger, death and disease rampant here are not accidents of nature.

الجوع والموت والمرض المتفشي هنا، ليس من فعل الطبيعة.




This crisis is a direct consequence of the way the war is being fought.
هذه الأزمة – مثل الحرب ذاتها – هي من صنع البشر تماماً.



…and now there’s a deadly new threat: Cholera.

.. والآن، هناك خطر قاتل جديد: الكوليرا.


















Civilian Woman



                           Conflict and Cholera – Yemen’s Catastrophe

اليمن - وباء الحرب


UPSOT (signing prescriptions)



Al Thawra General Hospital in the city of Hudaydah

مستشفى الثورة العام في مدينة الحديدة..



It’s a chaotic place at the best of times. 

إنه مكان فوضوي في أحسن الأوقات.

These, though, are the worst of times

ولكن هذه هي أسوأ الأوقات.



In the eye of the storm, Dr Abdallah al-Zouheiri

الدكتور عبدالله الزهيري هو في قلب العاصفة.




I met him here last year, when the hospital was overwhelmed with patients from the villages who were dying of starvation…

إلتقيته العام الماضي، عندما كان المستشفى مكتظاً بمرضى جاءوا من القرى وكانوا يموتون من الجوع..




Today it’s worse than ever…

الوضع اليوم أسوأ من أي وقت مضى...



I see it becoming much worse; it could change from malnutrition to starvation, on a very large scale. This could happen.

Malnutrition is now affecting the working class. Soon no-one will have access to food and everybody will be affected.



And now patients infected with deadly cholera are turning up here.

والآن، يتوافد على المستشفى مرضى مصابون بوباء الكوليرا القاتل.



Dr al-Zouheir takes me to where the new arrivals are treated – well away from the main hospital.

قادني الدكتور الزهيري إلى حيث يعالج المرضى الجدد – بعيداً عن مبنى المستشفى الرئيسي.



Nawal: They say that up-to 1,800 people have died from cholera, is that right?



Dr. No, it’s much more than that. So many have died and are unaccounted for. //Like that lady back there,// Her mother just died in the village but it wasn’t recorded.


(Music: Tiny Suspect)





Chaotic crowded hospital corridor,


Dreadfully thin kids


Dr Abdullah / Nawal in crowd etc.





What price a childhood in Yemen? What price a child’s life…?

يا له من ثمن تدفعه الطفولة في اليمن؟ يا له من ثمن لحياة طفل..؟



I was born here. After leaving, I returned home every year, to visit my family.

لقد وُلدت هنا. وبعد مغادرة البلاد، كنت أعود إليها كل عام لزيارة أسرتي.



In March 2015, a 10 nation coalition led by Saudi Arabia, and backed by the US and the UK started bombing Yemen.

في مارس/ آذار 2015، بدأ تحالف من عشر دول تقوده المملكة العربية السعودية وبدعم من الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا، بقصف اليمن.



They came to reinstate the government that was pushed out by rebels, called the Houthis – who receive support from Iran.

جاءوا لإعادة الحكومة التي أطاح بها المتمردون الحوثيون – والذين يتلقون دعماً من إيران.



Since then I’ve covered the fighting, the bombing – and then the starvation

منذ ذلك الحين، قمت بتغطية القتال، والقصف – ثم المجاعة.



The suffering of ordinary people is a direct consequence of the way this war is being fought.

معاناة الناس العاديين هي نتيجة مباشرة للطريقة التي تجري بها الحرب.



Both sides are using control of food and fuel as a weapon.

فكلا الجانبين يستخدم السيطرة على الغذاء والوقود كسلاح في الحرب.



The latest result is the biggest outbreak of cholera ever recorded. 500,000 people have been infected and millions more are at risk.

وآخر نتائج ذلك هو أكبر تفشٍ لوباء الكوليرا تم تسجيله قاطبة، حيث وصل عدد المصابين به إلى نصف مليون شخص، فيما يهدد الوباء ملايين آخرين.


So I’m heading up to the Highlands to see for myself where this outbreak started:

لذا توجهت إلى المناطق الجبلية لأرى بنفسي أين بدأ انتشار هذا الوباء:














And this is what Cholera does to a man…

وهذا ما تفعله الكوليرا بالإنسان..

Nawal on a Beach / Driving shots


Think piece/Mission Statement



























It’s horrific. Just look at the situation. This is how it is. There are people who have money and can get by. And there are those who have nothing. People like me.



Nawal; Do you have children?


AH: No. No. Thank God



If I did have children they would be dead by now.



Cholera Victim










And this is what Cholera does to a child.

وهذا ما تفعله الكوليرا بالطفل.



Urjuan looks newborn – but she is 17 months old – and she has caught cholera…

تبدو وكأنها حديثة الولادة – ولكن عمرها 17 شهراً – لقد أُصيبت بالكوليرا..

For the second time.

للمرة الثانية.



Um: How can I not fear for her? She’s my child, how can a human not fear for their child.



Right now it feels like she’s got the illness all over again, the cholera. It’s happened so fast, because she isn’t able to fight her condition. She is weak and this is damaging her even more.



Nawal: Is there no one there to help you?



Um: There’s no one to help us, everyone is after their own, and helping themselves. In this financial war, everyone is selfish.



Urjuan’s mother walked for a day to get her baby to this clinic – nowadays she can’t afford transport.

سارت أم أرجوان مشياً على قدميها ليوم كامل، لكي تحمل طفلتها إلى هذه العيادة – فهي لا تقدر على دفع أجرة المواصلات هذه الأيام.



So in the end I don’t ask or anything I just wait patiently, thanking and praising God. Sometimes she’s hungry, and she wants to breastfeed but there’s no milk in me.



I know she’s hungry but all I can do is mix the wheat for her, and feed it to her. But she vomits it out straight away. She can’t keep it in her stomach.




This nurse tells me it’s cases like Urjuan’s that show the authorities are failing to deal with the problem at source by chlorinating the water, and finding out where the bacteria is spreading from.

تخبرني هذه الممرضة أن الحالات المشابهة لحالة أرجوان تبين كيف أن السلطات تخفق في التعامل مع مصدر المشكلة، بإضافة الكلور إلى الماء ومعرفة الأماكن التي تنتشر البكتيريا منها.




Nurse: In my opinion all the medical teams need to move. Trained medics must get up to the places where the cholera originates.



Because the appearance of this many cases proves there’s an epidemic in certain regions. Immediate deployment is essential, but sadly the authorities have no money to pay for staff or intervention.



Nawal: Are they attempting to deal with the source of the problem?



Nurse: No. The only thing they’ve done. They told me that they have been informing people by loud speakers that the area is infected, and that the well is infected. And that they must boil the water.
That’s it. 







The nurse tells me of a village where the latest outbreak started. So that’s where I’m heading.

أخبرتني الممرضة عن قرية تفشى فيها الوباء مؤخراً، فتوجهت إليها.



On the way up, I come across this scene:

وفي طريقي، وجدت هذا المشهد أمامي:



They say “water is life.”

يقولون "الماء هو الحياة".

But in Yemen it can also mean death.



Cholera a water born bacteria spreads through faeces contaminated public supplies, like wells, standpipes and reservoirs

ولكنه في اليمن قد يعني الموت. فالكوليرا هي بكتيريا تنتقل عبر الماء وتنتشر من خلال مصادر المياه الملوثة، كالآبار والحنفيات العامة والخزانات.



It has killed 20 people in the  settlement I’m going to now.

لقد أودت الكوليرا بحياة عشرين شخصاً في القرية التي أتوجه إليها الآن.

Driving up to villages SEQ




Water Standpipe/Donkey Wash SEQ:














Driving up to villages SEQ



Man: This area is called Daribrayah and 28 Cholera cases were taken to the hospital over the last two days.


Because their rooms are close together, there’s poor sanitation and hygiene. The Cholera spread quickly. Plus we are too far away from the aid agencies.


Man leading Nawal to the latest cholera case in a small dusty hamlet.




Abdullah and his sister Hind have been showing cholera symptoms for the past 24 hours.

ظهرت أعراض الإصابة بالكوليرا على عبدالله وشقيقته هند في الساعات الأربع والعشرين الماضية.

Walk through village ctd.


Nawal: Tell me in detail what has happened?



Abdullah: I’ve just had diarrhoea and vomiting, because we were drinking from the well.



Nawal: how long has it been?



Abdullah: since the day before yesterday.



Nawal: Are you taking any medication?


Abdullah: Just drinking de-contaminated water.



Nawal: Why don’t you go to the hospital?


Abdullah: We don’t have the money for transport.



Nawal: Why don’t you drink bottled water?


Abdullah: We fill our bottles from the well.



Nawal and ABDULLAH, a sick man on a cot.




This is the same well Abdullah drank from.

هذا هو نفس البئر الذي شرب منه عبدالله.

It’s still contaminated with cholera.

إنه لايزال ملوثاً بالكوليرا.



The people here have no alternative source – it's a potential death sentence for the whole community.

الناس هنا ليس لديهم مصدر بديل – إنها عقوبة إعدام محتملة على هذا التجمع السكاني بأسره.

Children filling containers from a well










I’ve come back to Hudaydah General Hospital…

عدت إلى مستشفى الحديدة العام..

…to the familiar scenes of exhaustion and despair.

.. إلى مشاهد الإرهاق واليأس المألوفة.




All these people have spent all the money they have…

كل هؤلاء الناس أنفقوا كل ما كان لديهم من مال..



…Now the electricity is off… so all the machines are off, all the incubators are off, all the oxygen has stopped – and this happens all the time…

.. الآن إنقطعت الكهرباء فتوقفت كل الأجهزة عن العمل.. كل الحاضنات متوقفة.. توقف كل الأوكسجين. وهذا يحدث طوال الوقت.


Nawal surrounded by anxious mothers





This morning I meet Alaa and his family.

إلتقيت هذا الصباح علاء وأسرته.

He’s just three years old and lives around the corner…

عمره ثلاث سنوات فقط ويسكن بالقرب من المستشفى..



His dad works in the local factory.

ويعمل والده في مصنع محلي.



Dad: The day before yesterday he had a relapse. That was on Sunday. I’d seen him get thinner and thinner and go downhill.



Alaa is has severe malnutrition.

يعاني علاء من سوء التغذية الشديد.



Nawal: how do you feel when you see all these children arriving?


Nurse: Our hearts break for them. Today it’s them tomorrow it’s us.



We, who live here, will soon get to this stage. Malnutrition has come into our homes too – even though we have jobs. Our kids, our neighbors’ kids, everyone is becoming malnourished.




Shots of sick kids,





We See Baby Alaa







Nurse (talking about another kid)



Baby Alaa Shots




24 hours later and Alaa has deteriorated badly…

بعد 24 ساعة، تدهورت صحة علاء بشكل كبير..






Nawal: Tell me what happened to Alaa? Why hasn’t he been transferred?



Nurse: Paediatric Intensive Care only has 8 beds. And all the beds are being used. There are no empty beds. We’ve been waiting for a bed since 2pm – and it’s 7pm now… Until now there hasn’t been an empty bed.



Because children don’t just come in with malnutrition, they come in with other complications. This child, for example, doesn’t only suffer malnutrition, he is suffering from pneumonia and his white cell count is 21,000. That is a very high count.



Suddenly a bed is found. This may be his best chance for survival.

فجأة، توفر سرير. قد تكون هذه أفضل فرصة لنجاته.

Nurse: Is it ready?



Desperately malnourished, Alaa lies between life and death.

يرقد علاء وهو بين الحياة والموت.



Yemen’s hunger is a result of food shortages and soaring prices.

إرتفعت أسعار المواد الغذائية، والمعونات التي وُعد بها اليمن لا تصل إلا شحيحة.


Nurse + Alaa’s family grouping. Boy now looks worse.





















So I’m heading into Hudaydah’s Port for some answers…

ولذا فقد توجهت إلى ميناء الحديدة بحثاً عن أجوبة.



It’s the most important harbour in rebel territory. 20 million people’s food supplies are supposed to come through here. But now it’s barely operating.

إنه أهم ميناء في الأراضي التي يسيطر عليها الحوثيون. يُفترض أن تصل عبره إمدادات غذائية لعشرين مليون شخص، ولكن الميناء بالكاد يعمل. 



Bombing and a blockade imposed by the Saudi coalition has impeded the access of food, fuel and aid…

فقد أعاق حصار فرضه التحالف السعودي على الميناء وصول المواد الغذائية والوقود والمساعدات..



The Saudis justify this by saying that the Iranians are smuggling weapons to their Houthi allies through Hudaydah.

يبرر السعوديون ذلك بالقول إن الإيرانيين يقومون بتهريب الأسلحة إلى حلفائهم الحوثيين عبر ميناء الحديدة.



The Port Manager is a Houthi political appointee and a powerful man. He denies the arms smuggling allegations.

وينفي مدير الميناء، وهو رجل قوي ومعين من قبل الحوثيين ، الإتهامات المتعلقة بتهريب الأسلحة.

Nawal driving to port SEQ,









Up into Houthi Port Boss’ Office




Port Boss takes his time to answer Nawal



PB: The enemy is in control of the sea, so how can the weapons be brought in? The ships that are brought in are searched. The approach to the port is long and no ship can enter without The Coalition  knowing about it.



This is simply an excuse to besiege the people of Yemen and hurt us here, as the coalition has failed elsewhere.



They now use economic and humanitarian pressure to try to control us.







Evidence suggests the Houthis have been profiteering from the blockade – and scoring political points by playing the victim.

يقول بعض المحللين إن الحوثيين يتربحون من الحصار ويحققون مكاسب سياسية بلعب دور الضحية.

So they’re happy for it to continue.

ولذا فإنهم سعداء باستمراره.

Shots of gunmen at poster/cranes protest site

Chatham house?



The UN’s World Food Programme says both sides in Yemen’s war should do more to put the needs of civilians first.

ويقول برنامج الأغذية العالمي التابع للأمم المتحدة إن كلا الطرفين في حرب اليمن يتوجب عليهما فعل المزيد لإعطاء الأولولية لاحتياجات المدنيين.


Set ups, Nawal and David Beasley


Beasley: Well, we’re trying to work with all parties involved, engaged in the conflict. And so, to some degree they all help and to some degree we have problems with each of the groups.

بيزلي: نحن نحاول العمل مع كافة الأطراف المعنية بالنزاع. وكلها متعاونة إلى حد ما ، ولدينا مشاكل مع كل طرف من هذه الأطراف.



Hudaydah Port’s huge cranes have been bombed out of action. But their 4 replacements – already paid for by the United States – have been blocked.

أدى قصف رافعات ميناء الحديدة الهائلة إلى تعطيلها عن العمل. ولكن مُنع وصول 4 رافعات بديلة دفعت الولايات المتحدة ثمنها بالفعل.



Beasley: We loaded up the cranes, we brought them… and only the blockade by the Saudis and their allied forces blocked us from bringing the cranes in – so we had to send the cranes back.

بيزلي: قمنا بتحميل الرافعات وجلبناها، ومنعنا الحصار الذي تفرضه السعودية وحلفاؤها من جلب الرافعات ولذا فقد اضطررنا لإعادتها.



Nawal: If something isn’t done soon, what do you feel will happen?

نوال: ما لم يُتخذ إجراء سريع، فما الذي تعتقد أن يحدث؟



Beasley: If this port is bombed and completely made useless, literally hundreds of thousands of children will die and millions of people will die along with it.

بيزلي: إذا تم قصف هذا الميناء وتعطيله تماماً عن العمل، فهذا يعني عملياً أن مئات الآلاف من الأطفال سيموتون وسيموت الملايين من الناس معهم.


Director: World Food Programme


90% of Cholera deaths - and the worst cases of the starvation - are in Houthi controlled areas.



The United States and Britain are Saudi Arabia’s key allies. They are complicit in this war. They provide top level political support, and have vetoed war-crime investigations at the UN.

الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا هما حليفتان رئيسيتان للسعودية.



They’ve also provided intelligence… and they’re the main suppliers of the billions of dollars of advanced weapons that have devastated Yemen.

 كما أنهما وفرتا معلومات استخباراتية.. وهما الموردان الرئيسيان لأسلحة متطورة بمليارات الدولارات دمرت اليمن.



Bridges, hospitals, factories, ports, pumping stations, schools, weddings and funerals have all been hit by coalition airstrikes.

فقد تم قصف جسور ومستشفيات ومصانع وموانئ ومحطات ضخ ومدارس وحفلات زواج ومراسم تأبين.. كلها تعرضت لقصف قوات التحالف في غارات استُخدمت في الكثير منها طائرات وقنابل صنعت في بريطانيا والولايات المتحدة.





Trump Sword Dance/May hob-nobbing with Sheikhs









Bombs exploding




The Saudi led blockade of rebel- held areas doesn’t just affect big ships or arms smugglers.

لا يؤثر الحصار الذي يفرضه التحالف بقيادة السعودية على المناطق التي يسيطر عليها المتمردون، على السفن الكبيرة أو مهربي الأسلحة فحسب.

Ordinary people are being targeted directly with military force.

بل يستهدف العمل العسكري الناس العاديين مباشرةً أيضاً.



These fishermen tell me their boats were attacked by the coalition just days ago.

أخبرني هؤلاء الصيادون بأن التحالف هاجم قواربهم قبل أيام فقط.



Nawal at the fishing village



FM: I didn’t know if it was blood or fire, I couldn’t make sense of it. Everything went dark. The side of my face and ear were burning, I couldn’t see. When I look around the whole boat was on fire.


Nawal: Maybe the people who attacked you didn’t realise you were fishermen?

FM: How could they not know? I had been fishing for three days not one.



They told us to put up a white flag, so that their planes would know that we were fishermen. We fly the white flag and we take it down when we reach shore.



Nawal: Who is responsible for this war?


FM: Saudi Arabia and its allies are to blame! Is it our fault? Are we fishermen in the wrong? Did we go to the Saudi border?



Ibrahim lost his two sons, his brother and a nephew in the attack.

فقد إبراهيم ولديه وأخيه وابن أخيه في الهجوم.



As I was swimming, I thought if I got tired my sons would carry me. I didn’t think my sons would die and I would survive. I wanted them to live. They were the ones who would support the family, not me. I’m old and tired. But this is what God has decided.







15 people across three extended families now depend on him for survival.

 الآن يعتمد 15 شخصاً من ثلاث عائلات من أقاربه في عيشهم عليه.



The blockade has had a devastating impact on people’s every day life here.

لقد أحدث الحصار أثراً مدمراً على الحياة اليومية للناس هنا.



This used to be a profitable farm, but it collapsed when the coastal blockade cut off the export routes.

كان هذا حقلاً مربحاً في الماضي ولكنه انهار عندما قطع الحصار طرق التصدير.



Sudden poverty – caused by the war – has destroyed the ability of working Yemeni families to cope.

لقد دمر الفقر المفاجئ الذي سببته الحرب قدرة العوائل اليمنية العاملة على تدبير أمور حياتها.

Ibrahim shot





Village life shots




Set up the farm IVs.


Nawal: How have you been affected by war?


Father: Everything is a result of this war. The sickness and unemployment is all down to the war.


Nawal and local villagers on a carpet on a small wood. The villagers have terribly sick children




We are tired and if it wasn’t for this war, we would not be in this situation.



We used to have extra food and now we can barely feed our children…




All this has taken a terrible toll on their baby Omeimah.

كل ذلك أثّر بشكل فظيع على أسرة الطفلة أميمة.


SHOTS of omimah


Nawal: what will Omaimah be when she grows up?



Mother: What she will be?


Nawal: What job will she do?


Mother: Job?! First I want to send her to school and educate her. I’d like her to continue education – if she survives. But she won’t make it.


IV with villagers CTD.






Starving children are a horrifying – and horrifyingly common – sight across Yemen. But this crisis is also ruining people in ways you can’t see

الأطفال الذين يتعرضون للمجاعة هم مشهد مرعب ومألوف إلى حد الرعب في عموم اليمن. ولكن الأزمة تدمر الناس بطرق لا تستطيع أن تراها.



The working class and even civil servants now have no jobs, no incomes, and are going hungry.

الموظفون من الطبقة العاملة في اليمن لم تعد لديهم وظائف أو دخل، وهم يتعرضون للجوع.



Since the Yemeni government moved the Central Bank from the rebel held capital, millions of state employees – including medics and sanitation workers – haven’t been paid for months.

عندما نقلت الحكومة اليمنية البنك المركزي من المناطق التي يسيطر عليها المتمردون إلى العاصمة، أدى ذلك إلى عدم دفع رواتب ملايين العاملين في القطاع الحكومي – بمن فيهم العاملون في الرعاية الصحية والصرف الصحي- لأشهر.



This money supply crisis has throttled the Yemeni economy.



These men are even selling their aid rations for ready cash. People keep telling me a lack of hard currency is making it impossible for them to weather this disaster.

يقوم هؤلاء الرجال ببيع حصتهم من المساعدات مقابل المال. وكثيراً ما أخبرني الناس بأن شحة العملة الصعبة تجعل من الصعب على اليمنيين تحمل هذه الكارثة.  



I find out more about this when a grandmother invites me into her home.

وقد عرفت المزيد عن ذلك عندما دعتني جدة إلى منزلها.


Montage of commerce





Men selling rations



and getting cholera too – but they are hidden from view.





Money changers shots









Rough Hodeydah streets, Nawal walking, enters a brick house





2 shot enters house



Nawal: Tell me about your hunger. How did you get to this stage?



Woman: We go to this stage because there is no work. There’s nothing. We even tried selling our home. No-one will buy it. We just want to pay our debts and live modestly. And use our money to get out of here but we have nothing



Even the people round here in the Displacement Camps come out and are given aid and food, but the people who live in the brick houses like us, get nothing.



Imagine how many children will die and how many adults will go crazy if they can’t find food and drink for their children and families.



Some are considering suicide,



And this is unbearable. We have never experienced anything like this in Yemen before.


Urban Poor Old Woman IV


There are many ways to die in Yemen.

هناك طرق كثيرة للموت في اليمن.

I’m suddenly called back to the Central Hospital by Alaa’s mother…

فجأة دعتني أم علاء للعودة إلى المستشفى المركزي.



She tells me I need “to film the truth about what’s happening to Yemen’s children…”

طلبت مني أن "أصور حقيقة ما يجري لأطفال اليمن.."




When I arrive it’s a disaster.

عندما وصلت، كانت هناك كارثة.

Alaa spent the night in the Intensive Care Unit…

أمضى علاء الليلة الماضية في وحدة العناية المركزة.

… fighting for his life

... يصارع الموت.

Shots of Alla in ICU




I need you to trust in God, my husband.


Alaa has passed away,

He is with the angels



He only made a short visit to this earth.


We shouldn’t cry


Come now, let’s take our son.



Let’s take Alaa to be buried   

Alaa is dead.



Here is the body of another Yemeni child.



Another statistic in a forgotten war?

طفل آخر ضحية كارثة اليمن التي صنعها البشر؟ رقم آخر في حرب منسية؟



Nawal: I’m sorry for your loss.



That child had a name.  They all have names.

كان لهذا الطفل إسم. كلهم لديهم أسماء.

He was called Alaa Yassin and he was three years old.

كان اسمه علاء ياسين وكان عمره ثلاث سنوات.



He was born into a war –  and the war claimed him.

وُلد في حرب راح ضحيتها.

Alaa never raised a weapon in his life –  he barely raised a murmur as he died.

لم يشهر علاء سلاحاً بوجه أحد في حياته وبالكاد أطلق أنيناً عند موته.



He had a family that loved him. He had friends he played with.

كانت لديه أسرة أحبته وأصدقاء كان يلعب معهم.



Three days ago he had a future.

قبل ثلاثة أيام كان أمامه مستقبل.

And he lost it all.

وقد فقد كل ذلك.








Father closes the boy’s eyes



Father wraps the body in a blanket shroud






Father kisses the body



Father walk out of the hospital carrying Alaa’s corpse.






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