1: 00: 00: 25: 11 00: 00: 28: 09 02:23
Ball your fist a few seconds
and then release him.

2: 00: 00: 28: 12 00: 00: 33: 00 04:13
Then you repeat the same thing
with your other hand.

3: 00: 00: 33: 03 00: 00: 40: 06 07:03
This is one of the ways
on which you can ventilate your anger.

4: 00: 00: 40: 09 00: 00: 43: 21 03:12
We are all touched by the war,
we all suffered.

5: 00: 00: 46: 20 00: 00: 51: 12 04:17
Men, we are all brothers.
This club brings us together.

6: 00: 00: 51: 15 00: 00: 57: 13 05:23
We all want to make something
from Iraq. Do you want to help?

7: 00: 01: 00: 09 00: 01: 04: 01 03:17
All on the bike. Vests.


00:04:04:46 There used to be all walls, left and right here.             00:04:48.16

00:04:04:50 Yes, they have all been taken away.

00:04:04:52 So it's going to be a bit better? Yes Yes.

00:04:04:55 Together with the Iraqi-Dutch interpreter Ali, I returned to Baghdad.

00:05:05:01 Nine years ago I was here for the last time.

00:05:05:04 About the Tigris. Yes Yes.      00:05:04.12

8: 00: 01: 52: 00 00: 01: 55: 10 03:10
The sky above Baghdad
is lit up.

9: 00: 01: 55: 13 00: 01: 59: 20 04:07
We see white flashes above the city.

00:05:19 Since the early 1990s Iraq has been in a permanent state of war.

00:05:05:28 This is the center of the city, where Saddam was mainly sat.

00:05:05:33 Yes. This is the Green Zone now.

00:05:05:35 And this used to be Saddam's palace.

00:05:05:37 Really the old palace.              00:05:40.05

00:05:05:41 And there on the left, by the swords, is Saddam's paradise?

00:05:05:46 Yes, yes, right. This is now within the Green Zone.

00:05:05:48 And you can't get there. It is all closed.

00:05:05:52 But that used to be the centre of Saddam's power, Absolutely.

00:06:06:01 After the invasion of Iraq, American troops end up in a battle that has lasted for years.                00:06:02.19

00:06:06:06 Followed by a hopeless civil war between Sunnis and Shiites.

00:06:11 Hundreds of thousands of people are being killed.

00:06:06:16 Look, this is the police station in Baghdad, this is the wall.

00:06:06:20 He is full of pictures of agents who have died....

00:06:24 in the case of earlier violence and earlier attacks.            00:06:25.01

00:06:06:26 And that wall is really hundreds of meters away.

00:06:06:46 And this is the Baghdad of today.

00:06:06:51 After years of murder and manslaughter, these motorcycle lovers, the Iraq Bikers, have had enough of it.

00:06:06:57 Enough of bloodshed, enough of the attacks and enough of divisions.


10: 00: 03: 46: 07 00: 03: 49: 01 02:19
All right, Captain?



00:07:07:07 Tonight the bikers come together in a teahouse.       00:07:08.11

00:07:07:11 And not only Sunnis, Shiites or Christians.

00:07:07:14 No, everyone is sitting together.

00:07:07:16 Which of them is not Sunny?

00:07:07:21 One. And who of them is Shiite?

00:07:07:26 And who of them is Christian?            00:07:33.02

00:07:07:31 And who of them hath in the last few years....

00:07:07:36 family or friends lost in the conflict?
11: 00: 04: 21: 17 00: 04: 27: 07 05:15
All of us. There is no family
who has no victims to regret.

12: 00: 04: 27: 10 00: 04: 30: 16 03:06
Family members, friends, acquaintances.

00:07:07:49 He said: We all have lost loved ones.

00:07:07:52 Actually, it is not what I do:

00:07:55 questions about the religion of the individual bikers.     00:08:03.01

00:07:07:59 There is a strict rule within the club: there is no talk of politics or religion.

00:08:08:05 For they know that is the subject of a quarrel.

00:08:08:07 What would happen if they did ask about politics?

13: 00: 04: 52: 23 00: 05: 03: 02 10:04
Then he gets a warning
and a punishment.

14: 00: 05: 03: 05 00: 05: 11: 07 08:02
Then he may not come for a month.

15: 00: 05: 11: 10 00: 05: 18: 00 06:15
If he does it again,
his logo is taken ...

16: 00: 05: 18: 03 00: 05: 21: 20 03:17
and he is excluded for three months.

17: 00: 05: 21: 23 00: 05: 26: 08 04:10
And after that
his membership withdrawn.

00:08:08:53 Leader and founder of the Iraq Bikers is Bilal.

00:08:08:57 Self a Turkmen Shiite.            00:08:57.22

00:08:59 We eat at his home, where he tells us what actually drove him to set up the motor club.


18: 00: 05: 46: 14 00: 05: 52: 16 06:02
Most of my friends have fled
to Sunni area.

19: 00: 05: 52: 19 00: 05: 57: 22 05:03
There are also friends
for example, Shiite area fled.

20: 00: 05: 58: 00 00: 06: 06: 10 08:10
But we want to move forward,
and do not look back.

21: 00: 06: 06: 13 00: 06: 11: 22 05:09
We want an Iraq without terror,
without any problems.

22: 00: 06: 12: 00 00: 06: 15: 02 03:02
We do not have to talk anymore
about the past.

23: 00: 06: 15: 05 00: 06: 19: 04 03:24
We want to forget
what we have experienced.

00:09:38 The idea of riding a motorcycle together was initially exceptional in Iraq.

00:09:09:43 But the Iraq Bikers are now widely appreciated. Even internationally.

24: 00: 06: 31: 08 00: 06: 35: 07 03:24
These are all certificates
that we have received.

25: 00: 06: 35: 10 00: 06: 38: 09 02:24
Trophies and prizes for the club.

26: 00: 06: 38: 12 00: 06: 43: 06 04:19
We have this
won in Saudi Arabia ...

27: 00: 06: 43: 09 00: 06: 46: 20 03:11
... it comes from Lebanon ...

28: 00: 06: 48: 13 00: 06: 55: 24 07:11
... these from Jordan and those from Lebanon.
This is from a Lebanese festival.

00:10:10:19 The next day we leave Baghdad and drive towards the north of Iraq.

00:10:23 There is still a lot of fighting there.             00:10:24.03

00:10:26 We are being met by army vehicles coming straight from the front.

00:10:10:34 The further we enter the country, the greater the devastation is.

00:10:10:40 Must you look, say.

00:10:10:48 Where are we now?

00:10:50 We are in the city of Baiji. That's a city next to Tikrit.       00:10:51.00

00:10:53 Here one of the fiercest battles has taken place....

00:10:57 against IS in Iraq.

00:10:10:59 And how long ago was this liberated?

00:11:03 Last year it was liberated.

00:11:11:06 The people who lived here can they come back again, where have they stayed?                00:11:06.16

00:11:11 Those people were not allowed to come back from the government.....

00:11:14 because according to the government most of them are IS supporters.

00:11:11:18 And where have they remained then?

00:11:20 They have fled the city. And they are still refugees.

00:11:11:25 And they may not be allowed to come back again?

00:11:11:28 No, not for the time being.

00:11:11:30 And that is also a kind of revenge, a kind of retaliation....

00:11:33 of you have been IS supporter or your family was at IS....

00:11:11:37 so you are not allowed to come back again? Yes, yes, that is.

00:11:11:40 Gourmet, you have to look, say.       00:11:43.11

00:11:11:44 Do you know what this was? A mosque.

00:11:54 We are now in the vicinity of Mosul, in the north.

00:11:57 That city was liberated on IS in the summer.

00:11:59 This is one of the largest refugee camps in the region.

00:12:03 Full of people coming from the city and from the surrounding villages.... 00:12:05.11

00:12:07 have fled to here.

00:12:30 Unbelievable, this is row by row after row of tents.

00:12:34 And they only call this zone A.

00:12:37 When we just started to drive inside we saw zone Z, you can check it out.

00:12:43 Baghdad seems far away.           00:12:44.09

00:12:45 Where they are already engaged in reconciliation in the capital city, they are still standing here with one leg in deodar war.

00:12:54 There are approximately 7000 families in this camp.

00:12:57 And they are all fleeing.

00:13:00 For the war, for IS, who did something terrible to them and their families.

00:13:13:05 But there are also family members of IS members... 00:13:07.22

00:13:08 and they are also fleeing, for revenge from the community.

00:13:11 And that's all in one camp.

00:13:17 What is this for wheelbarrow?

00:13:19 These people have just arrived.

00:13:23 They then get a mattress, a cool box.    00:13:24.07

00:13:27 This then goes under the mattress.

00:13:29 Say, but on the ground of the tent are these things.

00:13:32 And a few other things. That is their basis.

00:13:36 Their starter pack - Yes. When they arrive at the camp.

00:13:39 In the camp I have agreed with Barbara Rijks.... 00:13:43.05

00:13:42 a Dutch aid lender working for the International Organisation for Migration.

00:13:52 And what do we see here, Barbara?

00:13:54 This is the psychosocial centre.

00:13:59 And here the IOM organizes....

00:14:01 so different activities every day.... 00:14:02.01

00:14:04 for different groups.

00:14:06:06 So now you see young men....

00:14:08 but we also have separate activities for young women, young people, children.

00:14:12 In the camp the refugees get food, drink and a roof over their heads.

00:14:17 But the treatment of the traumas suffered is at least as important.        00:14:18.03

00:14:22 Both the girls and the young men....

00:14:24 they really have seen and experienced a lot.

00:14:27 Especially the boys, because they were allowed to go outside more than the women.

00:14:32 But here we have a boy for example who has experienced decapitation by ISIS....

00:14:38 and even the blood was gotten over him.           00:14:44.22

00:14:40 And he did not talk for a long time.

00:14:43 And once he started talking it was very stuttering.

00:14:47 Then we try with different programs, with theatre....

00:14:52 with art therapy, to get it outside.

29: 00: 11: 39: 19 00: 11: 42: 21 03:02
I wanted to escape the area of ​​IS.

30: 00: 11: 42: 24 00: 11: 50: 07 07:08
I was taken to by IS'ers
a house where they have beaten me.

31: 00: 11: 50: 10 00: 11: 56: 22 06:12
Together with others I have Iraq. Do you want to help?

7: 00: 01: 00: 09 00: 01: 04: 01 03:17
All on the bike. Vests.

8: 00: 01: 52: 00 00: 01: 55: 10 03:10
The sky above Baghdad
is lit up.

9: 00: 01: 55: 13 00: 01: 59: 20 04:07
We see white flashes above the city.

10: 00: 03: 46: 07 00: 03: 49: 01 02:19
All right, Captain? Together with others we were locket up for two nights.

32: 00: 11: 57: 00 00: 12: 01: 24 04:24
Then we were released

33: 00: 12: 02: 02 00: 12: 08: 15 06:13
They tortured me there.
I have had lashes.

34: 00: 12: 08: 18 00: 12: 12: 07 03:14
That is one of the ways
which IS tortured.
00:15:40 This specific game with that football, what is it for?        00:15:40.07



35: 00: 12: 24: 13 00: 12: 27: 22 03:09
Because of this form of play, the boys can
better concentrate.

36: 00: 12: 28: 00 00: 12: 33: 00 05:00
Football was forbidden under IS.
They were not allowed to do many things.

37: 00: 12: 33: 03 00: 12: 36: 18 03:15
That is how they are remembered
how it was for IS.

38: 00: 12: 36: 21 00: 12: 41: 01 04:05
They have not seen a ball for years
or touched.

39: 00: 12: 43: 12 00: 12: 45: 21 02:09

Point for your team.
00:16:05 In total, the camp has 40,000 refugees.

00:16:08 Many of them are traumatized.

00:16:11 An additional problem is that perpetrators and victims are not separated from each other.

00:16:24 So here are all people, say Shiiites, Sunnis.....

00:16:28 everything mixed up, yes. Well mainly Sunnis.  00:16:38.20

00:16:32 From different groups, so from Mosul, out of....

00:16:35 I can imagine that at some point the warring parties were also opposite each other.

00:16:41 Yes, so that is a very important part....

00:16:44 that we bring people from different backgrounds together here....

00:16:49 and get to know each other.     00:16:49.17

00:17:00 It is busy at the entrance gate of the camp.

00:17:03 One woman is striking me. She watches visitors all day long....

00:17:07 which go in and out. Her name is Noejoed.

00:17:11 It turns out that something terrible has happened to her.

40: 00: 13: 58: 14 00: 14: 04: 05 05:16
It started with my husband.

40: 00: 13: 58: 14 00: 14: 04: 05 05:16
It started with my husband.
He was murdered because of our daughter.

41: 00: 14: 04: 08 00: 14: 09: 14 05:06
An IS member wanted to force her
to marry him.

42: 00: 14: 09: 17 00: 14: 12: 15 02:23
My husband said:
You do not get my daughter.

43: 00: 14: 12: 18 00: 14: 16: 21 04:03
Said to him:
We are now the boss.

44: 00: 14: 16: 24 00: 14: 20: 04 03:05
They began to threaten him.

45: 00: 14: 20: 07 00: 14: 25: 10 05:03
He went at one point
on his motorcycle to the city.

46: 00: 14: 25: 13 00: 14: 30: 16 05:03
Then a boy told me that he was
my husband had seen dead on the street.

47: 00: 14: 30: 19 00: 14: 35: 09 04:15
I ran outside and saw him.
He was unrecognizable by all the blood.

00:17:55 After the murder of her husband, the IS ers came back to reclaim her daughter.                00:17:55.12

00:18:00 That was the moment for Noejoed to flee with her five children.

00:18:06:06 But arriving in the camp, she has to give up the children to her husband's family.

00:18:11 Now she is sitting alone in a tent, surrounded by families who may be connected with IS.

00:18:17 Can they live with the fact that in some tents perhaps even....

00:18:20 family members of those murderers are in the same camp?      00:19:02.04

48: 00: 15: 06: 24 00: 15: 14: 20 07:21
There are relatives of IS people living there
in this camp.

49: 00: 15: 14: 23 00: 15: 17: 12 02:14
Can you live with that?

50: 00: 15: 17: 15 00: 15: 23: 06 05:16
If I meet one of those IS people,
I will know no mercy.

51: 00: 15: 23: 09 00: 15: 28: 23 05:14
I will also know no mercy like me
meet one of their family members.

52: 00: 15: 29: 01 00: 15: 33: 06 04:05
I am my husband, my house
and also my children lost.

53: 00: 15: 33: 09 00: 15: 37: 17 04:08
I'm all alone.

54: 00: 15: 37: 20 00: 15: 42: 00 04:05
You can not imagine
what I have been through.

55: 00: 15: 42: 03 00: 15: 50: 04 08:01
But I am strong woman, so I am out
my feelings do not. I have to go.

56: 00: 15: 50: 07 00: 15: 52: 07 02:00
God will protect me.

00:19:11 You're literally sitting here with tents of a family....

00:19:14 of which a family member has beheaded a person under ISIS....

00:19:18 and three tents further on is a victim family.

00:19:19:21 Isn't it naive to think that you'll get that back together again?

00:19:25 Well, look.... It must be.              00:19:28.03

00:19:19:27 We should not think that this is about a few nights of ice cream.

00:19:19:31 It goes a long ehm.... It will take years.

00:19:34 It will indeed take years.

00:19:19:36 And there is hope that a lot of people will return anyway....

00:19:40 to the areas where they come from to live together again.         00:19:40.13

00:19:19:44 But there is a long way to go, this will take a long time.

57: 00: 16: 43: 03 00: 16: 46: 10 03:07
May God be merciful to your soul.

00:20:07 Back at the Iraq Bikers in Baghdad.

00:20:10 Bilal and his measurements come together today.

00:20:12 There is something special on the programme.

00:20:24 There is Bilal.    00:20:38.12


58: 00: 17: 16: 20 00: 17: 19: 19 02:24
Are you ready for it? We go?

59: 00: 17: 21: 12 00: 17: 23: 14 02:02
Hello, men

60: 00: 17: 24: 11 00: 17: 31: 10 06:24
Today we have a big promotion,
near Mansour.

61: 00: 17: 32: 10 00: 17: 36: 01 03:16
We are going to be the largest Iraqi flag
in the world.

00:20:54 It is remarkable when you see that.

00:20:57 All those men, a large part of them may have fought for a militia or army.

00:21:04 Another part has lost people or has been victimized.

00:21:09 All from different places and different beliefs.

00:21:13 And yet they are all here.           00:21:19.00

00:21:15 Apparently they believe in a future together. Very special.

62: 00: 18: 00: 15 00: 18: 03: 23 03:08
Everyone who has a vest, do it.

00:21:36 Then a spectacle takes place that would have been unimaginable in Iraq until recently.

00:21:42 180 motorcyclists riding through Baghdad in an elongated column, unprotected.

00:22:03 The goal of the ride has been reached.

00:22:06 A drum band and a procession of lawyers will meet us. 00:22:07.12

00:22:09 They carry a 400 metre long flag with them.

00:22:13 It is a symbolic demonstration for a united Iraq.

63: 00: 19: 05: 02 00: 19: 11: 18 06:16
We are one people, one country, one army.
We will always overcome.

00:22:45 I find it incredible that you come back from the north.....

00:22:49 that is 6.7 hours drive from here and that's all about retaliation and revenge....

00:22:55 and then you are here in the capital and then there is a totally different atmosphere.                00:23:02.00

00:22:59 People talk about unity and coming together.

00:23:02:02 But what I especially wonder is which of these two feelings will prevail in the future.

64: 00: 19: 58: 04 00: 20: 01: 13 03:09
My husband is dead.
I learned to live with that ...

65: 00: 20: 01: 16 00: 20: 05: 03 03:12
... but I have also lost my children now.
I always had those around me.

66: 00: 20: 05: 06 00: 20: 10: 24 05:18
I am forgiving and I believe
in God. I know grace for others.

67: 00: 20: 11: 02 00: 20: 15: 00 03:23
But if you experience
what I have been through...

68: 00: 20: 15: 03 00: 20: 20: 03 05:00
... it is difficult to climb out of the valley.
It is very difficult.

69: 00: 20: 20: 06 00: 20: 25: 02 04:21
I am forgiving
and accept the reality.

70: 00: 20: 25: 05 00: 20: 30: 24 05:19
But the pain that I have in my heart,
I can not show anyone.

00:23:51 The only thing Noejoed has left is a search for her husband's murderers.

00:23:56 Day in day out she is at the entrance gate of the refugee camp.

00:24:00 In the hope that the former IS' ers will come there as refugees.               00:24:07.08


71: 00: 20: 50: 00 00: 20: 55: 01 05:01
I do not know where the killers are
to be my husband.

72: 00: 20: 55: 04 00: 21: 00: 13 05:09
Since I'm in the camp,
I am in security.

73: 00: 21: 00: 16 00: 21: 06: 18 06:02
I have done that
because I might get to see them like that.

74: 00: 21: 06: 21 00: 21: 13: 03 06:07
But I did not find them.
I know who's coming in here.

75: 00: 21: 13: 06 00: 21: 17: 14 04:08
I know them from sight,
but so far they have not come.

76: 00: 21: 17: 17 00: 21: 19: 10 01:18
I never forgive.

77: 00: 21: 21: 11 00: 21: 29: 09 07:23
They have the blood of a man
on their hands. I never forgive that.


00:24:51 The meeting is coming to an end in Baghdad.

00:24:54 The Iraq Bikers go home.

78: 00: 21: 40: 02 00: 21: 42: 09 02:07
What does this club mean to you?

79: 00: 21: 42: 12 00: 21: 46: 01 03:14
It is my hobby
and it is for the unity of Iraq.

80: 00: 21: 46: 04 00: 21: 49: 04 03:00
That we are all one.

00:25:25:08 Does he think that the country can also be as united as the club?

81: 00: 21: 52: 19 00: 21: 58: 13 05:19
Is the country as united as your club?
- If God wants it



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